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Application Development Kit (Version 4.7)

tecclient.h File Reference

Last updated: 25-Feb-2025
#include "tec/tec_common.h"
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Data Structures

struct   cts_ServerConfig


#define  CTS_FORMAT   -101
#define  CTS_TLV   -102
#define  CTS_PARAMETER   -103
#define  CTS_UNKNOWN_CLA   -104
#define  CTS_UNKNOWN_INS   -105
#define  CTS_BLOCKED   -106
#define  CTS_NO_SERVER   -201
#define  CTS_IPC   -202


typedef void(*  cts_Callback) (unsigned char server_idx, void *data)


int  cts_ConfigureServer (unsigned char server_cnt, const cts_ServerConfig *server_cfg)
int  cts_SetOptions (unsigned char server_idx, const unsigned char *options, unsigned char options_len)
int  cts_StartSelection (unsigned char server_idx, unsigned char supportedTechnologies, unsigned short timeout_sec, cts_Callback cbf, void *cb_data, unsigned char *options, unsigned char options_len)
int  cts_StopSelection (unsigned char server_idx)
int  cts_WaitSelection (unsigned char server_idx, unsigned char *usedTechnology, unsigned char *dataBuffer, unsigned short *dataBufferLength, unsigned short timeout_msec)
int  cts_RemoveTechnologies (unsigned char server_idx, unsigned char technologies)
int  cts_WaitCardRemoval (unsigned char server_idx, cts_Callback cbf, void *cb_data)
int  cts_WaitCardRemoval2 (unsigned char server_idx, unsigned short timeout_sec)
int  cts_Ping (unsigned char server_idx, unsigned short byteCount)

Detailed Description

Interface definitions for libtecclient. This file defines the API for the technology selection client library.

Thomas Buening, GSS

Data Structure Documentation

◆ cts_ServerConfig

struct cts_ServerConfig

Server configuration.

Data Fields
const char * hostname

host name of server, NULL or empty string means localhost

unsigned short port

port to connect to, 0 means default port (5825)

Typedef Documentation

◆ cts_Callback

typedef void(* cts_Callback) (unsigned char server_idx, void *data)

Type of function that is called after technology selection has been finished (see cts_StartSelection()) or removed (see cts_WaitCardRemoval()).

[in] server_idx : index of server on which technology selection has been finished.
[in] data : Data pointer provided by the application.

Function Documentation

◆ cts_ConfigureServer()

int cts_ConfigureServer ( unsigned char  server_cnt,
const cts_ServerConfig server_cfg 

Configure servers. Set servers and connect to them.

[in] server_cnt number of servers. Set to 0 to disconnect from all servers.
[in] server_cfg list of server configurations
  • CTS_OK : Successfully connected to all servers
  • CTS_IPC : Could not connect to one or more servers
  • CTS_ERROR : Internal error

◆ cts_Ping()

int cts_Ping ( unsigned char  server_idx,
unsigned short  byteCount 

Function to test round trip performance

[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).
[in] byteCount : number of bytes send for ping-pong, for instance up to 2048 byte supported

◆ cts_RemoveTechnologies()

int cts_RemoveTechnologies ( unsigned char  server_idx,
unsigned char  technologies 

This function removes technologies from currently running technology selection. This can be useful to remove contact and magstripe technologies after the application was informed by EMV-ADK that a ctls retap scenario is running.

[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).
[in] technologies : technologies to remove from running technology selection: combination of TEC technology code, any additional bits are reserved for future use and are currently ignored. Supplying none of TEC technology code is allowed. In this case this function does actually nothing.

◆ cts_SetOptions()

int cts_SetOptions ( unsigned char  server_idx,
const unsigned char *  options,
unsigned char  options_len 

Set additional options on specified server. This function must not be called while technology selection is running.

[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).
[in] options : data pointer, TLV format, see TEC option tags
[in] options_len : length of options
  • CTS_OK : No error
  • CTS_API_NOT_ALLOWED : API not allowed because TEC-callback is still in progress.
  • CTS_PARAM : options == NULL or options_len == 0 or TLV error
  • CTS_ERROR : technology selection is currently running.

◆ cts_StartSelection()

int cts_StartSelection ( unsigned char  server_idx,
unsigned char  supportedTechnologies,
unsigned short  timeout_sec,
cts_Callback  cbf,
void *  cb_data,
unsigned char *  options,
unsigned char  options_len 

This function starts an asynchronous card reader monitoring on specified server. The monitoring ends if

  • magstripe card is swiped or inserted
  • or chip card is inserted
  • or contactless card is tapped
  • or the timeout occurs
  • or cts_StopSelection() is called
  • or error occurred.
[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).
[in] supportedTechnologies : supported technologies: combination of TEC technology code, any additional bits are reserved for future use and are currently ignored. Supplying none of TEC technology code is allowed. In this case cts_WaitSelection() will never return CTS_OK or CTS_NO_CHIP of course.
[in] timeout_sec : main timeout in seconds to wait for card insertion/swipe/tap, min=0 (makes no sense), max=65535s, infinite timeout not possible; if this timeout expires while a timeout defined in options[6..7] or options[8..9] is running, latter timeouts have higher priority, they are not aborted.
[in] cbf : callback function that is called when technology selection has been finished, that means a (positive or negative) result != CTS_IN_PROGRESS can be obtained with cts_WaitSelection(), may be NULL.

The following APIs are not allowed to be called while the callback function is still in progress:
[in] cb_data : data pointer that is passed on to the callback function, may be NULL.
[in] options : data pointer:

options[0..1]: see TEC start options

options[2..3]: reserved.

options[4] is passed to CT ICC functions.

options[5] is passed to CTLS ICC functions.

options[6..7]: is a 2-byte binary parameter in big-endian format. min = 0x0000, max = 0xFFFF = 65535ms. options[6..7] is the time in milliseconds to wait for MSR-Data after CTLS has been detected. If options[6..7] == 0x0000, means do not wait for MSR after CTLS detection.

options[8..9] is a 2-byte binary parameter in big-endian format, which is relevant for UX-Devices only. min = 0x0000, max = 0xFFFF = 65535ms. This parameter has two uses depending on the TEC technology code CTS_CHIP
  1. CTS_CHIP is set. options[8..9] is the time in milliseconds to wait for MSR-Data after a card without chip or with broken chip is inserted. If options[8..9] == 0x0000, means do not wait for MSR-Data after card insertion and report CTS_NO_CHIP immediately.
  2. CTS_CHIP is disable. options[8..9] sets a time window for reading MSR-Data in order to avoid the pitfall in UX-Devices of getting MSR-Data when inserting the card. options[8..9] is the time in milliseconds to wait for MSR-Data after a card is inserted. If MSR-Data is not read during this time window, MSR_Deactivate() shall be called, technology selection shall be terminated and cts_WaitSelection() shall return the value CTS_UX_MSRDATA_NOT_AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT. If options[8..9] == 0x0000, means wait for MSR-Data after card insertion until technology selection finishes.

options[10..11]: is a 2-byte binary parameter in big-endian format, which becomes relevant only if CTS_VAS_ENABLE and CTS_EMV_CTLS_TIMEOUT_AFTER_VAS are set. min = 0x0000 = default value, max = 0xFFFF = 65535ms. options[10..11] sets a permissible time window in milliseconds to perform a contactless payment after either VAS_DO_PAY or VAS_DO_PAY_DECRYPT_REQ has been detected. If a contactless-payment-medium is not detected during this time window, technology selection shall be terminated and cts_WaitSelection() shall return the value CTS_CTLS_EMV_NO_CARD. If options[10..11] == 0x0000, technology selection shall discard options[10..11] and shall wait for a contactless payment until the main timeout set in the input parameter timeout_sec expires.

options[12..15]: NFC technologies, this parameter is passed to NFC poll function, 4 byte binary, big-endian, only relevant if CTS_NFC_ENABLE is set, may be NULL (default = {0}).

[in] options_len : length of options.

◆ cts_StopSelection()

int cts_StopSelection ( unsigned char  server_idx )

This function stops a technology selection started via cts_StartSelection(). It will be called by application if waiting for a card is canceled by user or ECR break. Keep in mind that the technology selection may not be stopped immediately. Call cts_WaitSelection() to wait for termination of technology selection. After cts_WaitSelection() returns != CTS_IN_PROGRESS, it is safe to call cts_StartSelection() again.

[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).

◆ cts_WaitCardRemoval()

int cts_WaitCardRemoval ( unsigned char  server_idx,
cts_Callback  cbf,
void *  cb_data 

This function registers callback for card removal. The function returns immediately with one of the return values stated below. The callback is invoked as soon as the inserted card is removed or immediately if no card is inserted. Keep in mind that the callback is only invoked once. If you want to be informed about the next card removal as well, call this function again, even from within the callback function.

Attention: Do not call this function as long as other TEC/EMV functions are running and do not call other TEC/EMV functions until the callback has been invoked!

Attention: EMV CT Server can only handle one connection. So call EMV_CT_Disconnect() before using this function.

[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).
[in] cbf : callback function that is called when a card has been removed, must not be NULL.
[in] cb_data : data pointer that is passed on to the callback function.

◆ cts_WaitCardRemoval2()

int cts_WaitCardRemoval2 ( unsigned char  server_idx,
unsigned short  timeout_sec 

This function waits for card removal. The function does not return until card has been removed or timeout has occurred.

Attention: Do not call this function as long as other TEC/EMV functions are running and do not call other TEC/EMV functions until the function has returned!

Attention: EMV CT Server can only handle one connection. So call EMV_CT_Disconnect() before using this function.

[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).
[in] timeout_sec : timeout in seconds to wait for card removal.

◆ cts_WaitSelection()

int cts_WaitSelection ( unsigned char  server_idx,
unsigned char *  usedTechnology,
unsigned char *  dataBuffer,
unsigned short *  dataBufferLength,
unsigned short  timeout_msec 

This function waits for technology selection to finish.

[in] server_idx : index of server in server configuration (see cts_ConfigureServer()).
[out] usedTechnology : technology that has been selected, only set if CTS_OK is returned. See TEC technology code . If CTS_DATA_TLV is set dataBuffer is in TLV format (this is the case if NFC or VAS was detected). In certain circumstances ('MSR after CTLS timeout' is set; UX MSR enhancements not enabled) it is possible that usedTechnology contains more than one technology at once, see documentation.
[out] dataBuffer : reference to buffer for output data, only filled if CTS_OK is returned. a) CTS_DATA_TLV is set in usedTechnology: contains tags, see TEC result data tags. b) CTS_DATA_TLV is not set in usedTechnology: If *usedTechnology & CTS_CHIP : contains ATR. If *usedTechnology & CTS_CTLS and CTS_PURE_CARD_DETECTION was set as option to cts_StartSelection() : contains card info delivered by EMV_CTLS_SmartReset(). If *usedTechnology & CTS_CTLS and CTS_PURE_CARD_DETECTION was not set : contains return value of EMV_CTLS_ContinueOffline().
[in,out] dataBufferLength : buffer size for output data, return data length; if the size of dataBuffer is too small to hold the whole output data, no special error code is returned, the return code is as usual, but the output buffer will be empty, dataBufferLength is set to 0. If return value is != CTS_OK, dataBufferLength is set to 0 to indicate that there is no data written in dataBuffer.
[in] timeout_msec : timeout in milliseconds to wait for technology selection to finish, min=0, max=65535ms. If technology selection is not finished after this timeout has expired, CTS_IN_PROGRESS is returned. In this case cts_WaitSelection() has to be called again. If a callback function is supplied to cts_StartSelection(), setting a timeout != 0 is not allowed.

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