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Last updated: 11-May-2022


Checkout is an end-to-end solution that facilitates accepting payments through a dedicated payment page which is hosted by Verifone. You can configure Checkout to process various types of payments with and without 3D-Secure only by providing the appropriate configurations. Checkout is a hosted payment page (HPP) solution which the customer is redirected to and where they can safely fill their card details. This reduces your PCI-DSS scope to SAQ A.

After a Checkout has been completed the customer is redirected to the URL specified in the Checkout creation API call (returnUrl). The outcome of the transaction can be derived from the query string parameters which are added to this URL. More information on the different scenarios can be found here.

Different types of payment journeys can be done with UK Gateway:


Interested to get a first taste of how the checkout will look like?

Threeds demo

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