Device/PINPad Parameters
Last updated: 04-Dec-2024
This table describes the required parameters used for device or PINPad configurations.
Few parameters from Device/PINPad Parameters, are not configurable using SET_PARM command. Refer to Parameters Not Configurable with SET_PARM for more details on the list parameters.
Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name | Description | Valid/Max Values | Default Value | Name in PropertiesData.xml |
FORCEEMVPARAMDLD | Forces the EMV files to be pushed from Terminal to EPP on every startup. NOTE: This parameter has underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
0 | ForceEMVParamDld |
PREFERREDAIDSDLD | Forces the Preferred AID file to be pushed from Terminal to EPP on every startup. NOTE: This parameter has underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
0 | PreferredAIDsDld |
EPPENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable External Pin Pad (EPP). NOTE: This parameter has underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
0 | enabled |
PITSTOP | This parameter is used to enable or disable PITSTOP solution. |
0 | pitstop |
PINPADCONNMODE | Connection mode by which main device (IPP) needs to connect to PIN Pad. |
2 | usbmode |
PINPADCONNTIMEOUT | Duration of time in milliseconds, which the main device will try to connect to PIN Pad. | Numeric value in multiples of 1000 | 45000 | USBtimeout |
PINPADPINGINTERVAL | Frequency (in milliseconds) at which the main device will ping the PIN Pad device to check the connection status. | -1 - Disable ping to XPI. Recommended: 60000 | -1 | pinginterval |
ANYWHERECARDENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable card readers on IPP and EPP on PITSTOP solution. |
0 | anywherecardenabled |
XPITIMEOUT | Defines the time that Main terminal should wait for PIN Pad during startup. | Numeric | 45000 (45 seconds) | XPItimeout |
EPPIPADDRESS | IP Address of the PIN Pad device. | Valid IP address of the network. | | address |
EPPPORT | Port number on which PIN Pad device is waiting for connection. | Valid port number | 12345 | port |
EPPNETWORK | Network interface to be used by IPP in order to connect to EPP. |
com/verifone/pme/interfaces/eppinterface | network |
EPPCOMMTYPE | Communication type through which IPP will be connected to EPP. |
TCP | type |
EPPCOMMMODE | Communication mode through which IPP will be connected to EPP. | Alphanumeric, 5 | mdm_int | device_name |
EPP_SSL_CA_CERT_FILE | SSL Certificate File | Alphanumeric, 128 | ssl_ca_cert_file | |
EPP_SSL_PROT_VERSION | SSL Protocol Version | Alphanumeric, 128 | tls1_2 | ssl_prot_version |
EPP_SSL_OWN_PKEY | SSL PRIVATE KEY | Alphanumeric, 128 | ssl_own_pkey | |
EPP_SSL_OWN_CERT | SSL PUBLIC KEY | Alphanumeric, 128 | ssl_own_cert | |
EPP_SSL_POLICY | SSL Policy | ssl_policy |
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