Store and Forward Parameters
Last updated: 04-Dec-2024
This table describes the required parameters used for store and forward (SAF) transaction configurations.
Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name | Description | Valid/Max Values | Default Value | Name in PropertiesData.xml |
ALLOWREFUNDTOSAF | This parameter is used to allow the SAF of CREDIT/Refund transactions. |
1 | allowrefundtosaf |
ALLOWVOIDTOSAF | This parameter is used to allow the SAF of VOID transactions. |
0 | allowvoidtosaf |
ALLOWPRIVLBLTRANSTOSAF | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF feature for private label transaction. |
0 | allowPrivLbltranstosaf |
ALLOWCOMPLETIONTOSAF | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF for transactions completion. |
AllowCompletionToSAF |
ALLOWGIFTACTIVATETOSAF | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF for gift card activation. |
0 | allowgiftactivatetosaf |
ALLOWPAYACCOUNTTOSAF | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF for payment of account transactions. |
0 | allowpayaccounttosaf |
ALLOWPREAUTHTOSAF | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF for PreAuth transactions. |
0 | AllowPreAuthToSAF |
ALLOWGIFTTRANSTOSAF | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAFing of Gift transactions. |
N | allowgifttranstosaf |
ALLOWOFFLINETRANTOGOWITHONLINE | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF transaction for post parallel with online transaction. If this parameter is set to 0 (Disable), then no session in progress allows SAF records to be posted (SAF). |
0 | allowOfflineTranToGoWithOnline |
CHECKFLOORLIMITTOSAFREFUND | This parameter is used to allow checking SAF floor limit for refund transactions. |
chkfloorlimittosafrefund |
DAYSLIMIT | This parameter is used to enable or disable control number of days oldest SAF transaction may be present before refusing additional SAF approvals. | Numeric, 3 |
dayslimit |
FORCESAFDUPTRAN | This parameter is used to enable or disable retry of duplicate SAF transactions setting FORCE_FLAG to true. |
0 | forcesafduptran |
MAXSAFDECLINERETRY | This parameter is used to set the maximum number reties for allowing SAF Edit to move the transaction from DECLINED/ NOT PROCESSED status to ELIGIBLE. | Numeric, 2 digits. Ranges from 0 – 99 | 3 times | maxsafdeclineretry |
NUMTOFORWARDATINTERVAL | This parameter is used to specify number of SAF transactions to forward at intervals. | Numeric, 2 | 2 | NumToFwdAtInterval |
OFFLINETERMCAP | When device is offline, the value set in this parameter will be used instead of Terminal capabilities present in EMVTABLES.INI. This field will accept similar values as terminal capabilities in EMVTABLES.INI. | Alphanumeric, 6 |
noOLPINTermCap |
SAFENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable store and forward mode. |
safenabled |
SAFMAXPENDINGTRAN | Maximum number of transactions that may be stored in the store/fwd batch before transactions must be forwarded to the host. The default value 0 indicates that application allows to SAF any number of transactions without limitation until the SAF Total Limit or SAF days limit is reached. SAF Days limit indicates maximum number of days where transactions can be SAFed continuously while being offline. | Numeric, 3 | 0 | SAFMaxPending |
SAFONLINEPIN | This is used for the Online PIN EMV Transactions for Credit and Auto Select Payment types. |
0 | SafOnlinePin |
SAFPINGINTERVAL | This parameter is used to set the duration in minutes between which the device pings the gateway. | Numeric | 2 | safpinginterval |
SAFPOSTINTERVAL | Time interval, in minutes, between successive SAF transaction uploads. | Numeric, 2 | 5 | safpostinterval |
SAFPURGEDAYS | This parameter controls the number of days in which a SAF transaction will remain in the SAF database before it is deleted. SAF transactions (marked “processed” or “Not Processed”) residing in the database equal to or greater than the number of days indicated in SAFPURGEDAYS will be deleted. The application will check this parameter at the start of the SAF Forwarding Process. NOTE: Purging of SAF records should happen based on the date when transaction was posted to the host. | Numeric, 2 |
safpurgedays |
SAFRESPTIMEOUT | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF for Transaction Response Timeout. |
1 | safresptimeout |
SAFTHROTTLINGENABLE | This parameter is used to enable or disable SAF throttling. |
0 | safthrottlingenable |
SAFTHROTTLINGINTERVAL | This parameter is used to set SAF throttling interval. This is to calculate the actual throttling interval by finding the modulus of device serial number. The parameter value is used as denominator. | Numeric, 3. Value is in seconds | 300 | safthrottlinginterval |
SAFDEFERREDTRANRETRIES | SAF Deferred Transaction Retries. | Numeric, 2 | 3 | safdeferredtranretries |
SENDSAFDECLINEASPOSTAUTH | This parameter is used to enable or disable sending SAF Decline as post authorization. When SENDSAFDECLINEASPOSTAUTH is set to Yes, STORECARDFORPOSTAUTH is set to 1, and when a SAF transaction is processed over the transaction Floor Limit, this will end in Call for Voice Approval and the declined information will be saved. |
N | sendSAFdeclineaspostauth |
TOTALFLOORLIMIT | The total (maximum) value (in dollars) of offline-approved transactions that may be in SAF at one time. NOTE: Force and Completion transactions will not be checked against TOTALFLOORLIMIT. | Numeric, 8 |
totalfloorlimit |
TRANSACTIONFLOORLIMIT | This parameter is used to set the maximum transaction dollar amount, which a merchant wants to approve automatically while offline. This parameter is used in conjunction with saftransactionfloorlimit in PMEBIN.db (using the BIN range) for MSR and saftransactionfloorlimit in AIDList.XML for EMV cards. | Numeric, 8 |
transactionfloorlimit |
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