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In-Person Payments


Last updated: 25-Oct-2023

The sale transaction is performed when the customer makes a payment in exchange for goods. These transactions are usually completed using debit or credit cards.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 The terminal is ready to start a transaction. Enter the sale amount and then press enter_keykey. sale sale

Present, insert, or swipe a card or key in the card number.  Proceed to the next step.

If the card number is keyed in, proceed to step 8.

If cancel_key key is pressed, proceed to step 16.

present_card sale
3 The terminal connects to the payment processing host. connected sale
4 The terminal receives a response from the payment processing host. receiving sale

The terminal has received an approval response from the host and is printing the receipt.

If the signature verification is identified as the verification method, then proceed to step 13.

approved_auth sale

Print customer receipt? Press the enter_key key to print a customer copy.

If not required press the cancel_key key, the terminal will revert to the idle screen.

customer_copy sale
7 The terminal prompts the user to remove the chip card before going back to the idle screen. remove_card1 sale

Card Not Present / Telephone or Mail Orders – Manual card details entry

Begin typing the card number on the payment options screen, the screen will ask for a password before switching to the manual entry screen.

Enter the password and then press enter_key key.

manual_entry_password sale

The screen will now switch to the manual entry screen.

Once the card number is entered completely, press the enter_key key to continue.

card_number sale
10 Enter the expiration date of the card and then press enter_key key. expiry_date sale
11 Select option 1 or 2. present_mode sale

Enter CVV number and then press enter_key key.

If “Customer not present” has been selected as the card present mode in Step 11, Revert to step 6.

If “Customer present” has been selected as the card present mode in Step 11, then the cardholder is required to sign the merchant copy of the printed receipt.

cvv sale

The signature is verified by the Merchant, press enter_key key to confirm the signature. Revert to step 6.

If cancel_key key is pressed, proceed to step 14.

signature sale

The transaction is declined because the signature is not accepted.

signature_not_accepted sale
15 Reversal is auto uploaded to the payment processing host. upload_reversal sale
16 The transaction has been canceled, revert to the idle screen. cancelled sale

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