This table describes the required parameters used for Surcharge configurations.
All parameters names have underscore (_) at the end.
The following parameters are allowed to set, only when SURCHARGE parameter (Application Parameters) is set to Transaction or Cashback value.
Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name
Valid/Max Values
Default Value
Name in PropertiesData.xml
This parameter is used to set the maximum value for surcharge amount.
Numeric, 5
The default value will vary for Hosts.
This parameter is used to set the minimum value for surcharge amount.
Numeric, 5
The default value will vary for Hosts.
This parameter is used to set the surcharge fee.
Numeric, 5
The default value will vary for Hosts.
This parameter is used to set the payment types for surcharge. The values can be taken as pipe | separated.
Alphabetic, 50
The default value will vary for Hosts.
This parameter is used to set the percentage for surcharge fee.
Numeric, 3
The default value will vary for Hosts.
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