FDRC Parameters
Last updated: 04-Dec-2024
- This section contains parameters that are unique for First Data Rapid Connect solution. Ensure that the following parameters are set up correctly:
- IPPAH1 – stg.dw.fdcnet.biz/rc
- SAUTHURL1 – stg.dw.us.fdcnet.biz/rc
If a parameter DLD name (config.usr1) value has an underscore (_) at the end of the name, this signifies that parameter requires a record index. This means that the data is organized as a table, so you must specify which record in the table you want to update. These parameters are used in multi-store/multi-merchant accounts to identify data associated to a specific store or location.
Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name | Description | Valid/Max Values | Default Value | Location (table) |
ADMINURL_1 | This parameter holds the URL for Device Registration for FDRC. | Alphanumeric, 50 | stg.dw.us.fdcnet.biz | Hosts |
ALLOWGIFTTRANSTOSAF | This parameter is used to allow SAFing of Gift transactions. |
n | StoreAndForward |
AMERCHCNT | This parameter is used to set the alternate merchant county. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. | Alphanumeric, 50 | <blank> | Merchants |
AMERCHCTR | This parameter is used to set the alternate merchant country. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. | Alphanumeric, 50 | <blank> | Merchants |
AMERCHCTY | This parameter is used to set the alternate merchant city. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. | Alphanumeric, 50 | <blank> | Merchants |
AMERCHNM | This parameter is used to set the alternate merchant name. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. | Alphanumeric, 50 | <blank> | Merchants |
AMERCHST | This parameter is used to set the alternate merchant state. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. | Alphanumeric, 50 | <blank> | Merchants |
AMERCHZIP | This parameter is used to set the alternate merchant zip code. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. | Alphanumeric, 50 | <blank> | Merchants |
AMPC | This parameter is used to enable or disable multi-socket behavior for primary port. |
1 | Application |
AMSC | This parameter is used to enable or disable multi-socket behavior for secondary port. |
1 | Application |
AUTOREGISTERHOST_1 | This parameter is used to enable or disable host auto registration, if not registered. |
0 | Hosts |
BATTLOWWARNING | Battery Threshold at which a unsolicited warning message is sent to POS. | Numeric, 2 | 20 (20%) | Application |
CANDEBIT | This parameter is used to enable or disable Canadian debit transaction. |
0 | Application |
COMMERCIALCARDRSP | This parameter is used to identify the Commercial Card Response. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
[empty] | |
CSVCPHONE_1 | This parameter is used to set the Customer Phone Number Default - Sent in the CustSvcPhoneNumber. | Numeric, 16 | 0 | Merchants |
CURRCODE1 | This parameter is used to set Currency code. | Numeric, 3 | 840 | currencies/currency1 |
CURRENCYIDX | This parameter is used to set the index for currency table. NOTE: It is not recommended to change, since there is support for USD by default. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
0 | Hosts |
CVV2ENCRYPT | This parameter is used to enable or disable CVV encryption. |
1 | Application |
CXNTIMEOUT_1 | This parameter sets the duration of time in seconds for which the device waits on host response. If the host response is not received in this specified time, then the application ends the connection with Comm Error. | Numeric, 2 | 10 | Hosts |
DATAWIREUSERAGENT | Application Details to Datawire. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. | SCA Engage FDRC v4.0.x | Application | |
DBVOID | This parameter enables or disables prompting capture of card details for debit void. |
0 | Application |
DEBITOFFPINCVM | This parameter is used to allow Offline PIN CVM as Debit |
N | Application |
[empty] | Application |
DELAYTOR_1 | This parameter sets duration of Datawire delay timeout. | Numeric, 2 | 40 | Hosts |
DESCRIPTIVEENTRYMODE | This parameter is used to enable or disable detailed card entry mode. |
n | Application |
DEVBATID_1 | This parameter is used to enable or disable sending Device Batch ID field to host. |
0 | Hosts |
DEVICETIMEZONE | This parameter sets to indicate Time zone of terminal. |
US/Eastern | Application |
DHCP_ENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
1 | Interfaces |
EMVSETUPREQD | This parameter is used to handle CAPK keys from Host. |
1 | Hosts/FDRC |
FORCEPW | This parameter is used to enable or disable password for Force transactions. |
1 | Authorization |
FULLLIDISPLAYENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable full screen line item display. |
0 | Application |
GIFTCARDAUTOAMOUNT | This parameter sets the minimum amount for Auto Cash out. | Numeric, 8 | 500 | Application |
GIFTCASHOUTENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable cash out for gift cards. |
1 | Application |
GMFVERSION_1 | GMF Version is the FDRC schema version. It can change per TPPID. By making this a configurable parameter, the SCA Engage application does not require a software change when moving to a new TPPID project. | Host-defined | 7.06 | Hosts |
GROUPID_1 | This parameter is used to set the Group ID in Rapid Connect. | Numeric | 10001 | Hosts |
HOSTNAME_1 | This parameter is used to set the Host name. | Alphanumeric, 15 | First Data | Hosts |
HOSTPW_1 | This parameter is used to set the host password used in HostTotals scenario. | Numeric, 6 | 123456 | Merchants |
IDLECARDENTRYENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable idle card entry. |
y | Application |
INDUSTRY1 | This parameter is used to set the Merchant’s industry. |
Retail | Merchants |
JCBTERMCAP | This parameter is used to set the default JCB terminal capability. | Not to be changed | E0F8C8 | Application |
KEEPALIVE_1 | This parameter is used to enable or disable KeepAlive functionality. |
1 | Hosts |
LOGFILELOCATION | This parameter is used to set the SCA application logs file location. | Use the default value /home/usr1/logs | /home/usr1/logs/ | Application |
LOGFILESIZE | This parameter is used to set the maximum SCA application log file size. | Use the default value | 1 | Application |
MASK_RECEIPT | This parameter is used to mask the account number for Receipts. | L6R4, R4 | R4 | Application |
MAXLOGFILES | This parameter is used to se the maximum SCA application log backup files. | Use the default value | 6 | Application |
MCC_1 | This parameter is used to set the merchant category code. | Numeric, 4 | 5399 | Merchants |
MCONNRET_1 | This parameter is used to set the maximum retries connect count. |
0 | Hosts |
MERCHANTID_1 | This parameter represents the Merchant ID, assigned by FDRC. | Alphanumeric, 16 | <blank> | Hosts |
NOTIFYCARDENTRY | This parameter is used to enable or disable the card entry notification. |
0 | Application |
ONLINEPINRETRYCODE | This parameter is used to set the online PIN incorrect code that is returned in Host response. | Numeric, 3 | 117 | Application |
ONLINEPINRETRYCOUNT | This parameter is used to set the maximum number of retries for online PIN entered incorrectly. | 0, 1, 2, 3 | 0 | Application |
ONLINEREFUNDIND | This parameter is used to enable or disable online refund indicator. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
1 | Hosts |
PACKETLOG | This parameter is used to enable or disable SCI request/response logging control. |
1 | VHQ |
PARM_ADMINURL | This parameter holds the URL for Device Registration for FDRC. | Alphanumeric 128 | Hosts | |
PINAUTHCAPABILITY | This parameter decides the terminal capability of PIN entry. This is used in FDRC Host request. |
1 | Hosts |
PINLESSDEBIT | This parameter is used to control the pin less debit support. |
1 | Application |
PPCLMID | This parameter is used to set the Valuelink Merchant ID. | Host-defined | 43005657945 | Hosts |
PRIMURL_1 | This parameter is used to set the primary Auth URL. | Alphanumeric, 50 | stg.dw.us.fdcnet.biz/rc | Hosts |
PRIMINTERFACEDEVICENAME | This parameter is used to set the primary interface device name. |
eth0 | Interfaces/Primary |
PRIMINTERFACETYPE | This parameter is used to set the primary interface device type. |
lan | Interfaces/Primary |
PRINTDECLINERECEIPT | This parameter is used to print Receipts for Decline transaction. This parameter is not applicable to EMV contact and EMV CTLS transactions. |
1 | Application |
PRINTERRORRECEIPT | This parameter is used to enable or disable printing of COMM Error Transactions. |
1 | Application |
QUICKCHIP | This parameter is used to enable or disable Quickchip functionality. |
1 | Application |
RECEIPTTIMEOUT | Timeout for Printing next Receipt in seconds. | Numeric, 2 | 3 | Application |
REFERENCEONREFUND | This parameter is used to enable or disable transaction ID based refund. |
0 | Application |
SCAAPPLOG | This parameter is used to set the SCA application logging control. |
1 | Application |
SCNDLANG | This parameter is used to disable or set the secondary language code for dual language. |
0 | Application |
SCNDURL_1 | This parameter is used to set the secondary Auth URL. | Alphanumeric, 50 | stg.dw.us.fdcnet.biz/rc | Hosts |
SECINTERFACEDEVICENAME | This parameter is used to set the secondary interface device name |
<blank> | Interfaces/ Secondary |
SECINTERFACETYPE | This parameter is used to set the secondary interface device type. |
<blank> | Interfaces/ Secondary |
SENDORDERNUM | This parameter is used to enable or disable sending Order Number. |
1 | Hosts |
SETDEVICETIME | This parameter is used to activate the terminal to set the time. |
0 | Application |
SHOWREVERSALPROCESSING | This parameter is used to enable or disable the reversing UI when reversing transaction is processed. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. |
1 | Hosts |
SIGNATURECAPTURE | This parameter is used to enable or disable signature capture on touch devices for Semi-Integrated devices. This parameter is not applicable for Standalone mode. |
1 | Application |
SOLMARKET | This parameter is used to set the market where the terminal is deployed. |
United States | Application |
STARACCESSENABLED_1 | This parameter is used to enable or disable access to Star network. |
1 | Hosts |
STORECARDFORPOSTAUTH | This parameter is used to enable or disable store card details for Post Authorization. |
0 | Application |
STRIPMIDREQD_1 | This parameter is used to control the application if the MID needs to be stripped of the leading zeroes in the device registration request. |
0 | Hosts |
TABRAND_1 | This parameter is used to set the brand for Transarmor. | Host-defined value | TEST1 | Hosts |
TADOMAIN_1 | This parameter is used to set the domain for Transarmor. | Host-defined value | VAR11 | Hosts |
TATOKENTYPE_1 | This parameter is used to set the Token type. | Host-defined value | 1173 | Hosts |
TERMINALID_1 | This parameter is used to set the terminal ID. | Alphanumeric, 8 | <blank> | Hosts |
THRESHOLD | This parameter is used to set the percentage of battery critical level. | Numeric, 0 to 99 | 10 | Application |
TIPADJUSTALLOWED | This parameter is used to enable or disable tip adjust. |
1 | TipAdjustAllowed |
TORRETRIES_1 | This parameter is used to set the number of times TOR requests will be posted by the application. | Numeric, 3 | 3 | Hosts |
TPPID_1 | This parameter is used to set the TPPID. | Alphanumeric, 6 | RVE048 | Hosts |
TXNTIMEOUT_1 | This parameter is used to set the transaction timeout in seconds. | Numeric, 6 | 35 | Hosts |
USESESSION_1 | This parameter is used to enable or disable Session Management. |
1 | Hosts |
VEPSLIMIT | This parameter is used to set the Visa PIN entry bypass limit. | Numeric, 8 | 2000 | Application |
VERBOSERECPTENABLED | This parameter is used to enable or disable printing of Verbose receipt. |
0 | Application |
XPITIMEOUT | This parameter is used to set the timeout duration for EPP in milliseconds. | Numeric, 6 | 45000 | Devices/Pin Pad |
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