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Chargeback report


Chargebacks are shopper requests for funds reversal made directly to the bank/PayPal, possible only if the payment was made using a credit/debit card or PayPal. As a rule of thumb, shoppers contact their credit card bank/issuer or PayPal directly to initiate a chargeback.

This report focuses on the evolution of chargeback disputes opened within a specific period of time and it shows data for finished eStore orders paid with credit/debit cards or PayPal.


The chargeback report is available to all 2Checkout accounts.

Run a chargeback report

  1. Log in to your account in the Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Reports center -> Main reports.
  3. Click Chargebacks report in the Financial Reports area.

Use case 1

List only chargebacks opened in August 2013 for orders placed in July 2013.

Order date - July 1, 2013, to July 31, 2013

Chargeback date - August 1, 2013, to August 31, 2013

Use case 2

List only chargebacks opened for orders placed in July 2013.

Order date - July 1, 2013, to July 31, 2013

Chargeback date - July 1, 2013, to July 31, 2013

Use case 3

List only chargebacks opened for orders placed in the second half of 2012.

Order date - July 1, 2012, to December 31, 2013

Chargeback date - July 1, 2012, to December 31, 2013

Use case 4

List only chargebacks opened in the first six months of 2013 for orders placed in the second half of 2012.

Order date - July 1, 2012, to December 31, 2012

Chargeback date - January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2013


In all scenarios, you can use the filters to narrow down the information included in the report.

  • Aggregate reporting data for multiple accounts.  In case you have multiple merchant accounts linked in our system, you can generate the report for all your accounts, saving the time of running the report for each of them. In case you aggregate the chargeback report, the chargeback rate will not be displayed, as the chargeback rate is computed for each of your accounts individually.
  • Chargeback date: The date when the chargeback dispute was opened in the 2Checkout system. This filter enables you to list all chargebacks opened in a specific interval of time for the orders placed in the period of time defined through the start and end dates.
  • Order date: The date when the order was placed. This filter enables you to list chargebacks only for orders in a specific interval of time, within the order start and end dates.
  • Chargeback reasons
    • Order not fulfilled/not delivered. Customers claim that they did now receive the product they purchased or that they cannot access the service acquired.
    • Product(s) not as described/unfunctional. Customers claim that the product/subscription/service purchased does not work or functions differently than you advertised it would.
    • Duplicate order. Customers claim that they were charged twice when purchasing the same product.
    • Fraud/Order not recognized. Customers claim that they don't recognize the charge.
    • Agreed refund not processed. Customers have opened a chargeback dispute because the refund they agreed on with you failed to process.
    • New/renewal order not recognized. Customers have opened a chargeback dispute because the refund they agreed on with you failed to process.
    • Authorization problem. Customers claim that the payment authorization failed and are surprised to see that the charge went through.
    • Information request. The customer's bank requested details about a charge. This is a temporary status, which can be closed once customers recognize the charge, or result in a chargeback for one of the reasons listed above.
    • Unknown. The reason for the chargeback dispute wasn't shared with 2Checkout.​
  • Chargeback status. The status of chargebacks at the moment when the report is generated.​
    • Open = a chargeback was opened by a customer and the dispute continues to be unresolved.
    • Won = the dispute was won by you and no money was paid back to the customer.
    • Lost = the dispute was lost and the entire value of the order was reimbursed to the customer.
    • Accepted = the chargeback was accepted by you, and the entire value of the order was reimbursed to the customer.​
  • Products. Filter all products for your account. It's designed to let you filter chargebacks only for orders containing certain products.
  • Order type
    • New. new purchases, trial conversions, and upgrades;
    • Auto-paid renewal. subscription renewals for which customers were charged automatically using payment on file information.
    • Manually paid renewal. subscription renewals which customers ordered manually.​
  • Order payment methods
  • Payment currencies. Transactional currencies that are active for your account.
  • Potential disputes. Orders from customers who disputed a chargeback with their bank, but for which a formal chargeback process wasn't started with 2Checkout yet. 2Checkout does not take potential disputes into account when calculating the chargeback rates.

Currencies used to report chargebacks

  1. Chargeback data for orders paid using one of the billing currencies active for your account will be listed using the same currency.
  2. Chargeback data for orders paid using a non-transactional currency will be converted to the default settlement currency associated with your account.

Exchange rate used

  1. Current month: All amounts are automatically converted to and reported in the default settlement currency for your account, using the 2Checkout exchange rates valid on the day the orders were placed.
  2. Previous months: The monthly average currency exchange rate.

Export chargeback reports

Click Export to download the report in CSV (comma separated values), XML (Extensible Markup Language), or XLS (Excel spreadsheet) format. The exported file uses the default 2Checkout Chargeback Orders Template.

Data included in the 2Checkout Chargeback Orders Template:

  • Reference no
  • Order date
  • Product ID
  • General Total
  • Total VAT
  • Currency
  • Client
  • Chargeback Request Date
  • Chargeback Close Date
  • Chargeback Status
  • Chargeback Reason
  • Chargeback Reason Code
  • Affiliate ID
  • Affiliate
  • Timezone
  • Net profit
  • Affiliate commission
  • Renewal Status
  • Subscription
  • Country
Field name Description Field type Field length

Chargeback Status

The status of the chargeback dispute from the moment the report is generated.

Possible values:

OPEN = a chargeback was opened by a customer and the dispute continues to be unresolved.

WON = the dispute was won by you and no money were paid back to the customer.

LOST = the dispute was lost and the entire value of the order was reimbursed to the customer.

NONE = if a chargeback wasn't requested.



Chargeback Reason

The reason why the chargeback was initiated. Possible values:

1. Order not fulfilled/not delivered: Customers claim that they did now receive the product they purchased or that they cannot access the service acquired.

2. Product(s) not as described/unfunctional:Customers claim that the product/subscription/service purchased does not work or functions differently than you advertised it would.

3. Duplicate order: Customers claim that they were charged twice when purchasing the same product.

4. Fraud/Order not recognized:Customers claim that they don't recognize the charge.

5. Agreed refund not processed:Customers have opened a chargeback dispute because the refund they agreed on with you failed to process.

6. New/renewal order not recognized: Customers have opened a chargeback dispute because the refund they agreed on with you failed to process.

7. Authorization problem:Customers claim that the payment authorization failed and are surprised to see that the charge went through.

8. Information request: The customer's bank requested details about a charge. This is a temporary status, which can be closed once customers recognize the charge, or result in a chargeback for one of the reasons listed above.



Chargeback Reason Code

An identifier for the chargeback dispute reason from the 2Checkout system. Possible values:

MERCHANDISE_NOT_RECEIVED - Order not fulfilled/not delivered

NOT_AS_DESCRIBED - Product(s) not as described/unfunctional


FRAUD / NOT_RECOGNIZED - Fraud/Order not recognized

CREDIT_NOT_PROCESSED - Agreed refund not processed

NOT_RECOGNIZED - New/renewal order not recognized

AUTHORIZATION_PROBLEM - Authorization problem

INFO_REQUEST - Information request

UNKNOWN - Unknown



Chargeback Request Date

The date when the chargeback dispute was initiated. Datetime stamp is time zone sensitive.

datetime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss)


Chargeback Close Date

The date when the chargeback dispute was closed. Datetime stamp is time zone sensitive.

datetime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss


A/B testing guide

What is A/B Testing?

The purpose of A/B testing is to estimate the efficiency of different approaches running simultaneously by providing you with enough statistical information to help you make a data-backed decision on which strategy works best. A/B testing involves comparing a control version and an optimized variant. The test compares versions of the same customer experience against the baseline control sample and measures the success of the newly introduced changes. With version A and version B of the same shopper experience juxtaposed in terms of usage, you can identify the superior tactic, since the success metrics of each strategy will be available for you to analyze.

2Checkout enables you to compare different aspects of the shopper experiences you offer to your customers, such as:

  • Purchase flows
  • Promotions
  • Up-selling campaign placements
  • Backup Media
  • Download Insurance Service

What should you test?

We advise you to test everything from purchase flows to designs, styles, copy text, forms, content, navigation, links, images, pricing strategies, cross-selling campaigns, and so on. All of these are fair game when it comes to A/B testing.

Equally important, this tactic helps you avoid rolling out an update that could negatively impact conversion rates. Optimizations might look good on paper, but A/B testing can easily tell you just how well your shoppers respond to them. Worst case scenario, you only sacrificed a portion of the overall traffic in case the impact is not the one expected.

A/B testing best practices

  1. It's critical that you run the test scenarios simultaneously. Without parallel testing, the comparison results lose their value. Make sure to split traffic between the scenarios you're testing and you'll easily be able to tell what modifications generate the desired results.
  2. Minimize the number of changes between versions A and B. This way, A/B testing will provide accurate insight into the efficiency of a specific modification over another, and you'll find it easier to tell which variations work for your customers.
  3. Don't ignore sophistication, if it's required. While keeping the rule above in mind, when comparing different cart designs and purchase flows, you won't really be able to keep variables to a minimum. Don't even try if the scenarios you're testing are designed to measure more than just a specific modification.
  4. Take your time when A/B testing. While A/B tests can be time-limited, it's best to ensure that you gather enough statistics to draw the right conclusions. A/B testing data needs to reach statistical significance, a point at which you can feel comfortable with shutting it down and starting to analyze the data. Don't draw conclusions based on small sample sizes and allow your tests to run for at least a full week before making any decisions. This helps you rule out seasonality and out-of-your-control factors that might influence your traffic and, ultimately, the test's confidence level.
  5. Reach a consistent traffic volume. Along with the time factor, statistical significance also requires a volume of shoppers large enough to be relevant, so you can accurately measure the success of your test.
  6. Restrict traffic when necessary. Classic A/B testing scenarios involve spreading the traffic equally between two test scenarios, making it simpler to compare the results, assess the accuracy of success metrics and the efficiency of one of the experiments vs. the baseline control version. Still, only a portion of the overall traffic can be redirected to the variable scenario. Restricting traffic might prove necessary in certain situations, such as to limit impact, or when you need to test a collection of variations simultaneously, rather than just two.
  7. Run A/A/B tests. This type of test involves testing a variant against itself in order to identify whether the data you obtain from the test is accurate or not. Large differences between identical variations may point out problems with your tests.
  8. Define the control variation to be identical to your current setup. The best way to identify the most efficient changes is comparing them to your current scenario.

A/B testing statistical significance

You can use multiple free tools available online to easily calculate A/B testing significance. This helps you understand when the statistics harvested as a part of a certain campaign are relevant.

Split and A/B Testing Significance Calculator is capable of calculating conversion rates, a significance score and even able to recommend sample sizes based on the volume of traffic and the number of conversions you're getting. When the significance score reaches at least 95% for the variations you're comparing to the control version, the statistics gathered also achieve relevance.

2Checkout A/B Testing experiments

2Checkout's proprietary A/B testing technology enables you to run campaigns that fall under the following categories:

  • Conversion rate experiments
  • Average Order Value experiments

Some A/B testing campaigns are only available if the specific features involved in the testing process are enabled for your account, such as Backup media and DIS.

Important: Returning visitors who have been redirected to one experiment will always land on the same experiment as long as the A/B testing campaign is running. 2Checkout uses cookies to prevent them from accessing different variations of your site and avoid confusion and keep the statistics relevant.

Success Metrics

You can evaluate the test results by looking at the success metrics highlighted by the 2Checkout platform:

  • Success rate
  • Total revenue (sales volumes)
  • Average order value
  • Confidence level

What type of shopper interactions does 2Checkout track?

The reports produced by the tests refer to Finished orders and Success rate. The figures available under each of these categories represent finished orders only as interpreted by the A/B test.

Important: The finished orders interpreted by the A/B tests are not the same as the Complete orders in the 2Checkout platform.

Note: It's important to underline that 2Checkout A/B testing is focused on the purchase funnel starting with the checkout page:

  • If a shopper reaches the checkout page but doesn't place an order, the A/B test counts the test and takes into account the order's value, but marks it with a 0% success rate.
  • If a shopper completes the purchase process and actually places an order, the A/B test adds a new finished order and it's corresponding value, regardless of whether the actual payment goes through or not.

How to configure, edit and run A/B tests

  1. Go to the A/B Testing section under the Marketing tools menu.
  2. Click the New campaign button under the desired experiment type area, if available. Alternately, you can configure an existing campaign by clicking the Edit button.
  3. Configure the campaign details in the Campaign info section. Give each campaign a unique name to make it easier to identify. Define the maximum number of tests you want to be run as well as an end date for the test. Entering 0 (zero) for the maximum number of tests and leaving the end date field empty allows the campaign to continue indefinitely until you manually stop it. 

  4. The Unallocated traffic section informs you about the amount of available traffic that you can assign to the campaign's variants.

  5. Add variations to the campaign. Specify the volume of traffic that you want to be redirected to each variation. Make sure to cover 100% of the unallocated traffic when splitting it between variations. You can create multiple variations per campaign, although most A/B testing campaigns are usually done between two variations. Click the Add variation button when you're done defining each variation. Before you can start a campaign, it's mandatory to define a control variation.
  6. Hit the Back to campaigns button once you're done configuring the campaign. You can edit the campaigns only before you start them. You cannot edit Running or Finished campaigns.
  7. When you're done configuring a campaign, hit the Start campaign button to give green light to the testing process and watch the statistics pile up. All ongoing campaigns are available in the A/B testing area under the Active campaigns tab. You can run a single campaign for each of the available experiments.


  1. What type of traffic does 2Checkout count in A/B tests?
    • 2Checkout's A/B testing mechanism counts traffic coming from desktop platforms. The only mobile traffic is included in A/B testing campaigns is the traffic aimed towards A/B testing campaigns for promotions.
  2. Who can use 2Checkout's A/B testing features?
    • The A/B testing feature is enabled by default for the 2Monetize. The feature is also available on 2Sell & 2Subscribe (if they have add-ons), and Growth Edition accounts.
  3. How does 2Checkout determine the winning variant?
    • 2Checkout determines the winner of any test based on the confidence level of each variant. To qualify as a winner, a variant needs to reach a minimum of 95% confidence level. If multiple variants have an equal confidence level above 95%, the one with the higher average order value (AOV) is declared a winner. Winning variants are determined based on the Chi-squared distribution statistical model.
  4. How does 2Checkout determine the confidence level of a variant?
    • 2Checkout uses advanced statistical calculations to determine the confidence level of a variant by taking into account multiple metrics, such as your current conversion rate and the current sample size (the amount of traffic that lands on each variant). The calculations do not take into account any recommended sample size.


Merchant Control Panel Dashboard


The Merchant Control Panel Dashboard acts as a homepage after the login and comes with a wide array of functionalities that allow live monitoring of the main business metrics, customization, and easy in-page navigation, while also offering extended reporting capabilities.

What can you do?

  • Search orders, customers, and subscriptions via reference/email by using the header search bar.
  • Easily switch between accounts with the Account dropdown.
  • Easily access reports with a call to action included in each of the Dashboard's widgets. 
  • See notifications using the Notifications bell.
  • Access the Knowledge Center articles by clicking the Help button – Documentation.
  • Use the Account settings cogwheel to find your Merchant code, Settings, User management, System options, and the User details for your current user and also the Log Out button.

new dashbaord search bar.png

Track business metrics

All the information displayed on the Control Panel dashboard is based on the timeframe previously selected. Data may be grouped by day, week, and month. Control the interval for which the data is being displayed, by selecting one of the predefined timeframes: today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, last month, or set a specific timeframe with the custom range option.

The “Show value in” drop-down, allows you to choose the dashboard display currency.

You can easily access reports by using the call to action integrated into each of the dashboard's widgets. They act as a redirect to the reporting section, where you can pull detailed information about all your main business metrics. All the amounts displayed in the Control Panel Dashboard (with the exception of the Account Balance report) are calculated by converting your orders to your preferred Control Panel display currency using the daily exchange rates from the European Central Bank.

What information can you find here?

  • Account balance – represents the estimated total revenue after all the taxes have been paid, commissions were applied and disputes (chargeback and refunds) amounts were retained and released. 
  • Total sales – this data corresponds to the total sales that were registered in the timeframe selected.
  • Refund rate – is the value of the processed refunds in the selected interval divided by the value of finished orders (eStore, Affiliates, CM) in the same time period. Based on the threshold that was set, the arrow here can change, making it easier for you to notice any issues in time. 
  • Chargeback rate – represents the number of chargeback disputes that were generated in the timeframe selected, against the total number of orders placed in the previous comparison time frame. Depending on the trends and threshold the arrow can change color and orientation, making it easier for you to keep track of it.


For more details on the Chargeback and Refund rates, the dashboard contains a separate widget, that also displays visual indicators.

Depending on the rating score and threshold exceeding the risk, the widget displays different colors: green (low rate and risk), orange (moderate rate and risk) and red (high rate and risk or threshold exceeded).

If you need further details about the Chargeback or Refund rates, you can use the button embed in the widget, which acts as a redirect to the main reports. 

Live-monitoring of Sale Trends

Sales overview

  • Monitor your sales trends. The widget displays the total sales value, the average order value (average value of all orders placed), and the total number of orders placed.
  • View a forecast for your sales trends. If the data displayed in the dashboard also contains information from the current day, a forecast is computed for your sales trends. Alternatively, if you select a larger time interval for displaying the data (last 12 months), group the information by week/month to view a forecast of your trends.
  • Values are displayed in comparison with the trends from the previous period.
  • Export the information directly from the dashboard in the format you prefer.

Order trend monitoring

This widget allows you to:

  • Monitor your order tendencies for the current interval in comparison with the previous period.
  • View a forecast of your order trends. If the data displayed in the dashboard also contains information from the current day, a forecast is computed for your order trends. Alternatively, if you select a larger time interval for displaying the data (last 12 months), group the information by week/month to view a forecast of your trends.
  • Filter the data displayed, based on the sales channels.
  • Export the chart in different formats for better reporting and data interpretation, using the button integrated into the widget.
  • Get easy access to the order report section through the button included in the widget.


Subscription, customer, and renewal evolution

Subscription trends and customer evolution

Track your subscriptions' trend evolution, both for your active ones and those that are past due. Given the fact the subscriptions are in direct correlation with your customer retention rate, you can also monitor your customer pool evolution.

The evolution is registered under the total number of customers and the new ones that purchased one of your subscriptions, against those that have canceled the subscription.


Renewal trends

Keep track of your subscription renewal trends with a widget that shows details and evolution for both automatic and manual renewals.

What’s new

Get easy access to the news feed and stay informed about all new features that are continuously released. Even though the section contains only the most recent ones, you can also check the older news with a click on the “See all the articles” button.


Stay up to date – Account balance

Account balance

Always keep track of your revenue with the Account balance widget. This report provides you information about:

  • The total order value for each transactional currency.
  • Overview of the total order value for each of your sales channels.
  • Live-monitoring over the fees and taxes that were applied to your sales.
  • Total estimated revenue generated for the given interval.

New orders are included in the Account balance report within 2-3 hours from the time they were completed. 2Checkout converts the amounts displayed in the Account balance report by using the exchange rate from your order currency to payout currency.


Integrate with 2Checkout

We’ve recently added a new Integrations sections to the Control Panel that includes webhooks, API, and other apps and plug-ins, which will ease the integration of your eCommerce platforms with 2Checkout and will help activate notifications like IPN, LCN, and INS in one single space with just a few clicks. The Webhooks and API section, as shown in the image below, controls all the integration aspects, including third-party store creators, and allows you to customize your notifications directly from the central dashboard. Also, in the Webhooks and API you'll find your 'merchant code' and 'secret key' for integration with third-party connectors (e.g. Shopify, WiX, Magento, WooCommerce, etc.).

dashboard integrations area.png

Integrate Aliphia


Aliphia integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts). 

Aliphia Settings:

  1. Sign in to your Aliphia Account
  2. Click Settings -> System Settings
  3. Click the Merchant Account tab
  4. Select 2Checkout
  5. Enter your 2Checkout Merchant Code
  6. Enter your Secret Word.  To obtain the Secret Word, contact 2Checkout or, if you already have a 2Checkout account, log in to your Merchant Control Panel and navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API → Secret Word → INS Secret word.  Your INS secret word should be the same as the buy-link secret word (can be found under Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API, scroll down to the Secret Word area, under the INS Secret Word). Edit your INS secret word and buy-link secret word to match each other, then copy and paste them into your Aliphia admin. INS secret word.png
  7. Click Save.

2Checkout Settings:

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API
  3. Follow these steps to activate Redirect URL:
    • In the Redirect URL section check “Enable return after sale”
    • For Return method, select Link in the Thank You Page or Header redirect
    • Set the Approved URL to the URL provided in your Aliphia admin  (Replace with the actual URL to your domain)
  4. Click Update to save your settings.

About Aliphia

Easy and reliable invoicing software that helps you to run your business with the comfort to access it from anywhere.

For more information, visit Aliphia.

Countries report


The report centralizes sales statistics based on shopper country. Use this report to identify countries bringing in the highest revenue. Report data shows all completed orders, including refunds, and originates from multiple sales channels: eStore, Affiliates Network, Network cross-selling and Partners. The report uses exchange rates valid on the day you generate it.


All 2Checkout accounts.

ConvertPlus events


This page lists all the events supported by the ConvertPlus shopping cart, their triggers, payloads, eCommerce events, or custom events they trigger, and the effects they produce for each supported web metrics/tracking solution.

Currently, we support the following Web Metrics solutions:

  • DTM - Dynamic Tag Manager (from Adobe, used for internal tracking)
  • UA - Google Universal Analytics
  • GA4 - Google Analytics 4 (recommended)
  • GTM - Google Tag Manager (with and without GA and/or GA4) 
  1. The custom cartUpdated event is only supported by DTM & GTM.
  2. The payload section represents the data required by the shopping.cart.tracker application from the data-set sent from the ConvertPlus shopping cart.


Available to all 2Checkout accounts.

Supported ConvertPlus Events

LOAD_CART (load-cart)

Triggered by:

  • page refresh (while on checkout page)
  • loading the cart


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • Google Universal Analytics begin_checkout event 
  • Google Tag Manager checkout event
  • Dynamic Tag Manager checkout event
  • Google Analytics 4 begin_checkout event 
  • Google Tag Manager (GA4) begin_checkout event
  • cartUpdated DISCOUNT_COUPON 
  • cartUpdated COMPANY_NAME 
  • cartUpdated ORDER_EXT_REF 
  • cartUpdated CUSTOMER_EXT_REF 
  • cartUpdated PAGE_STYLE_NAME 
  • cartUpdated PAGE_NAME
  • cartUpdated PAGE_THEME 
  • cartUpdated VENDOR_CODE 
  • cartUpdated ONE_STEP_CART 
  • cartUpdated SHORT_FORM 
  • cartUpdated PURCHASE_COMPLETE 
  • cartUpdated TEST_ORDER 
  • cartUpdated PRODUCT_SOURCE 
  • cartUpdated CART_LOCK 
  • cartUpdated AUTO_RENEWAL 
  • cartUpdated PURCHASE_TYPE 
  • cartUpdated LANGUAGE 
  • cartUpdated BILLING_COUNTRY 
  • cartUpdated VISITOR_COUNTRY 
  • cartUpdated BILLING_CURRENCY 


      "ORDER_BILLING_DETAILS_COUNTRY_EMPTY":"The Country cannot be empty"




          "productGroup": {
            "code": "RANDOMCODE",
            "description": "Default products group",
            "name": "General"




    "hasOrderPromotion": false,
    "promotion": {
      "Code":  "PROMO-CODE",
      "Name": "promo name",
      "Description":  "promo description",
      "Coupon":  "PROMO-COUPON",
      "DiscountLabel": "12%",
      "Enabled":  true,
      "Type": "GLOBAL",
      "Translations":  [],
      "Products": [
            "+972 02 372 4346"
            "+1 (650) 963-5701"
            "+31 88 0000008"

LOAD_PAGE (load-page) 

Triggered by:

  • page refresh (while not on checkout page)
  • redirect


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

Google Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 non-interaction event (if the loaded page is the retry page).

  • cartUpdated DISCOUNT_COUPON 
  • cartUpdated COMPANY_NAME 
  • cartUpdated ORDER_EXT_REF 
  • cartUpdated CUSTOMER_EXT_REF 
  • cartUpdated PAGE_STYLE_NAME 
  • cartUpdated PAGE_NAME
  • cartUpdated PAGE_THEME 
  • cartUpdated VENDOR_CODE 
  • cartUpdated ONE_STEP_CART 
  • cartUpdated SHORT_FORM 
  • cartUpdated PURCHASE_COMPLETE 
  • cartUpdated TEST_ORDER 
  • cartUpdated PRODUCT_SOURCE 
  • cartUpdated CART_LOCK 
  • cartUpdated AUTO_RENEWAL 
  • cartUpdated PURCHASE_TYPE 
  • cartUpdated LANGUAGE 
  • cartUpdated BILLING_COUNTRY 
  • cartUpdated VISITOR_COUNTRY 
  • cartUpdated BILLING_CURRENCY 


            "externalRef": ""
      "hasOrderPromotion": false,
      "promotion": {
        "Code":  "PROMO-CODE",
        "Name": "promo name",
        "Description":  "promo description",
        "Coupon":  "PROMO-COUPON",
        "DiscountLabel": "12%",
        "Enabled":  true,
        "Type": "GLOBAL",
        "Translations":  [],
        "Products": [

PLACE_ORDER (place-order:success)

Triggered by:

  • placing a successful order


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • Google Universal Analytics purchase event
  • Google Tag Manager purchase event
  • Dynamic Tag Manager purchase event
  • Google Analytics 4 purchase event 
  • Google Tag Manager (GA4) purchase event 
  • cartUpdated PAGE_NAME
  • cartUpdated PURCHASE_COMPLETE 
  • cartUpdated LANGUAGE 


         "taxValue": "",
         "currency": ""
            "quantity": 1,
            "externalRef": ""
      "hasOrderPromotion": false,
      "promotion": {
        "Code":  "PROMO-CODE",
        "Name": "promo name",
        "Description":  "promo description",
        "Coupon":  "PROMO-COUPON",
        "DiscountLabel": "12%",
        "Enabled":  true,
        "Type": "GLOBAL",
        "Translations":  [],
        "Products": [

SET_ECOMMERCE (set-ecommerce)

Triggered by:

  • changing currency
  • changing the cart’s total amount
  • changing product options


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • Google Tag Manager checkout event 
  • Dynamic Tag Manager checkout event
  • Google Tag Manager (GA4) begin_checkout event
  • cartUpdated time






            "productGroup": {
              "code": "RANDOMCODE",
              "description": "Default products group",
              "name": "General"




   "hasOrderPromotion": false,
   "promotion": {
     "Code":  "PROMO-CODE",
     "Name": "promo name",
     "Description":  "promo description",
     "Coupon":  "PROMO-COUPON",
     "DiscountLabel": "12%",
     "Enabled":  true,
     "Type": "GLOBAL",
     "Translations":  [],
     "Products": [

SET_ERRORS (set-errors)

Triggered by:

  • any validation error


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated FORM_ERROR 



UPDATE_COUNTRY (change:country)

Triggered by:

  • changing the country


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated BILLING_COUNTRY 
  • cartUpdated VISITOR_COUNTRY 


  "code": "RO"

UPDATE_CURRENCY (change:currency)

Triggered by:

  • changing the currency


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated BILLING_CURRENCY


  "code": "RON"

UPDATE_LANGUAGE (change:language)

Triggered by:

  • changing the language


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated LANGUAGE


  "code": "RO"

UPDATE_COMPANY_NAME (change:companyName)

Triggered by:

  • changing the company name while on the company flow


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated COMPANY_NAME


"company name"

UPDATE_COUPON (apply-coupon)

Triggered by:

  • adding a coupon


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated DISCOUNT_COUPON



UPDATE_COUPON_STATUS (set-coupon-status)

Triggered by:

  • loading the cart
  • adding a coupon


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.



  "status": "Available"

UPDATE_PAYMENT_METHOD (change:paymentMethod)

Triggered by:

  • changing the payment method


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated PAYMENT_METHOD


  "paymentType": {
    "code": "wire"
  "paymentMethod": {
    "isOffline": true

UPDATE_PAYMENT_CATEGORY (change:paymentMethod)

Triggered by:

  • changing the payment method


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated PAYMENT_METHOD



UPDATE_RENEWAL_STATUS (set-renewal-status)

Triggered by:

  • loading the cart
  • enabling auto-renewal


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated AUTO_RENEWAL


  "state"  : true,
  "enabled": true

UPDATE_CART_STEP (change:cartStep)

Triggered by:

  • changing sections in the inline cart


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated CART_STEP



UPDATE_ADDITIONAL_FIELD_COUNT (additional-fields-count-changed)

Triggered by:

  • loading the cart


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.




UPDATE_SOURCE (source-loaded)

Triggered by:

  • loading the cart


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated SOURCE


"source value"

UPDATE_PURCHASE_FLOW (set-purchase-flow)

Triggered by:

  • changing the purchase flow


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated PURCHASE_FLOW



ADD_ITEM (add-item)

Triggered by:

  • changing product options


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • custom custom cartUpdated event
  • Google Tag Manager addToCart event
  • Google Analytics 4 add_to_cart event 
  • Google Tag Manager (GA4) add_to_cart event 


         "netDiscounted": 100,
   "externalRef": ""

UPDATE_ITEM (update-item)

Triggered by:

  • changing product quantity


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • cartUpdated QUANTITY_CHANGED


  "quantity": 1

DELETE_ITEM (delete-item)

Triggered by:

  • remove item from cart


  • the payload consists of two main keys, the currencyCode, and the entirety of the item object
  • the hasOrderPromotion & orderPromotion keys are only present if there is a valid order promotion present


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.

  • Google Universal Analytics remove_from_cart event 
  • Google Tag manager removeFromCart event 
  • Dynamic Tag manager removeFromCart event
  • Google Analytics 4 remove_from_cart event 
  • Google Tag Manager (GA4) remove_from_cart event 


  "currencyCode"     : "USD",
  "hasOrderPromotion": false,
  "orderPromotion"   : {
    "Code"         : "PROMO-CODE",
    "Name"         : "promo name",
    "Description"  : "promo description",
    "Coupon"       : "PROMO-COUPON",
    "DiscountLabel": "12%",
    "Enabled"      : true,
    "Type"         : "GLOBAL",
    "Translations" : [],
    "Products"     : [
  "item"             : {
    "code"        : "P_AV",
    "quantity"    : 1,
    "optionsCodes": [],
    "subscription": null,
    "isLocked"    : false,
    "recurrence"  : [],
    "externalRef" : "",
    "product"     : {
      "id"                  : 7628801,
      "code"                : "P_AV",
      "type"                : "REGULAR",
      "isDynamic"           : false,
      "isTangible"          : false,
      "name"                : "Panda_Antivirus",
      "version"             : "1.1.1",
      "minAllowedQuantity"  : 1,
      "maxAllowedQuantity"  : 99999,
      "maxSupportedQuantity": 99999,
      "image"               : null,
      "hasPromotions"       : true,
      "hasAutoRenewal"      : false,
      "hasOptions"          : false,
      "hasFulfillment"      : false,
      "options"             : [],
      "price"               : {
        "net"                    : 100,
        "gross"                  : 100,
        "vat"                    : 0,
        "VATPercent"             : 0,
        "discount"               : 0,
        "netDiscounted"          : 100,
        "grossDiscounted"        : 100,
        "affiliateCommission"    : 0,
        "unitNet"                : 100,
        "unitGross"              : 100,
        "unitVAT"                : 0,
        "unitDiscount"           : 0,
        "unitNetDiscounted"      : 100,
        "unitGrossDiscounted"    : 100,
        "unitAffiliateCommission": 0,
        "currency"               : "USD",
        "handlingFeeGross"       : 0,
        "handlingFeeNet"         : 0,
        "guid"                   : "71b503f4-e0fd-48ff-6ff7-3f7a27801991"
      "additionalFields"    : [
          "code"          : "product_checkbox_identifier",
          "name"          : "product_checkbox_text",
          "enabled"       : true,
          "required"      : false,
          "type"          : "CHECKBOX",
          "validationRule": "",
          "urlParameter"  : "ADDITIONAL_product_checkbox_identifier[7628801]",
          "value"         : false,
          "guid"          : "37dc7383-dc03-9049-52cf-9792cb0e0093"
          "code"          : "product_textbox_identifier",
          "name"          : "product_textbox_text",
          "enabled"       : true,
          "required"      : false,
          "type"          : "TEXT",
          "validationRule": "/^.*$/",
          "urlParameter"  : "ADDITIONAL_product_textbox_identifier[7628801]",
          "value"         : null,
          "guid"          : "eedaede2-6e65-f78a-d918-3945960d5f7e"
          "code"          : "product_listbox_identifier",
          "name"          : "product_listbox_text",
          "enabled"       : true,
          "required"      : false,
          "type"          : "LISTBOX",
          "validationRule": "",
          "urlParameter"  : "ADDITIONAL_product_listbox_identifier[7628801]",
          "value"         : "",
          "values"        : [
          "guid"          : "7e84db3e-52dc-fe2b-837f-2e2e537dbefc"
          "code"          : "product_hidden_identifier",
          "name"          : "product_hidden_text",
          "enabled"       : true,
          "required"      : false,
          "type"          : "HIDDEN",
          "validationRule": "",
          "urlParameter"  : "ADDITIONAL_product_hidden_identifier[7628801]",
          "value"         : null,
          "guid"          : "f6d1f347-1eac-58aa-a0d2-74540c99d768"
      "description"         : {
        "code"              : "P_AV-description",
        "short"             : "",
        "long"              : "",
        "systemRequirements": "",
        "guid"              : "86579d72-2ce1-a1d1-e981-5d978d059940"
      "returnMethod"        : {
        "type": "redirect",
        "url" : null,
        "guid": "1d8a1ab9-31c2-8eaa-5657-cfa540bc0484"
      "productGroup"        : {
        "code"       : "RANDOMCODE",
        "description": "Default products group",
        "name"       : "General"
      "links"               : [
      "guid"                : "83400c11-9cab-c454-ed4e-5038717b3d49"
    "fulfillment" : {
      "downloadFile"       : null,
      "deliveryDescription": "",
      "codesDescription"   : "",
      "codes"              : [],
      "guid"               : "b08e4024-954f-9fc2-9999-4c9eb5ad6265"
    "links"       : [
    "guid"        : "60151ce2-14ee-4515-c58a-a9405053887a"

LOAD_CROSS_SELL (load-cross-sell)

Triggered by: 

  • loading the cross-sell carousel on page 


  • Google Tag Manager productImpression event
  • Dynamic Tag Manager productImpression event 
  • Google Analytics 4 view_item_list event 
  • Google Tag Manager (GA4) view_item_list event 

UPDATE_HAS_INSTALLMENTS (set-has-cc-installments)

Triggered by:

  • page refresh (while on checkout page & a country  that supports installments is selected)
  • loading the cart (while a country that supports installments is selected)
  • changing the installment options
  • changing payment methods
  • changing country


For more details on all the triggers below, check out the eCommerce events page.





Order statistics

The Order statistics report aggregates data for new purchases, renewals and upgrades, based on the order placing date. The aggregated data includes new purchases, renewals and upgrades. Refunded orders are counted as new purchases.

Transactions completed in other currencies than the ones supported are converted to the default currency set per product.

You can configure the report to show either the total or the average number of finished orders in the selected time interval.

API Responses


This section contains the objects returned as API responses, based on your requests to retrieve information on orders, products, subscriptions, promotions, and others.



Integrate 3dcart


3dcart integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts). 

3dcart Settings:

Perform the below set of instructions in your 3dcart account to integrate it with 2Checkout.

  1. Sign in to your 3dcart admin
  2. Click Payment Methods
  3. Check Active
  4. Enter your Store ID (2Checkout Account Number)
  5. Click Save

2Checkout Settings:

Follow the below instructions in your 2Checkout Control Panel to finalize the 3dcart integration process.

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API section
  3. Follow these steps to activate Redirect URL:

4. Click Update to save your settings. 


About 3dcart

Fast, reliable, and most of all EASY TO USE, 3dcart will get your business online in just a few minutes! We provide the software, the hardware, and the support!

For more information, visit:


Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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We’ll help you choose the right payment solution for your business, wherever you want to sell, in-person or online. Our team of experts will happily discuss your needs.

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