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Update Product


The update_product call is used to update a product.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
product_id ID of product to update. Required.
name Product Name. Required.
price Product Price. Required.
vendor_product_id Merchant Assigned Product ID. Optional.
description Product Short Description. Optional.
long_description Product Long Description. Optional.
pending_url Product Pending URL. Optional.
approved_url Product Approved URL. Optional.
tangible Tangible=1, Intangible=0. Optional.
weight Decimal value of weight. Required for tangible products.
handling Specifies handling charge if applicable. Required for tangible products.
recurring 1 = recurring, 0 = non-recurring. Required for recurring products.
startup_fee Specifies start up fee if applicable. Optional.
recurrence Specifies recurrence frequency (n Week
duration Specifies recurrence duration (n Week
commission 1 = commission, 0 = no commission. Required for affiliate products.
commission_type Sets commission type for product. Possible values: amount, percentage. Required for affiliate products.
commission_amount Sets commission value for product (based on commission_type). Required for affiliate products.
option_id Accepts single or multiple option IDs to assign to product. (multiple IDs would be &option_id=xxxxxxxxx repeated for each ID to assign, where xxxxxxxxx represents each ID value to assign.) Optional.
category_id Accepts single or multiple category IDs to assign product to. (multiple IDs would be &category_id=xxxxxxxxx repeated for each ID to assign, where xxxxxxxxx represents each ID value to assign.) Optional.

Data Returned

Parameter Description
response_code Tells the user whether or not the operation was successful.
response_message Tells the user why the operation was or was not successful.

Example API Call

curl -X POST \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -u 'username:password' \
    -d 'name=test product' -d 'price=1.00' -d 'product_id=4691409938'

Example Successful Response

       "assigned_product_id" : "2561",
       "product_id" : "4691409938",
       "response_code" : "OK",
       "response_message" : "Product successfully updated"

Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to product.

Mark Shipped



The mark_shipped call is used to attempt to mark an order as shipped and will attempt to reauthorize sale if specified in call. This call will send the SHIP_STATUS_CHANGED INS message.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sale_id The order number/sale ID to mark shipped. Optional when invoice_id is present.
invoice_id ID of the invoice to add tracking information to. Required on sales with more than one invoice.
tracking_number The tracking number issued by the shipper. Required.
cc_customer Specify whether the customer should be automatically notified. Use “1” for true. Defaults to false. Optional.
reauthorize Reauthorize payment if payment authorization has expired. Defaults to false. Optional.
comment Any text except for “<” and “>” up to 255 chars in length. Optional.

Data Returned

Parameter Description
response_code Tells the user whether or not the operation was successful.

Tells the user why the operation was or was not successful.


Example API Call

curl -X POST \ -H 'Accept: application/json' -u 'username:password' \ -d 'tracking_number=123' -d 'cc_customer=1' -d 'sale_id=1234567890'

Example Successful Response

{ "response_code" : "OK", "response_message" : "Sale marked shipped." }

Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to sale.

Method Specific Error Codes

Code Description
NOTHING_TO_DO Item not shippable.
TOO_LATE Payment is already pending or deposited and cannot be reauthorized.
TOO_SOON Please wait until the next day before trying to reauthorize again.
FAILED Failed to reauthorize payment.
INTERNAL_ERROR Failed to marked shipped but reauthorization succeeded.
INTERNAL_ERROR Failed to marked shipped.

Create Product


The create_product call is used to create a new product.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
name Product Name. Required.
price Product Price. Required.
vendor_product_id Merchant Assigned Product ID. Optional.
description Product Short Description. Optional.
long_description Product Long Description. Optional.
pending_url Product Pending URL. Optional.
approved_url Product Approved URL. Optional.
tangible Tangible = 1, Intangible = 0. Optional.
weight Decimal value of weight. Required for tangible products.
handling Specifies handling charge if applicable. Required for tangible products.
recurring 1 = recurring, 0 = non-recurring. Required for recurring products.
startup_fee Specifies start up fee if applicable. Optional.
recurrence Sets billing frequency. Ex. ‘1 Week’ to bill order once a week. (Can use # Week, # Month, or # Year)
duration Sets how long to continue billing. Ex. ‘1 Year’, to continue billing based on li_#_recurrence for 1 year. (Forever or # Week, # Month, # Year)
commission 1 = commission, 0 = no commission. Required for affiliate products.
commission_type Sets commission type for product. Possible value - amount, percentage. Required for affiliate products.
commission_amount Sets commission value for product (based on commission_type). Required for affiliate products.
option_id Accepts single or multiple option IDs to assign to product. (multiple IDs would be &option_id=xxxxxxxxx repeated for each ID to assign, where xxxxxxxxx represents each ID value to assign.) Optional.
category_id Accepts single or multiple category IDs to assign product to. (multiple IDs would be &category_id=xxxxxxxxx repeated for each ID to assign, where xxxxxxxxx represents each ID value to assign.) Optional. See Valid Category IDs section below for defenetions.

Valid Category IDs

The values below can be passed in using the category_id parameter to select single or multiple category IDs to assign to product.

Art & Antiques
ID Description
15 Prints
16 Paintings
17 Photography
18 Digital Art
19 Multimedia & Crafts
20 Antiques
1 Other
Business Solutions & Office Products
ID Description
21 Advice & Instruction
22 Printing & Personalization
23 Office Supplies
24 Graphics & Logo Design
25 Online Advertising & Internet Services
26 Hosting
27 Domain Registration
2 Other
Apparel & Accessories
ID Description
28 Women’s Apparel
29 Men’s Apparel
30 Kids Apparel
31 Shoes
32 Jewelry & Watches
33 Purses & Other Accessories
34 Baby Apparel
35 Maternity Apparel
3 Other
Home, Garden & Pets
ID Description
36 Kitchen & Dining
37 Bedding & Bath
38 Garden & Patio
39 Pet Supplies
40 Baby Blankets & Gear
4 Other
ID Description
41 Graphics
42 Business & Productivity
43 Web Publishing
44 Religious
5 Other
Electronics & Computers
ID Description
45 Audio, Video, MP3, & Cameras
46 Cell Phones & Accessories
47 Computers & Hardware
6 Other
ID Description
48 Fiction
49 Non-Fiction
50 E-Books
7 Other
Gifts, Flowers & Gourmet Food
ID Description
51 Flowers
52 Food & Gourmet
53 Gift Baskets
54 Baby Gifts
8 Other
Sports & Outdoors
ID Description
55 Camping & Outdoors
56 Sports & Fitness
9 Other
Toys, Games, & Video Games
ID Description
57 Kids Toys
58 Collectibles
59 Games
60 Baby Toys
76 Online Gaming
10 Other
Movies, Videos, Music, CDs, DVDs & VHS
ID Description
61 Movies
62 Music
63 Fitness
64 Television
65 Instructional
11 Other
ID Description
67 Apparel
68 Toys & Novelties
75 Online Dating
12 Other
Health & Beauty
ID Description
69 Cosmetics, Fragrance & Beauty Aids
70 Vitamins & Dietary Supplements
71 Bath & Personal Care
72 Nursing & Maternity
13 Other
ID Description
73 Accessories & Bumper Stickers
74 Parts
14 Other
Travel Services
ID Description
78 Services
79 Software
77 Other
ID Description
81 Essays & Papers
80 Other

Data Returned

Parameter Description
response_code Tells the user whether or not the operation was successful.
response_message Tells the user why the operation was or was not successful.
assigned_product_id 2CO Assigned Product ID
product_id ID assigned to the product by 2Checkout.

Example API Call

curl -X POST \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -u 'username:password' \
    -d 'name=test product' -d 'price=1.00' -d 'vendor_product_id=123456789'

Example Successful Response

       "assigned_product_id" : "2560",
       "product_id" : "4688359093",
       "response_code" : "OK",
       "response_message" : "Product successfully created"

Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:

Stop Recurring

Stop Lineitem Recurring

The stop_lineitem_recurring call is used to attempt to stop a recurring line item for a specified sale. This call will send the RECURRING_STOPPED INS message.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
lineitem_id Line Item ID to stop recurring on. Required.

Data Returned

Parameter Description
response_code Tells the user whether or not the operation was successful
response_message Tells the user why the operation was or was not successful

Example API Call

curl -X POST -u \
    'username:password' -d 'vendor_id=123456' -d 'lineitem_id=1234567890' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json'


Example Successful Response

       "response_code" : "OK",
       "response_message" : "Recurring billing stopped for lineitem"


Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to sale.

Refund Lineitem


The refund_lineitem call is used to attempt to issue a full refund on a lineitem. This call will send the REFUND_ISSUED INS message.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
lineitem_id Line item to issue refund on. Required.
category ID representing the reason the refund was issued. Required. (values: 1-17 from the following list can be used except for 7 as it is for internal use only)
ID Description
1 Did not receive order
2 Did not like item
3 Item(s) not as described
4 Fraud
5 Other
6 Item not available
7 Do Not Use (Internal use only)
8 No response from merchant
9 Recurring last installment
10 Cancellation
11 Billed in error
12 Prohibited product
13 Service refunded at merchants request
14 Non delivery
15 Not as described
16 Out of stock
17 Duplicate

Data Returned

Parameter Description
response_code Tells the user whether or not the operation was successful
response_message Tells the user why the operation was or was not successful

Example API Call

curl -X POST \
    -u 'username:password' -d 'lineitem_id=1234567890' -d 'category=16' \
    -d 'comment=Item not in stock.' -H 'Accept: application/json'

Example Successful Response

       "response_code" : "OK",
       "response_message" : "lineitem refunded"

Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Required parameter is invalid:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to sale.

Method-Specific Error Codes

Code Description
FORBIDDEN Permission denied to set refund category to 7.
INVALID_PARAMETER This lineitem cannot be refunded.
NOTHING_TO_DO Lineitem was already refunded.
TOO_LATE Invoice too old to refund lineitem. (Will occur if sale is over 180 days)
TOO_HIGH Lineitem amount greater than remaining balance on invoice.
TOO_LOW Lineitem amount must be at least 0.01.

Refund Sale

Refund Invoice

The refund_invoice call is used to attempt to issue a full or partial refund on an invoice. This call will send the REFUND_ISSUED INS message.



Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sale_id Order number/sale ID to issue a refund on. Optional when invoice_id is specified, otherwise required.
invoice_id Invoice ID to issue a refund on. Optional when sale_id is specified and sale only has 1 invoice.
amount The amount to refund. Only needed when issuing a partial refund. If an amount is not specified, the remaining amount for the invoice is assumed.
currency Currency type of refund amount. Can be ‘usd’, ‘vendor’ or ‘customer’. Only required if amount is used.
comment Message explaining why the refund was issued. Required. May not contain ‘<’ or ‘>’. (5000 character max)
category ID representing the reason the refund was issued. Required. (values: 1-17 from the following list can be used except for 7 as it is for internal use only)
ID Description
1 Did not receive order
2 Did not like item
3 Item(s) not as described
4 Fraud
5 Other
6 Item not available
7 Do Not Use (Internal use only)
8 No response from merchant
9 Recurring last installment
10 Cancellation
11 Billed in error
12 Prohibited product
13 Service refunded at merchants request
14 Non delivery
15 Not as described
16 Out of stock
17 Duplicate

Data Returned

Parameter Description
response_code Tells the user whether or not the operation was successful
response_message Tells the user why the operation was or was not successful

Example API Call

curl -X POST \
    -u 'username:password' -d 'sale_id=1234567890' -d 'amount=1.00' \
    -d 'currency=true' -d 'category=13' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -d 'comment=Buyer deserved a refund.'

Example Successful Response

       "response_code" : "OK",
       "response_message" : "refund added to invoice"

Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to sale.

Method-Specific Error Codes

Code Description
FORBIDDEN Permission denied to set refund category to 7.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to invoice.
AMBIGUOUS Ambiguous request. Multiple invoices on sale. invoice_id parameter required.
TOO_LOW Amount must be at least 0.01.
NOTHING_TO_DO Invoice was already refunded.
TOO_HIGH Amount greater than remaining balance on invoice.
TOO_LATE Invoice too old to refund. (Will occur if sale is over 180 days)



The reauthorize call is used to attempt to reauthorize sale having expired pre-authorized payment. Please note you can only attempt to reauthorize a sale once per day.




Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sale_id The order number/sale ID to reauthorize. Required.

Data Returned

Parameter Description
response_code Tells the user whether or not the operation was successful
response_message Tells the user why the operation was or was not successful


Example API Call

curl -X POST -u 'username:password' \
    -d 'sale_id=1234567890' -H 'Accept: application/json'


Example Successful Response

       "response_code" : "OK",
       "response_message" : "Payment reauthorized."


Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to sale.

Method-Specific Error Codes

Code Description
TOO_LATE Payment is already pending or deposited and cannot be reauthorized.
TOO_SOON Please wait until the next day to reauthorize again.
FAILED Failed to reauthorize payment.

List Sales


The list_sales call is used to retrieve a summary of all sales or only those matching a variety of sale attributes.


HTTP Method: GET

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sale_id Search for sale with this Sale ID. Optional.
invoice_id Search for a Sale with this Invoice ID. Optional.
customer_name Search for sales with this cardholder name. Must be at least 3 chars and can be substring of cardholder name. Case Insensitive. Optional.
customer_email Search for sales with this buyer email. Can be substring of the email. Case insensitive. Optional.
customer_phone Search for sales with this phone number. Can be an incomplete number but must match from the beginning. Optional.
vendor_product_id Search for sales with this product id. Can be substring of the id. Optional.
ccard_first6 Search for sales with these First 6 numbers of the credit card number. Optional.
ccard_last2 Search for sales with these Last 2 numbers of the credit card number. Optional.
sale_date_begin Search for sales from this date to current date (or sale_date_end). Optional.
sale_date_end Search for sales from beginning of time (or sale_date_begin) to this date. Optional.
declined_recurrings Search for declined recurring sales. Optional.
active_recurrings Search for active recurring sales. Optional.
refunded Search for sales that have been refunded in full or partially. Optional.
cur_page The page number to retrieve. First page = 1. Optional.
pagesize Total rows per page. Possible values are 1-100. If pagesize not specified, default of 20 items per page will be assigned internally. Optional.
sort_col The name of the column to sort on. Possibile values are sale_id, date_placed, customer_name, recurring, recurring_declined and usd_total. (case insensitive) Optional.
sort_dir The direction of the sort process. (‘ASC’ or ‘DESC’) (case insensitive) Optional.

Data Returned

Parameter Description
sale_id Order number/Sale Number
date_placed Date the order was placed
customer_name Buyer name
recurring Is the order recurring (values: 0=No, 1=Yes)
recurring_declined Date of most recent recurring decline
decline_code Decline code of most recent recurring decline
usd_total Buyer total in USD
sale_url Direct url to sale detail page


Example API Call

curl -G \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -u 'username:password' \
    -d 'sort_col=date_placed' -d 'sort_dir=desc'


Example Successful Response

       "page_info" : {
          "cur_page" : "1",
          "first_entry" : 1,
          "first_page" : 1,
          "first_page_url" : "",
          "last_entry" : "4",
          "last_page" : 1,
          "last_page_url" : "",
          "next_page" : null,
          "pagesize" : "20",
          "previous_page" : null,
          "total_entries" : "4"
       "response_code" : "OK",
       "response_message" : "Sales summaries retrieved successfully.",
       "sale_summary" : [
             "customer_name" : "Testing  Tester",
             "date_placed" : "2012-03-30",
             "decline_code" : null,
             "recurring" : "0",
             "recurring_declined" : null,
             "sale_id" : "4672226243",
             "sale_url" : "",
             "usd_total" : "2.00"
             "customer_name" : "Testing  Tester",
             "date_placed" : "2012-03-30",
             "decline_code" : null,
             "recurring" : "0",
             "recurring_declined" : null,
             "sale_id" : "4672223284",
             "sale_url" : "",
             "usd_total" : "2.00"
             "customer_name" : "Testing  Tester",
             "date_placed" : "2012-03-27",
             "decline_code" : null,
             "recurring" : "0",
             "recurring_declined" : null,
             "sale_id" : "4669698261",
             "sale_url" : "",
             "usd_total" : "1.00"
             "customer_name" : "Testing  Tester",
             "date_placed" : "2012-03-26",
             "decline_code" : null,
             "recurring" : "0",
             "recurring_declined" : null,
             "sale_id" : "4669135919",
             "sale_url" : "",
             "usd_total" : "1.00"


Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.

Detail Sale


The detail_sale call is used to retrieve information about a specific sale or invoice.


HTTP Method: GET

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
sale_id The order number of the requested sale. Optional if invoice_id is specified.
invoice_id The invoice number of the requested invoice (specify to include only the requested invoice. Omit and use sale_id to include all invoices).  Optional if sale_id is specified.

Data Returned



Parameter Description
sale_id Order Number/Sale Number
ip_address Buyer IP Address
date_placed Date and time the order was placed
total Sale total amount
language Language sale was placed in (values: en,it,fr,no,es_ib,es_la,gr,nl,zh,da,jp,pt,sl,sv,el)
pay method Buyer Payment Method
cardholder_name Buyer full name
first_six_digits First 6 digits of credit card
last_two_digits Last 2 digits of credit card
method Method of sale payment (values: ach, credit card, amex, atmd, bill_me_later, fxsource, paypal_int, paypal_pl, acculynk)
avs AVS match
cvv CVV match



Parameter Description
username User that entered the comment
timestamp Date and time the comment was entered
ip IP address of the user
comment_text Comment text



Parameter Description
customer_id Customer ID
first_name Buyer first name
middle_initial Buyer middle initial
last_name Buyer last name
card_holder_name Buyer full name
email Buyer email address
phone Buyer phone number
phone_extension Buyer phone extension



Parameter Description
address_1 Billing address line 1
address_2 Billing address line 2
city Billing city
state Billing state
postal_code Billing postal code
country_code Billing country code
country Billing country



Parameter Description
invoice_id Invoice ID
sale_id Sale ID
status Sale Status (values: deposited, approved, declined, pending)
usd_total Invoice total in USD
vendor_total Invoice total in account pricing currency
customer_total Invoice total in buyer pricing currency
fees_2co 2CO transaction fees applied to invoice
recurring Recurring (values: 1=yes, 0=no)
recurring_decline Recurring (values: 1=yes, 0=no, NULL)
date_placed Date and time the invoice was placed
date_shipped Date and time invoice was shipped
date_vendor_paid Date paid
referrer Invoice referrer url
vendor_order_id Merchant Order ID



Parameter Description
lineitem_id Line item ID
vendor_product_id Merchant assigned product ID
affiliate_vendor_id Affiliate ID
product_description Product short description
product_handling Product handling fee
product_name Product Name
product_price Line item price
product_recurrence Product Recurrence (values: A number followed by a space followed by “day”, “week”, “month” or “year”)
product_duration Recurring duration (values: “Forever” or a number followed by a space followed by “day”, “week”, “month” or “year”)
product_startup_fee Startup fee
product_tangible Tangible or Intangible (values: 1=intangible, 0=intangible)
product_is_cart Third Party Cart ID or “0” if none
installment Current installment for recurring billing items
type Line item type (values: null = products including 2Checkout Signup, signup fee, affiliate, shipping, partial, chargeback, coupon)
flat rate Flat rate commission amount of line item affiliate commission (VA Affiliate Program)
percentage Percentage of line item affiliate commission (VA Affilate Program)
lc_affiliate_vendor_id ID of affiliate credited for line item commission (VA Affiliate Program)
lc_usd_amount Amount of line item affiliate commission (VA Affiliate Program)
commission Global Affiliates commission amount
commission_affiliate_vendor_id Global Affiliates affiliate credited for line item commission
commission_flat_rate Global Affiliates flat rate commission amount
commission_percentage Global Affiliates commission percentage
commission_type Global Affiliates commission type (amount or percentage)
commission_usd_amount Global Affiliates commission USD amount



Parameter Description
lineitem_id Line item ID used with option
lineitem_option_id Product option ID
option_name Product option name
option_value Product option value
usd_surcharge surcharge in USD
vendor_surcharge Surcharge in account pricing currency
customer_surcharge Surcharge in buyer currency



Parameter Description
billing_id Billing ID
usd_amount Billing amount in USD
vendor_amount Billing amount in account pricing currency
customer_amount Billing amount in buyer currency
customer_id 2Checkout system buyer ID
installment current installment for recurring billing items
product_recurrence Billing Recurrence (values: A number followed by a space followed by “day”, “week”, “month” or “year”)
product_duration Billing duration (values: “Forever” or a number followed by a space followed by “day”, “week”, “month” or “year”)
date_next Next lineitem recurring billing date
date_start Lineitem recurring date started.
date_end Recurring lineitem duration end date.
date_fail Last lineitem declined date
date_pending Lineitem billing date pending
date_deposited Lineitem billing date deposited
recurring_status Lineitem recurring status
status Bill Status (values: bill, refund)
bill_method Billing method (values: NULL, ach, credit_card, amex, atmd, bill_me_later, fxsource, paypal_int, paypal_pl, acculynk)



Parameter Description
shipping_id Shipment ID for invoice
date_shipped Date and time the invoice was shipped
tracking_number Tracking number entered on invoice
tracking_url Tracking url listed on shipping method
shipping_method_id Shipping method ID
shipping_method Shipping method name
shipping_name Recipient name
address_1 Shipping address line 1
address_2 Shipping address line 2
city Shipping city
state Shipping state
postal_code Shipping postal code
country_code Shipping country code
country Shipping country


Example API Call

curl -G \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'sale_id=4647892238' -u 'username:password'


Example Successful Response

   "response_code" : "OK",
   "response_message" : "Sale detail retrieved",
   "sale" : {
      "comments" : [
            "changed_by_ip" : "",
            "comment" : "[* Sent: Vendor *] Refund Issued On Sale: test sale",
            "timestamp" : "2012-03-31 10:56:31",
            "username" : "api_user"
            "changed_by_ip" : "",
            "comment" : "[* Sent: Vendor *] Recurring billing stopped for test",
            "timestamp" : "2012-03-31 10:56:30",
            "username" : "api_user"
      "customer" : {
         "address_1" : "123 test st",
         "address_2" : null,
         "address_id" : "4647892310",
         "cardholder_name" : "Testing  Tester",
         "city" : "test",
         "country_code" : "USA",
         "country_name" : "United States",
         "customer_id" : "4647892244",
         "email_address" : "",
         "first_name" : "Testing",
         "lang" : "en",
         "last_name" : "Tester",
         "middle_initial" : null,
         "pay_method" : {
            "avs" : null,
            "cvv" : null,
            "first_six_digits" : null,
            "last_two_digits" : null,
            "method" : "paypal ec"
         "phone" : "123465789",
         "phone_ext" : "",
         "postal_code" : "43123",
         "prefix" : null,
         "state" : "OH"
      "date_placed" : "2012-02-29 13:29:28",
      "detail_ip" : {
         "address" : "",
         "area_code" : 740,
         "city" : "Galena",
         "country" : "United States",
         "country_code" : "US",
         "region" : "OH",
         "zip" : "43021"
      "invoices" : [
            "customer_total" : "1.00",
            "date_placed" : "2012-02-29 13:29:28",
            "date_shipped" : null,
            "date_vendor_paid" : null,
            "fees_2co" : "0.54",
            "invoice_id" : "4647892247",
            "lineitems" : [
                  "affiliate_vendor_id" : null,
                  "billing" : {
                     "amount" : "1.53",
                     "bill_method" : "paypal_int",
                     "billing_id" : "4647892307",
                     "customer_amount" : "1.00",
                     "customer_id" : "4647892244",
                     "date_deposited" : "2012-02-29",
                     "date_end" : null,
                     "date_fail" : "2012-03-07",
                     "date_next" : "2012-03-29",
                     "date_pending" : "2012-02-29",
                     "date_start" : "2012-03-02",
                     "lineitem_id" : "4647892301",
                     "recurring_status" : "completed",
                     "status" : "bill",
                     "usd_amount" : "1.53",
                     "vendor_amount" : "1.00"
                  "commission" : null,
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                  "type" : null,
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                  "billing" : {
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                     "bill_method" : "paypal_int",
                     "billing_id" : "4672854535",
                     "customer_amount" : "1.00",
                     "customer_id" : "4647892244",
                     "date_deposited" : "2012-03-31",
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                  "commission_flat_rate" : null,
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                  "customer_amount" : "1.00",
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                  "invoice_id" : "4647892247",
                  "lc_affiliate_vendor_id" : null,
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            "shipping" : null,
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            "customer_total" : "1.00",
            "date_placed" : "2012-03-29 02:32:58",
            "date_shipped" : null,
            "date_vendor_paid" : null,
            "fees_2co" : "0.54",
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            "lineitems" : [
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                     "date_end" : "1999-01-01",
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                     "date_start" : "2012-03-31",
                     "lineitem_id" : "4671118599",
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                     "status" : "bill",
                     "usd_amount" : "1.53",
                     "vendor_amount" : "1.00"
                  "commission" : null,
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                  "product_is_cart" : "0",
                  "product_name" : "test",
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                  "product_startup_fee" : null,
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                  "type" : null,
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                     "billing_id" : "4672854541",
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                     "customer_id" : "4647892244",
                     "date_deposited" : "2012-03-31",
                     "date_end" : null,
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                     "usd_amount" : "1.53",
                     "vendor_amount" : "1.00"
                  "commission" : null,
                  "commission_affiliate_vendor_id" : null,
                  "commission_flat_rate" : null,
                  "commission_percentage" : null,
                  "commission_type" : null,
                  "commission_usd_amount" : null,
                  "customer_amount" : "1.00",
                  "flat_rate" : null,
                  "installment" : "2",
                  "invoice_id" : "4671118593",
                  "lc_affiliate_vendor_id" : null,
                  "lc_usd_amount" : null,
                  "lineitem_id" : "4672854538",
                  "linked_id" : "4671118599",
                  "options" : [],
                  "percentage" : null,
                  "product_description" : "test",
                  "product_duration" : "Forever",
                  "product_handling" : "0.00",
                  "product_id" : "4647888428",
                  "product_is_cart" : "0",
                  "product_name" : "test",
                  "product_price" : "1.00",
                  "product_recurrence" : "1 Month",
                  "product_startup_fee" : null,
                  "product_tangible" : "0",
                  "sale_id" : "4647892238",
                  "status" : "refund",
                  "type" : null,
                  "usd_amount" : "1.53",
                  "usd_commission" : null,
                  "vendor_amount" : "1.00",
                  "vendor_product_id" : "1178646973"
            "recurring" : "1",
            "referrer" : "",
            "sale_id" : "4647892238",
            "shipping" : null,
            "status" : "deposited",
            "usd_total" : "1.53",
            "vendor_id" : "532001",
            "vendor_order_id" : "1",
            "vendor_total" : "1.00"
      "ip_address" : "",
      "ip_country" : "United States",
      "recurring_decline" : null,
      "sale_id" : "4647892238"


Common Error Codes

Code Description
PARAMETER_MISSING Required parameter missing:
PARAMETER_INVALID Invalid value for parameter:
RECORD_NOT_FOUND Unable to find record.
FORBIDDEN Access denied to sale.

Admin API


(Formally known as Back Office API)

2Checkout’s Admin API provides a way to automate both account and order management processes. Using the Admin API along with the Instant Notification Service alleviates the necessity of logging into the standard GUI account interface on a day-to-day basis.

The Admin API system works by first having the user create an API username in their 2Checkout account which has the appropriate permissions to access the Admin API. This API username can be used to authenticate the supported methods described below to call our Admin API by HTTP POST or GET to update or return sale information. To create a username, please log in to your account, click on the Account tab and User Management sub-tab. From here, please click the Create Username link and create a new username with API Access and API Updating selected for the Access type. Our Admin API can then be accessed with this new username and password you created.

api user

The Admin API will return XML by default unless the Accept: header is passed in the call to define the content type. The Admin API is capable of returning data in the following formats:

  • XML (application/xml) - default
  • JSON (application/json)
  • HTML XOXO microformat (text/html)

Simple bindings for each method are provided through our community supported libraries.

You can also call each method without using our libraries. Below is an example script that makes a detail_sale call.

var tco = new Twocheckout({
    apiUser: "APIuser1817037,
    apiPass: "APIpass1817037

args = {
    lineitem_id: "4774380224"

tco.sales.stop(args, function (error, data) {
    if (error) {
    } else {


If a request cannot be completed successfully, the response from the Admin API will contain information that can be used to determine what went wrong. There are several ways to determine that the request was unsuccessful. Either the HTTP Status header will contain a status code of 400 or higher (typically 400, 404, or 500). Or There will be one or more errors elements in the response. Each of these elements will contain an error code, message, and (if applicable) other informative values to assist in debugging the problem such as the offending parameter name.

Example response:

      "code" : "PARAMETER_MISSING",
      "message" : "Required parameter missing: vendor_id",
      "parameter" : "vendor_id"


Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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We’ll help you choose the right payment solution for your business, wherever you want to sell, in-person or online. Our team of experts will happily discuss your needs.

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