If this feature is enabled, then the application will store the card details within the same session when a Sale Transaction is declined. This feature is applicable for Credit and Private Label card transactions.
If the next transaction is a post Auth transaction with the authorization code, then application will reuse the stored card data instead of prompting for the card data again.
For example, when a card is used for Sale Transaction and if host returns an error to call for voice approval or if host is not available and transaction amount exceeds the transaction floor limit, then Application will not be able to proceed with transaction.
In this case POS will follow up with the post AUTH after obtaining authorization code. Instead of expecting customer to re-insert/swipe card, the application will use the stored card data.
Application configuration should include “STORECARDFORPOSTAUTH” parameter (Application Parameters) with a value of 0 or 1 for disabling or enabling the feature respectively.
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