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Application Development Kit (Version 4.7)

ped.h File Reference

Last updated: 25-Feb-2025

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#define  PED_OK   0
#define  PED_ERROR   -1
#define  PED_ERR_LOAD   -2
#define  PED_LINK_OK   0
#define  PED_NS_DONE   1
#define  PED_CERT_ERR   2
#define  PED_NS_ERR   3


typedef int(*  ped_SendCallback) (const unsigned char *data, int len)
typedef int(*  ped_RcvCallback) (unsigned char *data, int len)


int  ped_SetSendRcvCb (ped_SendCallback scbf, ped_RcvCallback rcbf)
int  ped_Pairing (int *status)
int  ped_MovePin (void)

Detailed Description

This file defines the API for the PP1000 pairing and PIN transfer functionality which is part of technology selection library.

Thomas Buening, GSS

Typedef Documentation

◆ ped_RcvCallback

typedef int(* ped_RcvCallback) (unsigned char *data, int len)

Callback function application has to implement for receiving data from PED. If the received data is not a complete packet, the callback will be invoked again until the whole packet is received.

[out] data : received data
[in] len : size of data buffer
number of bytes read, -1: failure

◆ ped_SendCallback

typedef int(* ped_SendCallback) (const unsigned char *data, int len)

Callback function application has to implement for sending data to PED.

[in] data : Data to be sent
[in] len : Length of data
number of bytes sent, -1: failure

Function Documentation

◆ ped_MovePin()

int ped_MovePin ( void  )

Move PIN from PED to CTP.


◆ ped_Pairing()

int ped_Pairing ( int *  status )

Execute pairing between CTP and PED.

[out] status : additional status information, see PED status codes, may be NULL

◆ ped_SetSendRcvCb()

int ped_SetSendRcvCb ( ped_SendCallback  scbf,
ped_RcvCallback  rcbf 

Set send and receive callback functions for communication with PED. This function is for convenience. You can choose if to use this or directly use the equivalent function from pp1000 library, don't call both!

  • PED_OK : Callback functions successfully registered
  • PED_ERROR : Invalid parameter
  • PED_ERR_LOAD : Error loading dynamic library
    [in] scbf : Send callback function
    [in] rcbf : Receive callback function

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