Deployment Parameters
Last updated: 04-Dec-2024
This table describes the required parameters used for deployment configurations.
Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name | Description | Valid/Max Values | Default Value | Name in PropertiesData.xml |
Y | autopreamble |
N | dialconfigreqd |
DOADMREQ | This parameter is used to get device key. Setting the parameter value as 1, can be used in order to move a device from one Client ID to another and perform the registration to PWC. When the parameter value is 2, it can be used in case of re-sync with PWC is needed. This option can be used by merchant to perform re-sync with PWC without resetting the device on PWC. |
2 | doadmreq |
DOADMREQPINPAD | This parameter is used for preamble admin request for the External PINPad device. Setting the parameter value as 1, can be used in order to move a device from one Client ID to another and perform the registration to PWC. When the parameter value is 2, it can be used in case of re-sync with PWC is needed. This option can be used by merchant to perform re-sync with PWC without resetting the device on PWC. NOTE: This parameter is applicable if ANYWHERECARDENABLED is set to 1. |
1 | doadmreqpinpad |
ENCRYPTION_ACTIVATED | This parameter is used to decide on preamble encryption activation. When the value is set to N, means encryption activation did not take place or was unsuccessful. The application will trigger another VSP registration attempt (3 attempts including first try). When the value is set to Y, means encryption activation successfully completed. NOTE: If encryption_activated = N and redoencreg=N then encryption registration can be skipped. NOTE: Encryption type used by SCA, defined in ENCRYPTMODE parameter in PropertiesData.xml. |
N | encryption_activated |
ENCRYPTION_ACTIVATEDPINPAD | This parameter is used to decide on preamble encryption activation for the External PINPad device. When the value is set to N, means encryption activation did not take place or was unsuccessful. The application will trigger another VSP registration attempt (3 attempts including first try). When the value is set to Y, means encryption activation successfully completed. NOTE: This parameter is applicable if ANYWHERECARDENABLED is set to 1. NOTE:* If encryption_activated = N and redoencreg=N then encryption registration can be skipped. **NOTE: Encryption type used by SCA, defined in ENCRYPTMODE parameter in PropertiesData.xml. |
N | encryption_activatedpinpad |
LANEIDLENGTH | Length of Lane ID required during the merchant settings acceptance stage on startup (based on MERCHANTSETTINGSREQD) | Numeric, 0 to Default behavior | Blank | laneidlength |
MAXIPRETRYCOUNT | Number of attempts the application needs to make to connect to the network before proceeding with initialization. | -1 – Infinite, Numeric > 0 | 5 | maxipretrycount |
MERCHANTSETTINGSREQD | This parameter is used to enable and disable prompt for merchant MID/TID/Lane at preamble. NOTE: When MERCHANTSETTINGSREQD is set to Y, MIDLENGTH, TIDLENGTH, LANEIDLENGTH and DOADMREQ parameters also need to be configured mandatorily to get successful preamble by entering MID, TID and LANEID details, when they are prompted during host registration process. |
N | merchantsettingsreqd |
MIDLENGTH | Length of Merchant ID required during the merchant settings acceptance stage on startup (based on MERCHANTSETTINGSREQD) | Numeric, 0 to Default behavior | Blank | midlength |
NETWORKCFGREQD | This parameter is used to enable and disable prompt for network configuration screen |
networkcfgreqd |
PPCLMIDPROMPT | This parameter is used to enable and disable PPCLMID (ValueLink Merchant ID) prompt. If the value is set to 1, the application will prompt for PPCLMID. If set to 0 then no prompt for PPCLMID under merchantsettingsreqd. NOTE: This parameter is applicable only if MERCHANTSETTINGSREQD is set to Y. |
0 | ppclmidprompt |
IP | preamblecommsetup |
N | preamble_success |
PROMPTVHQDEVICEID | This parameter is used to prompt for Device ID on the terminal during Preamble. If PROMPTVHQDEVICEID is set to 1, then the terminal will prompt for Device ID. Once Device ID is entered, VHQ will download Parameter Template automatically if it is out of Sync. If PROMPTVHQDEVICEID is set to 0, the terminal will not prompt for Device ID. NOTE: Once the Device ID is entered, this Device ID will be stored in the VHQDEVICEID parameter, that can be accessed using SCA Configuration menu in the Terminal. |
0 | promptVHQDeviceID |
REDOENCREG | This parameter is used to redo the encryption registration. NOTE: If encryption_activated = N and redoencreg=n then encryption registration can be skipped. |
Y | redoencreg |
REDOENCREGPINPAD | This parameter is used to redo the encryption registration for the External PINPad device. NOTE: This parameter is applicable if ANYWHERECARDENABLED is set to 1. NOTE: If encryption_activated = N and redoencreg=n then encryption registration can be skipped. |
Y | redoencregpinpad |
SKIPLANEIDPROMPT | This parameter is used to enable or disable skip lane ID prompt during merchant setup. |
0 | skiplaneidprompt |
TIDLENGTH | Length of Terminal ID required during the merchant settings acceptance stage on startup (based on MERCHANTSETTINGSREQD) | Numeric, 0 to Default behavior | Blank | tidlength |
VHQDEVICEIDLENGTH | This parameter is used to set the length for VHQ Device ID. NOTE: If the value is set to 0 or blank, then the application will ignore this parameter. | Numeric, 2. Possible value: 1 - 99 | Blank | vhqdeviceidlength |
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