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Application Development Kit (Version 4.7)

tracefilter.cpp File Reference

Last updated: 25-Feb-2025
#include "tracefilter.h"

#include "hexutil.h"

#include "bertlv/bertlv.h"

#include "sdi_tags.h"

#include "data.h"

#include "csd.h"

#include "epp/counterTop.h"

#include "filterconfig.h"

#include "filesystem.h"
Include dependency graph for tracefilter.cpp:


#define  MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE   4096
#define  BIN2HEXSTRING(str, buf, size)   bintohexstring(str,buf,(size<=MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE?size:MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE))


void  filterCommand (const unsigned char *cmd, unsigned cmdSize, std::string &out)
void  filterResponse (const unsigned char *cmd, unsigned cmdSize, const unsigned char *rsp, unsigned rspSize, std::string &out)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BIN2HEXSTRING (   str,
)    bintohexstring(str,buf,(size<=MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE?size:MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE))


#define MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE   4096



Function Documentation

◆ filterCommand()

void filterCommand ( const unsigned char *  cmd,
unsigned  cmdSize,
std::string &  out 

Prepare and SDI command for trace and return a hexdump as STL string for it. For release build variants of SDI a trace filter is applied to command data to wipe out values of TLV tags containing sensitive data. For debug build variant the trace filter is disabled by default (use -DTRACE_FILTER to activate).

[in] cmd pointer to SDI command buffer (starting wich class/instruction)
[in] cmdSize size of command data in buffer cmd
[out] out hexdump of SDI command as STL string
The size of the hexdump is basically limited by MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE in tracefilter.cpp.

◆ filterResponse()

void filterResponse ( const unsigned char *  cmd,
unsigned  cmdSize,
const unsigned char *  rsp,
unsigned  rspSize,
std::string &  out 

Prepare and SDI response for trace and return a hexdump as STL string for it. For release build variants of SDI a trace filter is applied to response data to wipe out values of TLV tags containing sensitive data. For debug build variant the trace filter is disabled by default (use -DTRACE_FILTER to activate).

[in] cmd pointer to SDI command buffer (starting wich class/instruction)
[in] cmdSize size of command data in buffer cmd
[in] rsp pointer to SDI response buffer (starting wich class/instruction)
[in] rspSize size of response data in buffer rsp
[out] out hexdump of SDI response as STL string
The size of the hexdump is basically limited by MAX_TRACE_MSG_SIZE in tracefilter.cpp.

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