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SCA Functional Specification

UGP Parameters

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

This section contains parameters that are unique for UGP solution.



Few parameters from Hosts/UGP Parameters, are not configurable using SET_PARM command. Refer to Parameters Not Configurable with SET_PARM for more details on the list parameters.

Config.usr1/Parameter DLD Name Description Valid/Max Values Default Value Location (table)
ALLOWEMVTAGSFORAUTOVOID This parameter is used to enable or disable sending EMV tags for Auto reversal (Void) transactions. This parameter is applicable for Canada set up only, in card declined scenario and additionally, this is applicable, when QUICKCHIP parameter is set to 0 (Application Parameters).
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
0 Hosts
AUTOLASTTRANSRETRYCOUNT This parameter is used to set the number of last transaction command retries when any transaction times out. This parameter controls retries after the 1 mandatory attempt. Numeric, 2. Valid ranges from 0 to 10 0 Hosts
AUTOLASTTRANSSUPPORT This parameter is used to enable or disable the triggering of AUTO_LAST_TRAN to get the response from the Host. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
1 Hosts
ALLOWOFFLINETRANTOGOWITHONLINE This parameter allows SAF transaction to post parallel with online transaction. If set to 0-Disable, no session in progress allows SAF records to be posted (SAF).
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
1 StoreAndForward
CALLFORAUTHPROCID_n This parameter contains nth number of Processor ID names, for which SCA would consider returning of the result code 59074. All possible Processor IDs should be present in the table. Example: CALLFORAUTHPROCID_1 will contain the first processor. CALLFORAUTHPROCID_2 will contain the second processor. And the Processor ID names will continue. String. It contains Processor ID Name of nth Processor ID. Empty callforauth
CALLFORAUTHPYMTTYPES_n This parameter contains payment types for nth number of Processor ID, for which SCA would consider returning of the result code 59074. All possible payment types for nth Processor should be present separated by hyphen. Example: CALLFORAUTHPYMTTYPES_1 will contain supported payment types for first processor. CALLFORAUTHPYMTTYPES_2 will contain supported payment types for second processor. And the payment types for the Processor IDs will continue. String. It contains list of payment types separated by hyphens, -, supported by nth Processor. Empty callforauth
CALLFORAUTHPYMTMEDIALIST_n This parameter contains payment media for nth number of Processor ID, for which SCA would consider returning of the result code 59074. All possible payment media for nth Processor ID should be present separated by hyphen. Example: CALLFORAUTHPYMTMEDIALIST_1 will contain supported payment media for first processor. CALLFORAUTHPYMTMEDIALIST_2 will contain supported payment media for second processor. And the payment media for the Processor IDs will continue. String. It contains list of payment media separated by hyphens, -, supported by nth Processor. Empty callforauth
This parameter contains list of all possible host response codes based on payment media separated by hyphens (-), supported by nth Processor, for which SCA would consider returning of the result code 59074. A list of all possible host response codes based on payment media would be present separated by hyphen. For each payment media, the list of Host Response codes would be present with comma separated.
  • For example with PWC-Worldpay:
  • For example with PWC-Fiserv:
  • Here,
    • 1st Processor ID name is SP53/ RCNASH.
    • Allowed Payment Types are CHECK, CREDIT and DEBIT.
    • Allowed Payment Media are MASTERCARD and VISA.
    • Allowed Host Response Codes for MASTERCARD are 701 and 714.
    • Allowed Host Response Codes for VISA are 1 and 2.
String. Contains list of all possible host response codes per payment media, separated by hyphens, -, supported by nth processor Empty callforauth
CONNECTTIMEOUT This parameter is used to set the duration for transaction connection timeout. NOTE: This parameter is applicable for UGP host. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 6 45 seconds Hosts
CTLSFALLBACKRESPCODES This parameter is used to set the response code list from Host to retry the transaction without CTLS Interface. The Host response code list is separated by pipe | to retry the transaction without CTLS Interface. For example, the default value means for the Host result codes, 65 or 065 or 20065 or 665, the card details will be repromoted with CTLS disabled. Alphanumeric, 256 65|065|20065|665 Application
CTLSFBRESPCODE This parameter is used to determine if the acquirer sends the response code to fallback to contact interface. Host Specific value. 190 - Fallback to Contact Interface. 192 Application
CTLSPINPROMPTRESPCODE This parameter is used to determine if the acquirer sends the response code to prompt for online PIN. Host Specific value. 192 - Online Pin Required 190 Application
DIALPABX This parameter is used to set the Dial PBX code. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 20 <blank> Hosts
DIALPHONE This parameter is used to set the Dial-up phone number. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 20 <blank> Hosts
DIALTIMEOUT This parameter is used to set the transaction timeout for dialed connections. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 5 <blank> Hosts
DISABLEBATCHSIMODE This parameter is used to disable the retrieving and checking of batch record of original transaction from the device for follow on transactions like VOID, COMPLETION etc. In case of UGP, setting this parameter to 1 (default value for UGP) will enable the application to run original (like, PRE_AUTH) transaction on one device and its follow-on (like, COMPLETION) transaction on the other device. When this parameter is set 1, then any follow-on transaction (completion/capture of auth, completion/capture of a voice-auth, void, or CTROUTD based refund etc.) should be processed to the gateway without checking a batch stored on the device.
  • 0 - Will check the batch record
  • 1 - Will not check the batch record
1 Application
DISCLAIMER1 This parameter is used to set the Disclaimer line 1. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 40 I AGREE TO PAY ABOVE AMOUNT ACCORDING Hosts
DISCLAIMER2 This parameter is used to set the Disclaimer line 2. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 40 TO THE CARD ISSUER AGREEMENT Hosts
DISCLAIMER3 This parameter is used to set the Disclaimer line 3. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 40 (MERCHANT AGREEMENT IF CREDIT/VOUCHER) Hosts
DISCLAIMER4 This parameter is used to set the Disclaimer line 4. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 40 [blank] Hosts
DISPLAYOPERATIONNAME This parameter is used to enable or disable the Device Commands operation to be displayed on the status screen.
  • 0 – Disable
  • 1 – Enable
0 Application
DYNAMICPWENABLED This parameter is used to enable or disable dynamic password.
  • 0 – Disable
  • 1 – Enable
0 Authorization
ENABLEINTERACMAC This parameter is used to enable or disable Interac MAC. When this parameter is enabled (set to 1), SCA will do the Interac KEY_LOAD for Canada builds, the MAC generation and validation for each transaction and then send the Interac MAC related fields in the host request. If this parameter is disabled (set to 0), then SCA will not do any of the above mentioned activities.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
1 Hosts
ENABLEINDUSTRYCODEPASSTHROUGH This parameter is used to enable or disable industry code passthrough.
  • 0 – Disable
  • 1 – Enable
0 Application
ENCRYPTPASSTHRUADE This parameter is used to enable or disable encryption for passthrough ADE.
  • 0 – Disable
  • 1 – Enable
1 Application
FORCEPLDEBITFLAG This parameter controls the PINLESS_DEBIT flag for UGP solution. Setting this parameter value to Y, will send the PINLESS DEBIT flag as 1, whereas setting the parameter value to N would send the PINLESS DEBIT flag as 0. Alphabetic, 3 N Application
GIFTPARTIALAUTH This parameter is used to enable or disable Gift partial authorization flag. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name.
  • 0 – Off
  • 1 – On
1 Hosts
HOSTNAME This parameter is used to set the Host name. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 10 UGP  
IGNOREHOSTPYMTMEDIA This parameter is used to ignore the PAYMENT_MEDIA value received in the host response and instead retain the one picked from CardLabel field of the respective BIN table.
  • 0 – Do not ignore the PAYMENT_MEDIA value from host response.
  • 1 – Ignore the PAYMENT_MEDIA from host response.
0 Hosts/UGP
INCLUDETAFLAG This parameter is used to send TA_FLAG in host request. This parameter is also used in conjunction with TAVE_ parameter. NOTE: TA_FLAG indicates which type of processor encrypted transaction is applicable.
  • 0 – Disable
  • 1 – Enable
1 Hosts
INDUSTRY This parameter is used to set the industry type to print on terminal parameter Report. Alphanumeric, 10 NA Merchants
JCBTERMCAP This parameter is used to set the default JCB terminal capability. It is recommended not to change the default set value. Not to be changed E068C8 Application
MCONNRET This parameter is used to set the maximum number of retries to connect the host. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 1 1  
OVERRIDEEXCESSAPPROVAL This parameter can be used in situations when there is a host approval for excess amount than the originally requested transaction amount. If OVERRIDEEXCESSAPPROVAL parameter is set to 1, then this excess approval is overridden and the APPROVED_AMOUNT value will be going back to POS same as the original transaction amount. NOTE: DIFF_AMOUNT_DUE will be sent back to POS unaltered in this case. NOTE: This use case is limited to Reward Certificate SALE transactions only, which is customer specific. Please reach out to Verifone representatives/Dev Team before setting this parameter.
  • 0 - Do not override excess host approval.
  • 1 - Override excess host approval
0 Hosts
PADKSN This parameter is used for padding of KSN (KEY_SERIAL_NUM) before sending to host. Alphanumeric, 6. Value: <L or R><Total length including original value><Character to pad>. Example: L200 Orig: KSN = 1234567890123456 New: KSN = 00001234567890123456 [empty]. NOTE: [empty] implies KSN length = 16 Application
PINLESSDEBIT This parameter is used to control the pin less debit support.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
1 Application
PARM_CLIENTID This parameter is used to set the Client ID used for communicating with PAYware Connect (stored by application). NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 20 (Host/UGP Client ID) Hosts
PARTIALEMVPOSTAUTH This parameter is used to decide whether the EMV tags are supposed to be sent to host for Partial EMV Force Transaction.
  • 0 - Send EMV Tags for Partial EMV Force.
  • 1 - Do not send EMV Tags for Partial EMV Force
0 Application
PARM_MID This parameter is used to set the Merchant Gateway ID. This value represents a unique number assigned to a merchant. This number is used for all processing activities. This value can also represent the network gateway through which transactions should be routed. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 15 [blank] Hosts
PARTIALAUTH_1 This parameter is used to enable ro disable partial authorization. NOTE: It is necessary to set PartialAuth1=0 in config.$$$ in GID01 to disable partial auth.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
PARM_ADMINURL This parameter is used to set the Primary URL. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 128 [Gateway demo URL] Hosts
PLOYALTY This parameter is used to configure the loyalty flow.
  • 0 – Loyalty Flow, where device would prompt for phone number, VAS or Loyalty card based on option selected. Any PCI card would be sent back as with masked Account number and non-PCI card would be sent back in clear.
  • 1 – Loyalty Flow, where device would prompt for phone number, VAS and Loyalty on a single screen. Any PCI card would be sent back as with masked Account number and non-PCI card would be sent back in clear.
  • 2 – Loyalty Flow, where device would prompt for phone number, VAS and Loyalty on a single screen. For any PCI card, CARD_TOKEN request would go to Host, and then CARD_TOKEN would be sent back, and non-PCI card would be sent back in clear.
0 Application
PRIMARYCOMMTYPE This parameter is used to set the Communication Type. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name.
  • TCP
  • NONE
TCP Hosts
PARM_SCNDURL This parameter is used to set the Secondary URL. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric 128 [Gateway demo URL] Hosts
PARM_TID This parameter is used to set the Terminal ID, that represents a device from a specific facility, restaurant, or retail location. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 8 0 Hosts
PRIMARYTCPADDRESS This parameter is used to set the Primary TCP address. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 <blank> Hosts
PRIMARYTCPPORT This parameter is used to set the Primary TCP port. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
PRIMARYTCPTYPE This parameter is used to set the Primary TCP type. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
PRIMARYTCPTIMEOUT This parameter is used to set the Primary TCP timeout. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 5 <blank> Hosts
RECEIVETIMEOUT This parameter is used to set the calculated time out, when receiving response from Host. NOTE: This parameter is applicable for UGP host. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 6 20 seconds Hosts
REPEATMACKEYLOAD This parameter is used to enable or disable the MAC key load at each startup.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
0 Hosts
SECONDARYTCPADDRESS This parameter is used to set the Secondary TCP address. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 200 <blank> Hosts
SECONDARYTCPPORT This parameter is used to set the Secondary TCP port. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
SECONDARYTCPTYPE This parameter is used to set the Secondary TCP type. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 4 <blank> Hosts
SECONDARYTCPTIMEOUT This parameter is used to set the Secondary TCP timeout. Numeric, 5 <blank> Hosts
SECONDARYCOMMTYPE This parameter is used to set the Secondary Communication type. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name.
  • TCP
  • NONE
NONE Hosts
SENDTIMEOUT This parameter is used to set the calculated time out, while sending request to Host. NOTE: This parameter is applicable for UGP host. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Numeric, 6 20 seconds Hosts
SVSNONDENOMINATEDCARD This parameter is used to enable or disable sending SSI REGISTER command instead of ACTIVATE for non-denominated cards. This is applicable for SVS only.
  • N - Disable
  • Y - Enable
N Application
TAVE (with an underscore _ at the end of the name)
This parameter indicates the TransArmor Verifone Edition encryption and used in conjunction with INCLUDETAFLAG parameter for end processor decryption and tokenization. This parameter is used for two functionalities: Firstly, for end processor decryption, TAVE_ and INCLUDETAFLAG parameter should have a value of 1, which decides to send TA_FLAG in the request packet to the UGP gateway. The default value of INCLUDETAFLAG is 1. Secondly, for TOKEN_QUERY command to receive 3rd party/end processor token through PWC, TAVE should be set to 1 and INCLUDETAFLAG parameter should be set to 0 if card data decryption is being done by PWC(PWC DEMO/PROD encryption), and that settings make the device to receive the end processor token by sending host request as TOKENIZE to PWC during TOKEN_QUERY transaction. NOTE: This is not to be confused with the camcore.ini TAVE setting in GID2, which affects SCA in the following manner (Where E = encrypted and C = clear)
  • Camcore.ini TAVE: 0, 1, 2
  • Non-EMV: E, E, E
  • EMV (5F24): E, C, E
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
0 Hosts
TOKENIZE This parameter is used to determine the Tokenization.
  • 0 - Do not tokenize
  • 1 - Generate matching token
  • 2 - Generate both payment and matching tokens
  • 3 - Generate 3rd party token from the Processor (Chase, Worldpay) outside of VHT
2 Application
TKNFORGIFTMERCH This parameter is used to enable or disable token for Gift and Merchant. If this parameter value is set to 0, then the field TKN_PROCESS will go as 0 in host in case of Gift and Merch_Credit. NOTE: TKNFORGIFTMERCH parameter is not applicable for token query.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
1 Hosts
TORRETRYCOUNT This parameter is used to set the number of times Time Out Reversals (TOR) requests will be posted by the application for ADS (PRIV_LBL) PRE_AUTH, REFUND and Canadian Debit. NOTE: For US, TOR is being handled by Gateway. For Canada, Gateway expects TOR to be sent for Canadian Debit transactions and for other transactions it will be handled by Gateway. Therefore, TORRETRYCOUNT parameter is applicable to Canada build and it is not needed for US build. Numeric, 1. 1 - Canadian Debit 0 Hosts
This parameter is used to enable or disable UGP RTS pass through. Based on this parameter value PE_PASSTHRU field should be sent in the host request.
  • Byte 1 - PRIV_LBL/BLACKHAWK Cards
  • Byte 2 - CHECK
  • [empty]
  • 0 - Disable for Private Label; disable for CHECK
  • 1 - Enable for Private Label; disable for CHECK
  • 00 - Disable for Private Label; disable for CHECK
  • 01 - Disable for Private Label; enable for CHECK
  • 10 - Enable for Private Label; disable for CHECK
  • 11 - Enable for Private Label; enable for CHECK
0 Hosts
URIPATH This parameter is used to set URI Path. NOTE: This parameter has an underscore (_) at the end of the name. Alphanumeric, 128 ipchapi/rh.aspx Hosts
UNMASKEDPANFORACTIVATE This parameter is used to print unmasked PAN on receipt of ACTIVATE and BLOCK_ACTIVATE transaction.
  • 0 - Masked PAN will be printed as of other transactions.
  • 1 - Unmasked PAN will be printed on Receipt.
0 Application

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