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SCA Functional Specification


Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

This command overrides the price or description on existing line item(s).

Device UI Required: Yes

Request Packet
Field Rule Type Minimum Maximum Value(s) Description
FUNCTION_TYPE Required Static value N/A N/A LINE_ITEM Type of function
COMMAND Required Static value N/A N/A OVERRIDE Command name
RUNNING_SUB_TOTAL Optional Floating point number 1(2) 6(2)   Running subtotal. This field supports negative amounts. Example: 1.00
RUNNING_TAX_AMOUNT Required Floating point number 1(2) 6(2)   Running tax total of the transaction. This field supports negative amounts. Example: 0.07
RUNNING_TRANS_AMOUNT Required Floating point number 1(2) 6(2)   Running total of the transaction. This field supports negative amounts. Example: 1.07
RUNNING_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Required Floating point number 1(2) 6(2)   Discount amount. Example: -999999.99
COUNTER Required Numeric 1 10   COUNTER is used for a given MAC label. Each COUNTER should be higher than the last one. This is sed to authenticate the POS. Example: 100
MAC Required Base64 Encoded Data N/A N/A   Message Authentication Code. This is used to authenticate the POS.
MAC_LABEL Required Character 1 50   Associated label that tells the device which MAC_KEY to use to decrypt the value of MAC. This is used to authenticate the POS. Example: REG1

MERCHANDISE Child Elements

Overrides merchandise to the transaction.
Field Rule Type Minimum Maximum Value(s) Description
LINE_ITEM_ID Required Numeric 1 10   Line item identifier to be overridden. Example: 1
DESCRIPTION Optional Character 1 17 or 40  
Text description of line item. Example: Apple Pie. NOTE: Full line item screen must be configured for description > 17 characters. For this Description field, the number of characters supported in a line item (in a single line without line break) are the following: On small screens devices (like e, V and P series), if the content length of the Description field is more than the value mentioned above, then it will take the next line and it may affect the alignment of the content.
  • M400 - 25 (Full Screen), 12 (Split Screen)
  • M440 - 40 (Full Screen), 21 (Split Screen)
  • M424 - 37 (Full Screen), 15 (Split Screen)
  • E280 - 8 (Full Screen)
  • E285 - 8 (Full Screen)
  • V/P200 - 7 (Full Screen)
  • V/P400 - 6 (Full Screen)
QUANTITY Optional Numeric 1 10   Number of items. Example: 2
UNIT_PRICE Optional Floating point number 1(2) 6(2)   Single item price without tax. This field supports negative amounts. Example: 0.50. NOTE: This field is not applicable to Neo devices (VOS3). Neo device does not have any column for unit price in Line Item screen.
EXTENDED_PRICE Optional Floating point number 1(2) 6(2)   New total price of the line item. This field supports negative amounts. Example: 1.00

Following is an example of request packet

Response Packet
Field Type Value Description
RESPONSE_TEXT Character   Processor response text. Example: Overwrote line item
RESULT Character   This indicates the Result details. Example: OK
RESULT_CODE Numeric Expected result codes: -1, 59004, 59040, 59042, 59044, 59045, 59046, 59047, 59048, 59028 This indicates the result code.
TERMINATION_STATUS Character SUCCESS or FAILURE This indicates the transaction termination status. This is the overall status of the transaction irrespective of approved or declined. Like, if the output is generated then the status is SUCCESS and if no output is generated then the status will be FAILURE.
COUNTER Numeric   Echoes COUNTER sent in the request. Example: 100

Following is an example of response packet

    <RESPONSE_TEXT> Overwrote line item</RESPONSE_TEXT>

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