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Remove sources


Use the deletePromotionSources method to define new sources for an existing promotion.


Parameter Type/Description


Required (string)


Output of the Login method.


Required (string)


The code corresponding to the promotion that you want to remove sources from.


Required (string array)


Array of strings defining the promotion sources to be removed.


Parameter Type/Description




True or false



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

// Promotion code corresponding to the promotion you want to remove sources from
$promotionCode = '';

// Sources array with the source values 
$sources = ['source1', 'source2'];

try {
    $updatedPromotion = $client->deletePromotionSources($promotionCode,$sources);

catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "UpdatedPromotion: " . $e->getMessage();

var_dump("UpdatedPromotion", $updatedPromotion);

Refunds processing time frames


Refunds' processing time frames depend on the payment method used by the shopper.

If the refund request is granted by 2Checkout/Merchant, payments are refunded to shoppers as follows:

  1. Credit/Debit Cards payments will be refunded within one (1) business day;
  2. Wire Transfer and check payments will be refunded within seven (7) business days and the cost of the transfer will be borne by the end user;
  3. PayPal payments will be refunded within one (1) business day;
  4. Other payment methods will be refunded between five (5) to seven (7) days.
  5. In cases of Direct Debit, the refund request can be processed only after 6 weeks from the payment date, the period needed for your bank to process the settlement. 2Checkout will only review and respond to your refund request after the 6-week period ends.
   Once a refund is processed, the funds will be visible in the shopper’s account within 3-5 business days, depending on their bank processing time. PayPal refunds will be visible in the shopper’s account on the same day.

Refunds' processing time frames for online payment methods

Payment method Type Refund processing time
Visa credit/debit card within one (1) business days
Visa Electron debit card within one (1) business days
MasterCard credit/debit card within one (1) business days
Maestro credit/debit card within one (1) business days
Eurocard (Mastercard) credit/debit card within one (1) business days
American Express credit card within one (1) business days
Discover/Novus credit card within one (1) business days
Dankort /VISA debit card within one (1) business days
Bancontact credit/debit card within one (1) business days
Postepay (Visa) credit/debit card within one (1) business days
JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) credit card within one (1) business days
Carte Bancaire local debit card within one (1) business days
PayPal digital wallet within one (1) business days
PayPal Express digital wallet within one (1) business days
Direct Debit SEPA* direct debit within six (6) weeks from the payment date
Direct Debit UK* direct debit within six (6) weeks from the payment date
Alipay digital wallet within one (1) business days
Apple Pay digital wallet within one (1) business days
iDEAL online banking within seven (7) business days after receiving the banking details from the end-user (the cost of transfer will be borne by the end-user)
eCheck/ACH* direct debit within six (6) weeks from the payment date
UnionPay credit/debit card within one (1) business days
Elo Card credit card with installments within one (1) business days
Hipercard credit card with installments within one (1) business days
Local Cards Turkey with installments (Bonus, World, CardFinans, BankAsya, Paraf, Maximum, Axess) credit card with installments within one (1) business days
Nordea online banking within three (3) to five (5) days
Danske online banking within three (3) to five (5) days
Trustly online banking within three (3) to five (5) days
WeChat Pay digital wallet within three (3) to five (5) days
Skrill Wallet digital wallet within three (3) to five (5) days
Neteller digital wallet within three (3) to five (5) days
Qiwi wallet digital wallet within one (1) business days
Note: In cases of Direct Debit, the refund request can be processed only after a 6 weeks period from the payment date, the period needed for your bank to process the settlement. 2Checkout will only review and respond to your refund request after the 6-week period ends.

Refunds' processing time frames for offline payment methods

Payment method Type Refund processing time
PayNearMe cash/online





within seven (7) business days after receiving the banking details from the end-user (the cost of transfer will be borne by the end-user)

Wire/Bank transfer - SEPA countries** bank transfer
Wire/Bank Transfer - non-SEPA countries** bank transfer
Purchase Order purchase order
Boleto/Pix** Cash/online
Cash at 7-Eleven, Family Dollar & ACE Cash/online


Retrieve available countries


Use the getAvailableCountries method to get the list of available countries for the current merchant. If the language parameter is provided, all the returned countries will be translated into that language.

Request Parameters

Parameter Name Type Required/Optional Description
sessionId String Required Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionId into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect. The sessionId expires in 10 minutes.
language String Optional The ISO language code (two-letter code). If the language parameter is empty, the default language will be English.

Request Example

class Configuration
    public const MERCHANT_CODE = '';
    public const MERCHANT_KEY = '';
    public const URL = '';
    public const ACTION = 'getAvailableCountries';
    public const ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS = null;
    public const PAYLOAD = "nl";

class Client
    public function call(
        string $url = Configuration::URL,
        $payload = Configuration::PAYLOAD,
        string $action = Configuration::ACTION
    ) {
        if (is_array($payload)) {
            $payload = json_encode($payload);
        $soapClient = $this->getClient($url);
        $sessionId = $this->getSession($soapClient);
        $args = array_filter([$sessionId, $payload]);

        return $soapClient->$action(...$args);

    public function getClient(string $url): SoapClient
        return new SoapClient(
                'location' => $url,
                'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,

    public function getSession(SoapClient $client)
        $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $merchantCode = Configuration::MERCHANT_CODE;
        $key = Configuration::MERCHANT_KEY;
        $string = strlen($merchantCode).$merchantCode.strlen($date).$date;
        $hash = hash_hmac('md5', $string, $key);
        $client->__setCookie('XDEBUG_SESSION', 'PHPSTORM');

        return $client->login($merchantCode, $date, $hash);

try {
    $client = new Client();
} catch (Exception $ex) {


Parameter Name Type Description
countries Array An array of country objects, mode of country code, and translated country name.

Response Example

    “Code”: “AE”,
    “Label”: “Verenigde Arabische Emiraten”
    “Code”: “AF”,
    “Label”: “Afghanistan”

API Requests


Perform easy account management via API Requests. The 2Checkout API portfolio contains extended capabilities that can help you automate processes as: creating products or promotions, placing orders (both with catalog and dynamic product information), issuing refunds, retrieving the shipping price for an order, handling subscriptions and many others.


Search customers


Use the searchCustomers method via SOAP API 6.0 to be able to identify customers by applying a set of filters.

Request parameters

Parameter name Type Required/Optional Description
Email String Optional Strict match of the email address. It should be case insensitive.
Phone String Optional Strict match of the phone number.
CountryCode String Optional Strict match of the customer's country code.
Language String Optional Strict match of the customer's language.
Trial Boolean Optional  
Status Enum Optional Can be active, inactive.
Pagination Object Optional  


Int Optional  


Int Optional  

Request example



class Configuration
    public const MERCHANT_CODE = '';
    public const MERCHANT_KEY = '';
    public const URL = '';
    public const ACTION = 'searchCustomers';
    public const ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS = null;
    //array or JSON
    public const PAYLOAD = <<<JSON
  "Email": "",
  "Language": "en",
  "CountryCode": "us",
  "Trial": true,
  "Status": "ACTIVE",
  "Phone": "403324433234",
  "Pagination": {
    "Limit": 1,
    "Page": 1

class Client
    public function call(
        string $url = Configuration::URL,
        $payload = Configuration::PAYLOAD,
        string $action = Configuration::ACTION
    ): ?object
        if (is_array($payload)) {
            $payload = json_encode($payload);
        if (!empty($payload)) {
            // SoapClient works with objects(StdClass)
            $payload = json_decode($payload);

        $soapClient = $this->getClient($url);
        $sessionId = $this->getSession($soapClient);
        $args = array_filter([$sessionId, $payload]);
        return $soapClient->$action(...$args);

    public function getClient(string $url): SoapClient
        return new SoapClient(
            $url . '?wsdl',
                'location' => $url,
                'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,

    public function getSession(SoapClient $client)
        $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $merchantCode = Configuration::MERCHANT_CODE;
        $key = Configuration::MERCHANT_KEY;
        $string = strlen($merchantCode) . $merchantCode . strlen($date) . $date;
        $hash = hash_hmac('md5', $string, $key);
       // $client->__setCookie('XDEBUG_SESSION', 'PHPSTORM');
        return $client->login($merchantCode, $date, $hash);

try {
    $client = new Client();
} catch (Exception $ex) {


Payment receipt email variables


Payment receipt shopper emails can be customized according to your own business needs. You can do so by using the variables in the list below. Check the 'Mandatory' column to see the variables that are required in your customized version of the e-mail.

Variable name Description Test value Mandatory
ADDRESS1 The first section of the delivery address 123, Main Street No
ADDRESS1_D The first section of the delivery address 123, Main Street No
ADDRESS2 The second section of the delivery address 0 No
ADDRESS2_D The second section of the delivery address 0 No
ALLOW_MYACCOUNT_PROMO Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body 1 No
APPROVAL Issuer (bank) payment identifier. AU1234 No
AUTO_RENEWAL Indicates whether or not the shopper has enabled automatic renewal on the subscription 1 No
2CHECKOUT_COMPANY_NAME 2Checkout company name 2Checkout No
2CHECKOUT_LOGO 2Checkout logo URL Yes
2CHECKOUT_ON_BANK_STATEMENT_SPECIFIC This is mandatory content you need to keep in your emails, given 2Checkout acts as Reseller / Merchant of Record for online purchases on your website. The charge on your bank statement will appear as 2Checkout. Yes
BANK_STATEMENT Account statement descriptor 2checkout*Software Inc No
BANK_STATEMENT_DESCRIPTOR Account statement descriptor 2checkout*Software Inc No
BASE_URL Merchant's full host No
BUSINESS_COMPANY 2Checkout company name 2Checkout No
BUSINESS_HOTLINE 2Checkout support phone 0 No
BUSINESS_HOTLINEUS 2Checkout US hotline number 0 No
BUSINESS_SUPEMAIL 2Checkout support email address No
BUSINESS_WEBSITE 2Checkout website No
CARD_LAST_DIGITS Last 4 digits of the card used to perform the payment 1111 No
CBANKACCOUNT Shopper's bank account used on the billing information 0 No
CBANKNAME Shopper's bank name used on the billing information 0 No
CITY Shopper's city used on the billing information Anytown No
CITY_D Shopper's city used on the delivery information Anytown  
COMMERCIALNAME Merchant's commercial name Software Company Name No
COMPANY Shopper company name used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available, no company name is displayed. Customer company No
COMPANY_D Shopper company name used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available, no company name is displayed. Customer company No
COUNTRY Shopper's country used on the billing information France No
COUNTRY_D Shopper's country used on the delivery information U.S.A No
CURRENCY Order billing currency USD Yes
CURRENCY_ORIGINAL Original order currency (applicable to refunds) 0 No
CUSTOMEREMAIL Shopper's email address used on the billing information No
CVV2_MATCH Gateway CVV2 check response M No
DELIVERABILITY Order delivery status 0 No
DELIVRABILITY The delivery status of the loaded order 0 No
DISPLAY_MY_ACCOUNT_INFO Include or exclude myAccount information in the email body 1 No
ENCRYPTED_MERCHANT_CODE Encrypted merchant code 0 No
FIRSTNAME Shopper's first name used on the delivery information John No
FIRSTNAME_D Shopper's first name used on the delivery information John No
FIRST_NAME_BILLING Shopper's first name used on the billing information John Yes
FIRST_NAME_DELIVERY Shopper's first name used on the delivery information John No
FISCALCODE Shopper's fiscal code used on the billing information 0 No
FISCAL_CODE Shopper's fiscal code used on the billing information 0 No
See the full list of Possible Values
GATEWAY_ERROR_MESSAGE Reason why the transaction failed. (e.g. Invalid card, insufficient funds) Error processing the card transaction. The card account has not been debited. Card data is invalid or incomplete. No
GENERALTOTAL Total order price 79 No
GLOBALDISCOUNT Order total discount 3 No
HAS_RENEWAL_PRODUCTS Flag that indicates whether at least one product has renewal settings 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS Array of attributes for 2Checkout hotline numbers 0 No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS.NG_PHONE[index1].HotlineName Countries where 2Checkout support information is available USA/Canada No
HOTLINE_NUMBERS.NG_PHONE[index1].HotlineValue 2Checkout phone number(s) for shopper support +1 (650) 963-5701 No
INT_REF Global Collect internal reference 123456789 No
IS_RENEWAL Flag that indicates whether at least one product has renewal settings 0 No
LANGUAGE Order language (abbreviated) selected by shopper 0 No
LASTNAME Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe No
LASTNAME_D Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe No
LAST_NAME_BILLING Shopper's last name used on the billing information Doe Yes
LAST_NAME_DELIVERY Shopper's last name used on the delivery information Doe No
MERCHANT_COMMERCIAL_NAME Merchant's commercial name Software Company Name No
MERCHANT_COMPANY Merchant's company name 0 No
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_EMAIL Merchant support email address No
MERCHANT_SUPPORT_PHONE Merchant support phone number 123 456 789 0 No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_EMAIL Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_TOKEN Token assigned to the shopper in order to access myAccount 0 No
MY_ACCOUNT_LOGIN_URL 2Checkout myAccount login/sign-up URL Signup / Login Yes
MY_ACCOUNT_URL URL for myAccount. To the BASE_URL we add /myaccount/ 0 No
NAMES_OF_PRODUCTS Names of all products in the order, comma separated 0 No
ORDERDATE Order placement date 41970.18889 No
ORDER_AMOUNT Total order price 79 Yes
ORDER_AMOUNT_ORIGINAL Original order value (applicable to refunds) 0 No
ORDER_DATE Order placement date 42563 Yes
ORDER_DATE_STANDARD_FORMAT Standard format used for the order placement date 0 No
ORDER_FLOW Purchase flow used to place the order 0 No
ORDER_REFERENCE_NUMBER Order reference number 9xxxxxx Yes
ORDER_STATUS Order status 0 No
ORDER_WEBSITE Website where the shopper placed the order Yes
PAYMENT_METHOD English name for the payment method used Visa/MasterCard/Eurocard Yes
PAYMENT_TYPE_INFO English payment method name. Includes last four card digits (if applicable). 0 No
PAYTYPE Identification number for the payment method selected during ordering process 1 No
PAYTYPESTR English name for the payment method used Visa/MasterCard/Eurocard No
PAY_TYPE Identification number for the payment method selected during ordering process 1 No
PHONE Shopper's phone number used on the billing information 0 No
PHONE_D Shopper's phone number used on the delivery information 555-555-555 No
PRODUCT_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS_TEXT Additional field text set at product level. Additional text set on the product. No
PRODUCT_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS_VALUE Additional field value set at product level. Sample value No
PRODUCTS Products data. 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].CODE Product code. P_CODE No
PRODUCTS[index1].DISCOUNT Product discount value per product line 2 No
PRODUCTS[index1].ID Product ID number 4572518 No
PRODUCTS[index1].INFO Additional product information defined by merchant when generating buy links Product info 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].IS_TRIAL Indicates whether this is a trial product 1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].LICENSE_TYPE Type of purchased subscription RENEWAL No
PRODUCTS[index1].NAME Product name Installation Service No
PRODUCTS[index1].PCODE Product code. P_CODE_1 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PID Product ID number 4572518 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PNAME Product name Installation Service No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRICE Product unit price 20 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRODUCT_OPTIONS Product pricing options configured in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PRODUCT_OPTIONS[index2].OptionText Ignore internal var. 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].PROMONAME Name of the promotion applied to the product Some promotion No
PRODUCTS[index1].QUANTITY Purchased product quantity 2 No
PRODUCTS[index1].SKU Product SKU SKU1234 No
PRODUCTS[index1].SHORT_DESCRIPTION Short product description 0 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TOTAL Total gross price per product line (before applying discounts) 40 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TOTAL_PRICE Total net price per product line (before applying discounts) 40 No
PRODUCTS[index1].TRIAL_PERIOD Product trial period. 7 No
PRODUCTS[index1].UNIT_PRICE Product unit price 20 No
PRODUCTS[index1].VAT VAT/Sales tax value per product line 3.8 No
PRODUCTS_DATA[index1].IdProduct Product ID number 0 No
PRODUCTS_DATA[index1].PRODUCT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION Short product description 0 No
PRODUCTS_NO Number of products in cart 0 No
REFERENCE_NUMBER_EXTERNAL External order reference (can be added by the merchant as buy link parameter) 0 No
REFNO Order reference number 9xxxxxx No
REFNOEXT External order reference (can be added by the merchant as buy link parameter) 0 No
REGISTRATIONNUMBER Shopper's registration number used on the billing information 0 No
REGISTRATION_NUMBER Shopper's registration number used on the billing information 0 No
RETRYLINK Payment retry link 0 No
RETRY_LINK Payment retry link 0 No
SELLERCOMPANY Merchant's company name 0 No
SHIPPING Shipping fee amount 2 No
SHIPPING_FEE Shipping fee amount 2 No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_1_BILLING First section of the billing address 123, Main Street No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_1_DELIVERY First section of the delivery address 123, Main Street No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_2_BILLING Second section of the billing address 0 No
SHOPPER_ADDRESS_2_DELIVERY Second section of the delivery address 0 No
SHOPPER_BANK_ACCOUNT Shopper's bank account used on the billing information 0 No
SHOPPER_BANK_NAME Shopper's bank name used on the billing information 0 No
SHOPPER_CITY_BILLING Shopper's city used on the billing information Anytown No
SHOPPER_CITY_DELIVERY Shopper's city used on the delivery information Anytown No
SHOPPER_COMPANY_BILLING Shopper's company name used on the billing information Customer company No
SHOPPER_COMPANY_DELIVERY Shopper company name used on the delivery information. If no delivery information is available. no company name is displayed. Customer company No
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_BILLING Shopper's country used on the billing information U.S.A No
SHOPPER_COUNTRY_DELIVERY Shopper's country used on the delivery information U.S.A No
SHOPPER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_BILLING Shopper's email address used on the billing information No
SHOPPER_PHONE_BILLING Shopper's phone number used on the billing information 0 No
SHOPPER_PHONE_DELIVERY Shopper's phone number used on the delivery information 555-555-555 No
SHOPPER_STATE_BILLING Shopper's state used on the billing information Anystate No
SHOPPER_STATE_DELIVERY Shopper's state used on the delivery information Anystate No
SHOPPER_ZIP_CODE_BILLING Shopper's ZIP code used on the billing information 12345 No
SHOPPER_ZIP_CODE_DELIVERY Shopper's ZIP code used on the delivery information 12345 No
STATE Shopper's state used on the billing information Anystate No
STATE_D Shopper's state used on the delivery information Anystate No
SUBTOTAL The order amount without vat and shipping 79 No
SUPPORTEMAIL Merchant support email address 0 No
SUPPORTPHONE Merchant support phone number 0 No
TECHEMAIL Merchant support email address 0 No
TECHPHONE Merchant support phone number 0 No
TOTALEQUIV Order amount converted in all vendor currencies 0 No
TOTAL_DISCOUNT Total order discount 3 No
TOTAL_VAT Total order VAT 0 No
UPLOADLINK File upload link 0 No
UPLOAD_LINK File upload link 0 No
USER_EMAIL Email address used by shopper to login/signup to myAccount No
USER_TOKEN Shopper token for 2Checkout myAccount access 0 No
VALIDATION_CODE Global Collect validation code VA0122 No
WEBSITE Website where the shopper placed the order No
ZIPCODE Shopper's ZIP code used on the billing information 12345 No
ZIPCODE_D Shopper's ZIP code used on the delivery information 12345 No

Download Insurance Service (DIS) Guide


Offer your customers the opportunity to purchase Download Insurance Service (DIS) during the ordering process, and enable them to download a file assigned to your products for an extended period of time, either by accessing a link sent via email or by logging in to 2Checkout myAccount. 2Checkout will store and serve all insured product files.


All 2Checkout accounts.


  • Product file availability extended to 24 months – Download Insurance Service overrides the default product file download settings and offers shoppers that purchased your offerings unrestricted access to product files for as much as two (2) years.
  • Unlimited number of downloads – DIS also contributes to removing any download restrictions, ensuring that files can be downloaded as many times as needed for the entire 24 months after purchases are made.

If the customer does not purchase DIS, by default, product file downloads are available only for a limited period of time, namely a maximum of two (2) weeks. In addition, the number of times that the product files can be accessed and downloaded is also limited to just 3 (three) tries.

Global Download Insurance Service (DIS)

Global DIS settings can be configured from the Merchant Control Panel.

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Fulfillment.
  3. Click on the Download Insurance tab.


As it's treated the same as any additional product when added to the cart, the Download Insurance feature has a unique product ID, product name (Download Insurance Service), and product code (DOWNLOAD_INSURANCE), although some functionalities, including quantity, won't be available to your shoppers.

Price Settings and Fees

2Checkout charges you a service fee when you offer DIS to customers, based on the size of the file stored on the 2Checkout servers that shoppers are offered for download. The fees are clearly displayed in the Merchant Control Panel, on the Download Insurance Service page, in the Prices section (see the image above).

The 2Checkout commission is applied to the entire transactional value of orders including the DIS costs, even if the DIS service fee is also paid.

You can set up your own pricing for DIS for all transactional currencies activated for your account, also in accordance with the size of the file offered to your shoppers. The prices you define here are those that your customers will see in the cart and ultimately pay when ordering DIS.

You can define DIS prices in a single transactional currency activated for your account and the 2Checkout system will convert them into all other currencies available to shoppers. The prices set up for the active currency will be converted automatically into currencies that do not feature pricing details.

Since you have complete control over all of the prices, regardless of transactional currency, you can configure specific prices as a part of your localization currency. This way, customers in specific markets worldwide will see the prices you defined for their local currency.

The total price of this service is calculated based on the total size in MB of the DIS product files in the shopping cart. For example, if product A has assigned a file of 10MB and product B has a file of 13MB, the total price will be calculated from the range of 16MB – 50MB for the total of 25MB per order. Purchased individually, the total price will be calculated from the range of 0MB - 15MB.

  • Net price – VAT is added to this price where VAT is applicable. Customers liable to VAT will pay the net price + VAT and customers exempt from VAT will pay the net price.
  • Gross prices – Final price paid by the customer, regardless of VAT applicability. Where VAT is applicable, 2Checkout deducts VAT from the gross price so the final product price (including VAT) remains unchanged. Customers liable to VAT and customers exempt from VAT will pay the same price. In cases where VAT is applied, you will receive less for the sale.

Set up product files

To upload product files, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Fulfillment.
  3. Click on the Product Files tab.

fulfillment_product files.png

4. On the Product files page, you can use the file manager to:

  • Specify a display name
  • Specify a file version
  • Upload files
  • Delete files
  • Replace files
  • Edit files

fulfillment_product files_1.png

The default disk space available is 200 MB, a number that coincides with the size of the upload file. For more space and for the ability to upload larger files, contact 2Checkout directly.

When editing uploaded product files you can:

  • Change display name
  • Change file version
  • Delete file. Delete files option is only available when no active download links exist for product files. You won't be allowed to remove a product file for two years from the moment one of your shoppers acquired the product it was assigned to as well as the DIS option.
  • Replace file. Please note that if this file has Download Insurance Service enabled, all users who have purchased this service will have the latest file available for download and not the original file. If this is not the default behavior for major updates of an already existing product, you can leave this file as is and add a separate one. The old file will be available for previous version purchases while the new file will be available for purchases for the new version.

Assign products to files

To assign products to files, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Fulfillment.
  3. Click on the Product Files tab.
  4. Click to edit a product file.

edit DIS.png

5. On the next page, scroll down to the bottom. In the Assign products area, you'll be able to select one or multiple offerings configured in the 2Checkout platform and associate them simultaneously with the product file you're editing. When assigning the product file, you can opt to make it available for:

  • Download
  • Download Insurance Service (DIS)
  • Partner (in their Partner Control Panel)

DIS_assign products.png

You can also assign files to products.

Configure the Download Insurance Service (DIS)

The DIS is considered an extra delivery 2Checkout service. DIS is offered to your shoppers only when you select the Electronic delivery type under the Fulfillment tab for your offering as:

  • 2Checkout delivery (binary keys, activation codes, product file, DIS), or
  • Delivery made by you (you need to confirm order fulfillment in 2Checkout through IDN or manually to complete orders).

When selecting the No delivery needed (subscription-based applications, access to services, etc.) option for a specific product, 2Checkout won't offer shoppers DIS.

When editing a product, make sure that the DIS (Download insurance service) option is checked under the Delivery content & methods section. Once checked, this option will display the Product file area, enabling you to select a product file from a list of item you uploaded. Check the box next to the Display to partners in their Partner Control Panel if you want the file to be shared with your partners.

Include the pre-checked DIS option when generating buy-links

When generating buy-links for your products you can opt to:

  • Display Download Insurance Service in the shopping cart and leave it up to shoppers to decide if they acquire it or not
  • Have DIS auto-selected in the shopping cart in addition to being displayed, but leave shoppers the possibility to opt-out and not acquire it they so prefer.

To include the pre-checked DIS option when you generate buy-links, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Go to Setup → Generate Links.
  3. Expand the advance options drop-down.
  4. Scroll down to the Overwrite extra options in the shopping cart section and check the Auto-select download insurance option box. Checking this box will automatically display the option as pre-selected in the shopping cart for shoppers.


When you generate a URL to sell products with the DIS option automatically selected in the cart, the &CHK_DIS parameter is added to the created buy-link, as in the example below.

This is a standard buy-link that will let shoppers opt-in to purchase DIS in addition to your product:

The following is a buy-link that will display the DIS option as pre-checked in the cart and allow shoppers to opt-out of acquiring the extra service if they so choose. Note that the &CHK_DIS parameter was added at the end.
The links displayed above are offered only for demo purposes and are not functional, hence the use of the 1234567 dummy product ID.

Use the A/B testing capabilities of the 2Checkout platform in order to try out different scenarios which increase the level of control over how DIS is offered to shoppers.

Add the DIS option directly to the shopping cart when generating buy-links

When building buy-links you have the option to not only include the pre-checked DIS option but also to add it to the cart. Note that shoppers will still have the option to remove DIS.

1. Let's assume that the following is the standard buy-link generated by the 2Checkout system:

2. And let's also assume that the product ID for your DIS option is 667788.

3. To create a buy-link that will have DIS automatically pre-checked and added to cart, treat DIS as another product:,667788&QTY=1

Use the A/B testing capabilities of the 2Checkout platform in order to try out different scenarios which increase the level of control over how DIS is offered to shoppers.

A/B Testing DIS

When configuring an A/B test for Download Insurance Service options, the following options are available:

  • Display Download Insurance Service in shopping cart
  • Force Download Insurance Service into the shopping cart
  • Download Insurance Service checkbox will be pre-checked
  • Download Insurance Service will be added automatically in the shopping cart

Read the 2Checkout A/B testing guide for details on how to use 2Checkout's A/B testing technology to see how your customers will respond to various scenarios involving DIS.

Disable Download Insurance Service (DIS)

You can disable DIS by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Fulfillment.
  3. Click on the Download Insurance tab.
  4. Select No for the Enable download insurance service option.
  5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and hit the Save settings button.

disable DIS.png

You can re-enable DIS at any time, and the 2Checkout system will begin adding Download Insurance Service to the shopping cart once again.


The following reports are also designed to centralize and display data on Download Insurance Service: 


1. Why isn't DIS displayed multiple times in the shopping cart when shoppers order multiple products, each with its own Download Insurance Service option?

DIS is displayed only as a standalone product in the shopping cart even when multiple products, each with its own DIS settings, are purchased simultaneously. The 2Checkout system is designed to calculate the total price of DIS based on the size of the downloadable product file and the price details you configured.

Set partner


Set the partner for the current shopping cart session. It's mandatory to set the partner for the current cart session to use all Channel Manager methods with the exception of logingetPartnerByCode, getPartnerSingleSignOn and searchPartners.


Parameter Type/Description
sessionID Required (string)
  Session identifier, output of the Login method. An exception will be thrown if the values are incorrect.
partnerCode Required (string)
  Unique identifier that you need to specify when creating a partner in the Control Panel. You can find it under the General Information area when editing partner details.


Parameter Type/Description
Result Boolean
  True or false



require('PATH_TO_AUTH'); // Authentication example:

$partnerCode = 'YOUR_PARTNER_CODE'; // the partner code assigned to the partner account you want to set

try { 
    $Partner= $client->setPartner($sessionID, $partnerCode); 
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "Partner: " . $e->getMessage(); 

var_dump ("Partner", $Partner);



Error Description


Partner code is mandatory.


Provided partner code is not associated with an active partner account in the Avangate system.


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Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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