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In-Person Payments

Administration Functions

Last updated: 27-Oct-2023

The section covers further functionality used in the operation of the terminal.

Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
administration_menu menu



On clicking Batch from the Administration, it displays the below options on the terminal to choose from.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Terminal displays the available Batch menu options. batch_menu menu

Batch Review

The Batch Review functionality is the feature which allows the User to check details of successful transactions in the past.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. last_reversal_idle idle
2 Select Administration. last_reversal_menu1 menu
3 Select Batch. administration_menu menu
4 Select Batch Review from the options. batch_menu menu
5 Enter the password. None. password
6 Terminal displays all successful transactions that are in the batch. batch_review batch


This Settlement is used to settle the transactions in current batch.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. last_reversal_idle idle
2 Select Administration. last_reversal_menu1 menu
3 Select Batch. administration_menu menu
4 Select Settlement from the options. batch_menu menu
5 The terminal prompts for password entry. Enter the password and then press enter_key key. password_entry password
6 The terminal tries to process the settlement request. processing_screen processing
7 The terminal connects to the payment processing host to send the settlement request. sending_screen sending
8 The terminal receives the settlement response from host. receiving_screen receiving
9 The terminal then prints the settlement summary report. printing_please_wait_screen settlement
10 The terminal displays settlement approved screen. approved_screen settlement


The second option Duplicate provides choice of previous transactions printing. The User can print a copy of the Merchant or customer receipt that is stored within the terminal.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Duplicate menu option allows the User to search for the three available types of transactions. duplicate_menu duplicate

Reprint Last Receipt

This operation is used to print the last receipt, be it a sale, refund or a void.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. last_reversal_idle idle
2 Select Administration. last_reversal_menu1 menu
3 Select Duplicate. administration_menu menu
  • Select Reprint Last Receipt from the options.
  • If no previous records are found. Terminal moves to step 7.
duplicate_menu duplicate
5 Enter the password.  None. password
6 Press enter_key key if merchant receipt is required.
  • On selection of enter_key, the terminal proceeds to print merchant copy. Proceed to the next step.
  • On selection of cancel_key, proceed to step 8.
None. merchant
7 The last Merchant receipt is printing. reprint print
If you need Customer copy of the receipt press enter_key key to print, otherwise press cancel_key.
  • On selection of enter_key, the terminal proceeds to the 5 printing customer copy.
  • On selection of cancel_key, the terminal goes back to step 4.
reprint_customer customer copy
9 Press enter_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. last_reversal_failed failed

Reprint Any Receipt

This transaction is used to print the receipt for a specific transaction by entering the invoice number.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. last_reversal_idle idle
2 Select Administration. last_reversal_menu1 menu
3 Select Duplicate. administration_menu menu
4 Select Reprint Any Receipt from the options. duplicate_menu duplicate
5 Enter the password. None. password
  • Enter the Invoice number of the transaction to be printed and press enter_key key.
  • If no previous records are found. Terminal moves to step 8.
reprint_any invoice number

Press enter_key key if merchant receipt is required.

  • On selection of enter_key, the terminal proceeds to print merchant copy. Proceed to the next step.
  • On selection of cancel_key, proceed to step 8.
None. merchant
8 The selected Merchant receipt is printing. reprint print
If you need Customer copy of the receipt press enter_key key to print, otherwise press cancel_key.
  • On selection of enter_key, the terminal proceeds to the 6 printing customer copy.
  • On selection of cancel_key, the terminal goes back to step 4.
reprint_customer customer copy
10 Press enter_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. last_reversal_failed failed

Print Last Reversal

This option is used to print the last reversal receipt.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. last_reversal_idle idle
2 Select Administration. last_reversal_menu1 menu
3 Select Duplicate. administration_menu menu
4 Select Print Last Reversal from the options. duplicate_menu duplicate

Press enter_key key if merchant receipt is required.

  • On selection of enter_key, the terminal proceeds to print merchant copy. Proceed to the next step.
  • On selection of cancel_key, proceed to step 8.
None. merchant
6 The last reversal Merchant receipt is printing. If no records found terminal proceeds to Step 8. reprint print
Press enter_key key to print Customer copy of the receipt, otherwise press cancel_key.
  • On selection of enter_key, the terminal proceeds to the 5 printing customer copy.
  • On selection of cancel_key, the terminal goes back to step 4.
reprint_customer customer copy

The Terminal prints the receipt of last reversal transaction.

The screen displays the reason for last reversal.

In this case, No Response is the reason for previous reversal.

last reversal print None.
9 Press enter_key key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. last_reversal_failed failed


The Reports section covers two reports generated for different transactions.

Note that by default, the rebranded solution supports PreAuth report as well. To enable X and Z reports in the rebranded solution, configure the parameters SHIFT_REPORT_PRINT_ENABLED, END_OF_DAY_REPORT_PRINT_ENABLED from Terminal Features table.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Terminal displays the available types of reports. report_menu report

Detail Report

The Detail Report functionality prints detailed information for each transaction, card totals by card label/type, and grand totals.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. idle idle
2 Select Administration. menu1 menu
3 Select Reports. administration_menu menu
Enter password and press enter_key key to proceed.
  • For the invalid password, proceed to step 7.
  • If cancel_key key is pressed, proceed to step 8.
  • For time-out, proceed to step 9.
psw password
5 Select Detail Report position. menu3 report
  • For the successful operation prints the report.
  • If the Batch is empty, proceed to step 10.
process print
7 Press cancel_keykey or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. invalid_psw inv pwd
8 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. abort abort
9 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. timeout timeout
10 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. batch_empty batch empty

Config Report

The Config Report functionality is the feature which allows the Merchant to print Card Config, Scheme Config, AID Config and Terminal Config.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu_icon from idle screen. idle idle
2 Select Administration. menu1 menu
3 Select Reports. menu2 menu
Provide password and press enter_key key.
  • For the invalid password, proceed to step 12.
  • If cancel_key key is pressed, proceed to step 14.
  • For time-out, proceed to step 15.
psw password
5 Select Detail Report position. menu3 report

Select one appropriate option from:

  1. Card Config
  2. Scheme Config
  3. AID Config
  4. Terminal Config
menu_config_report config
7 Prints selected configuration. config_print config print

Card Configuration Report.



 key key for virtual report. Goes back to step 5.

card_config_report card config

Scheme Configuration Report.



 key for virtual report. Goes back to step 5.

scheme_config_report scheme config report

AID Configuration Report.



 key for virtual report. Goes back to step 5.

aid_config_report aid config report

Terminal Configuration Report.



 key for virtual report. Goes back to step 5.

terminal_config_report terminal config report
12 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 5. invalid_psw inv pwd
13 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 5. inv_psw None.
14 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 5. abort abort
15 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 5. timeout timeout

PreAuth Report

The Preauth report functionality is the feature that prints all non-voided and non-completed pre-auth transactions. The feature prompts the Terminal to prints-out individual pre-auth transactions details as well as the issuer base total of pre-auth records count, and the amount.

Step Instruction Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. idle
2 Select Administration. menu
3 Select Reports. admin menu
Enter password and press enter_key key to proceed.
For the invalid password, proceed to step 7. If cancel_key key is pressed, proceed to step 8. For time-out, proceed to step 9.
5 Select PreAuth Report. report menu
  • For a successful operation, prints the report.
  • If the Batch is empty, proceed to step 10.
7 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. pwd
8 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. abort
9 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. timeout
10 Press cancel_key key or user time-out. Goes back to step 4. failed

X (Mid-Shift/Day) Report

The X report is a mid-shift report that provides detail on transactions that have been performed from the beginning of the shift/day until the present moment. It is used to see a running total of transactions at any point during the trading day. To enable this feature, configure the parameter SHIFT_REPORT_PRINT_ENABLED under Terminal Features table.

Step Instruction Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. idle
2 Select Administration. menu
3 Select Reports. admin menu
Enter password and press enter_key key to proceed.
5 Select X Report. x
6 The terminal processes the request and connects with the host. x
7 On successful operation, the terminal prints the X report. x
8 The terminal displays the approved screen. x

Sample Receipt:




Z (Mid-Shift/Day) Report

The Z report is an end of shift/day report that covers the transactions performed during the entire shift/day from the beginning till the end. It is used to review the end of day trading totals. To enable this feature, configure the parameter END_OF_DAY_REPORT_PRINT_ENABLED under Terminal Features table.

Step Instruction Rebranded Screen Information
1 Select menu from idle screen. idle
2 Select Administration. menu
3 Select Reports. admin menu
Enter password and press enter_key key to proceed.
5 Select Z Report. z
6 The terminal processes the request and connects with the host. x
7 On successful operation, the terminal prints the Z report. x
8 The terminal displays the approved screen. x

Sample Receipt:




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