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SCA Functional Specification

Merchant Parameters

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

This table describes the required parameters used for merchant configurations. This table has one record (merchant1) containing the following parameters.



If the value length exceeds 35 characters in any Header, Footer, Disclaimer or Refund Policy parameters, then the paper receipts will skew to right side of the paper. For example, if the Header parameters length exceed 35, then the time displayed in the receipt would be cut off, or if Refund Policy parameters length exceed 40, then the disclaimer lines will not be centred.



The listed parameters have underscore (_) at the end of the name.

Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name Description Valid/Max Values Default Value Name in PropertiesData.xml
AMERCHAD Alternate Merchant Address Alphanumeric, 50 <blank> AltMerchAddr
AMERCHCNT Alternate Merchant County Alphanumeric, 50 <blank> AltMerchCnty
AMERCHCTR Alternate Merchant Country Alphanumeric, 50 <blank> AltMerchCtry
AMERCHCTY Alternate Merchant City Alphanumeric, 50 <blank> AltMerchCity
AMERCHNM Alternate Merchant Name Alphanumeric, 50 <blank> AltMerchName
AMERCHST Alternate Merchant State Alphanumeric, 50 <blank> AltMerchState
AMERCHZIP Alternate Merchant Zip Alphanumeric, 50 <blank> AltMerchZip
CSVCPHONE Customer Phone Number Default - Sent in the CustSvcPhoneNumber. Numeric, 16 0 CustomerSvcPhone
FOOTER1 Receipt footer line 1. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Footer1
FOOTER2 Receipt footer line 2. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Footer2
FOOTER3 Receipt footer line 3. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Footer3
FOOTER4 Receipt footer line 4. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Footer4
GIFTFOOTER1 Text to print on gift footer Line 1. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] GiftFooter1
GIFTFOOTER2 Text to print on gift footer Line 2. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] GiftFooter2
HEADER1 Receipt header line 1. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Header1
HEADER2 Receipt header line 2. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Header2
HEADER3 Receipt header line 3. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Header3
HEADER4 Receipt header line 4. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Header4
HEADER5 Receipt header line 5. Alphanumeric 40 [blank] Header5
HEADER6 Receipt header line 6. Alphanumeric, 40 [blank] Header6
HOSTPW Host Password used in HostTotals scenario. Numeric, 6 123456 HostPW
INDUSTRY Industry Type For Printing in Terminal parameter Report. Alphanumeric, 10 NA Industry
LANEID/PARM_LANE Lane ID Numeric 3 [blank] Lane
MCC Merchant Category Code. Numeric, 4 5399 MCC
MERCHANTNAME Merchant name. Alphanumeric 40 Merchant One MerchantName
PARM_MID Merchant Gateway ID - This value represents a unique number assigned to a merchant. This number is used for all processing activities. This value can also represent the network gateway through which transactions should be routed. Alphanumeric 15 [blank] MerchantID (UGP) and MerchantIdentifier (Chase and Worldpay)
PINPADTERMINALID This parameter is used to set the terminal ID for the External PINPad device. This is applicable for PITSTOP Solution. Numeric 16 [empty] TerminalID
REFUNDPOLICY1 Statement for refund policy line 1. Alphanumeric 40 No Refunds RefundPolicy1
REFUNDPOLICY2 Statement for refund policy line 2. Alphanumeric 40 Store Credit Only RefundPolicy2
SETTLEMENTREPORT Determines report printing at settlement.
  • 0 - None
  • 1 - Detail Report
  • 2 - Totals Report
  • 3 - Both Reports
2 PrintSettlementReport
STOREID This parameter is used to set the value for store ID. Alphanumeric, 10 [empty] Store_Num

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