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SCA Functional Specification

Currencies Parameters

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

This table describes the required parameters used in Currencies table. One record per currency, beginning with currency1.



The following parameters are not configurable using SET_PARM command. Refer to Parameters Not Configurable with SET_PARM for more details on the list parameters.

Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name Description Valid/Max Values Default Value Name in PropertiesData.xml
AMOUNTFORMAT1 This parameter specifies the format of the transaction amount in the POS response. Alphanumeric, 20 C nnnnnN.NN This value displays the amount as 12345.00. AmountFormat
CURRSYMBOL1 This parameter is used to configure the currency symbol based on the requirement. For example: EUR - € , GBP - £ , USD - $ Alphanumeric, 20. Valid value: Any Currency Symbol $ CurrencySymbol
CURRCODE1 This parameter is used to set the currency code. Alphanumeric, 4 840 CurrencyCode
DISPAMOUNTFORMAT1 This parameter is used to display the amount format. Alphanumeric, 20 C nnn,nnN.NN DispAmountFormat
ISOCURCODE1 This parameter is used to set the currency Code based on ISO standard.
Alphanumeric, 3
  • USD
  • CAD

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