DCC Parameters
Last updated: 23-Jan-2025
This table describes the required parameters used for Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) configurations.
The following parameters are not configurable using SET_PARM command. Refer to Parameters Not Configurable with SET_PARM for more details on the list parameters.
Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name | Description | Valid/Max Values | Default Value | Name in PropertiesData.xml |
DCCPRIMARYCOMMTYPE | DCC Primary Comm Type | Alpha, 4 | PrimaryCommType | |
DCCPRIMARYTCPADDRESS | DCC Primary TCP Address | Alphanumeric, 200 | tcp/0/address | |
DCCPRIMARYTCPPORT | DCC Primary TCP Port | Numeric, 5 | tcp/0/port | |
DCCPRIMARYTCPTYPE | DCC Primary TCP Type | Alpha, 4 | tcp/0/type | |
DCCPRIMARYTCPTIMEOUT | DCC Primary TCP Timeout | Numeric, 5 | tcp/0/timeout | |
DCCSECONDARYCOMMTYPE | DCC Secondary Comm Type | Alpha, 4 | SecondaryCommType | |
DCCSECONDARYTCPADDRESS | DCC Secondary TCP Address | Alphanumeric, 200 | tcp/1/address | |
DCCSECONDARYTCPPORT | DCC Secondary TCP Port | Numeric, 5 | tcp/1/port | |
DCCSECONDARYTCPTYPE | DCC Secondary TCP Type | Alpha, 4 | tcp/1/type | |
DCCSECONDARYTCPTIMEOUT | DCC Secondary TCP Timeout | Numeric, 5 | tcp/1/timeout | |
DCCURIPATH | URL to which the card rate request needs to be sent. | Alphanumeric, 200 | EMPTY | URIPath |
DCCMERCHANTID | Merchant ID which needs to be sent in every request. | Alphanumeric, 16 | EMPTY | MerchantID |
DCCACQUIRER | Acquirer Name to be sent in every request. | Alphanumeric, 16 | EMPTY | Acquirer |
DCCDISCLAIMER1 | Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. | Alphanumeric, 42 | EMPTY | Disclaimer1 |
DCCDISCLAIMER2 | Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. | Alphanumeric, 42 | EMPTY | Disclaimer2 |
DCCDISCLAIMER3 | Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. | Alphanumeric, 42 | EMPTY | Disclaimer3 |
DCCDISCLAIMER4 | Disclaimer which needs to be printed on receipt. | Alphanumeric, 42 | EMPTY | Disclaimer4 |
DCCENABLEDCARDMODES | DCC parameter is used to enable or disable the card entry modes, and the format: MANUAL MSR EMV CTLSEMV. One byte for each card entry mode. | Alphanumeric, 4 | 1110 | EnabledCardModes |
Alphanumeric, 10 | 1100000000 | EnabledTransactionTypes |
DCCPRIMARYTCPBIND | DCC network bind parameter for the primary interface. | Boolean 0/1 | 1 | tcp/0/bind |
DCCSECONDARYTCPBIND | DCC Network Bind Parameter for the Secondary Interface | Boolean 0/1 | 1 | tcp/1/bind |
DCCPRIMARYSSLPROTVERSION | DCC SSL protocol version is used for primary interface. | Alphanumeric, 10 | Empty | tcp/0/ssl_prot_version |
DCCSECONDARYSSLPROTVERSION | DCC SSL protocol version is used for secondary interface. | Alphanumeric , 10 | Empty | tcp/1/ssl_prot_version |
DCCPRIMARYCACERTPARTH | Path to CA Certificate for DCC transactions on the primary interface. | Alphanumeric, 40 | Empty | tcp/0/ssl_ca_cert_path |
DCCSECONDARYCACERTPARTH | Path to CA Certificate for DCC transactions on the secondary interface. | Alphanumeric , 40 | Empty | tcp/1/ssl_ca_cert_path |
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