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SCA Functional Specification

e280 - User Inteface

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

Idle Screen

The Idle Screen displays upon device power up, after reboot, and after transaction completion. SCA supports the following merchant controlled media areas: Idle Screen Video, Idle Screen Animation, and Idle Screen Full Image.




Refer to Media File - Size and Formats for more information on Idle screen resolutions and media files.

Line Items Screen

The Line Item Screen displays when the POS sends start transaction message or interactively as the POS scans line items. The key line item display fields are:

Description Display  
  • Quantity
  • Description
  • Unit Price
  • Extended Price
  • Running Tax Total
  • Running Sub Total (optional)
  • Coupons or Discounts
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_lnitem_1.png ../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_lnitem_2.png


Refer to Media File - Size and Formats for more information on Line Item screen resolutions and media files.

Transaction Flows

Sale (EMV CT and CTLS with Quick chip enabled)

Sale - Tap

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_tap_1.png Select the card entry mode: Tap
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trnsflow_auth.png Authorization in progress screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_tap_2.png Transaction is approved screen. After the transaction is complete, the device will return to the Idle Screen.

Sale - Insert

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_insert_1.png Select the card entry mode: Insert or Swipe.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_insert_2.png Processing screen and card should be inserted.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_insert_3.png Tap the text box for keyboard input and type the PIN or press the Enter key to continue to next screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trnsflow_auth_card_instd.png Authorization in progress screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_insert_4.png If merchant is configured for enable signature capture and the transactional signature dollar threshold is exceeded, the Signature screen will display. Sign in the signature area and tap OK button. Tap the Clear button on form or physical keypad while a signature is present will clear the signature so that it can be re-written by the cardholder.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_insert_5.png The transaction is completed, and the card can be removed. After the card is removed the status screen is displayed, until the next command is sent.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_insert_6.png This is the Status screen as Sale Approved.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_declined_1.png This is the Status screen as Sale Declined.

Additional Sale Screens

Manual Entry - For the transactions with manual card entry, following are the additional screens to gather card details.
After three failed card swipe attempts, SCA will display ‘Please Wait for the Cashier’. If the merchant configuration is enabled, then the device may next prompt for manual card entry.

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_manual_1.png Tap the text box for keyboard input and type card number. Press the green Enter key on the device keyboard to proceed to Card Type selection screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_manual_2.png Select the Card type and proceed to next screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_manual_3.png Tap the text box for keyboard input and type the expiration date in MMYY format. Press the green Enter key on the device keyboard. The device will next prompt for CVV Number.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_manual_4.png Tap the text box for keyboard input and type the Security Code. Press the green Enter key on the device keyboard.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_declined_2.png Cancel by Customer: This screen will be displayed if the transaction is cancelled manually at any point.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_sale_declined_2.png Cancel by Timeout: This is the Status screen if the Sale is cancelled due to Time out.


Refund - Tap

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_tap_1.png Select the card entry mode: Tap
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trnsflow_auth.png Authorization in progress screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_tap_2.png Transaction is approved screen. After the transaction is complete, the device will return to the Idle Screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_decline.png This is the status screen as Refund Declined if the transaction is not approved.

Refund - Insert

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_insert_1.png Select the card entry mode: Insert or Swipe
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_insert_2.png Processing screen and card should be inserted.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_insert_3.png Tap the text box for keyboard input and type the PIN or press the Enter key to continue to next screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trnsflow_auth_card_instd.png Authorization in progress screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_insert_4.png The transaction is completed and the card can be removed. After the card is removed the status screen is displayed, until the next command is sent.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_refnd_insert_5.png This is the Status screen as Refund Approved.


Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trnsflow_auth.png Void transaction is processed, and authorization is in progress screen.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_voided.png This is the Status screen as Voided (success).
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_trns_void_decline.png Void declined status screen.

Optional Screens

Optional Screens are displayed during the Sale flow and these screens can be configured based on required parameters.

Welcome Screen

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_welcome_scrn.png This is the screen within the session when LINEITEMDISPLAY parameter should be set to 0 (disabled) and pre-swipe (SWIPE_AHEAD) field should be sent as 0 (disabled) in Start session command.

Split Tender

Display Description
Option to choose if the amount would be divided to two cards.
  • Select No to enter the partial amount to pay.
  • Select Yes to pay full amount in one card, and Card Read screen would be displayed.

Cash Back

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_cashback_1.png Select any Cashback amount or No Cash Back option. This selection will prompt for Enter PIN screen. If Other option selected, then Enter Cash Back screen will be prompt.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_cashback_2.png Enter the cashback amount and press OK.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_cashback_3.png Enter the PIN and press Enter key to prompt for Card Entry screen.

Card Type/Payment Type Selection

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_cardtype.png Select the card type.

Tip Selection

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_tip_selctn.png Select any predifined Tip amount.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_tip_selctn_custm_1.png Custom Tip: If selected Custom option in Tip Amount screen, then tap the text box for keyboard input.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_tip_selctn_custm_2.png Enter the Tip amount and press OK or Enter key.

Loyalty Entry Method

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_loyalty.png Select Phone option to enter phone number or select Card option to go to Loyalty Card for card swipe or entering account number. Select Skip if Loyalty Entry Method is not required.

Phone Number

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_loyalty_phone_1.png Tap the text box for keyboard input and type the phone number.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_loyalty_phone_2.png Press Enter to process.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_loyalty_captured.png Status screen displays as Loyalty details captured.

Loyalty Card

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_loyalty_card.png Tap the text box for keyboard input to type the account number or Swipe the card.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_loyalty_captured.png Status screen displays as Loyalty details captured.

Device Command Screens

Display Description
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_charity.png Charity Donation.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_cust_qn.png Customer Question.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_cust_buttn.png Customer Button.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_cust_survy5.png Customer survey 5.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_cust_survy10.png Customer survey 10.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_cred_app_1.png Credit Application - Tap the text box for keyboard input to type the name.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_cred_app_2.png Credit Application - Tap the text box for keyboard input to type the phone number. Once the number is added then press Enter.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_cred_app_3.png Credit Application - Tap the text box for keyboard input to type the gross income and press Enter to confirm.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_checkbox.png Check box.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_disp_mssge.png Display message.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_email.png Email address.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_sign_ex_1.png Signature Extended.
../../_images/media_disp_scrn_ui_e280_devc_sign_ex_1.png Enter OK.

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