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Application Development Kit (Version 4.7)


Last updated: 25-Feb-2025
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     /****************************************************************************     *  Product:     InFusion     *  Company:     Verifone     *  Author:      GSS R&D Germany     *  Content:     SDI-Server     ****************************************************************************/           #ifndef _SDI_LANG_H_    9 #define _SDI_LANG_H_   10     11 namespace sdi   12 {   13   // include auto-generated language definitions into namespace sdi   14 #include "generated/lang.h"   15     20   Language languageSupported(unsigned val);   21     27   const char *getLanguageIsoCode(Language lang_id);   28     35   unsigned getLanguage(const char *ISO_639);   36     37     38   class SdiLanguage   39   {   40       Language trxLanguageId_;   41     public:   43       SdiLanguage();   44     49       explicit SdiLanguage(Language languageId);   50     55       Language getLanguageId();   56     61       void setLanguageId(Language languageId);   62     68       void selectLanguage(unsigned char *rsp, unsigned short *rspSize);   69   };   70     71 } // namespace sdi   72     73 #endif // _SDI_LANG_H_

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