Commander site controller
The Commander site controller is the fastest site controller in the industry that allows fuel authorizations in seconds and lightning-fast installs. It can be managed remotely from any web-enabled device and it's compatible with PDK Architecture for backward compatibility with legacy interfaces.
Commander site controller supports Topaz and future petro platforms – including mobile POS. It's built on the fast and modular VIPER Payment Architecture which makes it highly secure with the PA-DSS validation and makes it able to handle EMV.
Moving to Commander Platform
Commander Site Controller Hardware Overview
- Processor
2.10 GHz Intel Core i3-2310E CPU
Slots for two additional CPU cards with dedicated I/O
- Memory
- Storage
8GB Solid State Mass Storage
High Capacity HDD Hard Drive for automatic upgrade
- Connectivity
4x USB 2.0 ports
2x 10/100/1000 Ethernet Ports
16x RS-232 Serial Ports expandable to 24
- Display
2x20 Diagnostic Display on Front Bezel
- Operating System
Secure Real-Time Linux
Forecourt Control Interface Box
The forecourt control interface box connects Commander Site Controller to dispensers and card readers, and offers support for:
- VeriFone SPP
- Gilbarco CRIND
- Wayne CAT
- Tokheim DPT
Fourcourt Control Interface Board
- FCI Box houses up to 4 interface boards
- Any combination of Current Loop and RS485 interfaces
- Standard installation with two boards – shown here with 4 boards for better performance or larger sites
- Current Loop Boards support Dispenser comms and Gilbarco CRIND
- RS485 Boards support SPP, Wayne CAT and Tokheim DPTs
- FCI can support combinations of dispenser types
Commander Site Controller Software Overview
Platform convergence
Applications and services that once ran on different CPUs in different boxes now all run on one board in a virtualized environment.
Store Control Improvements
Virtual Core #1 Store Controller Application:
- Support for VeriFone Integrated Promotions, including package pricing and increased numbers of mix and match
- Significant improvement in day close times including device polling and network polling
- Support for up to 32 Topaz or Ruby2 POS terminals – including mobile POS devices
New Fuel Interface for Commander Site Controller
Virtual Core #2 Forecourt Controller:
- VeriFone Fuel and DCR interface detached from POS and running on the separate core on the Commander Site Controller
- Commander Site Controller includes multi-channel interface software for the fastest transaction times
- Increased support for up to 64 fueling positions with minimal impact on performance
- Support for multiple manufacturer dispenser and DCR types on the same controller
All Commander Sites Run Viper in Dedicated EPS Core
Virtual Core #3 Payment Controller:
- Dedicated EPS software separates payment network components from the POS application
- Payment network changes can be implemented without impacting other areas of functionality
- Commander Site Controller’s modern processor speeds indoor payment transactions
- Loyalty and EPS configuration can be done easily through a Web-based interface
- Support for IP-based electronic payment transaction processing
- Dedicated NIC support for a payment network to enable physical segmentation of payments
V950 Services Migrated into Commander on Dedicated Core
Virtual Core #4 950 Services:
- V950 Services integrated into the Commander Site Controller eliminate the need for an additional device
- Help desk and diagnostic roles, such as log files
- Manages remote software downloads and upgrades – for POS and indoor PIN Pads
- Included support for internal hard drive allows for archiving of logs for support
Commander Site Controller Installation
Commander Site Controller with Payment Configuration
Description | Part number |
Commander Site Controller with HDD | M-149-111-00-NAA |
Forecourt Control Interface Box w/1 Current Loop Board | M-149-901-01-R |
Current Loop Board | 29721-01 |
RS 485 Board | 29376-01 |
Ethernet Cables | 22278-XX |
Shielded RS-232 Cables | 13836-xx |
Commander Console
- Web-based tools for configuration
- Store, forecourt and EPS configuration
- Accessible from any Web-enabled device including smartphones and tablets
Commander Site Controller PDK Updates
- API remains the same
- Credential document (cmd=validate) still exposes available commands
- Preserved as many of Sapphire datasets as possible
- New commands added
- [v/u]pscfuelcfg – replaces [v/u]fuelsite
- [v/u]pscdcrcfg – replaces [v/u]dcrcfg
- vtransset[z] – replaces vperiodrept[z, 2, 3]
- vviperrept – access to viper based nework reports
- vviperpdlist – access to viper based period list
- New schemas added
- pscFuelConfig.xsd – Fuel config
- pscDCRConfig.xsd – DCR config
- transset.xsd – tlog data
- reportData.xsd – Viper reports
- TranscationSet (tlog data)
- Root element and cmd change
- transactionSet > transSet
- vperiodrept[z, 2, 3] > vtransset[z]
- Fuel Prepay changes
- Rollback and fuelPrepayCompletion attributes added to trans
- They are mutually exclusive
- A prepay will not have other fuel lines
- A fuelPrepayCompletion will not have other fuel lines
- Viper Reports
- Network reports from Viper
- Lost when Sapphire went to EPSPAK
- New commands
- vviperrept – gets specific reports
- Vviperpdlist – periodlist of available FEPS and terminal batches
- New schema
- viper/reportData.xsd
- Viper Reports (continued)
- In summary
- Common XML format
- Extension points and schemas available
- FEP Specific reporting requirements
- pdlist contains all additional parameters
- Terminal Batch Number
- FEP name
- Use only vs:period/@sysid=‘2’ when making request
- In summary
Commander Site Controller SMS Migration
- SMS Config Manager replaced with ConfigClient
- url to access https://{sitecontroller_IP}/ConfigClient.html
- Web-based utility
- Browser independent
- Opera
- Safari
- IE
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Standalone Import/Export utility
- Continued support for
- Report Navigator
- Transaction Manager/Viewer
- Journal Browser
- Commander bundled with version SMS 2.xx.xx
- Version will work with Sapphire
- Sapphire version (1.xx.xx) WILL NOT work with Commander
Interim Deal PDK Update
- What is it?
- Stop-gap until full NAXML support with Enhanced Mix & Match
- Sapphire/Topaz only and only in certain applications
- What does it involve?
- New Schema
- expandedDealCfg.xsd
- Root element changed
- dealConfig > expandedDealConfig
- Namespace remains the same.
- New command
- [v/u]dealcfg > [v/u]expandeddealcfg
- New Schema
- Specific Changes
- mixes @sysid increased to 200
- deptMixes @sysid is now 201-210
- matches @sysid increased to 200
- Combos no longer supported
- Ruby/Sapphire NOT supported
- No Gemcom support
- PDK only to configure
Verifone Integrated Promotions (VIP)
Priority Deals
- Introduce concept of Priority
- Five Level - Lowest, Low, Medium, High, Highest
- Default priority is Medium
Package Pricing
- Different pricing for different quantity of the same item (UPC)
- 500 items for Topaz
- 96 items for Ruby
- Up to 10 price levels per item
Enhanced Mix & Match
- Specify day of the week when promotion is valid
- Specify time of day when promotion is valid
- Topaz only feature
Items and Deal with Interim and Enhanced Promotions
Mix & Match Support by Application
Verifone Integrated Promotions with PDK Update
- NAXML datasets supported
- ItemList (ILT)
- MixMatch (MMT)
- Combo (CBT)
- Combo Sales Movement (CBM)
- Schema Version
- NAXML 3.4
- No Gemcom support
- PDK only configuration and reporting
- Both Ruby and Topaz support VIP
- VIP MAY need to be enabled by VASC
- Default in Base 168 is ‘no’
- Default after Base 171 is ‘yes’
- Once VIP is enabled no reverting back to legacy Deal
- SMS supports VIP and Legacy Deal
- ConfigClient only supports VIP
- VIP Primer available soon
- Use Cases with sample XML
- NAXML Support known issue(s)
- NACS Payment System Codes
- Not properly supported in EPSPAK for
- Item
- MerchandiseCode
- Not properly supported in EPSPAK for
- NACS Payment System Codes
Enhanced Mix & Match Variants And supported Back office Interfaces
- Prior to Base 168
- Legacy (Current)
- Only for applications without Interim Mix & Match available
- vdealcfg/udealcfg - supported by gemcom32 (serial) and Sapphire (Ethernet IP) PDK
- Legacy (Current)
- Interim Mix & Match for Topaz sites only
- Available in selected applications only
- vexpandeddealcfg/uexpandeddealcfg – supported by Sapphire (Ethernet IP) PDK only
- SMS version packaged with application must be used
- Combo not available
- Base 168 and higher
- Enhanced Mix & Match/VeriFone Integrated Promotions (VIP)
- Sapphire properties file setting for NaxmlDeal enabled can be set to YES or NO
- vdealcfg/udealcfg (used if setting is NO) – supported by gemcom32 or Sapphire (Ethernet IP) PDK
- vmaintcfg/umaintcfg (used if setting is YES) – supported by Sapphire (Ethernet IP) PDK only
- DO NOT revert the property file setting back to NO, once set to YES!
- Ethernet (IP) Connection with a Sapphire PDK Interface. The PDK interface is the only way to configure NAXML XML Documents.
- Gemcom32 1.08.09 and higher. Gemcom32 does not support Mix & Match NAXML XML documents.
- The system can be put into a mode to accept the old VeriFone Deal XML document. When in this mode, existing versions of SMS can be used. We can also use the vdealcfg/udealcfg commands from the PDK. Also, when in this mode, a back office system can send Gemcom datasets into Gemcom32 and that program translates the flat file into VeriFone Deal XML format. (This should NOT be used if the new features & promotions of Enhanced Mix & Match are desired.)
- Combo not available
- Sapphire properties file setting for NaxmlDeal enabled can be set to YES or NO
- vexpandeddealcfg/uexpandeddealcfg commands not supported with base 168 and higher
- Enhanced Mix & Match/VeriFone Integrated Promotions (VIP)
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