This API is used to abort a transaction specifying the following details:
Request details | Values |
Method | POST |
URL | https://{ENVIRONMENT}/oidc/poscloud/nexo/abort |
Authorization | https://verifone.cloud/docs/in-store-payments/integration-set-terminal#step-3__003a__00a0setting-up-basic-auth-in-postman |
Headers: Content-Type x-terminal-simulator x-site-entity-id
Authorization |
application/json true Entity ID of child to be passed in case parent token is used while calling this API. "user-uid:api" key pair encoded in base64. See the Obtaining API Keys guide for more information. |
Body > Raw | See the request example below. |
Check the POS Cloud API reference for more details on the required parameters.
Required parameters | Description |
MessageHeader | Object |
MessageHeader.MessageClass | "SERVICE" |
MessageHeade.MessageCategory | "ABORT" |
MessageHeader.MessageType | "REQUEST" |
MessageHeader.ServiceID | String |
MessageHeader.SaleID | String |
MessageHeader.POIID | String |
AbortRequest | Object |
AbortRequest.Device | String |
AbortRequest.InfoQualify | String |
AbortRequest.OutputContent | String |
AbortRequest.OutputFormat | String |
AbortRequest.ReferenceID |
String NOTE - 'Abort transaction is not based on Reference ID' |
AbortRequest.Text | String |
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "SERVICE",
"MessageCategory": "ABORT",
"MessageType": "REQUEST",
"ServiceID": "1234",
"SaleID": "1992",
"POIID": "P400 931"
"AbortRequest": {
"MessageReference": {
"poiid": "string",
"MessageCategory": "ABORT",
"ServiceID": "string",
"DeviceID": "string",
"SaleID": "string",
"POIID": "string"
"AbortReason": "CashierAborted",
"DisplayOutput": {
"ResponseRequiredFlag": true,
"MinimumDisplayTime": 0,
"Device": "CashierDisplay",
"InfoQualify": "Status",
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "MESSAGEREF",
"PredefinedContent": {
"ReferenceID": "string",
"Language": "string"
"OutputText": [
"Text": "string",
"CharacterSet": 0,
"Font": "string",
"StartRow": 0,
"StartColumn": 0,
"Color": "WHITE",
"CharacterWidth": "SINGLEWIDTH",
"CharacterHeight": "SINGLEHEIGHT",
"CharacterStyle": "NORMAL",
"Alignment": "LEFT",
"EndOfLineFlag": true
"OutputXHTML": "string",
"OutputBarcode": {
"BarcodeType": "EAN8",
"BarcodeValue": "string",
"QRCodeBinaryValue": "string",
"QRCodeVersion": "string",
"QRCodeEncodingMode": "string",
"QRCodeErrorCorrection": "L"
"MenuEntry": [
"MenuEntryTag": "Selectable",
"DefaultSelectedFlag": true,
"OutputFormat": "MESSAGEREF",
"PredefinedContent": {
"ReferenceID": "string",
"Language": "string"
"OutputText": [
"Text": "string",
"CharacterSet": 0,
"Font": "string",
"StartRow": 0,
"StartColumn": 0,
"Color": "WHITE",
"CharacterWidth": "SINGLEWIDTH",
"CharacterHeight": "SINGLEHEIGHT",
"CharacterStyle": "NORMAL",
"Alignment": "LEFT",
"EndOfLineFlag": true
"OutputXHTML": "string"
"OutputSignature": "string"
If We perform abort API in the middle of the transaction, the current transaction aborted successfully with 200 success code and payment response we can able to see abort response from the terminal, the POS Cloud will send back the response, which will look something like this:
"MessageHeader": {
"MessageClass": "SERVICE",
"MessageCategory": "PAYMENT",
"MessageType": "RESPONSE",
"ServiceID": "1234",
"SaleID": "1992",
"POIID": "P400 931"
"PaymentResponse": {
"Response": {
"Result": "FAILURE",
"ErrorCondition": "ABORTED",
"AdditionalResponse": "Cancelled by POS"
"SaleData": {
"OperatorID": null,
"SaleTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": "11222",
"TimeStamp": "2020-04-20T14:43:59+05:30"
"SaleReferenceID": null,
"SaleTerminalData": null,
"CustomerOrderReq": null,
"SaleToPOIData": "{\"i\":\"11222\",\"r\":\"CANCELLED\",\"rc\":\"59049\",\"ts\":\"FAILURE\"}",
"SaleToAcquirerData": null
"POIData": {
"POITransactionID": {
"TransactionID": null,
"TimeStamp": null
"POIReconciliationID": null
"PaymentResult": {
"PaymentType": "NORMAL",
"PaymentInstrumentData": {
"PaymentInstrumentType": "ALTERNATIVEPAYMENT",
"ProtectedCardData": null,
"CardData": {
"PaymentBrand": "",
"MaskedPAN": null,
"PaymentAccountRef": null,
"EntryMode": null,
"CardCountryCode": null,
"ProtectedCardData": null,
"SensitiveCardData": {
"PAN": null,
"CardSeqNumb": null,
"ExpiryDate": null,
"TrackData": null
"AllowedProductCode": null,
"PaymentToken": {
"TokenRequestedType": "TRANSACTION",
"TokenValue": null,
"ExpiryDateTime": null
"VF_CardholderName": null,
"VF_EmvTags": null
"VF_AccountType": null,
"CustomerToken": null,
"_vf_AlternativePaymentData": null
"AmountsResp": {
"Currency": "USD",
"AuthorizedAmount": "18",
"TotalRebatesAmount": null,
"TotalFeesAmount": null,
"CashBackAmount": "0",
"TipAmount": "0"
"MerchantOverrideFlag": null,
"CapturedSignature": null,
"ProtectedSignature": null,
"OnlineFlag": true,
"AuthenticationMethod": null,
"ValidityDate": null,
"PaymentAcquirerData": {
"AcquirerID": null,
"MerchantID": null,
"AcquirerPOIID": null,
"AcquirerTransactionID": {
"TransactionID": null,
"TimeStamp": null
"ApprovalCode": null,
"HostReconciliationID": null
"PaymentReceipt": {
"DocumentQualifier": "SALERECEIPT",
"IntegratedPrintFlag": null,
"RequiredSignatureFlag": null,
"OutputContent": {
"OutputFormat": "TEXT",
"PredefinedContent": null,
"OutputText": [
"Text": "",
"CharacterSet": null,
"Font": null,
"StartRow": null,
"StartColumn": null,
"Color": null,
"CharacterWidth": null,
"CharacterHeight": null,
"CharacterStyle": null,
"Alignment": null,
"EndOfLineFlag": null
"OutputXHTML": null,
"OutputBarcode": null