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SCA Functional Specification


Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

This command is used to configure the barcode scanner by setting the required field values and this configuration will be continuing until it is reconfigured with different values. Barcode configuration can be done whenever required. However, this command cannot be sent when synchronous scan (multi-scan) starts, since it will return error message. In that case, it should be sent after barcode scan stops.

Request Packet
Field Rule Type Minimum Maximum Value(s) Description
FUNCTION_TYPE Required Static value N/A N/A BARCODE Type of function
COMMAND Required Static value N/A N/A BCCONFIG Command name
  • 0 - Edge (button press and release required to start scan session)
  • 1 - Level (button press and hold required)
  • 2 - Soft (scan starts when command is issued)
  • 3 - Passive
Trigger mode. Frame triggers do not activate the scanner unless either the iPad/iPod is docked in the frame or the iPad frame is in the charger.
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Scan only
  • 2 - Error only
  • 3 - Error
Sets beep behavior of the scanner. Controls whether the beep occurs after a valid scan, only an error, both scenarios, or not at all.
BCCFG_PICKLIST Optional Binary N/A N/A
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
Picklist mode is where the barcode reader decodes only bar codes that are aligned under the center of the aiming pattern.
BCCFG_SESTIMEOUT Optional Numeric     Valid value for timeout ranges is 500 to 10000. Default value is 10000. Scanner timeout, in milliseconds. This is ignored in Continuous Mode only. If any value is sent which is less than the minimum value, then it will take minimum timeout value(i.e. 500), without returning any error. If any value is sent which is more than the maximum value, then it will take maximum timeout value(i.e. 10000) without returning any error.
BCCFG_SAMSYMTO Optional Numeric     Valid value: Timeout range is 100 to 10000 milliseconds. In Single Scan Mode, the maximum allowed timeout value is 10000 milliseconds. Default value is 600. Same symbol scan timeout, in milliseconds. This is applicable for Continuous Mode only. If any value is sent which is less than the minimum value, then it will take minimum timeout value (i.e. 100), without returning any error. If any value is sent which is more than the maximum value, then it will take maximum timeout value(i.e. 10000) without returning any error.
BCCFG_DIFSYMTO Optional Numeric     Valid value: Timeout range is 100 to 10000 milliseconds. Default value is 200. Different symbol scan timeout, in milliseconds. While Continuous mode is enabled, use this method to prevent multiple reads of a symbol left in the decoder’s field of view. The timeout begins when a symbol is removed from the field of view. This is applicable for Continuous Mode only. If any value is sent which is less than the minimum value, then it will take minimum timeout value(i.e. 100), without returning any error. If any value is sent which is more than the maximum value, then it will take maximum timeout value(i.e. 10000) without returning any error.
BCCFG_CONMODE Optional Binary    
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
Continuous mode is where the barcode laser scans continuously. Normally, the laser shuts off and the scanning session ends after one successful scan/decode. Continuous mode is enabled with any of the Trigger modes.
BCCFG_PHONDISMODE Optional Binary    
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
This setting improves barcode reading performance with target bar codes displayed on mobile phones and electronic displays.
BCCFG_DATAPRF Optional Character 0x00 0xFF Value of scan data prefix, Example: 13 This is used when scan data transmission format prefix + data is selected to set the prefix value.
BCCFG_DATASUFX1 Optional Character 0x00 0xFF Value of scan data suffix 1, Example: 13 This is used when scan data transmission format data + suffix1 is selected to set the suffix1 value
BCCFG_DATASUFX2 Optional Character 0x00 0xFF Value of scan data suffix 2, Example: 13 This is used when scan data transmission format data + suffix2 is selected to set the suffix1 value
BCCFG_DATATRNSMODE Optional Numeric    
  • 0 - Scan data as is (default)
  • 1 - Suffix 1 added
  • 2 - Suffix 2 added
  • 3 - Suffix 1 and 2 added
  • 4 - Prefix added
  • 5 - Prefix and Suffix 1 added
  • 6 - Prefix and Suffix 2 added
  • 7 - Prefix and Suffix 1 and 2 added
Changes the scan data format to have a custom prefix and/or suffix1 and/or suffix2 value.
BCCFG_AIMPATTERN Optional Binary    
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable (Default)
Enables or disables AIM pattern. When enabled, the dot pattern for the laser is used during bar code capture. Default is enabled.
BCCFG_UNIREPORT Optional Binary    
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
While continuous mode is enabled, use this setting to only report unique bar codes during the scanning session.
BCCFG_ASYNCPOSSCAN Optional Binary    
  • 0 - Disable
  • 1 - Enable
Enables multi-scan. When Enabled, any scanned barcode data (manual or software) is redirected to POS port if it is set up.
BCCFG_DISPLAY_UI Optional Binary    
  • 0 - Disable (default)
  • 1 - Enable
Enables or disables barcode UI display for e280 device. This field is always enable for M440 and M424 devices. Example: <BCCFG_DISPLAY_UI>1</BCCFG_DISPLAY_UI>
COUNTER Required Numeric 1 10   COUNTER is used for a given MAC label. Each COUNTER should be higher than the last one. This is sed to authenticate the POS. Example: 2
MAC Required Base64 Encoded Data N/A N/A N/A Message Authentication Code. This is used to authenticate the POS.
MAC_LABEL Required Character 1 50   Associated label that tells the device which MAC_KEY to use to decrypt the value of MAC. This is used to authenticate the POS. Example: P_JTY065

Following is an example of request packet

Response Packet
Field Type Value Description
RESPONSE_TEXT Character   Processor response text. Example: Command response 0
RESULT Character   This indicates the Result details. Example: SUCCESS
RESULT_CODE Numeric Expected result code: -1, 59001, 59006, 59040 This indicates the result code. Refer to Result/Error Codes for details.
TERMINATION_STATUS Character SUCCESS or FAILURE This indicates the transaction termination status. This is the overall status of the transaction irrespective of approved or declined. Like, if the output is generated then the status is SUCCESS and if no output is generated then the status will be FAILURE.
COUNTER Numeric   Echoes counter sent in the request. Example: 2

Following is an example of response packet


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