APM CP Application Parameters
Last updated: 04-Dec-2024
The below table describes the configurable parameters from the Parameter Definition File apm_params.vpdx
and the Parameter Form File apm_params.vpfx
, which need to be imported on VHQ server for every APM CP application.
APM Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Valid/Max Values | Default Value | Display Name |
server | This defines the server URL path. | String. 12 – 100 characters | https://gsc.verifone.cloud/ | Server URL |
password | This is used for setting password. | String. 0 – 6 characters | 254729 | Settings Password |
storeId | This is used to define the store ID. | String. 0 – 6 characters | [empty] | Store ID |
merchantId | This is used for merchant ID. | String. 0 – 6 characters | [empty] | Merchant ID |
terminalId | This is used to represent a device details from a specific facility/ restaurant/ or retail location. | String. 0 – 6 characters | [empty] | Terminal ID |
time | This defines timeout period. | Numeric. 10 – 480 digits | 60 | Timeout |
interval | Polling interval. | Numeric. 1 – 5 digits | 4 | Polling Interval |
demoMode | This is used to perform transactions in training mode. | True and False | False | Demo Mode |
automaticCancel | This is used for Automatic cancel. | True and False | True | Automatic Cancel |
posIdCheck | This is used to check the POS identity. |
Off | Identity check |
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