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In-Person Payments

Terminal Setup

Last updated: 25-Oct-2023

This section will allow you to activate your Verifone terminal. Please follow the instructions carefully.

Step Instruction Screen Information Rebranded Screen Information
1 Connect the power to the terminal. When first powered on, the terminal will start up and after a short while, this screen will be displayed. Select the language to continue. set_language new lang

Terminal prompts for setting the timezone. Use star_key and hash_key to navigate pages.

Search or Navigate to set the timezone.
If enter_key key is pressed, proceed to the next step by selecting first time zone in menu. If cancel_key key is pressed, proceed to the next step by selecting existing timezone.


new timezone
3 Message is displayed informing about successful setting up of timezone. timezoneupdated


new timezone success

Terminal prompts for setting the date. Press enter_key key to set the date and proceed to step 6.

Press cancel_key to skip setting the date and proceed to step 7.



new set date
5 Set the correct date and press enter_key key to continue. enter_date new set date

Terminal prompts for setting the time. Press enter_key key to set the time.

Press cancel_key to skip setting the time and proceed to step 10.

set_time new set time
7 Set the correct time and press enter_key key to continue. enter_time new set time
8 The message is displayed informing about successful setting up of date and/or time. datetimeupdated


date time success
9 Terminal reboot is required to update timezone for vhq agent. date_time_terminal_rebooting


terminal restart

Terminal prompts for selecting the communication setting through communication wizard or ADV communication.

Press enter_key to do communication setting through ADV communication proceed with step 12 and skip step 11. Press cancel_key

to do communication setting through communication wizard with step 11 and skip step 12.



adv communication
11 Configure the communication medium through communication wizard. For more information, refer to Setting Connection oob_non_ADV_comm_wizard_1.png


12 Configure the communication medium. For more information, refer to Setting Connection oob_comm_wizard comms
13 Enter Your MID (Merchant ID number) that was sent to you in your Welcome letter and press enter_key key to continue. oob_merchantid mid
14 Enter Your TID (Terminal ID number) that was sent to you in your Welcome letter and press enter_key key to continue. oob_terminalid tid
15 The terminal will now download any available updates from the Terminal Management System. setup_call_tmsdownloading_updatesdownloading_updates_percentageinstalling_updatesconfig_updates_progress

check updates

downloading updates

downloading updates

installing updates

updating config

16 Once the updates are installed, it will show the successful message. oob_config_update_success update success
17 You will then be presented with the idle screen. The terminal is now ready to perform transactions. oob_idle idle

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