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2Checkout myAccount refund requests


Your shoppers can request refunds for their orders from 2Checkout myAccount. The refund process is described below:

  1. A shopper requests a refund from 2Checkout myAccount.
  2. The refund status of the order switches to Pending.
  3. You receive a refund request notification from 2Checkout containing the details of the request. The email includes a link to the order details page in your 2Checkout account. Click the link to go to the order details page.
  4. Click the You can view the refund details or cancel the request link.
  5. Grant a partial or a total refund in the refund window. Once you've configured the refund type, click the Grant refund button to refund the order. You also have the option of rejecting refunds, but be advised that this option might drive the customer to open a chargeback dispute.
  6. The order refund status in myAccount changes to Granted.

Edit granted refund requests

You can modify the refunded amount for each refund request only before 2Checkout processes them. If, for example, you have granted a partial refund and you want to modify the refunded amount, you can edit the refund request and the 2Checkout system will process the last granted request for each order. You can also change a partial refund to a total refund.

Each time you modify a granted refund request, the 2Checkout system sends an email to the shopper informing him or her about the granted refunded amount.

What happens when you don't approve a refund request

If you neither approve nor reject a refund request from a shopper, the request remains in Pending status for a set period of time (10 days by default). Depending on your 2Checkout account's settings, this limitation can vary. After that time interval expires, 2Checkout automatically approves the request if you take no action over it. 2Checkout recommends that you address customer complaints as a priority.

Where can I see shopper refund requests?

To get a detailed report of the refund requests placed by your shoppers, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Orders & customers -> Refunds.
  2. Go to eStore refunds and enter the filters that you want to apply to your refund requests.
  3. Click Search.
  4. You can see a report of the refund requests including information such as the order reference number, when the request was placed, who placed it and the request status. You can also export the report in CSV format by clicking the Export as CSV button.

IMPORTANT: The GRANTED and APPROVED statuses apply only to the refund request and they are not displayed on the order status page in Control Panel.


Retrieve account's time zone


Use the getTimezone method to retrieve information on the time zone used by your account for the 2Checkout API.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect. The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Parameters Type/Description




The time zone you selected or the default GMT+02:00 time zone of the 2Checkout system.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'method' => 'getTimezone',
'params' => array($sessionID),
'id' => $i++,
'jsonrpc' => '2.0');

var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true));

Subscriber management and self-service


Customer (subscriber) accounts centralize billing, subscription, and transaction data from the 2Checkout system. A single customer (subscriber) can own and use one or multiple subscriptions.


Customer accounts/IDs can be associated exclusively with subscriptions generated by the 2Checkout system for products configured using the Merchant Control Panel. To define identifiers yourself, or to have IDs generated automatically, your customers need to use at least one subscription generated for a product with the renewal system enabled.

Subscription status can be active, past due (in the grace period), expired, or canceled.

Customer accounts are not supported for products with the renewal system disabled (without any subscriptions).

Subscription renewals

Subscription renewals will automatically be associated with the same customer using the initial subscription. A new Customer account will not be generated for this scenario since the existing subscriber IDs are used.

Subscription renewal with a new product version

When the subscription for an older product being deprecated is renewed with the subscription of a newer product, it will automatically be associated with the same customer using the initial subscription. A new customer account will not be generated for this scenario since the existing customer IDs are used.


When the subscription for an older product is upgraded with the subscription of a newer product, it will automatically be associated with the same customer using the initial subscription. A new customer account will not be generated for this scenario since the existing customer IDs are used.


Customer scenarios


Existing Customer account is used

New Customer account is generated

New purchase



New purchase with new customer ID in the buy link



New purchase with existing customer ID in the buy link



Subscription renewal



Subscription renewal with the new product version



Upgrade creates a new subscription (disables the existing one)



Upgrade prolongs the subscription from the upgrade purchase date



The upgrade does not affect the original subscription duration



What's next

The What's next area is designed to provide an overview of upcoming automatic actions that the 2Checkout system will perform for the subscriptions under a Customer account. It's designed to offer:

  • Next billing dates and amounts for subscriptions;
  • Next renewal notification dates.

Customer insight

This area reveals the date when the customer account was created.

Total customer value represents the total amount paid by a specific customer (converted to your default payout currency) for all subscriptions purchased for you as long as the orders that served to acquire them (including refunds) were finalized. Only revenue from Finalized orders is taken into consideration.

Orders with the same email address generate independent customers unless you specify the customer in the buy link.

Orders that do not generate subscriptions are not included in any customer value.

The all-time discount represents the total value of discounts offered to a specific customer. Again, only revenue from Finalized orders is taken into consideration.

The Customer insight area also provides details on all the subscriptions purchased by a customer along with information on their evolution in terms of renewals and upgrades. Note: The Upgrades section is displayed only if at least one of the products to which the subscriptions listed under a customer are associated has an upgrade configured.


The currency featured in the Customer insight area is the same as the default settlement currency for your account. In scenarios in which a customer purchased products from you in another supported currency, its value is converted into the default settlement currency.

Network Cross-selling

The Customer ID used in the buy link is limited to the customers of the vendor which owns the shopping cart. Subscriptions from third-party 2Checkout vendors will not be associated with the same customer ID as that of the main vendor.

Similarly, if your products are sold through network cross-selling by third-party 2Checkout vendors, Customer IDs will be generated automatically by the system and will not be the same as the one set by the main vendor.

Customer Account Status

  1. Active - a Customer Account is created when the first subscription for a product purchased by a customer becomes active. As long as at least one subscription associated with a customer remains active the Customer Account will also feature the Active status.
  2. Trial - the Trial status is displayed for those Customer Accounts associated with customers using an active trial subscription.
  3. Inactive - displayed when all subscriptions of a Customer Account are expired or canceled, or both.

Customer Accounts status

Subscription status

Customer account status


At least 1 Active subscription


Customer account status is Active even if Trial and Canceled/Expired subscriptions exist for the customer, as long as there's at least one Active subscription.

Customers with a single subscription featuring the Past due status (expired but in the grace period) are considered Active.

At least 1 Active Trial subscription


Customer account status is Trial if all Active subscriptions for this customer are trials, regardless of any Canceled/Expired subscriptions.

Only Expired/Canceled subscriptions


All subscriptions associated with this Customer account are canceled, expired, or both.

Edit Customer Details

Click Edit at the bottom of the Customer billing details area to update the information associated with a specific account.

Select the checkbox next to the Update all customer subscriptions end-user details with these details option to also update the customer billing and end-user (delivery) details for all subscriptions governed by the same customer account.

Customer Search

The dedicated Customer area of the Control Panel offers advanced search functionality designed to enable you to find particular or multiple customers. The underlying search technology has been optimized to deliver high performance and efficiency under an intuitive and easy to use interface.

You can only search for customers that have at least one subscription attached. Customers that were created via API (that are not tied to a subscription) cannot be found via the Merchant Control Panel Customers search.

Searches can be performed for:

  • 2Checkout customer IDs;
  • External customer IDs;
  • Customer name/company;
  • Customer email address;
  • Order reference;
  • External reference / PO;
  • 2Checkout Subscription Reference;
  • Activation key;
  • Partner invoice no.;
  • SKU.

The search technology used supports partial queries for Customer name/company; email address; 2Checkout Subscription Reference; partner invoice no.; SKY and Activation key. However, when using 2Checkout customer IDs, external customer IDs, order reference, and external reference number the query term must match exactly the data searched.

You can filter results returned by the Customer search based on:

  • Customer status;
  • Geographic regions;
  • Customer country (the same country as specified in the billing details);
  • The product(s) purchased by customers;
  • The date when the customer was created in the 2Checkout platform;
  • The date when a product was upgraded;
  • The dates when notifications were sent to customers;

Export customer data

Customer data can be exported using the built-in functionality available alongside the search capabilities of the Merchant Control Panel.

Both customer details and subscription data are included in the CSV (comma-separated values) files that you can export. Essentially, information on single or multiple subscriptions acquired by the same customer is included in the CSV file.

For example, the exported CSV for the customer in the example below will feature two lines, one for each subscription purchased.

Optionally, you can also include the renewal price for customer licenses.


Follow the steps below to generate a customer export file.

  1. Log in to the 2Checkout Control Panel.
  2. Go to Orders & customers -> Customers.
  3. Use the existing filters to search for the customer you want to export data for.
  4. Click Export as CSV.
  5. Choose whether or not to include the renewal price for customer licenses.
  6. Click Export.

Export fields

The table below shows the fields included in customer exports.

Field name Description
AvangateCustomerReference System generated customer reference number in the 2Checkout system
ExternalCustomerReference External customer reference that you control
CustomerFirstName Billing first name 
CustomerLastName Billing last name 
CustomerEmail Billing email address
CustomerPhone Customer phone number
CustomerFax Customer fax number
CustomerAddress1 Customer address field
CustomerAddress2 Customer address field
CustomerCity Customer city
CustomerZip Customer zip code
CustomerState Customer state
CustomerCountry Customer country
CustomerCompany Customer company name
LicenseUniqueId Subscription ID that you control
IdProduct Unique system generated product ID
PurchaseDate Subscription purchase date
ExpirationDate Subscription expiration date
ProductName Product name
Quantity Purchased quantity
FirstName Delivery first name
LastName Delivery last name
Email Delivery email address
CommunicationLanguage Language selected in the shopping cart upon purchase
ProductVersion Purchased product version
Company Business customer company name
Phone Business customer phone number
Fax Business customer fax number
Address1 Delivery address field
Address2 Delivery address field
Zip Delivery zip code
City Delivery city
State Delivery state
CountryCode ISO country code
ProductOptions Product pricing options
ActivationCode Subscription activation code
IdPartner Partner ID (if the order was placed by a reseller)
LicenseCode Unique system generated subscription code
Refno Order reference number

Subscription renewal type:

  • Auto
  • Manual
  • Lifetime

Subscription status:

  • Active
  • Expired
URL Merchant homepage URL
NextRenewalPrice Renewal price for the next billing cycle
NextRenewalPriceCurrency Currency of the next renewal price
TimeZone Your account time zone
ShopperReferenceNumber Shopper reference number for orders placed by resellers. Can be used in searches for customers, subscriptions and orders.
AdditionalInfo Extra information that you can attach to a subscription, such as the source of the initial purchase.
PastDueDay(s) Number of days passed since the subscription reached Past Due status

Indicates test orders:

  • YES
  • NO
SubscriptionStartDate Subscription generation start date

Unique affiliate identifier from the 2Checkout platform. Possible values:

  • 0 – Removes the affiliate attached to a subscription. This causes 2Checkout to stop commissioning the affiliate for renewal charges.
  • 12345 – Assigns the subscription to the affiliates having the ID 12345.
CustomerValue High level guideline for the overall business value of a customer. Calculated based on the completed orders placed by the customer. Test orders are not considered.
CustomerValueCurrency Currency of the customer value.

Time zone support

Customer search supports time zone selection, enabling you to choose either the default 2Checkout time zone (GMT + 02:00) or a custom time zone that you control via Account settings / Edit system settings.

The time zone selected in the Customer search area controls the timestamps in which data on specific customer details pages is reported.

Maximum number of results

Customer search displays a maximum of 1,000 results.

When exporting, a maximum of 100,000 items can be included in a single CSV (comma separated values) file. If you'd like more results beyond the first 100,000 to be exported, simply modify date settings to export results in batches of 100,000.

Aggregate Customer Subscription

Use the subscription import functionality to aggregate multiple, disparate subscriptions under a single Customer. 

In scenarios in which different orders from the same shopper generate multiple Customer accounts, each with its own ExternalCustomerId, you have the option of moving all subscriptions under the same customer. This can happen when you don't provide the same ExternalCustomerId for orders placed by the same shopper, for example, and the 2Checkout system needs to generate the customer identifier automatically.

When using the import process to move subscriptions from under a customer account to another, the mandatory LicenseUniqueId field needs to be left empty if the subscription in question doesn't feature such an identifier. If you provide an identifier, the 2Checkout system will detect the item you're importing as a new subscription and add it to the targeted customer account, while leaving the subscription you intended to move, but which did not feature a LicenseUniqueId, under its existing customer account. When LicenseUniqueId is left empty, add a new field labeled LicenseCode to the CSV file, and enter the corresponding Subscription Reference identifier. The LicenseCode field can be added at the end of the mandatory fields, just after ExternalCustomerId for example. The presence of the LicenseCode field along with the Subscription Reference value will help the 2Checkout system identify the subscription you want to move from one customer account to another.

To aggregate subscriptions from multiple Customer accounts of the same shopper, you need to edit customer data saved in the 2Checkout system. When importing data for multiple subscriptions already in the 2Checkout system, specify the same ExternalCustomerId in the columns of the CSV file.

Imported subscriptions for which the ExternalCustomerId of an existing customer was provided will automatically be moved under the same account.

Subscription aggregation scenarios

Move a single subscription from Customer A to Customer B.

Customer A features multiple subscriptions. Customer B must have an External Customer ID.

  • Create a CSV file and import Subscription A belonging to Customer A but specify the External Customer ID of Customer B in the document.
  • The 2Checkout system moves Subscription A from Customer A to Customer B. Customer A continues to be available.

Move multiple subscriptions from Customer A to Customer B.

Customer B must have an External Customer ID.

  • Create a CSV file and import Subscription A, Subscription A1, and Subscription A belonging to Customer A but specify the External Customer ID of Customer B for all imported items in the document.
  • The 2Checkout system will move Subscription A from Customer A to Customer B. Customer A will continue to be available, as long as it still features at least one subscription.

Move all subscriptions from Customer A to Customer B.

Customer B must have an External Customer ID.

  • Create a CSV file and import all subscriptions belonging to Customer A but specify the External Customer ID of Customer B for all imported items in the document.
  • The 2Checkout system will move all subscriptions from Customer A to Customer B. Customer A will no longer be accessible since it features no subscription, however, the account will be preserved in the 2Checkout system. As long as you know the External Customer ID of Customer A you will still be able to allow shoppers to place orders using this identifier in the Buy Links or to move subscriptions from different accounts under that of Customer A.


What happens to subscriptions generated by the 2Checkout system before the new Customer Account functionality was available?

Individual Customer Accounts, each with its own unique numerical ID, will be created automatically for all subscriptions generated by the 2Checkout system. This is also valid for subscriptions imported in the 2Checkout system prior to the moment when this functionality went live.

Can the 2Checkout Customer ID be changed/deleted?

No. The unique 2Checkout Customer ID is locked and cannot be deleted or modified in any way.



Delete usage


Use the deleteSubscriptionUsages method via JSON-RPC API 6.0 to delete usage entered for a specific subscription, price options group, and usage interval.

Request Parameters

Parameters Type Required/Optional Description
merchantCode String Required The system-generated merchant ID.
sessionID String Required The system-generated code of the session.
hash String Required The MD5 hmac key for the request.
SubscriptionReference String Required Unique code that represents a subscription. Example: 83FE4FEF2.
UsageReference Number Optional The system-generated reference code for the usage of the subscription.
OptionCode String Optional Unique 2Checkout option code. The pay-per-usage price options group for which the usage is uploaded. Example: metered pricing. 
IntervalStart Datetime Optional (mandatory if IntervalEnd is provided) Deletes all usages where UsageEnd >= IntervalStart. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". The timezone used is the one on the server.
IntervalEnd Datetime Optional (mandatory if IntervalStart is provided) Deletes all usages where UsageEnd <= IntervalEnd. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". The timezone used is the one on the server.

Request Sample

require ('PATH_TO_AUTH'); // authentication call
$SubscriptionReference = 'B7D8E72224';
$UsageReference = 120010776516;
$jsonRpcRequest = array('jsonrpc' => '2.0', 'method' => 'deleteSubscriptionUsages', 'params' => array($sessionID, 'SubscriptionReference' => $SubscriptionReference, array("UsageReference" => $UsageReference, "OptionCode" => 'USG_MN', "IntervalStart" => "2018-04-14 13:00:10", "IntervalEnd" => "2020-09-16 13:00:10")), 'id' => $i++);
var_dump ("deleteSubscriptionUsages", callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host));


The deleteSubscriptionUsages method via JSON-RPC APIv6 returns NULL when successful.

class stdClass#3 (3) {
  public $code =>
  public $message =>
  string(46) ""
  public $data =>

Error handling

The deleteSubscriptionUsages via JSON-RPC APIv6 returns FALSE if:

Error message code Error code Error message description








Provided parameters lack the required type or format.

MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: SubscriptionReference must be a string.
MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: UsageReference must be a positive integer higher than or equal to 1.
MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: Units must be a positive integer higher than or equal to 1.
MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: IntervalStart must be a string.
MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: IntervalEnd must be a string.


The subscription or usage line are not found.


NOT_FOUND Subscription not found.
NOT_FOUND Usage line described does not exist.
The usage line is already billed. ALREADY_BILLED Usage was not deleted as this usage was already billed.
The renewal process is in progress for this subscription. RENEWAL_IN_PROGRESS There is a renewal in progress for the provided usage line.
An unexpected error happens. GENERIC There has been an error deleting the usage line. Please try again later.


Update usage


Use the updateSubscriptionUsage method via JSON-RPC API 6.0 to update a specific usage easier, or to update one usage line at a time, without having to create a file to do so.

Request Parameters

Parameters Type Required/Optional Description
merchantCode String Required The system-generated merchant ID.
hash String Required The MD5 hmac key for the request.
sessionID String Required The system-generated code of the session.
UsageReference String Required The system-generated reference code for the usage of the subscription.
SubscriptionReference String Required Unique code that represents a subscription. Example: 83FE4FEF2.
Units Number Required (Optional if Description provided) Number of units recorded. Example: 10.
Description String Required (Optional if Units provided) It can be used to store a short merchant comment of the usage being uploaded. This can be anything, from the source of usage (mobile, web, etc.), to why changes occurred, etc. Example: Subscription usage for September.

Request Sample

require ('PATH_TO_AUTH'); // authentication call
$SubscriptionReference = 'B7D8E72224';
$UsageReference = 120010776516;
$jsonRpcRequest = array('jsonrpc' => '2.0', 'method' => 'updateSubscriptionUsage', 'params' => array($sessionID, 'SubscriptionReference' => $SubscriptionReference, $UsageReference, array("Units" => 111, "Description" => "Test units out of bounds.")), 'id' => $i++);
var_dump ("updateSubscriptionUsage", callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host));


The updateSubscriptionUsage method via JSON-RPC APIv6 returns the Usage object if successful.

      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": 268,
      "result": {
        "UsageReference": "120011112631",
        "SubscriptionReference": "67F3AD6A32",
        "OptionCode": "USG_MN",
        "UsageStart": "2020-07-06 12:00:00",
        "UsageEnd": "2020-07-07 12:00:00",
        "Units": 12,
        "Description": "[CR Refactoring] 111 units",
        "RenewalOrderReference": 0

Error Handling

If unsuccessful, the updateSubscriptionUsage method via JSON-RPC APIv6 will return the error below.

Error message description Error code Error message







Provided parameters lack the required type or format.

MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: SubscriptionReference must be a string.
MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: UsageReference must be a positive integer higher than or equal to 1.
PARAMETER_MISSING Please provide at least one of the following parameters: Units, Description.
MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: Units must be a positive integer higher than or equal to 1.
MALFORMED_PARAMETER One or more parameters lack the required format: Description must be a string.


Subscription or usage line are not found.

NOT_FOUND Subscription not found.
NOT_FOUND Usage line described does not exist.
Usage line is already billed. ALREADY_BILLED Usage was not updated as this usage was already billed.
The renewal process is in progress for this subscription. RENEWAL_IN_PROGRESS There is a renewal in progress for the provided usage line.
The usage was not changed after the update. NOTHING_HAPPENED The usage has not been updated, nothing to change. The provided values are identical to the existing ones.
An unexpected error happens. GENERIC There has been an error updating the usage line. Please try again later.


Upsell settings object


Use the UpSellSettings object to update the merchant's displayType via JSON-RPC API 6.0. The 2Checkout Public API supports upsell campaigns which means you can invite your customers to purchase upgrades or add-ons from your own product catalog.


Parameter name Type Description
UpsellingDisplayType String Sets upsell settings display type. Can be overlay, interstitial.

Delete upsell campaign


Use the deleteUpSellCampaign method via JSON-RPC API 6.0 to permanently delete an upsell campaign in any status (active, disabled, expired).

Request parameters

Parameters Type Required/Optional Description
upSellCampaignCode String Required The identifying code of the upsell campaign.

Request sample


class Configuration
    public const MERCHANT_CODE = '';
    public const MERCHANT_KEY = '';
    public const URL = '';
    public const ACTION = 'deleteUpsellCampaign';
    public const ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS = null;
    public const PAYLOAD = "72937a15-1ffd-43b9-90b2-210d03dcd754";

class Client
    private const LOGIN_METHOD = 'login';
    private $calls = 1;
    private $sessionId;

    private function generateAuth(): array
        $merchantCode = Configuration::MERCHANT_CODE;
        $key = Configuration::MERCHANT_KEY;
        $date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $string = strlen($merchantCode) . $merchantCode . strlen($date) . $date;
        $hash = hash_hmac('md5', $string, $key);

        return compact('merchantCode', 'date', 'hash');

    public function login(string $url)
        $payload = $this->generateAuth();
        $response = $this->call($url, array_values($payload), self::LOGIN_METHOD);
        $this->sessionId = $response['result'];

    public function call(
        string $url = Configuration::URL,
        $payload = Configuration::PAYLOAD,
        string $action = Configuration::ACTION
    ): ?array {
        if (empty($this->sessionId) && $action !== self::LOGIN_METHOD) {

        if (!empty($this->sessionId)) {
            $payload = [$this->sessionId, $payload, Configuration::ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS];
        $payload = array_filter($payload);

        $request = json_encode([
            'jsonrpc' => '2.0',
            'method' => $action,
            'params' => $payload,
            'id' => $this->calls++,
        $curl = curl_init($url);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 0);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json', 'Cookie: XDEBUG_SESSION=PHPSTORM'));
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
        $response = curl_exec($curl);
        if(empty($response)) {
            die('Server unavailable');
        echo $response . '</br>';
        return json_decode($response, true);;
$client = new Client();
$result = $client->call();


  • 204 - 'No content' if SUCCESS
  • 4xx if FAILED with distinct error messages

Error handling

Error code Message
UPSELL_CAMPAIGN_NOT_FOUND Upsell campaign with code test was not found.
UPSELL_CAMPAIGN_CODE_TOO_LONG Code exceeds allowed max length (255)


Search products


Use the searchProducts method to extract information about the subscription plan/products you configured for your account.


Use pagination to decrease the request loading time, while better handling the returning responses.

Pagination works on all the search methods existing on 2Checkout API 5.0. The default pagination behavior is to display page 1 with 10 results. The maximum number of items displayed on a single page is 200.

To use pagination, include the Pagination object inside the search method call, using the parameters below:

Parameters Type/Description
Pagination Object
  Details below.
  Page Int
    Set the number of pages that should be returned.
  Limit Int
    Set a limit for the number of results that should be returned.



Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.





Optional (string)


Product name. Can be NULL.



Optional (StringArray)


Array of product codes.



Optional (StringArray)


Array of the values representing the type of products. Possible values:


Leave empty to have all product types returned to the search.

Can be NULL. If NULL, 2Checkout returns both regular and bundle products.



Optional (boolean)


True or false. Can be NULL.



Optional (string)


The name of the group that the product is associated with.

Can be NULL.



Optional (integer)


Number of results (products) displayed per page. Default value is 10.

Can be NULL.



Optional (integer)


A specific page of search results. Default value is 1.

Can be NULL.





Defines the order of the returned results.



Optional (string)


The name of the field to order the results by. Allowed values: 'ProductStatus', 'ProductName', 'ProductCode', 'UpdateDatetime', 'AvangateId'. Can be NULL.



Optional (string)


Sort results ascending or descending. Allowed values:

  • asc
  • desc (default)

Can be NULL (defaults to desc).



Parameter Type/Description





require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

$SearchOptions = new stdClass();
$SearchOptions->Name = '2Checkout Subscription'; //Product name
$SearchOptions->Types = array ('REGULAR', 'BUNDLE'); //product type (standalone), regular or bundle
$SearchOptions->Enabled = True;
//$SearchOptions->GroupName = '';
$SearchOptions->Limit = '10';
$SearchOptions->Page = '10';

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'jsonrpc' => '2.0',
'id' => $i++,
'method' => 'searchProducts',
'params' => array($sessionID, $SearchOptions)
var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true));


Products and subscriptions listing query parameters


2Checkout offers query parameters to enable you to manage the listing of products/subscriptions in the My Products page of your shoppers' myAccount. 


All 2Checkout accounts. myAccount users can apply filters to manage the listing of their products/subscriptions


Parameter Description
  • All (default)
  • Non-recurring: displays products that are purchased with the lifetime option and items for which 2Checkout does not generate a subscription (evergreen/one-time purchase
  • Recurring: displays only renewing subscriptions, both manual and auto-renewal
OrderBy ExpirationDate. Used in combination with the OrderByType parameter. 
OrderByType Possible values: asc or desc. Used in combination with the OrderBy parameter. 2Checkout displays either last subscriptions to expire first, or the first to expire at the top of the page.


Create promotion


Use the addPromotion method via SOAP API 6.0 to create a new promotion.





Required (String)


Output of the Login method.








Promotion name






Promotion description






Starting date. The date when you set the promotion to start. Is NULL for promotions that start immediately after they're created.

Format: Y-m-d






Ending date. The date when you set the promotion to end. Is NULL for promotions that you want active indefinitely.

Format: Y-m-d






Avangate stops offering the discount when the promotion reaches the maximum number of orders. Can be NULL if you want the promotion to apply to an unlimited number of orders.






Discount only applies to a specific number of products, smaller than the maximum quantity you defined. Can be NULL if you want the promotion to apply to an unlimited number of units. Any extra quantity added to the cart will be sold at full price.






Selecting the instant discount option will auto-apply the discount for ALL the selected products for all shoppers, without the need to enter the discount coupon.








  • SINGLE = one coupon code shared by all shoppers
  • MULTIPLE = array of unique coupon codes, each designed for individual use






Varies according to type. Send:

  • Code = 'single_code'; when Type = 'SINGLE';
  • Codes = ['code1', 'code2']; when Type = 'MULTIPLE';









Possible values:

  • ALL












Discount type:

  • PERCENT, use in combination with Value
  • FIXED, use in combination with Values and DefaultCurrency


Value / Values

Optional (Int / Array of objects)



  • Value = Int, determines the discount percentage from 0 to 100
  • Values = Array of Value objects









Optional (String)





ISO currency code





Optional (Int)





Discount amount in corresponding currency.






ISO code








Unique product code that you control.






Unique system generated pricing configuration code.



Array of strings



Array of pricing option codes controlled by you.




Limits discount use only when total order value (taxes included) exceeds the threshold you configure.






The minimum threshold you defined for the default currency.






Currency code available for the default currency of custom threshold settings.


Optional(Array of objects)











Localized name corresponding to translated language.

Name: Le product

Language: FR












Array of strings defining the sale source through the SRC parameter.








  • NONE
  • ALL




Offer discounts for a number of recurring billing charges beyond the initial purchase.


Parameters Type/Description
Promotion Object



class Client
    protected static $merchantCode;
    protected static $loginDate;
    protected static $hash;
    protected static $baseUrl;
    protected static $callCount = 0;
    protected static $sessionId = '';

    protected static $client;

    public static function setCredentials($code, $key)
        static::$merchantCode = $code;
        static::$loginDate = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        static::$hash = hash_hmac('md5', strlen($code) . $code . strlen(static::$loginDate) . static::$loginDate, $key);
        static::$sessionId = static::login();

    public static function setBaseUrl($url)
        static::$baseUrl = $url;

    public static function login()
        $client = static::getClient();
        return $client->login(static::$merchantCode, static::$loginDate, static::$hash);

    public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments = array())
        $client = static::getClient();

        array_unshift($arguments, static::$sessionId);
        $response = call_user_func_array(array($client, $name), $arguments);

        return $response;

    protected static function getClient()
        $opts = array(
            'http'=> ['user_agent' => 'PHPSoapClient'],
            'ssl' => [
                'verify_peer' => false,
                'verify_peer_name' => false,

        if (null === static::$client) {
            static::$client = new \SoapClient(static::$baseUrl . '?wsdl', [
                'location' => static::$baseUrl,
                'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
                'stream_context' => stream_context_create($opts),

        return static::$client;

$promotionObject = new stdClass;
$promotionObject->Name = 'YOUR_PROMOTION_TITLE';
$promotionObject->Description = 'YOUR_PROMOTION_DESCRIPTION';
$promotionObject->StartDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('1 month ago'));
$promotionObject->EndDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month'));
$promotionObject->Type = 'REGULAR';
$promotionObject->Enabled = 1;
$promotionObject->MaximumOrdersNumber = 0;
$promotionObject->MaximumQuantity = 0;
$promotionObject->InstantDiscount = false;
$promotionObject->ChannelType = 'ECOMMERCE';
$promotionObject->ApplyRecurring = 'NONE';
$promotionObject->RecurringChargesNumber = 3;
$promotionObject->PublishToAffiliatesNetwork = 0;
$promotionObject->InstantDiscount = 0;

$couponObject = new stdClass;
$couponObject->Type = 'SINGLE';
$couponObject->Code = 'single_code';
$promotionObject->Coupon = $couponObject;

$discountObj = new stdClass;
$discountObj->Type = 'PERCENT';
$discountObj->Value = 80;
$promotionObject->Discount = $discountObj;
$promotionObject->Products = [$productsObj1, $productsObj2, $productsObj3];
$promotionObject->Translations = [$translation1, $translation2];

Client::setCredentials('YOUR_MERCHANT_CODE', 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY');
$response = Client::addPromotion($promotionObject);

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Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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