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Use Checks


Place an order using catalog products, and collect the payment using Check.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (Object)


Object designed to collect all data necessary for an order, including billing, product/subscription plan and payment details.



  1. Customer places the order using Check as payment option.
  2. After order is confirmed, customer receives the payment instructions via e-mail, including the address to which the check should be sent.
  3. Order is finalized as soon as the payment is confirmed into 2Checkout's bank account.


Parameters Type/Description

Order information




require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$Order = new stdClass();
$Order->RefNo = NULL;
$Order->Currency = 'usd';
$Order->Country = 'US';
$Order->Language = 'en';
$Order->CustomerIP = '';
$Order->ExternalReference = NULL;
$Order->Source = NULL;
$Order->AffiliateId = NULL;
$Order->CustomerReference = NULL;
$Order->Items = array();
$Order->Items[0] = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[0]->Code = 'my_subscription_1';
$Order->Items[0]->Quantity = 1;
$Order->Items[0]->PriceOptions = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->SKU = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->Price = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->CrossSell = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->Trial = false;
$Order->Items[0]->AdditionalFields = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->SubscriptionStartDate = NULL; //If empty or null, subscriptions become active when purchase is made.
$Order->BillingDetails = new stdClass();
$Order->BillingDetails->FirstName = 'John';
$Order->BillingDetails->LastName = 'Doe';
$Order->BillingDetails->CountryCode = 'us';
$Order->BillingDetails->State = 'California';
$Order->BillingDetails->City = 'LA';
$Order->BillingDetails->Address1 = 'Address example';
$Order->BillingDetails->Address2 = NULL;
$Order->BillingDetails->Zip = '90210';
$Order->BillingDetails->Email = '';
$Order->BillingDetails->Phone = NULL;
$Order->BillingDetails->Company = 'ABC Company';
$Order->DeliveryDetails = NULL;

$Order->PaymentDetails = new stdClass ();
$Order->PaymentDetails->Type = 'CHECK';
$Order->PaymentDetails->Currency = 'USD';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod = new stdClass ();

$Order->AdditionalFields = NULL;
$Order->LocalTime = NULL;
$Order->GiftDetails = NULL;

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'placeOrder',
'params' => array($sessionID, $Order),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0'

$order = callRPC($jsonRpcRequest, $host);

Retrieve VAT or sales tax


Use the getContents method to calculate the tax charge based on current session contents. Follow the steps below to learn how you can retrieve the VAT or sales tax amount:

  1. Populate the Order object with information. 2Checkout needs the BillingDetails (object) information to calculate taxes. 
  2. Use the getContents method to get info on all the products added to cart by the shopper in the current session.
  3. The output of the getContents method is the Order session content object.
  4. Under the Price, access information including for each product purchased. Find value added tax and sales tax details under the VAT parameter. 
  5. Tax information is also available for the entire order object. Find value added tax and sales tax details under the VAT parameter.
  6. Calculate the VAT/sales tax rates using the VAT and NetPrice values



Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (Object)


Object designed to collect all data necessary for an order, including billing, product/subscription plan and payment details.


Parameters Type/Description





require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$Order = new stdClass();
$Order->RefNo = NULL;
$Order->Currency = 'usd';
$Order->Country = 'US';
$Order->Language = 'en';
$Order->CustomerIP = '';
$Order->ExternalReference = NULL;
$Order->Source = NULL;
$Order->AffiliateId = NULL;
$Order->CustomerReference = NULL;
$Order->Items = array();
$Order->Items[0] = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[0]->Code = 'my_subscription_1';
$Order->Items[0]->Quantity = 1;
$Order->Items[0]->PriceOptions = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->SKU = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->Price = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->CrossSell = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->Trial = false;
$Order->Items[0]->AdditionalFields = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->Promotion = NULL;
$Order->BillingDetails = new stdClass();
$Order->BillingDetails->FirstName = 'FirstName';
$Order->BillingDetails->LastName = 'LastName';
$Order->BillingDetails->CountryCode = 'us';
$Order->BillingDetails->State = 'California';
$Order->BillingDetails->City = 'LA';
$Order->BillingDetails->Address1 = 'Address example';
$Order->BillingDetails->Address2 = NULL;
$Order->BillingDetails->Zip = '90210';
$Order->BillingDetails->Email = '';
$Order->BillingDetails->Phone = NULL;
$Order->BillingDetails->Company = NULL;
$Order->DeliveryDetails = NULL;
$Order->PaymentDetails = new stdClass ();
$Order->PaymentDetails->Type = 'TEST';
$Order->PaymentDetails->Currency = 'usd';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod = new stdClass ();
$Order->PaymentDetails->CustomerIP = '';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->RecurringEnabled = true;
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->CardNumber = "4111111111111111";
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->CardType = 'visa';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->ExpirationYear = '2019';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->ExpirationMonth = '12';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->HolderName = 'John';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->CCID = '123';
$Order->Promotions = NULL;
$Order->AdditionalFields = NULL;
$Order->LocalTime = NULL;
$Order->GiftDetails = NULL;

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'getContents',
'params' => array($sessionID, $Order),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0'

echo '<BR>';
echo 'The content of the current session:';
echo '<BR>';

var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true));

Retrieve the history of a subscription


Retrieve information on the evolution of a subscription in the Avangate system, including details of the initial acquisition and the subsequent renewals and upgrades. Use the getSubscriptionHistory method to retrieve details about a subscription. 

Subscriptions can be retrieved starting with 5 minutes after their orders are generated in the 2Checkout system.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. Avangate throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (string)


Unique, system-generated subscription identifier.


Parameters Type/Description





require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$subscriptionReference = 'YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_REFERENCE';

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'getSubscriptionHistory',
'params' => array($sessionID, $subscriptionReference),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0');

var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true));

Payment flow with Credit Cards with Installments


The following payment methods are supported for the payment flow with credit cards with installments: local cards with installments for Turkey (Bonus, World, CardFinans, BankAsya, Paraf, Maximum, Axess) & Brazil (Elo card, Hipercard).


Available for all 2Checkout accounts.


The functionality for orders with installments needs to be enabled for your 2Checkout account. Please contact 2Checkout for activation. 

How payments with installments work

Installments are available for Brazilian and Turkish shoppers with local Visa, MasterCard, or AMEX cards for non-recurring transactions.

The minimum installment threshold is 5 BRL/TRY. The maximum number of installments is 6.

Mandatory information for payments also includes a shopper phone number and Fiscal Code (CPF/CNPJ).

In order to validate the number of installments, before placing the order, an API call must be made to getInstallments (on SOAP and JSON-RPC) or GET/orders​/0​/installments​/ (on REST). 

The getInstallments method receives as an input the same input as the placeOrder method, and will return the number of installments and their value:

  "0": {
    "Amount": "384.45",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Number": "1"
  "1": {
    "Amount": "192.23",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Number": "2"
  "2": {
    "Amount": "128.15",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Number": "3"
  "3": {
    "Amount": "96.11",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Number": "4"
  "4": {
    "Amount": "76.89",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Number": "5"
  "5": {
    "Amount": "64.08",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "Number": "6"

Payment method Object structure

Field name Type Required/Optional Description

Phone Number



Shopper phone number.

Fiscal Code



For Brazilian customers it represents the Fiscal Code (CPF/CNPJ).




The card number.




Can be Visa, Visa electron, Mastercard, Maestro, Amex, Discover, Dankort, Carte Bancaire, JCB, Hipercard, Elo card




Card expiration year.




Card expiration month.




The CVV/card security code.




Card holder name.




Number of installments. Available only when customers in Brazil or Turkey pay with Visa or MasterCard using Brazilian Real or Turkish Lira as the order currency.

Use 1 or exclude the parameter for full payments. 




URL address to which customers are redirected after the 3DS details get validated by the bank and the order is successfully authorized.




URL address to which customers are redirected if the 3DS details were not validated or the order could not be authorized.




True or False, depending on whether the shoppers checked the subscription auto-renewal checkbox or not, during the purchase process.

 Request example

The full JSON used to place an order with credit cards would look like:

  "Items": [
      "Code": "5DCB30C6B0",
      "Quantity": 1
  "BillingDetails": {
    "Email": "",
    "FirstName": "Customer First Name",
    "LastName": "Customer Last Name",
    "CountryCode": "BR",
    "State": "California",
    "City": "San Francisco",
    "Address1": "Example Street",
    "Zip": "90210"
  "PaymentDetails": {
    "Type": "CC",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "CustomerIP": "",
    "PaymentMethod": {
      "CardNumber": "4111111111111111",
      "CardType": "VISA",
      "ExpirationYear": "2023",
      "ExpirationMonth": "12",
      "HolderName": "Red Doe",
      "CCID": "123",
      "InstallmentsNumber": 6,
      "Vendor3DSReturnURL": "",
      "Vendor3DSCancelURL": ""
  "Language": "en",
  "Country": "BR",
  "CustomerIP": "",
  "Source": "Website",
  "ExternalCustomerReference": "externalCustomerId",
  "Currency": "BRL",
  "MachineId": "123456789"

The API will respond with the full order object (for orders placed successfully) or an error message.

Notes on orders with installments

  • The 2Checkout payout for the full order value, regardless of the number of installments (this is covered directly by the banks). 

Integration test cases

Using the test credit cards available here, follow the next steps:

  1. Build a request in order to place a new order, with all the relevant information. Make sure that when the order is sent in the API, the response contains an order object (order was placed successfully).
  2. Handle the 3DS flows, both when 3DS is mandatory (and the shopper needs to be redirected to authorize the transaction), as well as where this is not needed (order is created with status AUTHRECEIVED or COMPLETE).
  3. If you have any additional webhook integrations, make sure that the webhooks are correctly configured and that the notifications are received and processed successfully. 


Use PayPal


Place an order using catalog products defined in your Control Panel, and collect the payment using PayPal.

Currency support

Check with 2Checkout support for a list of currencies available for PayPal. 


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (Object)


Object designed to collect all data necessary for an order, including billing, product/subscription plan, and payment details.

To place an order with PayPal rather than PayPal Express, use PAYPAL as the type of the PaymentDetails object and send the shopper email and a return URL as part of the PaymentMethod object. See code sample


  1. Create the order object. Use PAYPAL as the type of the PaymentDetails object and send the shopper email and a return URL as part of the PaymentMethod object. Place the order.
  2. Once you place the order, 2Checkout logs it into the system. At this point in time, the status of the order is PENDING. 2Checkout responds with the Order information object.
  3. Redirect shoppers to the RedirectURL from the Order information object you receive as a response from 2Checkout.
  4. Once shoppers log into their PayPal account and complete the transaction, they're redirected to the ReturnURL you set in the order object. 2Checkout also authorizes the order and updates the status to AUTHRECEIVED. 


Parameters Type/Description

Order information


  Object containing order information.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$Order = new stdClass();
$Order->RefNo = NULL;
$Order->Currency = 'usd';
$Order->Country = 'US';
$Order->Language = 'en';
$Order->CustomerIP = '';
$Order->ExternalReference = NULL;
$Order->Source = NULL;
$Order->AffiliateId = NULL;
$Order->CustomerReference = NULL;

$Order->Items = array();
$Order->Items[0] = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[0]->Code = 'my_subscription_1';
$Order->Items[0]->Quantity = 1;
$Order->Items[0]->PriceOptions = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->SKU = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->Price = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->CrossSell = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->Trial = false;
$Order->Items[0]->AdditionalFields = NULL;
$Order->Items[0]->SubscriptionStartDate = NULL; //If empty or null, subscriptions become active when purchase is made.
$Order->BillingDetails = new stdClass();
$Order->BillingDetails->FirstName = 'Test API';
$Order->BillingDetails->LastName = 'API';
$Order->BillingDetails->CountryCode = 'us';
$Order->BillingDetails->State = 'California';
$Order->BillingDetails->City = 'LA';
$Order->BillingDetails->Address1 = 'Address example';
$Order->BillingDetails->Address2 = NULL;
$Order->BillingDetails->Zip = '90210';
$Order->BillingDetails->Email = '';
$Order->BillingDetails->Phone = NULL;
$Order->BillingDetails->Company = NULL;
$Order->DeliveryDetails = NULL;

$Order->PaymentDetails = new stdClass ();
$Order->PaymentDetails->Type = 'PAYPAL';
$Order->PaymentDetails->Currency = 'usd';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod = new stdClass ();
$Order->PaymentDetails->CustomerIP = '';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->ReturnURL = '';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->Email= '';

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'placeOrder',
'params' => array($sessionID, $Order),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0'

$order = callRPC($jsonRpcRequest, $host);

Set an external reference


Use the setExternalRef method in conjunction with setSubscriptionUpgrade.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (string)


External reference you control.


Parameters Type/Description


true or false depending on whether or not the operation succeeded.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$externalReference = 'YOUR_EXTERNAL_REFERENCE';

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'setExternalRef',
'params' => array($sessionID, $externalReference),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0');

var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true));

Use PayPal


Place an order with dynamic product information, and collect the payment using PayPal.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (Object)


Object designed to collect all data necessary for an order, including billing, product/subscription plan, and payment details.

To place an order with PayPal rather than PayPal Express, use PAYPAL as the type of the PaymentDetails object and send the shopper email and a return URL as part of the PaymentMethod object. See code sample.


  1. Create the order object. Use PAYPAL as the type of the PaymentDetails object and send the shopper email and a return URL as part of the PaymentMethod object. Place the order.
  2. Once you place the order, 2Checkout logs it into the system. At this point in time, the status of the order is PENDING. 2Checkout responds with the Order information object.
  3. Redirect shoppers to the RedirectURL from the Order information object you receive as a response from 2Checkout.
  4. Once shoppers log in to their PayPal account and complete the transaction, they're redirected to the ReturnURL you set in the order object. 2Checkout also authorizes the order and updates the status to AUTHRECEIVED. 


Order information Type/Description
Order Information Object containing order information.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$Order = new stdClass();
$Order->Currency = "EUR";
$Order->Language = "EN";
$Order->Country = "NL";
$Order->CustomerIP = '';//"";
$Order->Source = "";
$Order->LocalTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$Order->CustomerReference = 421820775;
$Order->Items = array();

 * 1st Product
$Order->Items[0] = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[0]->Code = null;
$Order->Items[0]->Quantity = 2;
$Order->Items[0]->PurchaseType = 'PRODUCT';
$Order->Items[0]->Tangible = true; // physical
$Order->Items[0]->IsDynamic = true;

$Order->Items[0]->Price = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[0]->Price->Amount = 100;
$Order->Items[0]->Price->Type = 'CUSTOM';

$Order->Items[0]->Name = 'Dynamic Product 1 '. date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$Order->Items[0]->Description = 'Description Produs OTF';

$Order->Items[0]->PriceOptions = [];
$priceOption = new stdClass();
$priceOption->Name = 'Name';
$priceOption->Value = 'Value';
$priceOption->Surcharge = 10;
$Order->Items[0]->PriceOptions[] = $priceOption;

$priceOption1 = new stdClass();
$priceOption1->Name = 'Name';
$priceOption1->Value = 'Value123';
$priceOption1->Surcharge = 11;
$Order->Items[0]->PriceOptions[] = $priceOption1;

$priceOption2 = new stdClass();
$priceOption2->Name = 'Name1';
$priceOption2->Value = 'Value1';
$priceOption2->Surcharge = 12;
$Order->Items[0]->PriceOptions[] = $priceOption2;

$Order->Items[0]->RecurringOptions = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[0]->RecurringOptions->CycleLength = 1;
$Order->Items[0]->RecurringOptions->CycleUnit = 'MONTH';
$Order->Items[0]->RecurringOptions->CycleAmount = 1234;
$Order->Items[0]->RecurringOptions->ContractLength = 3;
$Order->Items[0]->RecurringOptions->ContractUnit = 'YEaR';

 * 3rd Product - SHIPPING
$Order->Items[2] = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[2]->Name = 'Shipping Item '. date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$Order->Items[2]->PurchaseType = 'SHIPPING';
$Order->Items[2]->Quantity = 1;
$Order->Items[2]->Price = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[2]->Price->Amount = 123;
$Order->Items[2]->IsDynamic = true;

 * 4th Product - TAX
$Order->Items[3] = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[3]->Name = 'Tax Item '. date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$Order->Items[3]->PurchaseType = 'TAX';
$Order->Items[3]->Quantity = 1;
$Order->Items[3]->Price = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[3]->Price->Amount = 456;
$Order->Items[3]->IsDynamic = true;
$Order->Items[3]->RecurringOptions = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[3]->RecurringOptions->CycleLength = 1;
$Order->Items[3]->RecurringOptions->CycleUnit = 'MONTH';
$Order->Items[3]->RecurringOptions->CycleAmount = 10.2;
$Order->Items[3]->RecurringOptions->ContractLength = 3;
$Order->Items[3]->RecurringOptions->ContractUnit = 'YEaR';

 * 5th Product - COUPON
$Order->Items[4] = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[4]->Name = 'Coupon Item '. date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$Order->Items[4]->PurchaseType = 'COUPON';
$Order->Items[4]->Quantity = 1;
$Order->Items[4]->Price = new stdClass();
$Order->Items[4]->Price->Amount = 234;
$Order->Items[4]->IsDynamic = true;

$additionalField1 = new stdClass();
$additionalField1->Code = "additional_field_order_1";
$additionalField1->Text = "REST";
$additionalField1->Value = "1";

$additionalField2 = new stdClass();
$additionalField2->Code = "additional_field_order_2";
$additionalField2->Text = "REST";
$additionalField2->Value = "a";

$additionalField3 = new stdClass();
$additionalField3->Code = "additional_field_order_3";
$additionalField3->Text = "REST";
$additionalField3->Value = "a";

$Order->AdditionalFields = array();
$Order->AdditionalFields[0] = $additionalField1;
$Order->AdditionalFields[1] = $additionalField2;
$Order->AdditionalFields[2] = $additionalField3;

$additionalField1 = new stdClass();
$additionalField1->Code = "REST";
$additionalField1->Text = "REST";
$additionalField1->Value = "REST";

$Order->MachineId = 'machineIdTestDan';
$Order->Discount = null;
$Order->ExternalReference = null;

$Order->BillingDetails = new stdClass();
$Order->BillingDetails->Address1 = 'Address 1';
$Order->BillingDetails->Address2 = 'Address 2';
$Order->BillingDetails->City = 'Billing City';
$Order->BillingDetails->State = 'Billing State';
$Order->BillingDetails->CountryCode = 'NL';
$Order->BillingDetails->Phone = US;
$Order->BillingDetails->Email = '';
$Order->BillingDetails->FirstName = 'John';
$Order->BillingDetails->LastName = 'Doe';
$Order->BillingDetails->Company = 'Billing Company';
$Order->BillingDetails->Zip = '12345';

$Order->DeliveryDetails = new stdClass();
$Order->DeliveryDetails->Address1 = 'Address 1';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->Address2 = 'Address 2';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->City = 'Billing City';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->State = 'Billing State';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->CountryCode = 'US';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->Phone = '12345';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->Email = '';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->FirstName = 'John';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->LastName = 'Doe';
$Order->DeliveryDetails->Zip = 12345;

$Order->PaymentDetails = new stdClass ();
$Order->PaymentDetails->Type = 'PAYPAL';
$Order->PaymentDetails->Currency = 'eur';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod = new stdClass ();
$Order->PaymentDetails->CustomerIP = '';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->ReturnURL = '';
$Order->PaymentDetails->PaymentMethod->Email= '';

try {
    $newOrder = $client->placeOrder($sessionID, $Order);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "newOrder: " . $e->getMessage();

var_dump("newOrder", $newOrder);


Add/Import test subscriptions without credit/debit card data


Import test subscription and data from your or a third-party system and test advanced renewal and upgrade scenarios in the 2Checkout platform. Contact 2Checkout directly for additional details.

Use the addSubscription method to import a test subscription into the 2Checkout system.


Test subscriptions can be imported only for eStore orders. 


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.

Subscription import

Required (Object)


Object designed to provide 2Checkout with all the information to create a subscription.

Test Optional (integer)
  To add test subscriptions, set the Test parameter to 1. Default value is 0, and belongs to regular subscriptions.


Parameters Type/Description




Unique, system-generated subscription identifier.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$Product = new stdClass ();
$Product->ProductCode = 'my_subscription_1';
$Product->ProductId = 4639321;
$Product->ProductName = '2Checkout Subscription Imported';
$Product->ProductVersion = 1.0;
$Product->ProductQuantity = 3;
$Product->PriceOptionCodes = array();

$EndUser = new stdClass ();
$EndUser->Address1 = 'Address line 1';
$EndUser->Address2 = 'Address line 2';
$EndUser->City = 'LA';
$EndUser->Company = 'Company Name';
$EndUser->CountryCode = "US";
$EndUser->Email = '';
$EndUser->FirstName = 'Customer';
$EndUser->Language = 'en';
$EndUser->LastName = '2Checkout';
$EndUser->Phone = '1234567890';
$EndUser->State = 'California';
$EndUser->Fax = NULL;
$EndUser->Zip = '90210';

$Subscription = new stdClass();
$Subscription->ExternalSubscriptionReference = '12345678912ImportedSubscription';
$Subscription->SubscriptionCode= NULL;
$Subscription->StartDate = '2013-01-01';
$Subscription->ExpirationDate = '2017-12-30';
$Subscription->Product = $Product;
$Subscription->EndUser = $EndUser;
$Subscription->ExternalCustomerReference = '12354678ExtCustRef';
$Subscription->Test = 1; // send 1 for test subscription, 0 for regular subscriptions.

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'addSubscription',
'params' => array($sessionID, $Subscription),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0');

var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true)); 

Update cardholder data and retry card automatically


Add new cardholder information and retry the customer billing process using updated payment data.


You will be able to update credit / debit card details as well as have the 2Checkout system automatically re-attempt to charge customers only for subscriptions with the auto-recurring (auto renewal) billing settings enabled.


You can update credit cards and retry charges for subscriptions in the following states:

  • Past due subscriptions, namely subscriptions that were not renewed either automatically or manually, and that past their expiration mark without being actually canceled;
  • Active subscriptions for which an automatic renewal charge has been made by the 2Checkout system but that failed (the renewal order placed automatically features the Pending status).

How it works

  1. Go to Orders & customers -> Subscriptions and identify the subscription whose cardholder details you wish to update.
  2. Access the subscription's details page and click on the Update credit card and retry charge button.
  3. Enter the details of the new credit card in the pop-up menu displayed and click Update and retry charge when you're done.
  4. The 2Checkout system will update the card on file information for the subscription you're editing and will charge customers for the renewal. The amount charged is displayed in the pop-up menu right above the Update and retry charge button.

Pending renewal orders reuse

The 2Checkout system will attempt to salvage any pending renewal orders for a maximum of 15 days after the transaction failed initially, when you update credit card details and retry the charge.

Following the 15 days mark, if the subscription is still in the grace period, the 2Checkout system will create a new renewal order when you update credit card details and retry the charge.

Retrieve a customer’s subscriptions


Use the getCustomerSubscriptions method to retrieve details about the subscriptions belonging to a specific customer.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. Avangate throws an exception if the values are incorrect. The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Required (int)


System-generated customer reference. Required unless you prefer to use ExternalCustomerReference.


Optional (string)


External customer reference that you control. Optional when you use AvangateCustomerReference. If you include it, it needs to belong to the same customer as the AvangateCustomerReference.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$AvangateCustomerReference = CUSTOMER_REFERENCE;
$ExternalCustomerReference = 'EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER_REFERENCE'; // optional

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'getCustomerSubscriptions',
'params' => array($sessionID, $AvangateCustomerReference,ExternalCustomerReference),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0');

var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true));


Parameters Type/Description


Array of objects

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