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SCA Functional Specification

Application Alerts to VHQ

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

SCA application has been enhanced to support sending Application alerts to VHQ server. This feature would allow the application to send alerts to VHQ server for some events on the Device, like Bluetooth connection or disconnection. Previously, such events were only stored in scapp/debug logs with no accessibility for the customer to review or troubleshoot. Application alerts are sent to VHQ server, either at the time of occurrence of the event or it will queue up all the alerts to combine them and send at once to the server.

Application Alert Format

Application alert is added for Bluetooth connection, to combine all Bluetooth connection changes into one or few alert(s), so that the alert data content usage is optimized.
There are four types of alerts, generated from Bluetooth connection and the scenario during the disconnection:

  • BT_CONNECTED - When Bluetooth is connected.
  • IN_SESSION_DISCONNECT - Bluetooth disconnected, when a session on the device is active.
  • OUT_SESSION_DISCONNECT - When a session is not active or if the user cannot fetch the session information. This is the default alert type.
  • PAIRING_DISCONNECT - When the device is put into pairing mode using 5+Enter.

Sample Alerts

The following separators are used in the alert data content:

  • Key-Value Separator - Equal (=)
  • Unit Separator - Comma (,)
  • Group Separator - Semi-colon (;)

Alert Format

Description: TYPE=BT_CONNECTED;NUM_RECORDS=4;D1=20240701;D2=20240702;P1=AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL,1234567890;P2=CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL:MN,2345678901;

Detail: D1,P1,11:41:01,13:41:01;D1,P2,15:41:01;D2,P1,04:56:37;

Following table provides Description on the alert format:

Fields Description
TYPE Type of alert. Example: BT_CONNECTED
NUM_RECORDS Number of records per timestamp. Example: NUM_RECORDS=4
D1, D2 This indicates the date, as Date 1, Date 2. Example: D1=20240701, D2=20240702
P1, P2 This indicates the POS, as POS 1, POS 2 and the value provided is Bluetooth MAC value. Example: P1= AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL,1234567890, P2=CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL:MN,2345678901;

Here, in Detail: D1,P1,11:41:01,13:41:01;D1,P2,15:41:01;D2,P1,04:56:37;

Fields Description
D1,P1,11:41:01,13:41:01; On Date 1 (20240701), POS 1 (AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL,1234567890) was connected twice (NUM_RECORDS=2) at 11:41:01 and 13:41:01 hours.
D1,P2,15:41:01; On Date 1 (20240701), POS 2 (CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL:MN,2345678901) was connected at 15:41:01 hours.
D2,P1,04:56:37; On Date 2 (20240702), POS 1 (AB:CD:EF:GH:IJ:KL,1234567890) was connected at 04:56:37 hours.


If the device has any existing stored Bluetooth disconnection alerts, when the upgrade is installed, then those alerts will be removed after a reboot, as this alert type is no longer supported.

Following are the few examples of Alerts data from VHQ:

Alerts Scenario Alert Data Examples
BT_CONNECTED Application: SCA-UGP_parameters, Details: D1,P1,12:32:14;, AdditionalInformation: TYPE=BT_CONNECTED;NUM_RECORDS=1;D1=20241018;P1=58:64:C4:AE:56:70,G5VX7QY136;.
PAIRING_DISCONNECT Application: SCA-UGP_parameters, Details: D1,P1,12:16:32,12:18:24;, AdditionalInformation: TYPE=PAIRING_DISCONNECT;NUM_RECORDS=2;D1=20241018;P1=58:64:C4:AE:56:70,G5VX7QY136;.
OUT_SESSION_DISCONNECT Application: SCA-UGP_parameters, Details: D1,P1,12:14:38,12:18:09;, AdditionalInformation: TYPE=OUT_SESSION_DISCONNECT;NUM_RECORDS=2;D1=20241018;P1=58:64:C4:AE:56:70,G5VX7QY136;.
IN_SESSION_DISCONNECT Application: SCA-UGP_parameters, Details: D1,P1,12:12:44,12:12:59,12:13:07,12:13:15;, AdditionalInformation: TYPE=IN_SESSION_DISCONNECT;NUM_RECORDS=4;D1=20241018;P1=58:64:C4:AE:56:70,G5VX7QY136;.

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