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Gateway Error Code Values

The Gateway Error Code will return a list of potential values. Knowing these will help you customize the message you want to relay to your customers relating to failed payment.

Gateway Error Code Values GW Error Message values related to each code value
GW_INVALID_BANK_ACCOUNT_DETAILS Incorrect account information. To finalize the transaction please provide valid bank details.
GW_DIRECT_DEBIT_DECLINED There was a problem with the transaction. Please check that the bank details you provided are correct and try again.
GW_INVALID_BOLETO_CPF The Fiscal Number(CPF) you entered is incorrect. To continue, please enter the CPF again.
GW_MASTERCARD_DENIED Mastercard payments cannot currently be processed. Please try again using a different payment method. We apologize for the inconvenience.
GW_PAYPAL_PAYMENT_CANCEL You did not finalize the PayPal payment. Select a new payment method, or try again using your PayPal account.
GW_PAYPAL_RECURRING_NOT_SUPPORTED This merchant is not enabled for recurring transactions.
GW_COUNTRY_RESTRICTIONS The payment could not be processed due to legal restrictions related to the country associated with this card. Please retry with a different card or choose to finalize the order with a different payment method.
GW_ORDERED_NOT_YET_PAYED The order is not yet paid.
GW_PROCESSING_ERR The online payment cannot be finalized online at this time. Please enter another card or try to finalize the transaction in a few minutes.
GW_TOKEN_DELETED Token deleted.
GW_WAITING_CC_INFO Your online payment is not yet finished. Waiting for the credit card information.
GW_WAITING_PAYMENT Your online order was successfully placed. Payment for this order has not yet been completed. Please follow the instructions below to finalize the payment.
GW_ALREADY_AUTHORIZED Credit card authorization already done!
GW_ACCESS_DENIED Access denied in payment gateway! The transaction cannot be finalized at this time. Please try to finalize the transaction in a few minutes.
GW_INVALID_CVV_CVC2 Error processing the credit card transaction. You have entered an invalid CVV2 or CVC2.
GW_INVALID_CC Invalid data entered. To authorize the card transaction all the data regarding the card must be filled in correctly.
GW_CARD_RESTRICTED Error processing the credit card transaction. The card is restricted. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_TRANS_REFUSED_BY_ISSUER_BANK Error processing the credit card transaction. Transaction refused by the issuer bank. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_INVALID_AMOUNT Error processing the credit card transaction. Invalid amount. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_FORMAT_ERROR Error processing the credit card transaction. Format error. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_EXPIRED_CARD Error processing the credit card transaction. Expired card. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS Error processing the credit card transaction. Insufficient funds. Please charge your card account or enter another card.
GW_TRANS_NOTPERMITTED Error processing the credit card transaction. Transaction not permitted to cardholder. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_EXCEEDS_WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT_LIMIT Error processing the credit card transaction. The transaction will exceed the card/account withdrawal amount limit. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_EXCEEDS_WITHDRAWAL_FREQUENCY_LIMIT Error processing the credit card transaction. The transaction will exceed the card/account withdrawal frequency limit. Please contact the issuer bank for more details, or enter another card.
GW_LINK_TO_ISSUER_BANK_UNAVAILABLE Error processing the credit card transaction. The link with the issuer bank is not available. Please enter another card or try to finalize the transaction in a few minutes.
GW_INVALID_RESPONSE Invalid response received from payment gateway.
GW_PAYPAL_ACCEPT Order successfully placed.
GW_UKASH_INVALID_VOUCHER The transaction was not approved by Ukash. This may have happened because the voucher number was not entered correctly or the voucher value does not correspond with the voucher you entered. Please try again.


Subscription email flows

Payment successful flow

Happy flow

  1. Shopper purchases a subscription in the shopping cart.

  2. Once the payment is successful, a Payment receipt email is sent to the shopper with confirmation and details of their payment.

  3. An electronic delivery email is provided to the shopper including the subscription plan information, activation codes/keys with short descriptions, downloadable product files, technical and payment support contact details.

       2Checkout can send the electronic delivery email either standalone or combined with the payment receipt notification (in one single email).
  4. An Auto Renewal subscription compliance email is sent automatically to shoppers with confirmation and details of their subscription (information regarding billing cycle duration, next billing amount, next billing date etc).

  5. A reminder email notification is sent to shoppers before their subscription expiration date.

    For ≥ 6 months billing cycle

    • A 30 days before expiration reminder email is sent, along with a 7 days before expiration reminder email.

    For a < 6 months billing cycle

    • Only a 7 days before expiration reminder email is sent.
       You can add other reminders should it make sense for your business, as the above illustrated examples are the mandatory ones, sent by default.
  6. On the day of subscription expiration the auto-renewal subscription is activated which is confirmed when the shopper receives the Payment receipt for renewal email, along with the Delivery confirmation email.

       This notification can be sent in:
    One email: (1) Payment receipt and Delivery / Fulfillment
    Two emails: (1) Payment receipt + (2) Delivery / Fulfillment
    Three emails: (1) Payment confirmation + (2) Payment Receipt + (3) Delivery / Fulfillment

Trial Flow


  1. Shopper purchases a subscription in the shopping cart and enrolls for a free or discounted trial.
  2. Once the payment is successful a Payment receipt email is sent to the shopper with confirmation and details of their payment.

  3. An electronic delivery email is provided to the shopper including the subscription plan information, activation codes/keys with short descriptions, downloadable product files, technical and payment support contact details.

       2Checkout can send the electronic delivery email either standalone or combined with the payment receipt notification (in one single email).
  4. An compliance trial email is sent automatically to shoppers with confirmation and details of their trial (trial period duration, trial expiration, following billing date, following billing amount, a link to MyAccount for the shopper to be able to cancel the following automatic charge).

  5. Trial expiration notification email is sent to shoppers 5 days before their trial expiration date.

If the shopper continues with the subscription, the above flow should be followed.

Payment failed / Refund flows

unhappy flow

   Additional emails can be configured for unfinished payment and cart abandonment. For more information check the Lead Management documentation.

Payment failed flow

  1. Shopper purchases a subscription in the shopping cart.

  2. The payment is being processed.

    Payment failed

    • If the payment fails, a Payment failed email is sent to the shopper, confirming the failed transaction and providing the possibility to return to the shopping cart and finalizing the purchase without having to go back through the ordering process.

    Payment successful

    • If the payment is successful, the above flow should be followed.
  3. On the next billing date the automatic renewal is attempted and the new payment will be processed.

    Payment failed

    • If the payment fails, a Recurring payment failed email is being sent to the shopper, confirming the failed transaction and providing the possibility to continue with the renewal by changing the payment method or manually renewing the subscription.

    Payment successful

Refund flow

Refund can be requested after the initial purchase, once the payment is confirmed.

If the refund is requested and approved, the shopper will receive a Refund Confirmation email.

This can happen either after acquiring the subscription for the first time or at the last renewal.

Implement Google Analytics 4 in ConvertPlus and InLine Checkout (with GTM)


You can implement Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager tracking tools to help you track and monitor your ConvertPlus and InLine checkout orders in order to improve the shopping experience and increase the conversion rate.


Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager can be set for all 2Checkout accounts.

Google Analytics 4 Settings

Implement Google Analytics 4

To implement Google Analytics 4 through Google Tag Manager (GTM) for your ConvertPlus and InLine Checkout, follow these steps:

1. In your browser window, navigate to Tag manager → All accounts.

2. Click on the Create Account button.

Google analytics via GTM_1.png

3. Fill in all the required fields:

  • Account Name
  • Country
  • Container name
  • Target platform → Web

4. Click on the Create button.

5. Copy the Google Tag Manager Container ID. It will be used in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel for the Google Tag Manager set-up.

Google analytics via GTM_2.png

Creating the Google Analytics 4 Configuration tag in Google Tag Manager  

1. Click to create a new tag in Google Tag Manager and select Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration from the list pre-defined tags.

This is used for configuring Google Analytics 4 and sending pageviews to the new Google Analytics 4, for both the 2checkout shopping cart and your website where you have the Google Tag Manager code. If you already have in place a Google Analytics 4 Configuration Tag that fires on all pages where the Google Tag Manager code was added, you do not need to create a new tag. However, you need to make sure you add the cookie_flags configuration, described in step 4 below. This configuration is necessary, as the tracking script is placed in an iframe for ConvertPlus and Inline carts.

Configuration Tag

2. In the Measurement ID section in Google Tag Manager, enter the Measurement ID. You can find the ID in your Google Analytics 4 with the following steps:

  • Navigate to Admin -> Data Streams.
  • Click on your website property
  • Copy the Measurement ID. 

Measurement ID

3. Click on the Send a page view event when the configuration loads checkbox.

4. In the Fields to set section select the following to add the cookie_flags configuration: 

  • For Field Name add cookie_flags 

  • For Value add SameSite=None;Secure 

5. In the Triggering section, select All Pages

Configuration All Pages

Sending ecommerce information to Google Analytics 4 from the 2checkout shopping cart 

Configure a trigger in Google Tag Manager 

In Google Tag Manager, click on the Triggers section and then click to add a new trigger.

Google analytics via GTM_5.png


Create a Custom Event trigger

  1. Name your trigger GA4 Event Ecommerce Trigger.
  2. From the list provided, choose Custom event as Trigger Type.
  3. In the field Event name, type  .*  and check the box Use RegEx matching.
  4. For the "This trigger fires on" section, select Some custom events.
  5. As rule, fill in the boxes with Event matches RegEx (Ignore case) begin_checkout|add_to_cart|remove_from_cart|purchase|view_item_list. Those are events in the dataLayer on the format of the GA4 documentation for developers provided by Google
  6. Click Save.

GA4 Event Trigger

Configure the tag for GA4 for sending ecommerce data 

  1. Click on New to create a new tag that you can call “GA4 Event Ecommerce Tag”.
  2. From the list provided by Google, select the option “Google Analytics: GA4 event” as Tag Type.
  3. For Configuration Tag, select your previously configurated “Google Analytics 4 Configuration” tag.
  4. For Event Name, select {{Event}}.
  5. Under More Settings → Ecommerce , click on the Send Ecommerce data checkbox and select Data Layer from the Data Source drop-down list.

Event Tag 1
Event Tag 2

  6.  Add as trigger for this tag the previously created trigger “GA4 Event Ecommerce Trigger”

GA4 Ecommerce Event Trigger

Setup Cross-domain measurement in your Google Analytics 4 Admin page 

Google Tag Manager code is placed in an iframe with the domain In order for Google to recognize that a visitor is the same when entering your website and then entering the shopping cart, you need to setup cross-domain measurement in Google Analytics 4 Admin, according to information provided by Google.  

  1. In Admin, click on Data Streams, click on Web and then select your web data stream. In the web stream details, click Configure tag settings (at the bottom). In the Settings section, click Configure your domains

Configure your Domains

  2.  Under Include domains that match ANY of the following conditions, chose match type Contains and under Domain, enter the identifier of your domain (ex. and then click Add Condition to add the next domains – and


Test your Google Analytics 4 Settings with GTM Debugger

To test if your Google Analytics settings are correct, follow the steps below 

 1. Download and install the Tag Assistant Companion browser extension found here.

 2. Click on Preview.

preview GTM.png

3. Delete all existing domains.

delete all domains.png

4. Click on Add domain.

add domain.png

5. Add and click Start.

click start.png

6. Go back to the Google Tag Manager tab but DON’T close the tab with tracking.avangate.local.

tracking URL.png

7. Click on X in the top-left corner.

connecting to avangate.png

8. In the Tag Assistant Tab, click on Add domain.

add domain tag assisstant tab.png

9. Enter the buy-link you want to debug and click Start.

debug buy-link.png

10. Go back to the Google Tag Manager debugger tab.


11. Click on the Enable button behind the “Connecting this window to” pop-up.

enable popup.png

12. Click on Continue.

click continue.png

13. You are now debugging, but this domain receives tags from the shopping cart.

debug success.png

Submit and publish your settings

Google analytics via GTM_20.png

Checking a purchase in Google Analytics 4

Place an order on the 2checkout shopping cart, using the template which has your Google Tag Manager code.  

Log into your Google Analytics 4, go to Monetization -> Ecommerce purchases. 


You will see the number of purchases for your products and the revenue from your purchases. 

Test Product

Merchant Control Panel Settings

The Analytics section in your Merchant Control Panel allows you to integrate Google Analytics 4 or/and Google Tag Manager(with GA 4) in the ConvertPlus or InLine ordering engines and thus track the behavior of your shoppers on the 2Checkout pages.

Follow these steps to complete your analytics integration:

  1. Log into your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Ordering options.
  3. Click on the Analytics tab.
  4. Click on the ConvertPlus and InLine Checkout tab.

Shopping Cart Web Analytics

5. In the Google Tag Manager(with GA 4) box, click on Set up and fill in the Google Tag Manager(with GA4) Container ID.

6. Click Save.

Google Tag Manager Container ID

7. Complete the integration by using the slider to activate Google Tag Manager. It is not recommended to activate both Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager to send data to the same Google Analytics 4 property, otherwise, duplicate data will occur. 

Activate GTM using slider


Implement Google Analytics 4 in ConvertPlus and InLine Checkout (without GTM)


You can implement Google Analytics 4 without the Google Tag Manager (GTM) to help you track and monitor your ConvertPlus and InLine checkout orders in order to improve the shopping experience and increase conversion rate. 


Google Analytics 4 can be set for all 2Checkout accounts. 

Implement Google Analytics 4 in ConvertPlus and InLine Checkout

Follow these steps to implement Google Analytics 4 in ConvertPlus and InLine Checkout: 

1. Navigate to your Google Analytics 4 account

2. Copy your Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID and use it in your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel to set up Google Analytics 4 for your ConvertPlus and InLine carts. 

3. To get your Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID, go to Google Analytics 4 → Admin → Data Streams → Web → Select your web property. Under Measurement ID you will find the code you need to copy and paste into your Merchant Control Panel

Web Stream Details


Cross-domain tracking settings

Google Tag Manager code is placed in an iframe with the domain In order for Google to recognize that a visitor is the same when entering your website and then entering the shopping cart, you need to setup cross-domain measurement in Google Analytics 4 Admin, according to information provided by Google.  

In Admin, click Data Streams, click Web and then select your web data stream. In the web stream details, click Configure tag settings (at the bottom). In the Settings section, click Configure your domains

Configure your domains

Under Include domains that match ANY of the following conditions, chose match type Contains and under Domain, enter the identifier of your domain (ex. and then click Add Condition to add the next domains – and


Merchant Control Panel Settings

The Analytics section in your Merchant Control Panel allows you to integrate Google Analytics 4 in the ConvertPlus or InLine ordering engines and thus track the behavior of your shoppers on the 2Checkout pages.

Follow these steps to complete your analytics integration:

  1. Log into your  Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Setup → Ordering options.
  3. Click on the Analytics tab.
  4. Click on the ConvertPlus and InLine Checkout tab.

 web analytics in Merchant Control Panel_5.png

5.In the Google Analytics box, click on Edit. 

Edit GA4 Box

6. Fill in the Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID and click Save.

 Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID

7. Complete the integration by using the slider to activate Google Analytics 4.

GA4 slider

Checking a purchase in Google Analytics 4 

Place an order on the 2checkout shopping cart, using a ConvertPlus or Inline cart. 

Log into your Google Analytics 4, go to Monetization -> Ecommerce purchases. 

E-Commerce Purchases

You will see the number of purchases for your products and the revenue from your purchases. 

Test Product


1. The 2Checkout data layer for Google Analytics 4 tracking is placed in an iFrame. This data layer contains eCommerce information built on the structure required by Google Analytics 4 reporting for the following events: checkout, view item list (for cross-sell products), add to cart (for cross-sell products), purchase and remove from cart.

2. For fully enhanced eCommerce reporting in Google Analytics 4, it is recommended that you send information to Google Analytics 4 from your website that includes for example product views, select product, add to cart. More information on enhanced eCommerce reporting can be found here:



MobilePay is a digital wallet for iOS and Android that can be used for person-to-person transfers, in-store purchases, subscriptions, invoices, eCommerce transactions, etc. MobilePay is the most popular alternative payment method in Denmark with over 6 million users and 60+ partner banks. The account is connected to the telephone number of the MobilePay user. Shoppers can use MobilePay in more than 220,000 Nordic shops and web stores.

The application is protected by a user-selected four-digit PIN code or a fingerprint. The login ID is either the CPR-number (national ID number) or the more secure NemID.


  • Supported country: Denmark
  • Supported currency: DKK


To use MobilePay, merchants must have a national phone number/national-issued credit card/national bank account and a civil registration number.


  • Merchants can offer to their consumers express checkout, safe payments, and favorite payment methods that will drive higher cart values
  • The conversion rate will increase as the number of transactions increases, as this is the preferred Danish payment method
  • Merchants can offer a variety of payment methods making them more attractive for their clients
  • Simplify payment acceptance across different sales channels for Verifone Merchants
  • Around 50% of all payments in Danish eComm are MobilePay transactions

Activate MobilePay

Steps to activate MobilePay in Control Panel:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard.
  2. Go to Setup.
  3. Click on Ordering options.
  4. Click on Payment methods.
  5. Activate MobilePay from the list.

Shopper flow

  1. Initiate an online purchase. Once the products for purchase are selected, the 2Checkout checkout page will be displayed.

  2. Select MobilePay as a payment method.

    MobilePay Billing information page

  3. Press on the Place order button.

    MobilePay Confirmation and payment page

  4. The MobilePay landing page will be displayed to enter the phone number.

    MobilePay landing page

  5. Log into the MobilePay app to accept/decline the payment.

    MobilePay accept payment

  6. Once all steps are completed, the Finish page will be displayed, as the order is confirmed.

    MobilePay Finish page

Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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