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Application Development Kit (Version 4.7)


Last updated: 25-Feb-2025
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    1 #ifndef _COM_CONFIG_H_    2 #define _COM_CONFIG_H_    3      4 #include <vector>    5 #include <string>    6 #include <pthread.h>    7 #include "ipc/jsobject.h"    8     10 class ComConfig   11 {   12   private:   13     // disable copy constructor and assign operator   14     ComConfig(const ComConfig&);   15     ComConfig& operator=(const ComConfig&);   16 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L // since C++11 also forbid usage of move   17     ComConfig(const ComConfig&&);   18     ComConfig& operator=(ComConfig&&);   19 #endif   20     21     // mutex protecting members   22     pthread_mutex_t m_mutex;   23     26     std::string m_profile;    27     std::vector<std::string> m_whitelist;    28     std::string m_bt_address;    29     std::string m_bt_device;    30     std::string m_com1a_address;    31     std::string m_com1a_device;    32     bool m_com1a_btclient_reconnect_idle;    33     unsigned m_com1a_mode;    34     bool m_com1a_btserver_pairing_idle;    35     std::string m_ble_address;    36     std::string m_ble_device;    37     std::string m_bt_own_device_name;    38     unsigned m_bt_num_paired;    42     int m_idx;    43     std::vector<unsigned> m_idx_list;    45     ComConfig();   46     virtual ~ComConfig();   47     48   public:   49     // operation modes for COM1A profile   50     enum Com1aMode   51     {   52       Com1a_Usb      =  0, // COM1A USB (default)   53       Com1a_BtClient = 1,  // COM1A BT-client   54       Com1a_BtServer = 2   // COM1A BT-server   55     };   56     59     static ComConfig& getInstance();   60     63     inline void lock()   64     {   65       pthread_mutex_lock(&m_mutex);   66     }   68     inline void unlock()   69     {   70       pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_mutex);   71     }   74     inline pthread_mutex_t &getMutex()   75     {   76       return m_mutex;   77     }   78     83     inline std::string& profile()   84     {   85       return m_profile;  // written/changed by select_com_profile()   86     }   89     inline const std::vector<std::string>& whitelist()   90     {   91       return m_whitelist;   92     }   95     inline std::string& bt_address()   96     {   97       return m_bt_address;  // written/changes by bt_pan_menu()   98     }  101     inline std::string& bt_device()  102     {  103       return  m_bt_device;  // written/changes by bt_pan_menu()  104     }  107     inline std::string& com1a_address()  108     {  109       return m_com1a_address;  // written/changes by com1a_menu()  110     }  113     inline std::string& com1a_device()  114     {  115       return m_com1a_device;  // written/changes by com1a_menu()  116     }  119     inline bool& com1a_btclient_reconnect_idle()  120     {  121       return m_com1a_btclient_reconnect_idle;  // written/changed by com1a_menu()  122     }  125     inline unsigned& com1a_mode()  126     {  127       return m_com1a_mode;  // written/changed by com1a_menu()  128     }  131     inline bool& com1a_btserver_pairing_idle()  132     {  133       return m_com1a_btserver_pairing_idle;  // written/changed by com1a_menu()  134     }  137     inline std::string& ble_address()  138     {  139       return m_ble_address;  // written/changed by bt_pairing_submenu()  140     }  143     inline std::string& ble_device()  144     {  145       return m_ble_device;  // written/changed by bt_pairing_submenu()  146     }  149     inline const std::string& bt_own_device_name()  150     {  151       return m_bt_own_device_name;  // written/changed by activateConnectionProfile()  152     }  155     inline unsigned bt_num_paired()  156     {  157       return m_bt_num_paired;  158     }  159    162     inline int& idx()  163     {  164       return m_idx;  // written/changed by select_com_profile() and displayCOMMenu()  165     }  168     inline std::vector<unsigned>& idx_list()  169     {  170       return m_idx_list;  // written/changed by select_com_profile()  171     }  172    174     void clear();  175    182     void read(bool *storage_needed = 0);  183    185     void store();  186    190     static std::string getCom1aModeName(unsigned mode);  191    200     static bool load(const std::string &com_if_file, vfiipc::JSObject &res, bool *storage_needed = 0);  201    203     enum MultiConnectMode  204     {  205       MCM_Default =  0,    206       MCM_Enabled =  1,    207       MCM_Disabled = 2     208     };  214     static enum MultiConnectMode getMultiConnectMode();  215 };  216    217 #endif // _COM_CONFIG_H_  218  

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