Last updated: 09-Dec-2024
This command blocks the activation of a Gift or Merchandise Credit card with an initial (non-zero) balance.
Device UI Required: Yes
Request Packet
Field | Rule | Type | Minimum | Maximum | Value(s) | Description |
FUNCTION_TYPE | Required | Static value | N/A | N/A | PAYMENT | Type of function. |
COMMAND | Required | Static value | N/A | N/A | BLOCK_ACTIVATE | Command name |
PAYMENT_TYPE | Required | List | N/A | N/A | GIFT MERCH_CREDIT |
Payment type field for Gift or Merchandise Credit. NOTE: PAYMENT_TYPE field is mandatory for card token based transactions. |
PAYMENT_SUBTYPE | Optional | List | N/A | N/A | Payment subtype field. Example: BLACKHAWK | |
TRANS_AMOUNT | Required | Floating point number (decimal) | 1(2) | 6(2) | This indicates the transaction amount. This amount must be a non-zero amount. Example: 5.00 | |
MANUAL_ENTRY | Optional | Boolean | N/A | N/A | TRUE FALSE |
This is to instruct SCA to collect the account information through the keypad on the device. |
MANUAL_PROMPT_OPTIONS | Optional | Character | 1 | 50 | NOEXP | This field is applicable when MANUAL_ENTRY is set to TRUE. The value is NOEXP, hence when this field is present, SCA will not prompt for expiration. |
TOT_NUM_CARDS | Optional | Numeric | 1 | 2 | NOEXP | Total number of cards required to activate. Exanple: 10 |
ENCRYPT | Conditional | Boolean | N/A | N/A | TRUE FALSE |
This field is required to encrypt the PAN details before passing it on to processor/gateway. In case of P2PE encryption, this field value will be TRUE as default value. NOTE: If this field is not present, then the application will internally treat this field as a value TRUE when the device encryption is ADE/VSD. |
POS_RECON | Optional | Character | 1 | 30 | POS reconciliation. POS Reconciliation field to be echoed back in response to POS. Example: RetailPOS1 | |
COL_3, COL_4, COL_5, COL_6, COL_7, COL_8, COL_9, COL_10 | Optional | Character | 1 | 255 | These fields represent Column 3 to Column 10. These fields are expected for the Merchants internal POS System, which will record any additional data and link those to the PWC CLIENT_ID and CTROUTD. When a value for COL_n is passed in, that same value will be returned in the response. These COL_n values are not indexed, or searchable in any command report. These fields are not sent to any payment processor. Example: Merchant defined data | |
BANK_USERDATA | Conditional | Character | 1 | 50 | Returned with CARD_TOKEN. Whatever comes back with BANK_USERDATA in the response for the token should also be sent in the request. Example: 01/00/02/Visa/ | |
CARD_TOKEN | Conditional | Character | 1 | 40 | Card token is processor-based or gateway-based and can represent a unique card. Refer to Two Way Card Token section. Example: 7987654321098765 | |
TKN_RENEW | Conditional | Character | 1 | Valid value: 1 | Application will send this field to the Gateway, requesting for Token renewal. As of this publication, this is applicable for UGP only. | |
CASHIER_ID | Optional | Character | 1 | 10 | This indicates the Cashier ID performing the transaction ID. Example: 7987654321098765 | |
CDD_DATA | Optional | Character | 1 | 30 | Customer Defined Data. This field is optional and the datatype is String. It is a pass through field and it is passed in the host request if this field is present in the POS request and also returned in POS response. This field is applicable for all payment transactions. Example: <CDD_DATA>INV200471</CDD_DATA> | |
INVOICE | Required | Character | 1 | 40 | Merchant invoice number. Maximum 40 characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) and these are not case sensitive. All the special characters are supported in INVOICE. Example: TA1234 NOTE: POS, integrated with the application should handle maximum invoice applicable for the host used in the environment. Worldpay Direct allows numeric only; the value may not be all zeroes. | |
LANE | Optional | Numeric | 1 | 8 | This field is used to identify the retail lane. Example: 1 | |
NOTIFY_SCA_EVENTS | Optional | Boolean | TRUE FALSE |
If this field is set to TRUE, then it returns event broadcasts as play by play of what is occurring on the device when interacting with consumer and host as Unsolicited Consumer Selection response. This is applicable to Worldpay Direct Engage Devices Only (as of this publication). NOTE: POS_IP and POS_PORT must be sent. Broadcast events should be used as information only and not as a condition for stopping or resuming a transaction. The exception would be in case where consumer interaction has lapsed for certain duration and POS elects to CANCEL on secondary port. | ||
PURCHASE_ID | Conditional | Character | 1 | 25 | Purchase ID. This is required for Level II processing. P.O. Number or Customer Code. All the special characters are supported in PURCHASE_ID. Example: 1 | |
SERVER_ID | Optional | Numeric | 1 | 10 | This indicates the Server ID, performing the transaction. Example: 560 | |
SHIFT_ID | Optional | Character | 1 | 1 | This indicates the Shifts at the store. Example: 2 | |
STORE_NUM | Optional | Character | 1 | 6 | Store number. Example: 203 | |
TABLE_NUM | Optional | Numeric | 1 | 5 | Table number. Collected for receipts. Example: 10 | |
TRAINING_MODE | Optional | List | 1 | 3 | OFF ON |
This field is included to turn on Training Mode for the session. Transactions are routed to HIF Test for host simulation and results are mocked for approvals. NOTE: When DEMO parameter is 1 (enabled), transactions will be performed in Training Mode without the need to pass <TRAINING_MODE>ON</TRAINING_MODE> from POS. |
COUNTER | Required | Numeric | 1 | 10 | COUNTER is used for a given MAC label. Each COUNTER should be higher than the last one. This is used to authenticate the POS. Example: 100 | |
MAC | Required | Base64 Encoded Data | N/A | N/A | N/A | Message Authentication Code. This is used to authenticate the POS. |
MAC_LABEL | Required | Character | 1 | 50 | Associated label that tells the device which MAC_KEY to use to decrypt the value of MAC. This is used to authenticate the POS. Example: REG1 |
Keyed Account Information
Field | Rule | Type | Minimum | Maximum | Value(s) | Description |
ACCT_NUM | Optional | Numeric | 1 | 25 | PAYMENT | This field is used to enter the account number manually. For this MANUAL_ENTRY must be set to TRUE. Pre-swipe data will not be honored. Example: 67823456781313 |
CARD_EXP_MONTH | Required | Numeric | 2 | 2 |
CARD_EXP_YEAR | Required | Numeric | 2 | 2 |
BARCODE | Optional | Character | 1 | 100 | Barcode scanning option. | |
PIN_CODE | Required | Numeric | 1 | 12 | Gift PIN code. Example: 5.00 | |
CVV2 | Optional | Numeric | 1 | 10 | Card Verification Value 2. |
Following is an example of request packet
<MAC> … </MAC>
Response Packet
Field | Type | Value | Description |
RESPONSE_TEXT | Character | Processor response text. Example: CAPTURED. | |
RESULT | Character | This indicates the Result details. Commonly CAPTURED or DECLINED. | |
RESULT_CODE | Numeric | Expected result code: 4, 59040 | This indicates the result code. |
TERMINATION_STATUS | Character | SUCCESS and FAILURE | This indicates the transaction termination status. This is the overall status of the transaction irrespective of approved or declined. Like, if the output is generated then the status is SUCCESS and if no output is generated then the status will be FAILURE. |
COUNTER | Numeric | Echoes counter sent in the request. Example: 100 | |
EMBOSSED_ACCT_NUM | Numeric | Card number conditionally returned if present in the SSI response. Returned if payment type = GIFT and returnembossednumforgift is enabled. Example: 6499991111115789 | |
MERCHID | Numeric | Merchant ID. Example: 900000000123 | |
TERMID | Numeric | Merchant ID. Example: 001 | |
TRANS_SEQ_NUM | Numeric | Processor/Batch transaction sequence number. NOTE: For private label transaction (ADS), PT_SEQ_NUM field will be mapped to TRANS_SEQ_NUM and TROUTD fields back to SCA. Example: 5 | |
INTRN_SEQ_NUM | Numeric | PWC transaction ID. Example: 123456789 | |
AUTH_CODE | Character | Processor authorization number. Example: 123456 | |
TROUTD | Numeric | Transaction routing ID. Example: 123456789 | |
CTROUTD | Numeric |
LPTOKEN | Numeric |
PAYMENT_MEDIA | Character | Mode of payment. Commonly VISA/MC/DISC/AMEX/DEBIT. Example: : GIFT/MERCHANDISE | |
PAYMENT_TYPE | Character | Payment type returned, like Gift. Example: GIFT/MERCH_CREDIT | |
ACCT_NUM | Numeric | Returned the masked account number. NOTE: If UNMASKEDPANFORNONPCI=1 then the account number will be sent back to POS as unmasked for non PCI cards. Refer to GSC Parameters for more details on the parameter. Example: 600649******9147 | |
CARDHOLDER | Character | Returned for swiped transactions. Example: TEST PROCESSOR | |
CARD_EXP_MONTH | Numeric | Card expiry month. Example: 12 | |
CARD_EXP_YEAR | Numeric | Card expiry year. Example: 20 | |
CARD_ENTRY_MODE | Character | Returns card entry mode values. NOTE: Refer to Card Entry Mode for details on possible values. Example: 123123 | |
CARD_CLASS | Numeric | This field is returned to identify the card type of the gift transaction. Example: 0 | |
PIN_CODE | Numeric | Gift PIN code. This is a conditional field. This field will return in POS response if GIFTPINTOPOS parameter is enabled. Refer to Application Parameters for more details on the parameter. | |
APPROVED_AMOUNT | Floating point number | The amount which got approved. Example: 5.00. | |
AVAILABLE_BALANCE | Floating point number | Available balance on the card used for transaction. This field will be returned to POS, when the Host returns the Available Balance data. SCA application sends <BALANCE_ENQ> as Host request field and based on the processor, it returns the Available Balance, and SCA will send it back to POS. Example: 100.00. | |
PREVIOUS_BALANCE | Floating point number | Previous balance on card. Example: 200.00. | |
RECEIPT_DATA | Character | Receipt Data. | |
TRANS_DATE | Character | Transaction date returned. Example: 2016.09.20 | |
TRANS_TIME | Character | Transaction time returned. Example: 09:16:25 | |
TOT_NUM_CARDS | Numeric | Total number of cards activated. Example: 1-99 | |
VSP_CODE | Numeric | If present, returns the VSP code. Example: 100 | |
VSP_RESULTDESC | Boolean | SUCCESS or FAILURE | If present, returns the VSP result description. |
VSP_TRXID | Numeric | If present, returns the VSP transaction ID. Example: 012345678901234567 | |
AUTH_REF_NUMBER | Character | Example: 123456789012345 Or It can be empty | This tag returns in the host response with the value for the particular transaction. This is used by some merchants to refer to the transaction at the host side. Currently this is applicable only for Worldpay processor. |
COL_3, COL_4, COL_5, COL_6, COL_7, COL_8, COL_9, COL_10 | Character | Column 3 to Column 10 fields value will be echoed in POS response. These fields are not sent to any payment processor. |
Processor-Based Token (Conditional)
For use with host based processors supporting card based token implementations.
Field | Type | Value | Description |
CARD_TOKEN | Character |
TOKEN_SOURCE | Character | Source of the token. Example: PWC |
Following is an example of response packet
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