Fraud status changed
Last updated: 05-Jan-2022
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All orders must pass 2Checkout’s fraud review before they will be billed; therefore sellers are advised that goods should not be delivered until they have passed this fraud review. If an order fails the fraud review it will also be canceled. An order may change fraud status more than once.
Fraud Status Changed is an invoice level message; it will be sent once for each fraud status change on a sale and will contain information about all items ordered.
Message Parameters
Expand table
Parameter | Type | Description |
message_description | Text | Human-readable description of message_type |
timestamp | Timestamp | Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ |
md5_hash | Upper Case Text | UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message |
message_id | Numeric | This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller. |
key_count | Numeric | Indicates the number of parameters sent in message |
vendor_id | Numeric | Seller account number |
sale_id | Numeric | 2Checkout sale number |
sale_date_placed | Date | Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD |
vendor_order_id | Text | Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters) |
invoice_id | Numeric | 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order. |
recurring | Numeric | recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise |
payment_type | Lower Case Text | Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later) |
list_currency | Upper Case Text | 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency |
cust_currency | Upper Case Text | 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency |
auth_exp | Date | The date credit authorization will expire; format YYYY-MM-DD |
invoice_status | Lower Case Text | Status of a transaction (approved, pending, deposited, or declined) |
fraud_status | Lower Case Text | Status of 2Checkout fraud review (pass, fail, or wait); This parameter could be empty on some sales. |
invoice_list_amount | Numeric | Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
invoice_usd_amount | Numeric | Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places |
invoice_cust_amount | Numeric | Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
customer_first_name | Text | Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales) |
customer_last_name | Text | Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales) |
customer_name | Text | Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card) |
customer_email | Text | Buyer’s email address |
customer_phone | Numeric | Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out |
customer_ip | Text | Buyer’s IP address at time of sale |
customer_ip_country | Text | Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider |
bill_street_address | Text | Billing street address |
bill_street_address2 | Text | Billing street address line 2 |
bill_city | Text | Billing address city |
bill_state | Text | Billing address state or province |
bill_postal_code | Text | Billing address postal code |
bill_country | Text | 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address |
ship_status | Lower Case Text | Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped) |
ship_tracking_number | Text | Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin |
ship_name | Text | Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label) |
ship_street_address | Text | Shipping street address |
ship_street_address2 | Text | Shipping street address line 2 |
ship_city | Text | Shipping address city |
ship_state | Text | Shipping address state or province |
ship_postal_code | Text | Shipping address postal code |
ship_country | Upper Case Text | 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address |
item_count | Numeric | Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect |
item_name_# | Text | Product name |
item_id_# | Text | Seller product id |
item_list_amount_# | Numeric | Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
item_usd_amount_# | Numeric | Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places |
item_cust_amount_# | Numeric | Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
item_type_# | Lower Case Text | Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund |
item_duration_# | Text | Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year |
item_recurrence_# | Text | Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month |
item_rec_list_amount_# | Numeric | Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY) |
item_rec_status_# | Lower Case Text | Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed |
item_rec_date_next_# | Date | Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD |
item_rec_install_billed_# | Numeric | The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed |
Example message
auth_exp => 2012-07-26
bill_city => Columbus
bill_country => USA
bill_postal_code => 43123
bill_state => OH
bill_street_address => 123 Test St
bill_street_address2 => dddsdsc
cust_currency => USD
customer_email =>
customer_first_name => Craig
customer_ip =>
customer_ip_country => United States
customer_last_name => Christenson
customer_name => Craig P Christenson
customer_phone => 5555555555
fraud_status => pass
invoice_cust_amount => 0.20
invoice_id => 4759791636
invoice_list_amount => 0.20
invoice_status => deposited
invoice_usd_amount => 0.20
item_count => 2
item_cust_amount_1 => 0.10
item_cust_amount_2 => 0.10
item_duration_1 =>
item_duration_2 =>
item_id_1 => ebook1
item_id_2 => ebook1
item_list_amount_1 => 0.10
item_list_amount_2 => 0.10
item_name_1 => Download
item_name_2 => Download
item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-07-26
item_rec_date_next_2 => 2012-07-26
item_rec_install_billed_1 => 4
item_rec_install_billed_2 => 4
item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.10
item_rec_list_amount_2 => 0.10
item_rec_status_1 => live
item_rec_status_2 => live
item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
item_recurrence_2 => 1 Week
item_type_1 => bill
item_type_2 => bill
item_usd_amount_1 => 0.10
item_usd_amount_2 => 0.10
key_count => 68
list_currency => USD
md5_hash => 2DAE8544FA29CE313DB20582D540F133
message_description => Invoice status changed
message_id => 3786
payment_type => paypal ec
recurring => 1
sale_date_placed => 2012-06-28 22:14:23
sale_id => 4742525399
ship_city =>
ship_country =>
ship_name =>
ship_postal_code =>
ship_state =>
ship_status =>
ship_street_address =>
ship_street_address2 =>
ship_tracking_number =>
timestamp => 2012-07-19 17:01:19
vendor_id => 532001
vendor_order_id => test123
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