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SCA Functional Specification

DCC Parameters

Last updated: 23-Jan-2025

This table describes the required parameters used for Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) configurations.



The following parameters are not configurable using SET_PARM command. Refer to Parameters Not Configurable with SET_PARM for more details on the list parameters.

Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name Description Valid/Max Values Default Value Name in PropertiesData.xml
DCCPRIMARYCOMMTYPE DCC Primary Comm Type Alpha, 4   PrimaryCommType
DCCPRIMARYTCPADDRESS DCC Primary TCP Address Alphanumeric, 200   tcp/0/address
DCCPRIMARYTCPPORT DCC Primary TCP Port Numeric, 5   tcp/0/port
DCCPRIMARYTCPTYPE DCC Primary TCP Type Alpha, 4   tcp/0/type
DCCPRIMARYTCPTIMEOUT DCC Primary TCP Timeout Numeric, 5   tcp/0/timeout
DCCSECONDARYCOMMTYPE DCC Secondary Comm Type Alpha, 4   SecondaryCommType
DCCSECONDARYTCPADDRESS DCC Secondary TCP Address Alphanumeric, 200   tcp/1/address
DCCSECONDARYTCPPORT DCC Secondary TCP Port Numeric, 5   tcp/1/port
DCCSECONDARYTCPTYPE DCC Secondary TCP Type Alpha, 4   tcp/1/type
DCCSECONDARYTCPTIMEOUT DCC Secondary TCP Timeout Numeric, 5   tcp/1/timeout
DCCURIPATH URL to which the card rate request needs to be sent. Alphanumeric, 200 EMPTY URIPath
DCCMERCHANTID Merchant ID which needs to be sent in every request. Alphanumeric, 16 EMPTY MerchantID
DCCACQUIRER Acquirer Name to be sent in every request. Alphanumeric, 16 EMPTY Acquirer
DCCDISCLAIMER1 Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. Alphanumeric, 42 EMPTY Disclaimer1
DCCDISCLAIMER2 Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. Alphanumeric, 42 EMPTY Disclaimer2
DCCDISCLAIMER3 Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. Alphanumeric, 42 EMPTY Disclaimer3
DCCDISCLAIMER4 Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. Alphanumeric, 42 EMPTY Disclaimer4
DCCENABLEDCARDMODES DCC parameter is used to enable or disable the card entry modes, and the format: MANUAL MSR EMV CTLSEMV. One byte for each card entry mode. Alphanumeric, 4 1110 EnabledCardModes
DCC parameter is used to enable or disable transaction type, each by represents one transaction type. NOTE: For UGP solution, if the end processor is Fiserv/FirstData, then only Sale and Refund transactions will be allowed to process as DCC.
  • If byte value is 1, then transaction type is enabled for DCC.
  • If byte value is 0, then transaction type is disabled for DCC.
  • Byte 1 - Sale | Byte 2 - Refund | Byte 3 - Auth
  • Byte 4 - Completion | Byte 5 - Open Tab | Byte 6 - Close Tab
  • Bytes 7 - Force | 8 to 10 are reserved for future use
Alphanumeric, 10 1100000000 EnabledTransactionTypes
DCCPRIMARYTCPBIND DCC network bind parameter for the primary interface. Boolean 0/1 1 tcp/0/bind
DCCSECONDARYTCPBIND DCC Network Bind Parameter for the Secondary Interface Boolean 0/1 1 tcp/1/bind
DCCPRIMARYSSLPROTVERSION DCC SSL protocol version is used for primary interface. Alphanumeric, 10 Empty tcp/0/ssl_prot_version
DCCSECONDARYSSLPROTVERSION DCC SSL protocol version is used for secondary interface. Alphanumeric , 10 Empty tcp/1/ssl_prot_version
DCCPRIMARYCACERTPARTH Path to CA Certificate for DCC transactions on the primary interface. Alphanumeric, 40 Empty tcp/0/ssl_ca_cert_path
DCCSECONDARYCACERTPARTH Path to CA Certificate for DCC transactions on the secondary interface. Alphanumeric , 40 Empty tcp/1/ssl_ca_cert_path

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