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SCA Functional Specification

GSC Parameters

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

This section contains parameters that are unique for GSC.

Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name Description Valid/Max Values Default Value Location (table)
AUTOPAIR This parameter is used to enable or disable automatically pairing with the POS without requiring user to enter a pairing PIN.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
1 Application
CREDIT_MERCHANTNAME This parameter is used to set the Merchant name for Credit GSC PIM connection. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 <blank> Hosts
CREDIT_PARM_MID This parameter is used to set the Merchant Gateway ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 15 <blank> Hosts
CREDIT_PARM_TID This parameter is used to set the terminal ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 8 <blank> Hosts
CREDIT_CATCODE This parameter is used to set the Credit Merchant category code. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
DEBIT_MERCHANTNAME This parameter is used to set the Merchant name for Debit GSC PIM connection. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 <blank> Hosts
DEBIT_PARM_MID This parameter is used to set the Merchant Gateway ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 15 <blank> Hosts
DEBIT_PARM_TID This parameter is used to set the terminal ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 8 <blank> Hosts
DEBIT_CATCODE This parameter is used to set the Debit Merchant category code. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
DISABLETIPFORGIFT This parameter is used to enable or disable TIP prompting for gift transaction.
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled
1 Application
DNS_1_2 This parameter is used to set the first DNS server if DHCP is disabled. Alphanumeric, 23 Interfaces
DNS_2_2 This parameter is used to set the second DNS server if DHCP is disabled. Alphanumeric, 23 Interfaces
EBT_MERCHANTNAME This parameter is used to set the Merchant name for EBT GSC PIM connection. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 <blank> Hosts
EBT_PARM_MID This parameter is used to set the Merchant Gateway ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 15 <blank> Hosts
EBT_PARM_TID This parameter is used to set the terminal ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 8 <blank> Hosts
EBT_CATCODE This parameter is used to set the EBT Merchant category code. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
FSA_MERCHANTNAME This parameter is used to set the Merchant name for FSA GSC PIM connection. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 <blank> Hosts
FSA_PARM_MID This parameter is used to set the Merchant Gateway ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 15 <blank> Hosts
FSA_PARM_TID This parameter is used to set the terminal ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 8 <blank> Hosts
FSA_CATCODE This parameter is used to set the FSA Merchant category code. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
GATEWAY_2 This parameter is used to set the IPv4 Gateway if DHCP is disabled. Alphanumeric, 23 Interfaces
GIFT_MERCHANTNAME This parameter is used to set the Merchant name for Gift GSC PIM connection. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 <blank> Hosts
GIFT_PARM_MID This parameter is used to set the Merchant Gateway ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 15 <blank> Hosts
GIFT_PARM_TID This parameter is used to set the terminal ID. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 8 <blank> Hosts
GIFT_CATCODE This parameter is used to set the Gift Merchant category code. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
IP_ADDRESS_2 This parameter is used to set the IPv4 address if DHCP is disabled. Alphanumeric, 23 Interfaces
MAXTIPAMOUNT This parameter is used to set the maximum Tip amount. Numeric, 5 <blank> Application
NETMASK_2 This parameter is used to set the IPv4 network mask if DHCP is disabled. Alphanumeric, 23 Interfaces
PLOYALTY This parameter is used to configure the loyalty flow.
  • 0 – Loyalty Flow, where device would prompt for phone number, VAS or Loyalty card based on option selected. Any PCI card would be sent back as with masked Account number and non-PCI card would be sent back in clear.
  • 1 – Loyalty Flow, where device would prompt for phone number, VAS and Loyalty on a single screen. Any PCI card would be sent back as with masked Account number and non-PCI card would be sent back in clear.
  • 2 – Loyalty Flow, where device would prompt for phone number, VAS and Loyalty on a single screen. For any PCI card, CARD_TOKEN request would go to Host, and then CARD_TOKEN would be sent back, and non-PCI card would be sent back in clear.
0 Application
PRIMARYTCPADDRESS This parameter is used to set the primary TCP address. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 Hosts
PRIMARYTCPPROXY This parameter is used to set the primary TCP proxy IP address for HTTP web proxy ADK com. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 Hosts
PRIMARYTCPPROXY_PORT This parameter is used to set the Primary TCP proxy IP Port for HTTP web proxy ADK com. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 5 28080 Hosts
PROMPTVHQDEVICEID This parameter is used to prompt for Device ID on the terminal during Preamble. If PROMPTVHQDEVICEID is set to 1, then the terminal will prompt for Device ID. Once Device ID is entered, VHQ will download Parameter Template automatically if it is out of Sync. If PROMPTVHQDEVICEID is set to 0, the terminal will not prompt for Device ID. NOTE: Once the Device ID is entered, this Device ID will be stored in the VHQDEVICEID parameter, that can be accessed using SCA Configuration menu in the Terminal.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
0 Deployment
REMOVELOYALTYPHONEBUTTON This parameter is used to remove the phone button for loyalty capture.
  • 0 - Remove
  • 1 - Do not remove
0 Application
SECONDARYTCPADDRESS This parameter is used to set the secondary TCP address. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 Hosts
SECONDARYTCPPROXY This parameter is used to set the secondary TCP proxy IP address for HTTP web proxy ADK com. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 Hosts
SECONDARYTCPPROXY_PORT This parameter is used to set the secondary TCP proxy IP Port for HTTP web proxy ADK com. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 5 28080 Hosts
TIMEOUT_ERROR This parameter is used to set the duration of timeout for the error screen. NOTE: If any error timeout is empty, then default of 3 would be applied. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 3   Timeout
TIMEOUT_INPUT This parameter is used to set the duration of timeout for the user’s input screen. NOTE: If any input timeout is empty, then the default value of INPUTTIMEOUT parameter would be applied. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 3   Timeout
TIMEOUT_SUCCESS This parameter is used to set the duration of timeout for the success screen. NOTE: If any success timeout is empty, then default of 3 would be applied. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 3   Timeout
TIPAMOUNT1 This parameter is used to set the Tip amount 1. Numeric, 5. Allowed Values: 0 and 99999 0100 Application
TIPAMOUNT2 This parameter is used to set the Tip amount 2. Numeric, 5. Allowed Values: 0 and 99999 0200 Application
TIPAMOUNT3 This parameter is used to set the Tip amount 3. Numeric, 5. Allowed Values: 0 and 99999 0300 Application
TIPAMOUNT4 This parameter is used to set the Tip amount 4. Numeric, 5. Allowed Values: 0 and 99999 0400 Application
UNMASKEDPANFORNONPCI This parameter is used to enable or disable sending the account number back to POS in ACCT_NUM field as unmasked for non PCI cards, for example Gift card.
  • 0 - Disabled
  • 1 - Enabled
1 Application
VHQDEVICEIDLENGTH This parameter is used to set the length for VHQ Device ID. NOTE: If the value is set to 0 or blank, then the application will ignore this parameter. Numeric, 2. Possible value: 1 - 99 Blank Deployment


On Timeout Parameters: To set the Timeout value for any command, the user can add a parameter by appending the COMMAND name in any of the three Timeout parameters. For example: To set Timeout value for LOYALTY SUCCESS screen as 10 seconds, the format should be TIMEOUT_SUCCESS_LOYALTY=10. CHARITY ERROR screen as 5 seconds, the format should be TIMEOUT_ERROR_CHARITY=5. As of this publication, only LOYALTY success screen is supported.

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