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Verifone Central


Last updated: 22-Jul-2024


You can use the Notifications sections in Verifone Central to search and filter your organisation’s webhooks and email notifications.  

The Notification Service allows you to get status updates on certain events/actions you subscribe to, and to automate business processes like order management, accounting, or downloading reports. Data sent in the notifications will be pushed to your email/URL.


Only users with Merchant Admin, Merchant Cashier or Merchant Supervisor roles can access this section.


Events are the topics a notification would be 'listening' to. The notifications will be triggered as soon as there is an event happening for one of the selected topics.

Transaction Events

Event Description



An account/card verification



An authorisation or preauthorisation



A capture or completion



A single message sale (auth+capture) related to a preauth chain



A preauth extend



An increment for a preauth



A preauth reauth



A refund
TxnRefundPreviewCancelled A refund preview cancelled transaction
TxnRefundPreviewCustomerApproved A refund preview customer approved transaction



A single message sale (auth+capture)
TxnSaleConfirmed A confirmation of sale (specific for crypto transactions)



A void

Checkout Events

Event Description
Checkout - Transaction succeeded An successful checkout Transaction Success 
Checkout - Transaction failed Checkout transaction failed
Checkout - Card token succeeded Successful card token transaction
Checkout - Card token failed Failed card token transaction
Checkout - 3DS authentication succeeded An successful checkout 3DS transaction
Checkout - 3DS authentication failed A failed checkout 3DS authentication
Checkout - 3DS lookup failed 3DS lookup failed
Checkout - 3DS lookup succeeded 3DS lookup succeeded
Checkout - SMS delivery succeeded PBL SMS delivery succeeded
Checkout - Email delivery succeeded PBL Email delivery succeeded
Checkout - SMS delivery failed PBL SMS delivery failed
Checkout - Email delivery failed PBL Email delivery failed

Create notifications in Verifone Central

To use the information in the Notifications section in Verifone Central, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Verifone Central account.
  2. Navigate to Administration and click on Notifications.


  3. The Notifications page will be displayed. Click on Create new notification.

       In the Notifications page, you can filter the already created notifications by name / email / URL and/or use the Event type or the Status  filters.

    add notification

  4. On the Create Notification page, provide the following information:
    • Notification name – used to identify the notification configuration in the listing
    • Organization(s) 
      • By selecting an organization, you apply a scope to the configuration
      • By selecting the lowest level organization, you will receive messages for the selected organization only

           Multiple organizations can be selected when creating a notification, if the same notification must be sent to multiple organizations.
    • Events – notifications will be triggered as soon as an event takes place for one of the selected transaction status updates (for more details regarding available events check the Events tables above)
    • Delivery Method – specifies how notifications will be delivered. Depending on the selected method, Verifone will send either an email with plain text describing the event or a webhook with the transaction payload. Possible values:
      • Email – accepts only one email address
        email preview
      • URL Endpoint – accepts only one webhook; selecting this option will provide two other possibilities:
        • Event metadata only - webhooks with a limited payload
          event metadata
        • Full event payload - webhooks with full content payload (applicable only for Transaction Events)
          full payload
   When a new webhook is added, it should be loaded within 60 seconds. However, updates to existing webhooks can take between 10 to 60 minutes depending on server load. 

Notification payload variables

Parameter Name Type Format Email Full payload Metadata Description
eventType String The event type for which the notification was sent. E.g., TxnSaleDeclined
objectType String In a transaction event this would be TransactionEvent, and in a Checkout event this would be StandardEvents
eventId String UUID In transactions events this would be the Transaction ID, and in Checkout events this would be the Checkout ID.
itemId String UUID In transactions events this would be the Transaction ID.
The itemId is not applicable to Checkout events.
recordId String UUID In transactions events this would be the Transaction ID, and in Checkout events this would be the Checkout ID.
entityUid String UUID The Verifone assigned organization identifier.
eventDateTime Datetime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.msZ The date and time at which the event occurred.
source  String The source of the event information.
content Object The associated event data. This is optional and if specified will vary according to the event type. String UUID The Transaction ID. 
content.currency_code String three-letter ISO 4217 alphabetic currency codes A three-letter alphabetic code that represents the currency used for the transaction.
content.country_code  String 2-letter ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code A 2-letter ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code representing the consumer's address.
content.created_at Datetime YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.msZ The date and time the transaction creation.
content.customer_ip String 32-bit number A 32-bit number that identifies a host on a TCP/IP network of the consumer.
content.dynamic_descriptor String A short transaction description that can be included when creating a transaction via the Virtual Terminal, the Checkout API, or the eCom API.
This description might be included in the bank statement issued to the consumer by some card issuers.
content.amount Float The transaction amount.
content.payment_product  String The type of product used for payment. E.g., CARDKLARASWISHCRYPTO, etc.
content.payment_product_type String The brand of the payment type used for payment. E.g., VISAMASTERCARDAMEX, etc.
content.processor_reference  String Reference identifying the transaction, as provided by the processor.
content.transaction_type  String The transaction type, such as SALEAUTHORIZATIONPREAUTH, etc.
content.transaction_status  String The current status of the transaction. E.g., AUTHORISEDCAPTUREDSETTLEDCANCELLED, etc.
content.reason_code String A reason code assigned by the acquiring platform; '0000' in case of success.
content.arn String The acquirer reference number (ARN), generated by the acquirer at the time of clearing for card transactions.
content.authorization_code String The credit card authorization code represents the five or six numbers generated by the issuing bank.
content.shipping_information  Object An optional object that includes the consumer's shipping information.
content.shipping_information.address String The shipping (street) address. String The shipping city. String A 2-letter ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code The shipping country. String The shipping phone number.
content.shipping.postal_code String The shipping postal code.
content.shipping.state String The shipping state.
content.user_agent String The full user agent string of the device the customer used to submit the transaction.
content.cvv_present Boolean True if the card was used with a CVV.
content.rrn String The payment processor's retrieval reference number.
content.shopper_interaction String The sales channel that was used to capture the transaction. E.g., ECOMMERCEMAILPHONEPOS. etc.
content.stan String A number assigned by a transaction initiator (originator) to assist in identifying a transaction uniquely. This property can be used to store the System Trace Audit Number (STAN) as used in the ISO 8583 and AS2805 specifications.
content.card_brand String Same as the payment product type.
content.merchant_id String The identifier assigned to the merchant entity under the Payment Provider Contract.
content.merchant_reference String A reference specified by the merchant to identify the transaction.
content.poi_id String The Verifone assigned ID to the point of the interaction used for the transaction, where applicable.
content.masked_card_number String Masked number of the card used for payment.
content.payment_summary.captured_amount String The amount that was captured out of the total transaction amount.
content.threed_authentication Object 3DS authentication information, where applicable. Read our 3-D Secure article for additional information.
content.threed_authentication.eci_flag String The Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI).
content.threed_authentication.enrolled Boolean The payment card's 3DS enrollment status.
content.threed_authentication.cavv String The Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) cryptographic value.
content.threed_authentication.pares_status String The Payment Authentication Response (PARes) status.
content.threed_authentication.ds_transaction_id String A unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3DS server.
content.threed_authentication.threeds_version String The 3DS version used to authenticate the transaction.

Email payload sample

here is template : RECEIVED:

array (
ENTITYUID :36559df1-3f8b-492f-adf4-f09313e10c77,
EVENTTYPE:Capture Approved,
TRANSACTIONID :5a8a72ae-6257-42c8-a0dd-bfa1d50c7d94,
CREATEDDATETIME : 2023-04-18T06:36:45.860Z,
POI : {},
MERCHANT : {UUID=36559df1-3f8b-492f-adf4-f09313e10c77, ID=RCTST1000095119, LOCALE={COUNTRYCODE=US}, CONTRACTS=[{MCC=5965, MERCHANTID=RCTST1000095119}]},

Webhook sample

Event metadata only

  "eventId": "2",
  "eventDateTime": "2020-03-23T11:07:28Z",
  "recordId": "1",
  "eventType": "TxnSaleApproved"

Full event payload

Webhook have been called: {
objectType: 'TransactionEvent',
eventId: 'f93fa575-3d2f-4a7f-b182-939c7c6ea610',
eventDateTime: '2023-05-02T12:16:56.077Z',
recordId: 'f93fa575-3d2f-4a7f-b182-939c7c6ea610',
entityUid: '07652580-1037-4901-92f2-74676cb8aa7e',
source: 'pdsp',
eventType: 'TxnAuthorisationApproved',
content: {
id: 'f93fa575-3d2f-4a7f-b182-939c7c6ea610',
currency_code: 'GBP',
created_at: '2023-05-02T12:16:56.077Z',
customer_ip: '',
dynamic_descriptor: 'TEST AUTOMATION ECOM',
payment_product: 'CARD',
payment_product_type: 'MASTERCARD',
processor_reference: 'BM61NUSABF7:0001030001000206010079000312230502131656000412020000075882',
transaction_type: 'AUTHORISATION',
transaction_status: 'AUTHORISED',
reason_code: '0000',
arn: '020000075882',
authorization_code: '541657',
cvv_present: false,
rrn: '020000075882',
card_brand: 'MASTERCARD',
masked_card_number: '548016******7897',
merchant_id: '290010026',
merchant_reference: '5678',
shopper_interaction: 'ecommerce',
stan: '043026',
threed_authentication: {
eci_flag: '05',
enrolled: 'Y',
cavv: 'MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTA=',
pares_status: 'Y',
ds_transaction_id: 'ea5e8cb3-69c1-4229-b484-2def1be9952c',
threeds_version: '2.1.0'
amount: '11.29',
payment_summary: {}

Update notifications in Verifone Central

Any notification can be edited as desired. The below updates can be applied to a notification:

  • Update the notification name
  • Add/remove organisation(s)
  • Add/remove events
  • Change the delivery method
  • Enable / disable / delete the notification

edit notification 

  A notification can be deleted only after being disabled.

Notification failures

Notification failures can occur only for webhook events, when the system fails to notify the merchant (e.g. URL endpoint is not reachable or service is down/time out).

The failed notifications can be viewed in the Administration > Notifications > select the notification > Notification Failures section from Verifone Central.

Notification Failures

Webhook signature verification

The authenticity and integrity of the webhook event can be verified by checking the signature provided in the header: x-vfi-jws. This signature is used to validate that Verifone is the sender and that the message has not been tampered with.

This signature is provided as JSON web signature (JWS) using the webhook body as the unencoded payload as described in

The public keys used to verify the signatures are provided in a JWKS (JSON web key set) file which can be downloaded from the following URLs.


To verify the signature of webhook payload the following steps need to be performed.

  1. Ensure that the application has loaded the keys from the JWKS file. This file should be cached locally and not downloaded from verifone on each request.
  2. When the request is received, convert the http json body to canonicalized form:
  3. Select the correct key from the JWKS matching the key id from the x-vfi-jws header.
  4. Use the x-vfi-jws header and canonicalized body to verify the signature with the selected key.
   If the key id is not found in Step 3 then refresh the JWKS file as a new key may have been added.

Webhook signature verification sample

The following java code verifies a signature as described above and has dependencies on the following libraries:

 * Step 1 - Load signing keys via jwks file
String JWKS_URL = "";
// on first startup we need to download the signing keys
// NOTE: this file should be cached locally and not downloaded each time
Path jwksLocalPath = Path.of("./test-webhook-sign-keys.jwks");
if (!Files.exists(jwksLocalPath)) {
    try (InputStream in = new URL(JWKS_URL).openStream()) {
        Files.copy(in, jwksLocalPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
// load keys from file
String jkws = Files.readString(jwksLocalPath);
JsonWebKeySet jsonWebKeySet = new JsonWebKeySet(jkws);
 * Step 2 - Convert webhook json body to canonicalized form
String originalJsonBody = *JSON BODY FROM WEBHOOK*;
JsonCanonicalizer jsonCanonicalizer = new JsonCanonicalizer(originalJsonBody);
String canonicalizedJson = jsonCanonicalizer.getEncodedString();
 * Step 3 and 4- Select matching key for x-vfi-jws and validate signature
JsonWebSignature verifierJws = new JsonWebSignature();
// set contents from x-vfi-jws header
// The canonicalized content is the payload
// Pick the key to use for checking the signature. The key selected
// should have the same key id "kid" as the x-vfi-jws header
VerificationJwkSelector jwkSelector = new VerificationJwkSelector();
JsonWebKey jwkSelected =, jsonWebKeySet.getJsonWebKeys());
if (jwkSelected == null) {
    // if key can't be found then refresh signing keys as
    // a new key id may have been added
    try (InputStream in = new URL(JWKS_URL).openStream()) {
        Files.copy(in, jwksLocalPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
    jkws = Files.readString(jwksLocalPath);
    jsonWebKeySet = new JsonWebKeySet(jkws);
    jwkSelected =, jsonWebKeySet.getJsonWebKeys());
// set key based on keyid selected from jwks
// Check the signature
boolean signatureVerified = verifierJws.verifySignature();

Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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