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SCA Functional Specification

Session Management

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

A session needs to be established between a POS and the SCA before performing any payment transactions.


  1. A session must be open for all payment (FUNCTION_TYPE PAYMENT) and line item (FUNCTION_TYPE LINE_ITEM) transactions. Point persists an open state between POS requests using this session.
  2. If a session is not open, the device will return with “No session” in the RESPONSE_TEXT element.
  3. The POS system can use a FINISH (FINISH SESSION) to emulate a POS ‘cancel’ or exit of the session as long as the payment transaction is not ‘in-flight’ to the gateway.
  4. To cancel the session, the POS system should send the FINISH command on the same socket or TCP session from which the START originated. If a different TCP session or socket is used, the device will respond with the DEVICE IS BUSY (59002) response.

Configuration Parameter


Message Interfaces

Refer to the below Protocol sections for the command fields description and examples.

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