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Application Development Kit (Version 4.7)


Last updated: 25-Feb-2025
Go to the documentation of this file.
    1      7 #ifndef __TEC_LIB_PED_INTERFACE__    8 #define __TEC_LIB_PED_INTERFACE__    9     10 #ifdef __cplusplus   11 extern "C" {   12 #endif   13     18 #define PED_OK                0     19 #define PED_ERROR            -1     20 #define PED_ERR_LOAD         -2     27 #define PED_LINK_OK           0     28 #define PED_NS_DONE           1     29 #define PED_CERT_ERR          2     30 #define PED_NS_ERR            3     40 typedef int (* ped_SendCallback) (const unsigned char *data, int len);   41     49 typedef int (* ped_RcvCallback) (unsigned char *data, int len);   50     51     61 int ped_SetSendRcvCb(ped_SendCallback scbf, ped_RcvCallback rcbf);   62     71 int ped_Pairing(int *status);   72     80 int ped_MovePin(void);   81     82     83 #ifdef __cplusplus   84 }   85 #endif   86     87 #endif

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