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SCA Functional Specification

Receipt Data in Response

Last updated: 04-Dec-2024

SCA application Receipts section is intended for the merchants, developers and integrators to create their own custom receipts, if the standard template is not fitting their requirements.

The SCA formatted receipt is a format that is already approved by Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express respectively, as referred to as the card brands or card networks. Verifone has certified receipts template and transactions with a variety of acquirers with different network routing. As a result, the receipts outlined in the sections below reflect the receipt examples certified by Verifone for SCA application.

Receipt Data

Receipts section describes the receipt elements those can appear in various payment transactions. Receipt printing is governed by PRINTRECEIPTDISABLE parameter to enable printing the receipts. Following are other configuration parameters, which are also required to set for printing the required details on the receipts.

Parameter Name Description Valid/Max Values Default Value
PRINTRECEIPTDISABLE This parameter is used to enable or disable printing and generating HTML receipts.
  • 0 - Enable printing
  • 1 - Disable printing
CUSTOMERCOPY This parameter is used to enable or disable printing the customer copy of the receipt.
  • 0 - Do not print
  • 1 - Print
  • 2 - Prompt
MERCHANTCOPY This parameter is used to enable or disable printing the merchant copy of the receipt.
  • 0 - Do not print
  • 1 - Print
PRINTCARDHOLDER This parameter is used for printing the cardholder’s name on the receipts based on the value set for this parameter. The cardholder’s name will be masked on the receipt and only the first four characters will be displayed. If the card holder name is less than or equal to four characters, then the entire name will be masked.
  • 0 - Prints for both Merchant and Customer receipts.
  • 1 - Prints for Merchant Copy receipt only.
  • 2 - Prints for Customer Copy receipt only.
  • 3 - Do not print cardholder’s name on the receipts.
RECEIPTLOCATION This parameter determines where to send printer output (printer or output buffer).
  • 0 - Printer – Receipt prints on device
  • 1 - Auto – Receipt data prints on printer, if available. If not, prints on ECR.
  • 2 - Buffered – Receipt data sent to ECR
  • 3 - Both – Receipt data prints on device and POS
RECEIPTLINEITEMDISPLAY This parameter is used to enable or disable printing the line-item data on the receipt.
  • 0 - Does not print the line item data on the receipt.
  • 1 - Prints the line item data on the receipt.

Receipt Data in Response

Refer the below table for terminologies and its definitions, those are used in the below image to identify all the sections of the Receipt data structure.

Terms/ Fields Definitions
<RECEIPT_DATA> RECEIPT_DATA may contain one or more RECEIPT child elements.

RRECEIPT_DATA Child Elements

Terms/ Fields Definitions
<RECEIPT> Each RECEIPT element represents one receipt.

RECEIPT Child Elements

Terms/ Fields Definitions
  • TEXTLINES in Receipt Data section are 40 characters in length and space padded string representing exactly one line of a receipt.
  • Empty elements should be interpreted as a blank line.
  • Receipt headers/footers are configurable.
Key name Textlines with field name. From the example below, “Term ID” is the key name. Example: <TEXTLINE>**Term ID**: 002 </TEXTLINE>
Key Values Textlines with field name and value with it. From the example below, “002” is the value to the key name. Example: <TEXTLINE>Term ID: 002 </TEXTLINE>
Elements X Textlines with only key values (without key name) are provides as Element 1, 2 and so on, respectively. Refer to Receipts - Textline without Key Name for more details on all the elements from the Receipt Data.

Sample Receipt Data Structure in Response


An elaborate detail on Receipt data, Textlines with elements and empty Textlines (like Element 1, 2… ) on the Receipts are provided in the following respective tables:

Receipts - Textline with Key Name

TEXTLINE - Key Name Example Descriptions
Client ID 17345800010001 Client ID, which is used to communicate with PWC. PRINTCID parameter should be set to the required value to print client ID on the receipt. NOTE: Client ID is specific to UGP solution.
Merchant ID xxxxxxxx3998 Merchant ID. PRINTMID parameter should be set to the required value to print merchant ID on the receipt. NOTE: For UGP, the value set in MASK_RECEIPT parameter decides on masking the merchant ID length.
Term ID 1126076 Terminal ID. PRINTTID parameter should be set to the required value to print client ID on the receipt.
Entry Method
  • Swipe
  • Chip Read Contactless
  • Chip Read Contact
  • Manual
The card entry mode.
Appr Code 160669 This is authorization code as returned in AUTH_CODE field.
Transaction ID 242981 Here transaction ID is CTROUTD is a sequence number for PAYMENT transactions (always enabled) that is generated per Client ID. Each Client ID has its own CTROUTD sequence counter.
Payment Type CREDIT / DEBIT / GIFT / EBT This is payment card type as returned in PAYMENT_TYPE field.
Cardholder MC B**************** Cardholder Name. This field can be configured using PRINTCARDHOLDER parameter value should be set to print the cardholder’s name on the receipt. This is returned as EMV tag 5F20. NOTE: This is for EMV Contact only.
Application Pan xxxxxxxxxxxx0203 Account number.
Invoice 123456 Merchant invoice number.
Mode Issuer The issuer or card (ONLINE or OFFLINE) that is returned in EMV_MODE field. This is for EMV Contact and CTLS.
Result CAPTURED/ VOIDED/ DECLINED The result field of the transaction response.
Net ID 03 This value is returned in AUTHNWID field. This field will be returned if present in the response from the host.
Net Name MASTERCARD This value is returned in AUTHNWNAME field. This field will be returned if present in the response from the host.
Approved Amount USD $1.00 This is the approved amount for the transaction.
Ref 000000000028 Reference number mostly returned by some processors.
Response APPROVAL - 000 This is response text, returned in RESPONSE_TEXT field.
Approved Online The transaction is approved online.
Total USD $ 2.00 Total transaction amount.
Tip $ 4.40 Tip amount. Device will prompt to enter the Tip amount, if TIP parameter is set to PROMPT.
Surcharge $ 1.00 Surcharge amount to be select. Device will prompt to enter the surcharge amount, if SURCHARGE parameter is set to Transaction value.
CID Code 0x80 (ARQC) Cryptogram Info Data. This is returned as EMV tag 9F27.
SEQUENCE 00000002 Transaction Sequence Counter. This is returned as EMV tag 9F41.
AID A0000000041010 Terminal Application Identifier (AID - Term). This is returned as EMV tag 9F06.
TVR 0000008001 Terminal Verification Results (TVR). This is returned as EMV tag 95.
TSI E800 Transaction Status Indicator (TSI). This is returned as EMV tag 9B.
AC 8E5E0BD3062642B1 Application Cryptogram. This is returned as EMV tag 9F26.
IAD 0110A04009220400000000000000000000FF Issuer Application Data (IAD). This is returned as EMV tag 9F10.
TTQ 0E70 Terminal Transaction Qualifiers
ARC/Decline Code Z1 Auth Response Code. This is returned as EMV tag 8A.
AIP 1980 Application Interchange Profile. This is returned as EMV tag 82.
Tran Date 230726 Terminal Transaction Date. This is returned as EMV tag 9A.
Tran Type 20 Cryptogram Transaction Type. This is returned as EMV tag 9C.
Tran currency Code 0840 Currency Code. This is returned as EMV tag 5F2A.
Auth Amount 000002510000 Authorized Amount. This is returned as EMV tag 9F02.
Other Amount 000000000000 EMV Cashback Amount. This is returned as EMV tag 9F03.
Terminal App Version 0002 Terminal App version number. This is returned as EMV tag 9F09.
Term Country Code 0840 Terminal Country Code. This is returned as EMV tag 9F1A.
Device Serial Number 06557648 Interface Device (IFD) Serial Number. This is returned as EMV tag 9F1E.
Term Capabilities E00800 Terminal Capabilities. This is returned as EMV tag 9F33.
CVM Results   CVM Result. This is returned as EMV tag 9F34.
Terminal Type 22 Terminal Type. This is returned as EMV tag 9F35.
ATC 04A9 Application Transaction Counter. This is returned as EMV tag 9F36.
Unpredictable Number 72C1C0AC Unpredictable Number. This is returned as EMV tag 9F37.
TAC Decline 0000000000 Terminal Action Code - Denial
TAC Online CC50848800 Terminal Action Code - Online
TAC Default CC50848800 Terminal Action Code - Default


TEXTLINE - Key Name Example Descriptions
Client ID 17345800010001 Client ID, which is used to communicate with PWC. PRINTCID parameter should be set to the required value to print client ID on the receipt.
Account Number xxxxxxxxxxxx0203 Masked account number. MASK parameter should be set to the required value.
Entry Method Swipe/Manual The card entry mode value
Transaction ID 242981 Here transaction ID is CTROUTD is a sequence number for PAYMENT transactions (always enabled) that is generated per Client ID. Each Client ID has its own CTROUTD sequence counter.
Payment Type GIFT This is payment card type as returned in PAYMENT_TYPE field.
Invoice 123456 Merchant invoice number.
Appr Code 160669 This is authorization code as returned in AUTH_CODE field.
Cardholder HGUPP Cardholder’s name. Cardholder’s name will appear on the receipt by setting PRINTCARDHOLDER parameter.
Result CAPTURED/ VOIDED/ DECLINED The result field of the transaction response.
Approved Amount USD $0.00 This is the approved amount for the transaction.
Response INVALID TRANSACTION CODE This is response text, returned in RESPONSE_TEXT field.
Avail Balance $ 464.00 Available or remaining balance in the card.


TEXTLINE - Key Name Example Descriptions
Client ID 14959200010001 Client ID.
Merchant ID xxxxxxxx7061 Merchant ID. PRINTMID parameter should be set to the required value to print merchant ID on the receipt. NOTE: For UGP, the value set in MASK_RECEIPT parameter decides on masking the merchant ID length.
Term ID 1126076 Terminal ID. PRINTTID parameter should be set to the required value to print client ID on the receipt.
Account Number xxxxxxxxxxxx0203 Masked account number. MASK parameter should be set to the required value.
Entry Method Swipe/Manual The card entry mode value
Appr Code 004312 This is authorization code as returned in AUTH_CODE field.
Transaction ID 340109 Here transaction ID is CTROUTD is a sequence number for PAYMENT transactions (always enabled) that is generated per Client ID. Each Client ID has its own CTROUTD sequence counter.
Payment Type EBT This is payment card type as returned in PAYMENT_TYPE field.
Invoice 123456 Merchant invoice number.
Result CAPTURED/ VOIDED/ DECLINED The result field of the transaction response.
Approved Amount USD $6.00 This is the approved amount for the transaction.
Ref 00500002 Reference number mostly returned by some processors.
Response CAPTURED This is response text, returned in RESPONSE_TEXT field.
Approved Online/Offline The transaction is approved online.
Available Balance   Available or remaining balance in the card.
Food Stamps $ 555.55 Amount eligible for Food Stamps EBT.
Cash Benefit $ 222.22 Amount eligible for Cash Benefits EBT.
Total USD $ 6.00 Transaction amount deducted from cardholder’s limit.

Receipts - Textline without Key Name

TEXTLINE - Key Values Example Descriptions
Element 1   Header line 1 to 6. The receipt header lines are configurable using HEADER1, HEADER2, HEADER3, HEADER4, HEADER5 and HEADER6 parameters. Refer to Merchant Parameters table for more details on these parameters.
Element 2 06/25/24 Transaction date, returns in TRANS_DATE field.
Element 3 07:14:38 Transaction time, returns in TRANS_TIME field.
Element 4 Sale/COMPLETION/Refund/Void/Activation/BALANCE/ADD VALUE Transaction type, returns as COMMAND name.
Element 5 xxxxxxxxxx620011 Masked account number. MASK parameter should be set to the required value.
Element 6 VISA Card Scheme.
Element 7 Mastercard Application Preferred Name. This is returned as EMV tag 9F12.
Element 8 X_______________________________________ / - PIN VERIFIED / NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED
  • Signature - Signature section for the validation of card. If SIGNATURECAPTURE parameter is enabled, then signature option will prompt on the device.
  • PIN VERIFIED - Transaction is verified by entering PIN.
  • NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED - Transaction does not require signature verification, which is based on the value set for SignatureLimitAmount parameter per card scheme.
Element 9 UAT ************ Cardholder’s name in mask and is located under the Signature line. Cardholder’s name will appear on the receipt by setting PRINTCARDHOLDER parameter.
Element 10 No Refunds Statement for the refund policy. This is configured using REFUNDPOLICY1 parameter.
Element 11 Store Credit Only Statement for the refund policy. This is configured using REFUNDPOLICY2 parameter.
Element 12 Merchant Copy/ Customer Copy Identifies as Merchant copy or Customer copy.

Sample Receipts - Sale

Merchant Copy Customer Copy
_images/receipt_data_sale_merch_copy.png _images/receipt_data_sale_cust_copy.png

Sample Receipts - EBT Balance

Merchant Copy Customer Copy
_images/receipt_data_ebt_merch_copy.png _images/receipt_data_ebt_cust_copy.png

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