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Retrieve order status information


Get information about an existing order.



Parameters Type/Description
sessionID Required (String)
  Session identifier, which is the output of the Login method. An exception is thrown if the values are incorrect.
refNo Required (String)
  The unique, system-generated identifier of a partner order.


Parameters Type/Description
Order Object



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');  // Authentication example:
require ('PATH_TO_SET_PARTNER'); // setPartner example:


$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'jsonrpc' => '2.0',
'id' => $i++,
'method' => 'getOrderStatus',
'params' => array($sessionID, $refNo)
var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest,$host));


Error Description


No partner is set.


The provided order reference is invalid.


Remove product from cart


Use this method to remove a product that was added to the shopping cart, during the current session.



Parameter Type/Description
sessionID Required (String)
  Session identifier, which is the output of the Login method. An exception is thrown if the values are incorrect.
productId Required (Integer)
  Unique product identifier from the Avangate system.
priceOptions Optional (StringArray)

Array of price options codes. These identifiers mark the individual options inside pricing options configuration groups.

This parameter must match exactly the pricing option combination of the product added to the cart in order for the product to be removed.


Partner orders can involve the same product, bot ordered in multiple instances, each with different pricing options.


Can be NULL.

quantity Optional (Integer)
  Defines the number of product units added to cart that should be removed. If no quantity info is provided, the product is completely removed from cart. Can be NULL.


Parameters Type/Description
Result Boolean
  True or false



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');  // Authentication example:
require ('PATH_TO_SET_PARTNER'); // setPartner example:
require ('PATH_TO_ADD_PRODUCT'); // addProduct example:

$productId = 'PRODUCT_ID_TO_REMOVE';
$priceOptions = array(

$jsonRpcRequest = array (
'jsonrpc' => '2.0',
'id' => $i++,
'method' => 'deleteProduct',
'params' => array($sessionID, $productId, $quantity, $priceOptions)

var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host));


Error Description


The shopping cart is empty.


There is no product with the specified settings in cart.


Top 5 affiliate program pillars for success

How do you build a successful affiliate program? What do you need to do that? Well, we cannot cover in one webinar the whole process, but you should definitely keep your eyes on some pillars around which you can elaborate.

Julie Avila, VP of Client Services at Schaaf-PartnerCentric, and Cristian Miculi, Senior Manager of Alliances for 2Checkout share more on 5 of the most important pillars of building and optimizing an affiliate program.

You'll find out more about:

  • Getting a technical integration done right
  • What to look at when approving affiliates
  • How to structure your payouts scheme in order to best motivate affiliates
  • What to watch out for when it comes for affiliates fraud
  • How to optimize your affiliate program from a business perspective
Top 5 Affiliate Program Pillars for Success


Retrieve account's time zone


Use the getTimezone method to retrieve information on the time zone used by your account for the 2Checkout API.


Parameters Type/Description


Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect. The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


Parameters Type/Description




The time zone you selected or the default GMT+02:00 time zone of the 2Checkout system.



require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');

try {
    $Timezone = $client->getTimezone($sessionID);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "Timezone: " . $e->getMessage();
var_dump("Timezone", $Timezone);


Google Tag Manager Code Integration for Default Flows – Google Analytics 4


The Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a small piece of JavaScript and non-JavaScript code (a container snippet) that you paste into your pages to configure or enable tags from Google Analytics or third parties. For more information on the Google Tag Manager and how to install it, click here.

Setting the Google Tag Manager (GTM)

To implement Google Tag Manager on your website, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Interface templates.
  3. Click to Edit the template that needs to be tracked. An example is shown in the image below:

Googla Analytics for Deafult Flows_Interface templates_1.png

4. In the Head Information area → Meta & CSS, paste the Google Tag Manager code for your account at the end of the existing code in the section. An example of the Google Tag Manager code is shown below:

<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
<!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

Example of GTM code for the <body> tag:

<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src=""
height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->

The GTM code needs to be placed on your own website as well – one snippet of code in the <head> and the other in the <body> tag, if this step has not already been done previously. See the image below for a screenshot of an example code that needs to be added to your own website. More information can be found on this page:

Install GTM

Sending MyOrder Data to Google Analytics 4

By default, the myOrder object is displayed only for orders with payments authorized instantly (this includes usually credit cards and PayPal), after the payment is complete (transaction needs to be authorized successfully). To have the myOrder object available for all placed orders regardless of the payment status (to send revenue to Google Analytics 4 based on myOrder.TotalPrice, to more offline payment methods orders), follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel account.
  2. Go to Setup → Ordering Options.
  3. Scroll down to the After sale message area and check the checkbox for the Show message for all placed orders option.

web analytics in Merchant Control Panel_2.png

4. Click Save settings at the bottom of the page.

A JavaScript object called myOrder is available on the ‘Thank you’ page providing information about the purchased products including ID, quantity, name, price, etc.

To see information about orders in Google Analytics 4, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel account.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Ordering Options and click on the Analytics tab.

web analytics in Merchant Control Panel_1.png

3. Scroll down to the Tracking script section and add a code snippet (for example add <div></div>).

4. Apply the code to all languages or to the languages for which you want your template to be tracked.

5. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

web analytics in Merchant Control Panel_3.png

Google Tag Manager Configuration for Google Analytics 4

Create the Google Analytics 4 Configuration tag in Google Tag Manager

Follow these steps to create a Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration Tag:


1. In the Measurement ID section of the Google Tag Manager, enter the Measurement ID you find in your Google Analytics 4, under Admin → Data Streams. 

2. Click on your website property and copy the Measurement ID. In the image below you can see where the Measurement ID is located in the Google Analytics 4 interface:


3. Select Send a page view event when the configuration loads.

4. Under Fields to set, add the cookie_flags configuration:

  • Under Field Name add cookie_flags
  • Under Value add SameSite=None;Secure

5. For Triggering select All Pages.


Send eCommerce information to Google Analytics 4 from the 2Checkout shopping cart

2Checkout shopping carts include a dataLayer with eCommerce information for Google Analytics 4. You can view this information by typing dataLayer into the browser console and under gtag4, you can see the eCommerce information for Google Analytics 4, both at checkout and at purchase on the order Finish page.


To send eCommerce information to GA4 from the 2Checkout shopping cart, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Google Tag Manager.
  2. Select Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration from the displayed pre-defined tags. Configuring Google Analytics 4 will send pageviews to the new Google Analytics 4, for both the 2Checkout shopping cart and your website where you have the Google Tag Manager code. If you already have in place a Google Analytics 4 Configuration Tag that fires on all pages where the Google Tag Manager code is added, then you do not need to create a new tag and can proceed directly to the next section. 
  3. Configure variables in the Google Tag Manager. To capture the eCommerce information from the dataLayer, you will first need to configure certain dataLayer variables in the Google Tag Manager.
  4. Create a new User-Defined variable, called gtag4.event, in the Google Tag Manager.
  • Name your variable gtag4.event to track it easier.
  • For Variable Type, select Data Layer Variable from the options provided by Google.
  • Under Data Layer Variable Name, type gtag4.event.
  • Under Data Layer Version, select Version 2.



5. Create a new User-Defined variable called gtag4.currency in the Google Tag Manager.

  • Name your variable gtag4.currency to track it easier.
  • For Variable Type select Data Layer Variable from the options provided by Google.
  • Under Data Layer Variable Name type gtag4.currency.
  • Under Data Layer Version select Version 2.


6. Create a new User-Defined variable called gtag4.items in the Google Tag Manager.

  • Name your variable gtag4.items to keep track of it easier.
  • As Variable Type select Data Layer Variable from the options provided by Google.
  • Under Data Layer Variable Name type gtag4.items.
  • Under Data Layer Version select Version 2.


7. Create a new User-Defined variable called in the Google Tag Manager.

  • Name your variable to keep track of it easier.
  • For Variable Type select Data Layer Variable from the options provided by Google.
  • Under Data Layer Variable Name type
  • Under Data Layer Version select Version 2.


8. Create a new User-Defined variable called gtag4.transaction_id in the Google Tag Manager.

  • Name your variable gtag4.transaction_id to keep track of it easier.
  • For Variable Type select Data Layer Variable from the options provided by Google.
  • Under Data Layer Variable Name type gtag4.transaction_id.
  • Under Data Layer Version select Version 2.


9. Create a new User-Defined variable called gtag4.value in the Google Tag Manager to capture the total value of the order, including tax.

  • Name your variable gtag4.value to keep track of it easier.
  • For Variable Type select Data Layer Variable from the options provided by Google.
  • Under Data Layer Variable Name type gtag4.value.
  • Under Data Layer Version select Version 2.


To create a tag in your Google Tag Manager to send eCommerce information to Google Analytics 4, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new tag called Google Analytics GA4 – 2 checkout event.
  • For Tag Type, select Google Analytics: GA4 event from the options provided by Google.
  • Under Configuration Tag, select your previously configured Google Analytics 4 Configuration tag.
  • Under Event Name, select the previously configured variable gtag4.event (between double curly brackets {}), as shown in the image below.
  • Under Event Parameters, add the parameters items, currency, transaction_id, value, and tax
  • Assign a value for each of them by adding the corresponding previously configured variable, as shown in the screenshot below. For example, for the value of the event parameter name items, add the previously configured data layer variable gtag4.items (between double curly brackets {}), as shown in the image below.



2. Under Triggering, create a trigger called 2checkout Event for the Google Analytics GA4 – 2 checkout event tag.

  • For Trigger Type select Custom Event from the options provided by Google.
  • As Event name type 2checkout event
  • Under This trigger fires on, select All Custom Events.



3. Click Save and then Submit to Publish your settings.

Test your integration

To check a purchase in Google Analytics 4, follow the steps below:

  1. Place an order in the 2Checkout shopping cart, using the template that has your Google Tag Manager code.
  2. Log in to your Google Analytics 4 account.
  3. Navigate to Monetization → Ecommerce purchases.


4. You will be able to see the number of purchases for your products and the revenue from your purchases.


Update a customer


Use the updateCustomerInformation method to update the details of a customer entity from the 2Checkout system.





Required (string)


Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. 2Checkout throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.





true or false depending on whether or not the operation succeeded.


$host   = "";
$client = new SoapClient($host . "/soap/3.0/?wsdl", array(
    'location' => $host . "/soap/3.0/",
    "stream_context" => stream_context_create(array(
        'ssl' => array(
            'verify_peer' => false,
            'verify_peer_name' => false

function hmac($key, $data)
    $b = 64; // byte length for md5
    if (strlen($key) > $b) {
        $key = pack("H*", md5($key));
    $key    = str_pad($key, $b, chr(0x00));
    $ipad   = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x36));
    $opad   = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x5c));
    $k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad;
    $k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
    return md5($k_opad . pack("H*", md5($k_ipad . $data)));
$merchantCode = "YOUR_MERCHANT_CODE";// your account's merchant code available in the 'System settings' area of the cPanel:
$key = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY";// your account's secret key available in the 'System settings' area of the cPanel:
$now          = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //date_default_timezone_set('UTC')
$string = strlen($merchantCode) . $merchantCode . strlen($now) . $now;
$hash   = hmac($key, $string);
try {
    $sessionID = $client->login($merchantCode, $now, $hash);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "Authentication: " . $e->getMessage();
$customerReference = 298084139;
$externalCustomerReference = 'Apitest123456'; //Optional, but if you include it it needs to belong to the same customer as the internal 2Checkout customer reference
try {
    $customerInfo = $client->getCustomerInformation($sessionID, $customerReference, $externalCustomerReference);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "customerInfo: " . $e->getMessage();
$customerInfo->Email = '';
try {
    $updatedCustomerInfo = $client->updateCustomerInformation($sessionID, $customerInfo);
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "updatedCustomerInfo: " . $e->getMessage();
var_dump("updatedCustomerInfo", $updatedCustomerInfo);


Refunding an Order


Reimbursing customers by issuing Total or Partial refunds for their orders is available via API. 

Issuing refunds can be done on the REST protocol via a POST request to /orders/{RefNo}/refund/ and on SOAP and JSON-RPC protocols via the issueRefund method.


    Refunding an order via API is available for all accounts.


    • Order must be in status COMPLETE
    • Order must not be older than 3 months
    • The refunded amount must not be higher than the total amount of the order

    Request Object

    Field name






    Required (only on SOAP and JSON-RPC)

    2Checkout generates unique reference numbers for the refunded order.




    The amount refunded for that order. Can be equal to the order amount (for full order refund) or smaller (for partial refunds).

    The currency of the amount is the same as the currency the order was paid in.


    Array of RefundItem


    The details of the refunded items.




    Free text comment for the refund.




    The refund reason; must be one of the default refund reasons or a custom reason defined in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel.

    RefundItem Object

    Field name







    2Checkout product code for the refunded product.




    Quantity of product refunded.




    Amount refunded.

    Request example


      "amount": 23,
      "items": [
          "LineItemReference": "my_product_1",
          "Quantity": 1
      "comment": "requested by shopper",
      "reason": "CUSTOM_REASON"

    SOAP and JSON-RPC Example

    For the SOAP and JSON-RPC protocols, the issueRefund method needs to be called with the components of the requests in the parameter list. 

    More information about issuing refunds can be found here (for JSON-RPC) and here (for SOAP).

    The JSON-RPC object that needs to be sent would look like

          "om7sb5uob2p2g9r321iif2v3hd7p5gkn", //session id
          "11370513",                         //orderRef
          "25.39",                           //amount 
             "Quantity":1,                   //quantity of product refunded
             "Amount":25.39                  //amount of product refunded
          "This is a comment",               //comment
          "Duplicate purchase"               //reason

     For SOAP requests, the following parameters need to be added to the SOAP request:

    $refundedOrder = $client->issueRefund($sessionID, $orderReference, $amount, $items, $comment, $reason);


    The API will return a Boolean when issuing refunds. A true response means that the refund was registered successfully.

    Error handling

    A full list of errors returned by the issueRefund API method can be found here.


    Retrieve the history of a subscription


    Retrieve information on the evolution of a subscription in the Avangate system, including details of the initial acquisition and the subsequent renewals and upgrades. Use the getSubscriptionHistory method to retrieve details about a subscription. 


    Parameters Type/Description


    Required (string)


    Session identifier, the output of the Login method. Include sessionID into all your requests. Avangate throws an exception if the values are incorrect.  The sessionID expires in 10 minutes.


    Required (string)


    Unique, system-generated subscription identifier.


    Parameters Type/Description




    require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');
    $subscriptionReference = 'YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_REFERENCE';
    $jsonRpcRequest = array (
    'method' => 'getSubscriptionHistory',
    'params' => array($sessionID, $subscriptionReference),
    'id' => $i++,
    'jsonrpc' => '2.0');
    var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host, true));

    Remove products


    Use deletePromotionProducts to remove products from an existing promotion.


    Parameter Type/Description


    Required (string)


    The code corresponding to the promotion that you want to remove products from.


    Required (object)



    Required (string)



    System generated product code.



    Required (string)



    System generated pricing configuration code.



    Required (array of strings)



    Pricing option codes that you control.


    Parameter Type/Description
    Status Boolean
      True or False


    require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');
    // Define the first product to remove from the promotion
    $newProduct1 = new stdClass;
    $newProduct1->Code = '';
    $newProduct1->PricingConfigurationCode = '';
    $newProduct1->PricingOptionCodes = ['',''];
    // Define another product to remove from the promotion
    $newProduct2 = new stdClass;
    $newProduct2->Code = '';
    $newProduct2->PricingOptionCodes = [''];
    $promotionProducts = [$newProduct1, $newProduct2];
    try {
        $updatedPromotion = $client->deletePromotionProducts ($promotionCode, $promotionProducts);
    catch (SoapFault $e) {
        echo "UpdatedPromotion: " . $e->getMessage();
    var_dump("UpdatedPromotion", $updatedPromotion);


    Add comments to an order


    Use this method to attach a comment when placing a partner order.



    Parameter Type/Description
    sessionID Required (String)
      Session identifier, which is the output of the Login method. An exception is thrown if the values are incorrect.
    comment Required (String)
      A comment visible to both you and the partner.


    Parameter Type/Description
    Response Boolean
      True or false


    require ('PATH_TO_AUTH');  // Authentication example:
    require ('PATH_TO_SET_PARTNER'); // setPartner example:
    require ('PATH_TO_ADD_PRODUCT'); // addProduct example:
    $comment = 'YOUR_COMMENT';
    $jsonRpcRequest = array (
    'jsonrpc' => '2.0',
    'id' => $i++,
    'method' => 'setComment',
    'params' => array($sessionID, $comment)
    var_dump (callRPC((Object)$jsonRpcRequest, $host));
    require ('PATH_TO_PLACE_ORDER');


    Error Description


    The provided comment is empty.


    Need help?

    Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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