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In-Person Payments


Last updated: 29-Sep-2021



Merchant is prompted to enter the amount of the transaction. The transaction amount is validated against configuration to make sure that the amount is within the maximum amount. For purchase, 0 amount is not allowed.

Merchant/Customer action

Selecting Card starts the card payment.

Selecting Other prompts the user for other transaction options.

Configuration Parameters
  • Merchant.MaxPurchaseAmount - the transaction amount + tax should be below Merchant.MaxPurchaseAmount, otherwise the transaction will be declined.
  • Merchant.MaxRefundAmount - the refund should be below Merchant.MaxRefundAmount, otherwise the transaction will be declined.
  • Application.enable_itemization_plus_sign - the itemized basket and plus sign are displayed.



Merchant is prompted to select a transaction option.

Merchant/Customer action

Selecting an option will take the merchant to the corresponding transaction flow.

Configuration Parameters
  • Merchant.PurchaseAndCashoutEnabled and Terminal.CashbackBeforePaymentTypePrompt - enables Purchase + Cashout.
  • Terminal.ManualPaymentEnabled and Merchant.ManualPurchaseEnabled - enables Manual purchase card number entry.
  • Merchant.CashEnabled - enables Payment by cash.
  • Merchant.MotoPaymentEnabled - enables mail/telephone order Purchase.
  • Merchant.UnmatchedRefundEnabled - enables unmatched Refund to be shown in the Other menu.
  • Merchant.RefundEnabled - enables Refund.
  • Merchant.MotoRefundEnabled - enables mail/telephone order Refund.
  • Merchant.CashoutOnlyEnabled - enables Cashout Onl
  • Merchant.GiftCardActivationEnabled or Merchant.GiftCardReloadEnabled or Merchant.GiftCardUnloadEnabled or Merchant.GiftCardDeactivationEnabled - enables gift cards.
  • Merchant.PreAuthEnabled or Merchant.PreAuthFollowOnViaEnteredReferenceAndCardEnabled - enables preauth transactions.
  • Merchant.ForceOfflineEnabled - enables forced offline purchase.

Commerce apps that support alternate payments - if there are any commerce apps registered, the name and icon of the registered apps will be shown under “Other Payments”.




Merchant is prompted to select a preauth transaction type.

Merchant/Customer action

Selecting an option will take the merchant to the corresponding transaction flow.

Configuration Parameters

Merchant.PreAuthEnabled - enables Preauth transaction type.

Merchant.PreAuthFollowOnViaEnteredReferenceAndCardEnabled - enables preauth follow on transactions via entered reference and card number.

User authentication

When the user authentication feature has been enabled, the user is prompted for the passcode before performing operations.

Reference flows

User authentication management

User authentication prompt




The merchant will be asked to select one of the options from the list of payment options supported by application.

Error Scenarios
  • If the merchant cancels the transaction, Transaction cancelled, user aborted message will be shown
  • If the screen times out, Transaction Aborted, user timeout message will be shown
  • If the device crashes or device reboots while on this screen, when the payment application restarts or device boots up, no power failure recovery will happen



Merchant is prompted to enter the PAN while entering the card information for manual card entry or in case of MOTO or IO. The PAN is never fully in clear in the Android processor.

During entry, the first 6 of the PAN will be visible. Then once the Enter button is pressed, the last 4 will become visible. At this point the merchant can either go back to correct the PAN or press the Confirm button.

Merchant/Customer action

Merchant enters the PAN.

Error Scenarios

If there is a Luhn check failure, the user will be prompted to restart the manual entry process




Merchant is prompted to enter the card’s expiry date. The expiry date is never in clear in the Android processor.

Merchant/Customer action

Merchant enters the expiry date of the card.

Error Scenarios

If the expiry date is invalid, the user will be prompted to re-enter




Merchant is prompted to enter the Security Number of the card. The Security Number is never in clear in the Android processor.

If Security Number bypass is allowed, the Enter button is allowed to be pressed when no digits have been entered.

If the Merchant chooses to bypass Security Number entry, the next screen will prompt for the bypass reason.

Merchant/Customer action

Merchant enters the Security Number.

Configuration Parameter
  • Merchant.CvvBypassAllowed - Whether Security Number bypass is allowed for all cases.
  • Merchant.CvvRequiredForManual - Whether Security Number is prompted for non-MOTO manual entry Purchase (Customer Present scenario).
  • Merchant.CvvRequiredForMo - Whether Security Number is prompted for Mail Order manual entry Purchase (Customer Not Present scenario).
  • Merchant.CvvRequiredForIo - Whether Security Number is prompted for Internet Order manual entry Purchase (Customer Not Present scenario).
  • Merchant.CvvRequiredForRefund - Whether Security Number is prompted for non-MOTO manual entry Refund (Customer Present scenario).
  • Merchant.CvvRequiredForMotoRefund - Whether Security Number is prompted for MOTO manual entry Refund (Customer Not Present scenario).
  • Merchant.CvvRequiredForIoRefund - Whether Security Number is prompted for IO manual entry Refund (Customer Not Present scenario).



Merchant is prompted to enter the Security Number bypass reason.

Merchant/Customer action

Merchant enters the Security Number bypass reason.




Displays that the device is doing an online authorization by communicating to the host. If the device cannot connect to the host, the transaction is authorized offline if the merchant and card enables saf and the transaction meets the criteria for SAF(Store and forward) approval.

See Store And Forward (SAF)

Configuration Parameter

See ‘SAF Configuration’ under Terminal Table in Terminal Configuration

Error Scenarios
  • If the customer removes the chip card, the transaction will be cancelled and a reversal will be generated
  • If the device crashes or device reboots while on this screen, when the payment application restarts or device boots up , power failure recovery will occur and the transaction will be declined and a reversal will be generated.
complete_no_card_3.png complete_no_card_with_app_label_3.png

Informs the user that the payment is completed successfully.

Merchant/Customer action

The screen times out without any user action.

Configuration Parameters
  • Terminal.UserInterfaceTimeout - Controls the timeout of this screen.
  • Terminal.DisplayCardBrandDuringTransaction - If this is enable for terminal, the card brand logo and application preferred name will be displayed.
Receipt Configuration for Merchant

The configuration contains the receipt processing information that are supported by the merchant.

Configuration Parameters

The receipt order, prompt and output configuration are controlled through configuration parameters which can be updated via VHQ.

Terminal.ReceiptOrder - Decide the order for receipt processing. 0: Process Customer receipt first. 1: Process Merchant receipt first.

See ‘Merchant Receipt Options’ section under Merchant Table for additional details.

See ‘Terminal Receipt Options’ section under Terminal Table for additional details.

See ‘Acquirer Receipt Options’ section under Acquirer Table for additional details.




Customer is prompted to select the option for receiving the receipt.

Customer action

The receipt is skipped, printed or emailed based on user selection.

Configuration Parameters
  • Terminal.PrintDeclinedReceipt - Printing the transaction receipt if it’s declined or cancelled. 0: Never. 1: Printing declined receipt after card data being sent to Host if transaction is declined. 2: The receipt for declined or cancelled transaction is always printed if the terminal knows the PAN and the amount.
  • ShowEmailReceiptOption - It provides Email Receipt option for user to choose.
  • ShowSmsReceiptOption - It shows the option of sending receipt by sms.



In the event the terminal is configured to print two paper receipts back-to-back, this prompt will appear. It will give the user time to tear off the receipt, before the next one is printed.

Configuration Parameter

terminal.ReceiptTearoffDelay - a value from 0 to 60. Defaults to 3. The amount of seconds given for receipt tear off.

Error Scenarios

If the screen timeouts, the next receipt will be printed.




Merchant is prompted to decide if they want to print the merchant copy or not .

Configuration Parameter

merchant.PrintMerchantReceipt - 0-never print the receipt, 1- Always print the receipt and never show this screen , 2- Ask the merchant if they want to print the receipt or not.

Error Scenarios

If the screen timeout, the merchant receipt will be printed




After payment is complete, the screen goes back to the empty amount entry


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