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Hosted Checkout API


2Checkout sales are placed by the buyer through our secure checkout. You can pass the buyer to our Standard Checkout or for more seamless integration, you can display the payment form on your website using our Inline Checkout. You can easily customize the look and feel of the Standard Checkout page or Inline Checkout form using our Custom Checkout feature. By integrating with either checkout option, you automatically become PCI compliant as all sensitive card details are handled by us on our Level 1 PCI compliant servers. (Please Note: Our Inline Checkout option is presented in an iframe so we recommend that you use an SSL certificate on your checkout page. This way the buyer will be able to see that they are on a secure connection.) Integration can be completed by using our Hosted Checkout parameters which allow you to dynamically pass in both recurring and non-recurring product, shipping, tax, and coupon lineitems.

2checkout flowchart

Creating a Sale

You can initiate a new sale from your website or application by creating an HTML form or link to pass the buyer and sale parameters from your website to our checkout URL.

Example form

<form action='' method='post'>
  <input type='hidden' name='sid' value='1303908' />
  <input type='hidden' name='mode' value='2CO' />
  <input type='hidden' name='li_0_type' value='product' />
  <input type='hidden' name='li_0_name' value='Monthly Subscription' />
  <input type='hidden' name='li_0_price' value='1.00' />
  <input type='hidden' name='li_0_recurrence' value='1 Month' />
  <input name='submit' type='submit' value='Checkout' />

The buyer will then be able to enter their billing information and complete the checkout process using their preferred currency and payment method. Please review our Hosted Checkout parameters documentation for more information.

Handle the Passback

When the sale is completed, we will return the buyer and sale parameters back to the approved URL that you defined. The approved URL can be defined at the account level (under the Account tab and the Site Management sub-tab), at the product level (Plug and Play products only), or at the sale level (by passing in the x_receipt_link_url parameter). This way you can validate the passback and display your confirmation to the buyer. If no approved URL is defined, the buyer will be presented with a default order confirmation page providing an order summary, as well as a confirmation indicating that the payment is being processed.

Example Passback Validation

$hashSecretWord = 'tango'; //2Checkout Secret Word
$hashSid = 1303908; //2Checkout account number
$hashTotal = '1.00'; //Sale total to validate against
$hashOrder = $_REQUEST['order_number']; //2Checkout Order Number
$StringToHash = strtoupper(md5($hashSecretWord . $hashSid . $hashOrder . $hashTotal));
if ($StringToHash != $_REQUEST['key']) {
  $result = 'Fail - Hash Mismatch';
} else {
  $result = 'Success - Hash Matched';
echo $result;

Each of our community-supported libraries provides a binding to validate the hash on the passback to your approved URL.

Recurring complete


Recurring orders bill automatically according to schedule, which ends a fixed amount of time after original order placement. This message will allow sellers to automate any processes which should be keyed off completion of installment billing, such as issuing permanent credentials or account closure.

Please Note: The RECURRING_INSTALLMENT_SUCCESS message will also be sent prior to the RECURRING_COMPLETE message.

Recurring Complete is an item-level message; it will be sent once for each recurring item completed and will only contain information about that item.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_country => USA
        bill_postal_code => 43123
        bill_state => OH
        bill_street_address => 123 Test St
        bill_street_address2 => dddsdsc
        cust_currency => USD
        customer_email =>
        customer_first_name => Craig
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => United States
        customer_last_name => Christenson
        customer_name => Craig P Christenson
        customer_phone => 5555555555
        invoice_id => 4808173369
        item_count => 1
        item_cust_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_duration_1 => 1 Month
        item_id_1 => ebook2
        item_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_name_1 => updated product name
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-09-22
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 5
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_rec_status_1 => live
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_usd_amount_1 => 0.01
        key_count => 50
        list_currency => USD
        md5_hash => 78327F2B9F1F98010354481745739027
        message_description => All installments billed
        message_id => 4491
        message_type => RECURRING_COMPLETE
        payment_type => paypal ec
        recurring => 1
        sale_date_placed => 2012-08-18 15:49:46
        sale_id => 4786306576
        ship_city => 
        ship_country => 
        ship_name => 
        ship_postal_code => 
        ship_state => 
        ship_status => 
        ship_street_address => 
        ship_street_address2 => 
        ship_tracking_number => 
        timestamp => 2012-09-15 02:43:45
        vendor_id => 532001
        vendor_order_id => test123


Recurring installment failed


Recurring orders bill automatically according to schedule, but billings are not always successful. This message will allow you to automate any processes which should be keyed off installment billing failure, such as suspension of login credentials.

This message will send the information based on the last successful installment billed, in other words, the invoice number is the last invoice successfully billed, installments_billed is not incremented, and date_next will often be a date in the past, indicating the original due date for the missed billing.

Recurring Installment Failed is an item-level message; it will be sent once for each recurring item that fails to bill and will only contain information about that item.

Please Note: This message will be identical (except for timestamp) whether it is the first attempt or a retry.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_country => USA
        bill_postal_code => 43228
        bill_state => OH
        bill_street_address => ​855 Grandview Avenue
        bill_street_address2 => Suite 11
        cust_currency => LTL
        customer_email =>
        customer_first_name => Testing
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => Unknown
        customer_last_name => Tester
        customer_name => Tester
        customer_phone => 6149212450
        invoice_id => 4679675991
        item_count => 1
        item_cust_amount_1 => 0.03
        item_duration_1 => Forever
        item_id_1 => ebook1
        item_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_name_1 => Download
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-04-16
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 1
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_rec_status_1 => live
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_usd_amount_1 => 0.01
        key_count => 50
        list_currency => USD
        md5_hash => 60C4032DF4929EA493B1E0338158A0F6
        message_description => Recurring installment failed to bill
        message_id => 3071
        message_type => RECURRING_INSTALLMENT_FAILED
        payment_type => credit card
        recurring => 1
        sale_date_placed => 2012-04-09 10:10:27
        sale_id => 4679675970
        ship_city => Columbus
        ship_country => USA
        ship_name => Testing Tester
        ship_postal_code => 43215
        ship_state => OH
        ship_status => shipped
        ship_street_address => ​855 Grandview Avenue
        ship_street_address2 => Suite 11
        ship_tracking_number => 
        timestamp => 2012-04-30 06:22:07
        vendor_id => 532001
        vendor_order_id => test123


Recurring installment success


Recurring orders bill automatically according to schedule. This message will allow you to automate any processes which should be keyed off successful installment billing, such as an extension of login credentials.

This message will send the same customer information and sale_id (and vendor_order_id, if provided) as the original Order Created message, however, the successful billing will have generated a new invoice_id and will have incremented the item_rec_install_billed_# parameter.

Recurring Installment Success is an item-level message; it will be sent once for each recurring item billed successfully and will only contain information about that item.

Please Note: This message will be identical (except for timestamp) whether it is the first attempt or a retry.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_country => USA
        bill_postal_code => 43123
        bill_state => OH
        bill_street_address => 123 Test St
        bill_street_address2 => dddsdsc
        cust_currency => USD
        customer_email =>
        customer_first_name => Craig
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => United States
        customer_last_name => Christenson
        customer_name => Craig P Christenson
        customer_phone => 5555555555
        invoice_id => 4796973443
        item_count => 1
        item_cust_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_duration_1 => 
        item_id_1 => 
        item_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_name_1 => Example Product
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-09-08
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 5
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_rec_status_1 => live
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_usd_amount_1 => 0.01
        key_count => 50
        list_currency => USD
        md5_hash => 63556765B734671F3341A6E659D7C6B6
        message_description => Recurring installment successfully billed
        message_id => 133
        payment_type => paypal ec
        recurring => 1
        sale_date_placed => 2012-08-04 15:50:06
        sale_id => 4774475247
        ship_city => 
        ship_country => 
        ship_name => 
        ship_postal_code => 
        ship_state => 
        ship_status => 
        ship_street_address => 
        ship_street_address2 => 
        ship_tracking_number => 
        timestamp => 2012-09-01 03:16:26
        vendor_id => 1817037
        vendor_order_id => test123


Recurring restarted


After being stopped, recurring orders can be restarted by 2Checkout staff for a variety of reasons, the most common being per buyer request. In this most common case, a customer calls 2Checkout and requests to restart billing on a recurring order.

Recurring Restarted is an item-level message; it will be sent once for each recurring item restarted and will only contain information about that item.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        message_type => RECURRING_RESTARTED
        message_description => Recurring order restarted
        timestamp => 2012-09-22 08:27:45
        message_id => 4666
        vendor_id => 532001
        vendor_order_id => 
        invoice_id => 4805798416
        recurring => 1
        list_currency => USD
        cust_currency => USD
        payment_type => paypal ec
        sale_id => 4783469055
        sale_date_placed => 2012-08-15 06:12:33
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => Unknown
        customer_first_name => Testing
        customer_last_name => Tester
        customer_name => Testing  Tester
        customer_email =>
        customer_phone => 6149212450
        ship_status => 
        ship_tracking_number => 
        ship_name => 
        ship_street_address => 
        ship_street_address2 => 
        ship_city => 
        ship_state => 
        ship_postal_code => 
        ship_country => 
        bill_street_address => ​855 Grandview Avenue
        bill_street_address2 => Suite 11
        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_state => OH
        bill_postal_code => 43215
        bill_country => USA
        item_count => 1
        item_name_1 => test product
        item_id_1 => ebook1
        item_list_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_usd_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_cust_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_duration_1 => 
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_rec_status_1 => live
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-09-19
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 5
        md5_hash => C12DFC68837CCB63992E6DB1A3F9C9B5
        key_count => 50


Recurring stopped


Recurring orders can be stopped by the buyer or the seller. This message will notify you when a recurring sale has been stopped so that you can disable the buyer’s service in your application.

Recurring Stopped is an item-level message; it will be sent once for each recurring item stopped and will only contain information about that item.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        message_type => RECURRING_STOPPED
        message_description => Recurring order stopped
        timestamp => 2012-10-16 20:21:49
        message_id => 289
        vendor_id => 1817037
        vendor_order_id => test123
        invoice_id => 4832772530
        recurring => 1
        list_currency => USD
        cust_currency => USD
        payment_type => paypal ec
        sale_id => 4832772521
        sale_date_placed => 2012-10-16 20:19:26
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => United States
        customer_first_name => Testing
        customer_last_name => Tester
        customer_name => Testing Tester
        customer_email =>
        customer_phone => 5555555555
        ship_status =>
        ship_tracking_number =>
        ship_name =>
        ship_street_address =>
        ship_street_address2 =>
        ship_city =>
        ship_state =>
        ship_postal_code =>
        ship_country =>
        bill_street_address => 123 Test St
        bill_street_address2 => dddsdsc
        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_state => OH
        bill_postal_code => 43123
        bill_country => USA
        item_count => 1
        item_name_1 => Example Product
        item_id_1 => example123
        item_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_usd_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_cust_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_duration_1 =>
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_rec_status_1 => live
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-10-23
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 1
        md5_hash => 7BC95622BF602363F49DE0E95CFF314C
        key_count => 50


Refund issued


A refund is any credit issued back to the buyer. Refunds can be for specific products/items, or “partial” (no specific product is specified). They will always be specific to a single invoice. This message will allow you to automate more accurate inventory and financial tracking.

Refund Issued is an item-level message; it will be sent once for each refund item issued (product or partial) and will only contain information about that item.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_country => USA
        bill_postal_code => 43123
        bill_state => OH
        bill_street_address => 123 Test St
        bill_street_address2 => 
        cust_currency => USD
        customer_email =>
        customer_first_name => Craig
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => United States
        customer_last_name => Christenson
        customer_name => Craig P Christenson
        customer_phone => 5555555555
        invoice_id => 4707205064
        item_count => 1
        item_cust_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_duration_1 => 2 Month
        item_id_1 => ebook2
        item_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_name_1 => test recurring product
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 1
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.01
        item_rec_status_1 => 
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_type_1 => refund
        item_usd_amount_1 => 0.01
        key_count => 50
        list_currency => USD
        md5_hash => 4CE10772450EFAC086E1F7667576128D
        message_description => Refund issued
        message_id => 3197
        message_type => REFUND_ISSUED
        payment_type => credit card
        recurring => 1
        sale_date_placed => 2012-05-14 06:29:53
        sale_id => 4707205055
        ship_city => 
        ship_country => 
        ship_name => 
        ship_postal_code => 
        ship_state => 
        ship_status => 
        ship_street_address => 
        ship_street_address2 => 
        ship_tracking_number => 
        timestamp => 2012-05-14 06:34:26
        vendor_id => 532001
        vendor_order_id => test123


Ship status changed


This message indicates that the ship_status of an order has changed, from ‘not_shipped’ to shipped (e.g. when an order is marked shipped).

Ship Status Changed is an invoice level message; it will be sent once for each shipping status change on an invoice and will contain information about all items ordered.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
auth_exp Date The date credit authorization will expire; format YYYY-MM-DD
invoice_status Lower Case Text Status of a transaction (approved, pending, deposited, or declined)
fraud_status Lower Case Text Status of 2Checkout fraud review (pass, fail, or wait); This parameter could be empty on some sales.
invoice_list_amount Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
invoice_usd_amount Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
invoice_cust_amount Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        auth_exp => 2012-04-11
        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_country => USA
        bill_postal_code => 43215
        bill_state => OH
        bill_street_address => ​855 Grandview Avenue
        bill_street_address2 => Suite 11
        cust_currency => USD
        customer_email =>
        customer_first_name => Testing
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => United States
        customer_last_name => Tester
        customer_name => Testing T Tester
        customer_phone => 6149212450
        fraud_status => wait
        invoice_cust_amount => 1.00
        invoice_id => 4676292911
        invoice_list_amount => 1.00
        invoice_status => pending
        invoice_usd_amount => 1.00
        item_count => 2
        item_cust_amount_1 => 1.00
        item_cust_amount_2 => 0.00
        item_duration_1 =>
        item_duration_2 =>
        item_id_1 => program1
        item_id_2 =>
        item_list_amount_1 => 1.00
        item_list_amount_2 => 0.00
        item_name_1 => test tangible
        item_name_2 => Shipping: free
        item_rec_date_next_1 =>
        item_rec_date_next_2 =>
        item_rec_install_billed_1 =>
        item_rec_install_billed_2 =>
        item_rec_list_amount_1 =>
        item_rec_list_amount_2 =>
        item_rec_status_1 =>
        item_rec_status_2 =>
        item_recurrence_1 =>
        item_recurrence_2 =>
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_type_2 => bill
        item_usd_amount_1 => 1.00
        item_usd_amount_2 => 0.00
        key_count => 68
        list_currency => USD
        md5_hash => 51D583E49E661FB64FD51D8505F3CCA1
        message_description => Shipping status changed
        message_id => 2807
        message_type => SHIP_STATUS_CHANGED
        payment_type => paypal ec
        recurring => 0
        sale_date_placed => 2012-04-04 13:56:26
        sale_id => 4676292902
        ship_city => Columbus
        ship_country => USA
        ship_name => Testing Tester
        ship_postal_code => 43215
        ship_state => OH
        ship_status => shipped
        ship_street_address => ​855 Grandview Avenue
        ship_street_address2 => Suite 11
        ship_tracking_number => 123
        timestamp => 2012-04-04 13:58:20
        vendor_id => 532001
        vendor_order_id =>


Invoice status changed


This status indicates the progress of the payment process. Most orders go from ‘approved’ to ‘pending’ to ‘deposited’, at which point they are applied to a seller’s balance.

Invoice Status Changed is an invoice level message; it will be sent once for each status change on an invoice and will contain information about all items ordered.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
auth_exp Date The date credit authorization will expire; format YYYY-MM-DD
invoice_status Lower Case Text Status of a transaction (approved, pending, deposited, or declined)
fraud_status Lower Case Text Status of 2Checkout fraud review (pass, fail, or wait); This parameter could be empty on some sales.
invoice_list_amount Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
invoice_usd_amount Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
invoice_cust_amount Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        auth_exp => 2012-02-18
        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_country => USA
        bill_postal_code => 43215
        bill_state => OH
        bill_street_address => ​855 Grandview Avenue
        bill_street_address2 => Suite 11
        cust_currency => GBP
        customer_email =>
        customer_first_name => Testing
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => Unknown
        customer_last_name => Tester
        customer_name => Testing  Tester
        customer_phone => 6149212450
        fraud_status => wait
        invoice_cust_amount => 2.00
        invoice_id => 4632527490
        invoice_list_amount => 2.00
        invoice_status => approved
        invoice_usd_amount => 3.04
        item_count => 1
        item_cust_amount_1 => 2.00
        item_duration_1 => Forever
        item_id_1 => test recurring product
        item_list_amount_1 => 2.00
        item_name_1 => test recurring product
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-02-18
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 1
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 1.00
        item_rec_status_1 => live
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_usd_amount_1 => 3.04
        key_count => 56
        list_currency => GBP
        md5_hash => 42C25A6BBA17D226C725B92A4A40C34A
        message_description => New order created
        message_id => 2630
        message_type => ORDER_CREATED
        payment_type => credit card
        recurring => 1
        sale_date_placed => 2012-02-11 09:11:18
        sale_id => 4632527448
        ship_city => Columbus
        ship_country => USA
        ship_name => Testing Tester
        ship_postal_code => 43215
        ship_state => OH
        ship_status => shipped
        ship_street_address => ​855 Grandview Avenue
        ship_street_address2 => Suite 11
        ship_tracking_number => 
        timestamp => 2012-02-11 09:11:18
        vendor_id => 532001
        vendor_order_id => test123


Fraud status changed


All orders must pass 2Checkout’s fraud review before they will be billed; therefore sellers are advised that goods should not be delivered until they have passed this fraud review. If an order fails the fraud review it will also be canceled. An order may change fraud status more than once.

Fraud Status Changed is an invoice level message; it will be sent once for each fraud status change on a sale and will contain information about all items ordered.

Message Parameters

Parameter Type Description
message_description Text Human-readable description of message_type
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp of event; format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ZZZ
md5_hash Upper Case Text UPPERCASE(MD5_ENCRYPTED(sale_id + vendor_id + invoice_id + Secret Word)); Can be used to validate authenticity of message
message_id Numeric This number is incremented for each message sent to a given seller.
key_count Numeric Indicates the number of parameters sent in message
vendor_id Numeric Seller account number
sale_id Numeric 2Checkout sale number
sale_date_placed Date Date of sale; format YYYY-MM-DD
vendor_order_id Text Custom order id provided by seller, if available. (“merchant_order_id” can be passed into the checkout with the sale parameters)
invoice_id Numeric 2Checkout invoice number; Each sale can have several invoices, most commonly one per installment billed on a recurring order.
recurring Numeric recurring=1 if any item on the invoice is a recurring item, 0 otherwise
payment_type Lower Case Text Buyer’s payment method (credit card, online check, paypal ec, OR paypal pay later)
list_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for seller currency
cust_currency Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO code for buyer currency
auth_exp Date The date credit authorization will expire; format YYYY-MM-DD
invoice_status Lower Case Text Status of a transaction (approved, pending, deposited, or declined)
fraud_status Lower Case Text Status of 2Checkout fraud review (pass, fail, or wait); This parameter could be empty on some sales.
invoice_list_amount Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
invoice_usd_amount Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
invoice_cust_amount Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
customer_first_name Text Buyer’s first name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_last_name Text Buyer’s last name (may not be available on older sales)
customer_name Text Buyer’s full name (name as it appears on credit card)
customer_email Text Buyer’s email address
customer_phone Numeric Buyer’s phone number; all but digits stripped out
customer_ip Text Buyer’s IP address at time of sale
customer_ip_country Text Country of record for buyer’s IP address at time of sale; Please note in some cases what is returned is not a country, Ex. Satellite Provider
bill_street_address Text Billing street address
bill_street_address2 Text Billing street address line 2
bill_city Text Billing address city
bill_state Text Billing address state or province
bill_postal_code Text Billing address postal code
bill_country Text 3-Letter ISO country code of billing address
ship_status Lower Case Text Value will be not_shipped, shipped, or empty (if intangible / does not need shipped)
ship_tracking_number Text Tracking Number as entered in Seller Admin
ship_name Text Shipping Recipient’s name (as it should appears on shipping label)
ship_street_address Text Shipping street address
ship_street_address2 Text Shipping street address line 2
ship_city Text Shipping address city
ship_state Text Shipping address state or province
ship_postal_code Text Shipping address postal code
ship_country Upper Case Text 3-Letter ISO country code of shipping address
item_count Numeric Indicates how many numbered sets of item parameters to expect
item_name_# Text Product name
item_id_# Text Seller product id
item_list_amount_# Numeric Total in seller pricing currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_usd_amount_# Numeric Total in US Dollars; format with 2 decimal places
item_cust_amount_# Numeric Total in buyer currency; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_type_# Lower Case Text Indicates if item is a bill or refund; Value will be bill or refund
item_duration_# Text Product duration, how long it re-bills for Ex. 1 Year
item_recurrence_# Text Product recurrence, how often it re-bills Ex. 1 Month
item_rec_list_amount_# Numeric Product price; format as appropriate to currency (2 decimal places for most, integer for JPY)
item_rec_status_# Lower Case Text Indicates status of recurring subscription: live, canceled, or completed
item_rec_date_next_# Date Date of next recurring installment; format YYYY-MM-DD
item_rec_install_billed_# Numeric The number of successful recurring installments successfully billed

Example message

        auth_exp => 2012-07-26
        bill_city => Columbus
        bill_country => USA
        bill_postal_code => 43123
        bill_state => OH
        bill_street_address => 123 Test St
        bill_street_address2 => dddsdsc
        cust_currency => USD
        customer_email =>
        customer_first_name => Craig
        customer_ip =>
        customer_ip_country => United States
        customer_last_name => Christenson
        customer_name => Craig P Christenson
        customer_phone => 5555555555
        fraud_status => pass
        invoice_cust_amount => 0.20
        invoice_id => 4759791636
        invoice_list_amount => 0.20
        invoice_status => deposited
        invoice_usd_amount => 0.20
        item_count => 2
        item_cust_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_cust_amount_2 => 0.10
        item_duration_1 => 
        item_duration_2 => 
        item_id_1 => ebook1
        item_id_2 => ebook1
        item_list_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_list_amount_2 => 0.10
        item_name_1 => Download
        item_name_2 => Download
        item_rec_date_next_1 => 2012-07-26
        item_rec_date_next_2 => 2012-07-26
        item_rec_install_billed_1 => 4
        item_rec_install_billed_2 => 4
        item_rec_list_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_rec_list_amount_2 => 0.10
        item_rec_status_1 => live
        item_rec_status_2 => live
        item_recurrence_1 => 1 Week
        item_recurrence_2 => 1 Week
        item_type_1 => bill
        item_type_2 => bill
        item_usd_amount_1 => 0.10
        item_usd_amount_2 => 0.10
        key_count => 68
        list_currency => USD
        md5_hash => 2DAE8544FA29CE313DB20582D540F133
        message_description => Invoice status changed
        message_id => 3786
        message_type => INVOICE_STATUS_CHANGED
        payment_type => paypal ec
        recurring => 1
        sale_date_placed => 2012-06-28 22:14:23
        sale_id => 4742525399
        ship_city => 
        ship_country => 
        ship_name => 
        ship_postal_code => 
        ship_state => 
        ship_status => 
        ship_street_address => 
        ship_street_address2 => 
        ship_tracking_number => 
        timestamp => 2012-07-19 17:01:19
        vendor_id => 532001
        vendor_order_id => test123


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