Pause subscription
Last updated: 27-Sep-2021
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Use the pauseSubscription method to suspend all automatic charges for a predefined time period for a subscription.
Request Parameters
Parameters | Required | Type/Description |
SubscriptionRef | Required | String. The system-generated reference code of the subscription. |
ResumeDate | Required | Number. Date when the subscription should be resumed. Format "YYYY-MM-DD". The resume date needs to be set within 3 years starting from the day the subscription expires. The timezone used is the one on the server. |
PauseReason | Optional | String. Freeform text filled in by the merchant. Text is limited to 100 characters. |
Request Example
$sb = "58";
$vers = "6.0";
$client = new SoapClient("http://api.sandbox" . $sb . ".avangate.local/soap/$vers/?wsdl", array(
'location' => "http://api.sandbox" . $sb . ".avangate.local/soap/$vers/",
'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
"trace" => 1));
$date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$merchantCode = "666999";
$key = "%y~8|m]T84p[W4+O1]_?";
$string = strlen($merchantCode) . $merchantCode . strlen($date) . $date;
$hash = hash_hmac('md5', $string, $key);
$sessionID = $client->login($merchantCode, $date, $hash);
var_dump("session: ", $sessionID);
//$client->__setCookie('XDEBUG_SESSION', 'PHPSTORM');
$SubRef = "B7D8E72224";
$resumeDate = "2020-09-30 17:00:00";
$reason = "vacation leave";
try {
$addPause = $client->setRenewalPause($sessionID, $SubRef, $resumeDate, $reason);
var_dump("setRenewalPause:", $addPause);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo "Error setRenewalPause: " . $e->getMessage();
try {
$renewalPause = $client->getRenewalPause($sessionID, $SubRef);
var_dump("getRenewalPause:", $renewalPause);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo "Error getRenewalPause: " . $e->getMessage();
The pauseSubscription call returns the above TRUE/FALSE parameters.
Parameters | Type/Description |
SubscriptionRef |
ResumeDate |
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