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Request invoice/payment


Send invoices by email to your customers, and request payment for your products. The email sent to your customers will have a link to a checkout page where the customer can make a payment to you. The Request invoice/payment functionality exists primarily for invoicing purposes where it may be necessary to bill for a product or service that does not have a static price, or the final sales price is unknown.

You can also use Request invoice/payment for billing excess server time for web hosts, or for services that need to be billed in addition to the product/pricing structure hard-coded via 2Checkout’s product listing. 

Note: At this moment, the Request invoice/payment functionality can be sent only in English.



Available to all 2Checkout accounts (Request invoice → for 2Checkout PSP accounts/Request payment → for 2Checkout MoR accounts.)

You can use the Request invoice/payment functionality for both ConvertPlus and 2Checkout Default ordering flows.


  1. Login to the 2Checkout Control Panel.
  2. Go to Setup > Generate links.
  3. Select the preferred ordering flow: Default flows or ConvertPlus.
  4. Select the product/s for which you want to send the payment request.
    • For ConvertPlus, you can request payment for dynamic products.
    • For Default flows, you can request payment for catalog products with dynamic pricing.
  5. Click on Request invoice/payment.
  6. Once the Request invoice appears, define the following attributes:
    • Language - The language used in the communication with your customers.
    • Customer name - The name of the customer used in email.
    • External ref no - External reference number that you control. Acts as an invoice number.
    • Customer email - Email used for sending the payment request.
    • Additional text - Comments displayed in the email content sent to your customers.
  7. Preview the Request invoice email, or Send it right away to your customers.


request payment.png


You can track orders placed as a result of the Request invoice flow from Orders & customers > Order search. Filter the results by using the External reference included in the email sent to your customers. Alternatively, you can export the orders in full options template format, and check for the values in the External Reference No column.

Measure the performance of your Request invoice feature by accessing the Email Metrics report available in the Control Panel. The information extracted in the report can be split based on the ordering flow used: ConvertPlus or Default 2Checkout flows.

Affiliate sales report

Sales made through affiliates are centralized for the Affiliates Sales Report, along with sales made through cross-selling campaigns. Cross-selling involves recommending additional products right in the shopping cart, either more items from you or offerings from third-party vendors inside the Avangate network (network cross-selling).

The results listed in the Affiliates Sales Report can be filtered by affiliate and product, but searches performed could also involve parameters as specific offerings and custom time intervals. The Affiliates Sales Report provides a rundown of all affiliate sales per day, enabling the analysis of data in great detail.

Here's a list with all the details provided by the Affiliates Sales Report:

  • CTs (Clickthroughs) - unique clicks sent by affiliates
  • Complete Orders - Complete orders where the affiliate receives a credit
  • ConvR (Conversion ratio) - percent of successful sold products from all affiliate referred products (Products / CTs)
  • Total - Total amount of sold products referred by affiliates (no VAT included, commissions not excluded)
  • Refunds - Total amount of refunded products where the affiliate will be debited (no VAT included, commissions not excluded)
  • ComR - Average affiliate(s) commission percent for the referred sales (CommA/Total)
  • EUR/CT - Average order amount for every referred click (Total/CTs)
  • CommA - Affiliate(s) commission for the referred sales
  • EPC - Earnings per Click

The report uses the currency exchange rate from the day when orders were paid. Note: The data may differ from the Avangate Sales Report which employs a monthly average currency exchange rate.

Account balance report


Account Balance shows estimates of the revenue earned during the current payout interval calculated from the last payment made by 2Checkout and up to the day when it's generated. The report is calculated only for complete orders from the last payment report date, and refunds, shipping costs (if they exist), as well as taxes, are also included. All data is displayed in accordance with the currencies the orders were paid for, no conversions are made.

Account Balance offers a quick overview of the total number of customers and orders, as well as active products and promotions starting from the moment you began using your account. It includes the following amounts.

  • Orders total: total order amount, including tax/VAT, processing, and affiliate fees for the current billing interval.
  • Processing fees: processing fees paid to 2Checkout.
  • Affiliate fees: fees you pay to affiliates selling your products.
  • Retained Disputes: total value of disputed charges retained in the Disputes Balance, for the current billing interval.
  • Released Disputes: total value of disputed charges released from the Disputes Balance, in the current billing interval.
  • VAT/TAX: taxes collected by 2Checkout.
  • Total revenue: income left after processing fees, affiliate fees, tax/VAT, refunded orders and chargebacks have been deducted.

May 2019






May 13, 2019 Merchants can now see partner information at the subscription level so that they can identify this information for imported subscriptions as well. Feature Click me
May 13, 2019 Partners can now see in Partners Control Panel the customer external ID information in the listing results of the license report so that they will be able to identify a customer without generating and opening a CSV file. Feature Click me
May 15, 2019 Update credit card information in shoppers myAccount will be registered as a “change card” event in the subscription history page to give a better customer and subscription tracking view to merchants. Patch Click me
May 30, 2019 Updated the 2Checkout payout flow for Merchants located in UAE, to comply with the latest financial regulations.  Patch -
May 30, 2019 To comply with the latest fiscal regulations worldwide, we’ve updated the shopper invoice template for countries where 2Checkout has a local entity. The updates are impacting the invoice content and the 2checkout billing details section.  Patch -
May 31, 2019 Merchants that have over 2000 products in their product catalog in Control Panel can now use the multi-product selection during order search. This way, merchants benefit from faster and more effective product selection. Feature Click me

February 2019






February 5, 2019 Improved Products Report functionality in cPanel. The Products Report available in your cPanel Accounting Area now includes detailed information on each dynamic product sold. Available only on PSP business model. Feature Click me
February 11, 2019 We’ve added a new payment method - Bancontact/Mr. Cash for Belgium, which can help merchants selling in this country improve conversion rates. Available only on MoR business model. Feature Click me
February 13, 2019 We’ve included two new parameters (customer-ref and customer-ext-ref) in the ConvertPlus signature to further enhance the security of the checkout process. Feature Click me
February 15, 2019 Optimized payout details page in Control Panel so that merchants can easily understand and edit their payout options details. Patch Click me

API Responses


This section contains the objects returned as API responses, based on your requests to retrieve information on orders, products, subscriptions, promotions, and others.



SaaS dashboard metrics


The 2Checkout SaaS dashboard provides insight into your subscription business, revealing valuable information on how the customer base evolves. This includes new customers, the number of total active and past-due subscriptions, number of trials, and conversions to paid services. These new metrics will help you make informed decisions that will drive further growth across your customer base.


Your account needs to be equipped to sell subscriptions.

Please contact 2Checkout to access the SaaS dashboard functionality.

Report time span

The report spans either:

  • the last week (7 days), counting from the day preceding the day when it's generated. Data in this interval of time is compared to the previous week (7 days). For example, if the report is generated on June 28, 2013, the weekly overview covers Jun 21, 2013 - Jun 27, 2013, and the comparison period is Jun 14, 2013 - Jun 20, 2013.
  • the last month, counting from the day preceding the day when it's generated. Data in this interval of time is compared to the previous month. For example, if the report is generated on June 28, 2013, the monthly overview covers May 29, 2013 - Jun 27, 2013, and the comparison period Apr 29, 2013 - May 28, 2013.

The SaaS dashboard time zone is (GMT+02:00) Athens, Bucharest, Istanbul.

Data is updated daily.

SaaS dashboard metrics


New paying

The number of new active customers created in the 2Checkout system during the report interval. Active customers have at least one active or a past-due subscription. Customers owning only active trials, but no active subscriptions, are not taken into account.

The percentage reflects the comparison of the number of new customers in the latest report interval vs. that of the previous interval. If a new customer becomes inactive during the report interval, it will be counted both under New paying and Canceled.


The number of customers who have become inactive during the report interval (all their active or past due subscriptions have expired or were canceled). Customers for which all subscriptions have been moved under other customer entities in the 2Checkout system are considered Canceled.

The percentage reflects the comparison of the number of canceled customers in the latest report interval vs. that of the previous interval. If a new customer becomes inactive during the report interval, it will be counted both under New paying and Canceled.



Total active

The total volume of active subscriptions and trials reported for the day preceding the day when the report is generated. The number is a snapshot of all active subscriptions the day prior to the creation of this report.

Total past due

The total number of subscriptions that are in the grace period (Past Due status), namely have passed their renewal deadline but are not expired, for your account the day prior to when the report is generated. The number is a snapshot of all Past due subscriptions the day prior to the creation of this report.

New trials

The total number of active trial subscriptions started in the 2Checkout system during the report interval. The percentage reflects the comparison of the number of new trials in the latest report interval vs. that of the previous interval. (Available only of your account uses trials). If a new trial is converted during the report interval, it will be counted both under New trials and Converted trials.

Converted trials

The total number of subscriptions that were converted from trials to paying products during the report interval. The volume of converted trials reported does not subtract eventual refunds. (Available only of your account uses trials). If a new trial is converted during the report interval, it will be counted both under New trials and Converted trials.

Note: In some scenarios, the same customer and trials can be counted multiple times by the report, which is designed to take into account customer and subscription status. For example:

  • Customer A owns Subscription A. If during Jun 21, 2013 - Jun 27, 2013, Customer A that was originally active becomes inactive, Subscription A is not renewed and expires. If it's then manually re-activated by you, this will also reactivate the customer, so Customer A will be counted twice for New paying and once for Canceled.
  • Customer A owns Trial A (the evaluation version of Subscription A). If during Jun 21, 2013 - Jun 27, 2013, Trial A is converted to the full paid Subscription A, then Trial A will be counted both as a New trial and a Converted trial.

May 2018




Feature/Patch/Bug fix



May 25, 2018

Starting with May 25th 2Checkout is GDPR compliant. Note that for the data you collect outside of our systems - 2Checkout or Avangate Platforms - you must be GDPR compliant as well. 

Learn more about 2Checkout's GDPR compliance process.

Update -
May 21, 2018

You can now use Special Price promotions for defining the final discounted price paid by your customers.  Take control over the final order price after promotion is applied, for each pricing option or volume discount threshold configured on your products.

Feature Click me
May 17, 2018 2Checkout API 5 (Beta) version is now available. 

Start testing the next version of the 2Checkout API today! Email if you're interested in trying out API 5.0 which comes with a collection of new functionalities. Among many others, you will be able to:


    - Sell directly from your existing product catalog; Read more.

    - Place orders via API using the Dynamic 3D Secure flow; Read more.

    - Import test subscriptions via API and perform advanced testing scenarios; Read more.


And we still have a few items up our sleeve that will soon be added to the Beta of API 5.0. Keep an eye on our platform updates for more information!


    Feature -
    May 10, 2018 You can now update the quantity during the renewal process, as we've added support for the QTY parameter in your Early renewal links. Feature Click me
    May 8, 2018 You now have extended control over the upgrade process, with the possibility of modifying the quantity of the upgraded product. Use 2Checkout's custom upgrade scenarios to meet your customers' demands during the upgrade process. Feature Click me
    May 9, 2018 Your are now provided with the license key/activation code delivered to your customers in your refund reports. Patch -
    May 7, 2018 Fixed a bug blocking merchants from enabling the IPN trigger for completed orders for their incoming Purchase Orders. Fix -
    May 8, 2018 Fixed a bug causing the order delivery information to not be displayed in Control Panel, on the order details page. Fix -
    May 8. 2018 Fixed a bug causing partner invoices to be marked as 'Unpaid' and 'Overdue' after being paid. Fix -
    May 18, 2018 Fixed a bug causing the display of an incorrect message when saving a static fulfillment list. Fix -
    May 29, 2018 Fixed a bug causing the display of disabled products in the list of available products when creating a Price List for Partners. Fix -
    May 30, 2018 Fixed a bug causing a Control Panel page timeout when attempting an order cancelation. Fix -

    Integrate Freewebstore


    FreeWebstore integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts). 

    FreeWebstore settings:

    Perform the below set of instructions in your FreeWebstore account to integrate with 2Checkout.

    1. Log into your FreeWebstore admin and go to Ecommerce → Checkouts.
    2. Select Enable Pay by 2Checkout.
    3. Under Account Mode, select either Test Mode or Live Mode.
    4. Enter your 2Checkout Account Number (or Merchant code).
    5. Enter your 2Checkout INS Secret Word. (Must be the same value entered in your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel). Your INS secret word should be the same as the buy-link secret word (can be found under Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API, scroll down to the Secret Word area, under the INS Secret Word). Edit your INS secret word and buy-link secret word to match each other, then copy and paste them into your FreeWebstore admin. INS secret word.png
    6. Copy the approved URL provided and Save your changes.

    2Checkout settings:

    Follow the below instructions in your 2Checkout Control Panel to finalize the FreeWebstore integration process.

    1. Log into your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel
    2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API section
    3. Follow these steps to activate Redirect URL:
    • In the Redirect URL section check “Enable return after sale”
    • For the Redirect URL section, past the Approved URL you copied previously
    • For Return method, select Header Redirect
    • Save settings

    About Freewebstore

    Freewebstore is an integrated eCommerce platform that helps merchants set up stores and sell online. Visit to find more information on the platform.



    2Checkout's lead management is a smart and simple way to reduce customer churn and get useful insights into what drives customers to cancel automatic renewals. Use the Lead object to configure lead management campaigns via SOAP API 6.0 to reduce unfinished payments and cart abandonment.

    You can use lead management to:

    • run a report on unfinished payments;
    • send abandoned shopping cart follow-up emails;
    • request invoices.

    Need help?

    Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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