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Troubleshooting the OakOS dashboard

Last updated: 01-Dec-2020

I have received my OakOS device, plugged it all in, and the OS keeps rebooting. How can I access the Claiming Screen?

Make sure you have the correct power supply connected to the NUC. It should be the 19V DC power supply that came in the box with your NUC.

I see the Claiming Screen but it says I am not connected to the internet.

Make sure you are plugged into a working RJ45 jack with a non crossover cable. Test the jack with a known device, like your laptop, to make sure that there is an internet connection. Also, if you are behind a firewall that blocks outbound requests from port 443 or has a whitelist of domains, speak to your company IT specialist to solve the issue.

Everything was working after I claimed my device and set the settings. Now, the screen is black.

Make sure your monitor is plugged in and operating correctly. Make sure you are still plugged into the same HDMI port you were before.

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