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Vipps is a mobile payment app that consumers can use to pay bills, products, and services, or to send money to each other. For businesses, it's an alternative method of accepting payments that is simpler and safer than working with cash.

On Verifone's checkout page, the customer can select to pay with Vipps – in which case they will be redirected to the Vipps payment flow (see Shopper flow section).


  • Supported country: Norway
  • Supported currency: NOK

Supported transactions: new acquisitions and manual renewals.


To use Vipps, shoppers must have a Norwegian phone number.


Increase your conversion rates:

  • Vipps wallet stores the shopper card information and offers shoppers an easy and fast checkout experience on the website, in-app, or in-store
  • Attract more Vipps users to your business and increase sales
  • Diversify your checkout payment methods and let the shoppers use their preferred ones
  • Offer your shoppers localized payment methods making your business more attractive for them
  • Offer your shoppers the possibility to store multiple cards in one place, allowing them easy accessibility to the accounts they want to pay with
  • Ride the trend and let your shoppers pay with their phones through contactless payment
  • Simplify payment acceptance across different sales channels
  • Shoppers in Norway can use their preferred payment method during the checkout flow and thus increase their buying rate.

Gain competition advantage:

  • Win more customers over your competition by adding the shopper's preferred payment methods

Increase security:

  • Wallet tokenization will help shoppers trust your brand by offering them one of the most secure payment methods available through 2-factor authentication, SMS, FaceID, and others

Activate Vipps

Steps to activate Vipps in Control Panel:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard.
  2. Go to Setup.
  3. Click on Ordering options.
  4. Click on Payment methods.
  5. Activate Vipps from the list.

Shopper flow

The shopper should follow the below steps, to complete an order:

Shopper flow

  1. Initiate an online purchase, from the e-shop using a browser. Once the products for purchase are selected, the 2Checkout checkout page will be displayed.

  2. Select Vipps as a payment method.

    Vipps Billing information page

    Vipps Confirmation and payment page

  3. The Vipps landing page will be displayed to enter the phone number. The number will be sent to Vipps that will send a push notification to the mobile to open Vipps app.

    Vipps Mobile app screen

  4. Log in Vipps app to accept/decline the payment.

    Vipps Completed payment screen

    Vipps pay

       At the same time on the browser the below page will be displayed:

    Vipps browser

  5. There is a time limit of 5 minutes to enter the phone number in the landing page, and then 5 minutes to complete the payment in Vipps app. Once the payment is confirmed in the application, the Finish page will be displayed.

    Vipps finish page

Churn Overview Report


Businesses need to be able to measure churn for a given period of time to understand the revenue lost due to churn. Furthermore, to get closer to actionable insights, merchants need to understand the reasons for the churn. 

Churn is the main enemy of any subscription business, and for you to be able to understand, prevent and fight churn, 2Checkout enables access to reports which give you an overview of your churn, details on sources of churn and actionable insights to allow you to prevent and fight churn. It would be difficult for one report to address all that information, so a suite of reports will be used instead, merchants having the possibility to access them individually, or drill down from a high-level report to a lower-level report for more granularity. 

The Churn overview report available in Merchant Control Panel gives a high-level overview of your churn.

A subscription is considered as churned when: 

  • The subscription is expired or the subscription was disabled either through a user action or a system flow
  • If there are several activation/deactivation events (cancellation/reactivation of the subscription) in a given interval and the final event is a disabled/expired subscription, then the subscription will be counted only once as churned.


  • Get actionable and timely data regarding overall churn 
  • Learn which product or initial sales source are mainly responsible for churn

  • Learn which churn source is generating the highest churn numbers

  • Know how many customers and how many subscriptions churned

  • Know the dimension of monthly recurring revenue lost due to churn


The feature is applicable to all subscription merchants with the following packages: 2Subscribe, 2Monetize, and 4Enterprise if merchants have subscription capabilities. 


The following subscriptions are excluded from churn reporting: 

  • Non-recurring/ lifetime subscriptions 
  • Subscriptions in trial state at the start of the reporting period 
  • Subscriptions that were both activated and churned in the same interval 
  • Subscriptions that were disabled and then reactivated during the reporting interval 
  • Subscriptions that were upgraded using the "create a new subscription" flow 
  • Partner subscriptions 
  • Pay per usage subscriptions


  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to Reports center → Main reports → Subscription reports → Churn overview report.

Churn overview report

  3.  Click on the Set up report button. 

  4.  Select a reporting interval out of the pre-defined values or pick custom dates. This will allow you to calculate a list of churn metrics relevant to all subscriptions that got disabled or expired during the selected interval. The oldest available data in the system is for subscriptions with expiration date after August 2018.

Select a reporting interval

Report settings

5.  Select Filters

  • Initial subscription status – filters by sub status at the beginning of the reporting interval. Possible values: Active, Past due, Paused

Report settings

  • Initial renewal type – filters by subscription renewal type at the beginning of the reporting interval. Possible values: Automatic, Manual.Initial Renewal Type
  • Initial Purchase Date - filter by purchase date within a selected time interval. Select an interval out of the pre-defined values or pick custom dates. This will allow you to filter only those subscriptions for which the initial purchase date was in the selected time interval. 
    The oldest available data in the system is for subscriptions with expiration date after August 2018.Initial Purchase Date
  • Product - filter by merchant products. Filter by product
  • Billing Cycle Length – filter by billing cycle length. Available values include: 1 month, 3 months 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and other.

    Billing Cycle Length  

  • Billing Country – filter by the country selected by the customer when entering the billing info. 

Billing Country

 6.  You can apply the segmentation option to the churn report. Segmentation in this context involves organizing subscription data into distinct groups based on criteria such as status, renewal type, country, billing cycle length, or product. By saving up to 10 frequently used filter collections, you can effectively divide your subscriptions into meaningful segments for analysis. This segmentation enables a deeper understanding of churn behavior allowing you to make informed business decisions.  To segment the report follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Segment field at the upper right corner of the screen.
  • From the arrow drop-down menu select Save as new.New segment
  • In the pop-menu, type in the name of your segment in the Segment name field and then click on Save.Save segment
  • To rename an existing segment, navigate to the Segment field and select Rename from the arrow drop-down menu.
  • To delete an existing segment, navigate to the Segment field and select Delete from the arrow drop-down menu. In the resulting pop-up menu then click on Delete segment.Delete Segment

 7.  Click on Build Report to see three cards displaying the information below: 

  • Customer churn - a customer becomes churned when there are no longer any active subscriptions associated to the account for a specific vendor and rate (percentage of customers churn during the reporting interval relative to the number of active customers in the 1st day of the reporting interval).
  • MRR churn (Monthly Recurring Revenue) - the revenue amount that the merchant is no longer going to receive the next month due to the churn events that happened during the reporting interval). The user’s default currency is applied in this case. The MRR churn metric is calculated using the exchange rate of the last order date of the subscription.  
  • Subscription churn - the number of subscriptions that were churned during the reporting interval and rate (the percentage of subscriptions churn during the reporting interval relative to the number of active subscriptions in the 1st day of the reporting interval).

Churn overview cards

 8.  Select the Churn Reason filter to further refine the results. 

Churn Reason represents the specific cause or explanation for why a subscription or customer has churned. Churn reasons are grouped  into involuntary and voluntary.

Involuntary and voluntary churn reasons

Choose one of the values below: 

  • Involuntary Churn Reasons:

    • Business model not available: Recurrence disabled due to lack of business model association. 

    • Canceled order: Order canceled through Control Panel or API. This applies to all orders, including Partner Orders.

    • Country not available: The subscription was cancelled due to it not being available in the shopper’s country. 

    • Currency not available: The subscription was cancelled due to shopper’s currency not being available on 2Checkout. 

    • Fraud: Subscription deleted due to a fraud being suspected. 

    • Irrecoverable card error: Auto-renewal cancelled for current order due to irrecoverable card error. 

    • Recurring IVR disabled: Automatic license renewal stopped by IVR for license ID. 

    • Renewal order generation error: An error occurred when attempting to process an order for automatic renewal. 

    • Terminal not available: A terminal where the authorization could be attempted was not identified. 

    • Contract ended: The last renewal of the contract was carried out. 

    • Failed payment: The payment transaction could not be completed. 

    • Other involuntary reason: Any other non-intentional reason. 

    • None: No reason recorded. 

Involuntary churn reasons

  • Voluntary Churn Reasons:

    • Already renewed my subscription: The subscription has already been renewed by the merchant. 

    • Canceled PayPal agreement: Notification informing the shopper that the billing agreement has been canceled. 

    • Chargeback: A chargeback transaction was performed. 

    • Credit card removed: The card was deleted by the shopper. 

    • Covid-19: The subscription is compliant with Covid-19 restrictions. 

    • Don’t need the product/service anymore: The shopper no longer needs the service or product on the subscription.

    • Extraordinary: A request coming from unusual scenarios which are manually analyzed and processed by the shopper support team. After the analysis is completed, the support team performs the subscription cancellation as well as communicates with the shopper or  the merchant, if it is applicable. 

    • Not satisfied with customer support: The shopper is not satisfied with the customer support that was provided. 

    • Not satisfied with the product/service: The shopper is not satisfied with the product or service that was provided. 

    • Open dispute: An open dispute was identified for the order. 

    • PayPal account removed: Shopper deletes the PayPal account details from MyAccount which results in the Automatic renewal being disabled. 

    • Prefer to manually renew my subscription: The shopper opts to renew the subscription manually rather than an automatic renewal subscription. 

    • Price is too high: The shopper cancels the subscription due to the price. 

    • Refund: A refund was requested by the shopper. 

    • Unspecified churn reason: When the shopper cancels a subscription in MyAccount without selecting a churn reason from the pre-defined list 

    • Want to pause my subscription: When the shopper wants to pause the subscription. 

    • Others: You must specify the reason given in the text form in the Please specify text box that is displayed when the shopper selects Other as the churn reason. 

    • Accidentally enabled auto-renewal: Customer enabled autorenewal by mistake and switches it back to manual mode.

 9.  Churn Event: The final state of the subscription status or renewal type that determines the subscription to be classified as churned. This occurs when a subscription transitions to a state where it is no longer active, such as cancellation, expiration without renewal, being paused indefinitely, or when the renewal type transitions from automatic to manual. The definition of a churn event depends heavily on the specific churn criteria established in the General settings.

Churn event

General settings Churn definition

10. Click on one of the cards available in the Churn overview report page to get a set of three-related insights:

Top subscription churn insights

  • Product with the highest churn value for the reporting interval
  • Initial order source with the highest churn value for the reporting interval. This insight will be relevant to the merchants that have been using the “SRC” parameter when building their links. More on the SRC parameter can be found in Buy-link parameters | Documentation.
  • Churn source with the highest churn value for the reporting interval
    • The available churn sources are the following: 
      • System (e.g., a subscription was disabled because of a declined payment)
      • Shopper and Merchant Support  (e.g., a shopper/ merchant requests 2Checkout to disable a subscription)
      • Control Panel (e.g., a merchant disables a subscription on behalf of their shopper)
      • API (e.g., a merchant wants to disable subscriptions in bulk using the API)
      • MyAccount (e.g., customer cancels their own subscription*)
      • MyAccount Churn Prevention Campaign (e.g., a customer disables their subscription but buys a new one with a discount offered in a churn prevention campaign)
      • MyAccount Cancel on Demand (e.g., a scheduled cancellation has actually taken place)
      • Unspecified (no churn source information logged in the 2Checkout system)

 11.  Click on Export Source Data link to get a CSV export of the data used to calculate the displayed metrics.

Export source data - Downloading

 12.  After the file is exported, you will get "The file was successfully exported" message.

 13. Select your default report currency and define churn flexibly in the General Report Settings.Churn Currency

   Note: The downloaded CSV file must be decompressed using a decompression program (e.g., 7-Zip). 


Question: If a renewal promotion is applied, the merchant will lose some MRR. Is this accounted for? 

Answer: Renewal promotions are not accounted for in this report as renewals are not churned events. 

Q: If the quantity on the subscription was reduced and the price is now lower, do we take this contraction into account? 

A: No, we don’t, this is not considered a churn event. 

Q: Will I know how much churn is coming from trials, automatic renewals, or manual renewals? 

A: No, in this phase, the report doesn't offer such information. 

Q: Do we consider unconverted trials as churn? 

A: No, we don't. The only subscriptions considered for the churn metrics calculations are the ones that were active at the beginning of the reporting period.

Q: Which filters can I apply? 

A: Currently, the only filter the users can apply in Control Panel is currency. We will have a series of filters added in the future. 

Q: If the billing cycle length of a churned subscription is 12 months, how much will the churned MRR be?

A. For a billing cycle length of 12 months, the Churned MRR is calculated by dividing the last renewal price by 12.

Q: What if my subscription has a billing cycle length of 1 month? What if its’ billing cycle length is 1 week?

A: If the billing cycle length is 1 month, the Churned MRR is equal to the last paid amount for the subscription, while if the billing cycle length is 1 week, then the Churned MRR is equal to the last paid amount times 4.

Q: What if I download a CSV file with over 1 million subscriptions?

A: If you have large files (over 1 million rows), we advise opening the file in Notepad tool and then splitting the content in smaller chunks of data.

Mobile SDKs


Verifone's Mobile SDKs enable you to encrypt and validate card payments, handle 3D Secure verification, and interact with PayPal. Mobile SDKs also provide an optional customizable UI that can display available payment methods and collect card data. For more information on our technical integration, code snippets and examples, check our public iOS SDKAndroid SDK GitHub README pages.

Mobile SDKs can be used to facilitate: 

  • Card payments (with 3DS support and customization) 

  • PayPal 


Mobile SDKs are available to all users with a 2Checkout account and a card payment setup.  

Your application or system should have the following requirements or higher to apply the SDKs: 

  • iOS 12 

  • Android 8.0+ 


As a merchant, mobile SDKs allow you to: 

  • Safely tokenize card data 

  • Enhance UI customization 

  • Integrate PayPal 

  • Simplify payment acceptance across different sales channels 

Payment methods 

This screen allows the customers to select their preferred payment method. The payment method selection UI component can be customized to display only the methods that your system and business support. This component is optional and you are free to create your own UI. 

2C) Mobile SDK Payment Methods

Card Payments 

The SDKs provide support for collecting and tokenizing card data. We recommend building your own Thank you page to process the result of the transaction as in the example below. 

Card Payments Mobile SDKs

Customizing card forms 

The mobile SDKs' customizable UI enables you to edit the font and color of the card form fields. 

Card Form Customization


  1. Card form view background color 

  2. Background color for any text fields in a card form 

  3. Text color for any text fields in a card form 

  4. Text color for any labels in a card form 

  5. Pay button background color 

  6. Pay button background color for disabled state 

  7. Pay button text color 

  8. Card form title color 


The SDKs provide a native 3DS experience using a Cardinal native SDK which comes bundled into our own SDKs. 

3D Secure


For PayPal, we use a webview to display the customer PayPal confirmation details and provide the necessary information to finalize the payment. 

Mobile SDK PayPal  

   Check out our public iOS SDKAndroid SDK GitHub README pages for code snippets and examples.

Extraordinary cancellation for subscriptions via myAccount


2Checkout offers an extraordinary subscription cancellation flow to the shoppers in Germany, localized via billing address country. 

Extraordinary subscription cancellation is defined as a cancellation requested by shoppers under unusual circumstances which require manual validation by Shopper Support team. After the analysis is completed and the request resolution is decided, Support team is the one cancelling the subscription and communicating with the shoppers.  

Examples of reasons falling under the extraordinary category: 

  • The shopper moves to another country where the service/product is not available 

  • The shopper dies and the person in title to handle his/her subscription is asking for the cancellation


  • Under special circumstances, shoppers are able to cancel their subscriptions in a very quick and easy manner, without a notice period 

  • Compliance with the latest regulations issued by the German Consumer Protection authorities

  • Manual validation and control over the cancellation process and communication 


The extraordinary cancellation flow is available only for shoppers with billing country Germany.  

It is designed as a sub-flow of the automatic Subscription Cancellation flow, with the main difference that this is the only one requiring manual validation and manual subscription cancellation.

All shoppers with a German IP can enter the 2Checkout Shopper Support Center website (, where there is a "Subscription cancellation" button that directs them to MyAccount. If shoppers purchased a subscription license created in the 2Checkout platform, they can enter MyAccount either with their email address or with their order number.

2co shopper support center


To be correctly chosen by the shoppers, in the pop-up open once the extraordinary cancellation is requested, there is a comprehensive explanation of this flow’s purpose/restrictions. 

It is applicable only to special circumstances when there are objective reasons behind requesting a cancellation which aims to take effect as soon as possible. 

Whenever Shopper Support analysis leads to the conclusion that the extraordinary request does not have a legit reason behind it, the request is rejected, and the subscription is not cancelled. Still, the shopper has the option to request the cancellation via the automatic flow, with the applicable notice period.

Subscription cancellation flow

  1. Go to My Products page from MyAccount, on the subscription for which the extraordinary cancellation will be requested.

  2. Upon pressing the Cancel Subscription button, the below pop-up will open; select the Extraordinary cancellation-please specify option from the predefined drop-down list.Cancel subscription myAccount

  3. Once the reason is selected, the pop-up content will expand with an additional explanation and an editable box; here, more detailed explanations should be filled in such such a way that the Support tem is able to easily assess the request.Extraordinary cancellation myAccount

  4. Once the pop-up is closed in confirmation mode, the subscription details are updated as per the request next steps.Subscription status

  5. More than that, the shopper will receive a confirmation e-mail from the Support team and from that moment, Support will communicate the request resolution. 


Once the subscription is cancelled by the Shopper Support team, the refund is handled via the regular refund procedure.


Extraordinary cancellation aims to work as fast as possible. However, due to the fact that there is a manual validation requested, sometimes small delays can occur, especially during holidays; still, these extraordinary requests coming from German shoppers are treated with high priority.

The regular cancellation flow is based on a notice period which may be up to 30 calendars days.

This request is analyzed by Shopper Support. The goal of the analysis is to assess whether the reason behind cancelling the subscription almost immediately, without a notice period, is objective.

  1. Which is the difference in terms of processing time between extraordinary cancellation and regular cancellation flow?

    Extraordinary cancellation aims to work as fast as possible; because there is a manual validation requested, sometimes small delays can occur, especially during holidays. However, these extraordinary requests coming from German shoppers are treated with high priority.

    The regular cancellation flow is based on a notice period which may be up to 30 calendars days.

  2. Why is it mandatory to fill in a detailed explanation for extraordinary cancellation?

    This request is analyzed by shopper support; the goal of the analysis is to assess whether the reason behind cancelling the subscription almost immediately, without a notice period, is objective.

  3. What happens if the reason provided by the shopper isn’t falling under the category of being a special circumstance?

    The Support team should communicate to the shopper the resolution and that he/she can easily request again the cancellation of the subscription, this time without specifying it’s an extraordinary case and without being obliged to provide any reason. In such case, it is applicable the notice period of up to 30 days.

Disabling Argentinian Peso (ARS) as transaction currency


In the context of a high market volatility and a highly fluctuating exchange rate in Argentina, VISA has announced that, beginning with February 10th, it will decline transactions with Argentinian Peso (ARS). 

Consequently, 2Checkout is following the market trends and is disabling ARS as a billing currency, starting with February 10th. 


  • Compliance with VISA's latest processing rules.

  • Protection against exchange rate fluctuations which can cause significant losses due to disadvantageous transactions.

Refund requests, chargebacks, and card schemes 

Any refund request and chargebacks will be processed in any other available transactional currency preferred by the shopper, except Argentinian Peso. Even if the initial order was placed in ARS, the correspondent requested refund/chargeback cannot be processed anymore in this currency.  

Ordering engines 

For all new acquisitions completed by shoppers based in Argentina, all shopping carts will use the USD as the default billing currency (default USD). 

Legacy Cart 

ARS-Legacy Cart


Convert Plus Cart 

ARS-Convert Plus


Auto-renewal subscriptions 

Automatic renewals for subscriptions will fail as no renewal attempt will be processed anymore. Consequently, subscriptions will enter a grace period, if specified in the settings. If a grace period is not specified, subscriptions will expire or will be set directly as expired.  

To mitigate the negative impact, the following 2 phases plan will be applied:  

Phase 1 is a short-term process while Phase 2 is a medium to long-term plan to recover the impacted subscriptions. 

Phase 1: Subscriptions with ARS and auto-renewal will be switched to manual renewal 

  • There will be a mass-update for all ARS subscriptions with the renewal plan switched from auto-renewal to manual renewal. 

  • As soon as the subscriptions are updated, the shoppers will receive an e-mail notification where the context of the change will be explained, and the shoppers will be directed to manually renew their subscriptions. 

  • Once the subscriptions are approaching their expiration date, the shoppers will receive the manual renewal e-mail notifications, as defined in the settings of each account. 

  • The shoppers have the chance to manually renew their subscriptions with the USD prices set in the system at product level. 

Phase 2: Update the subscription currency from ARS to USD 

  • The subscriptions with ARS will be updated so that they will continue their lifetime with USD. 

  • USD is set up as the fallback currency for ARS in the platform. 

  • Once the update is done, the subscriptions will continue to renew with USD, either manually or automatically. 

  • All the renewal notifications will reflect the update and will start displaying the prices in USD. 

  • Prior to this Phase 2, the renewal notifications will display the price in ARS. 

Manual renewal subscriptions 

Subscriptions which are pending to be manual renewal by the shoppers will be done in USD or any other available transactional currency. 

As soon as the shopper lands on the checkout page, the default billing currency is set as USD. The prices in USD are the ones being set up in the system at product level. 

For shoppers that do not want to complete a renewal order in USD, there is the option to select any other transactional currency from the billing currencies drop-down list available on the checkout page. 


USA compliance regulations on subscriptions with auto-renewal


Consumer protection authorities across several states from USA (Colorado, California, Illinois etc.) have issued multiple compliance regulations applicable to businesses-selling subscriptions.

There is a special focus on the subscriptions renewing automatically and the disclosure of information to the shoppers throughout the subscription lifecycle, starting from the initial acquisition of the subscription and continuing with each renewal. 

The regulation is applicable starting with 1st of July 2022.


  • For shoppers: increased transparency, customer satisfaction, taking an informed decision at any point in time in self-servicing their subscriptions

  • For merchants: compliance with the US regulation, being able to build a trust-based relationship with the shoppers


The USA regulations have been implemented based on the billing address country of the shopper, being US, without further split based on USA states. The USA states have issued one by one similar regulations and the expectation is that more will follow.

Impact on shopping carts

One of the US regulations is focusing on shopper awareness, for whom all the subscription details should be disclosed in a complete and clear manner when deciding to purchase a subscription.

The shopping carts were already following the guidance of the above principle.

The only change coming with this regulation is to highlight through an additional text formulation the renewal setting of the subscription, applicable regardless of if there is an automatic or manual renewal.

The new regulation states that the renewal of the contracts cannot be done for more than 12 months.

The updated version of the text placed in the shopping carts, near the Place order button: "By placing the order with the auto-renewal option selected, you are confirming that you are over 16 years of age and you agree that your license will automatically renew in accordance with the terms above (as such terms may be amended by mutual agreement), for an additional period of up to 12 months, as well as with 2Checkout’s terms and conditions."

Shopping cart compliance text

Shopping cart text

Shopping cart text

Impact on shopper emails

E-mails sent after an order is placed

Regardless the combination of e-mails sent after an order is placed, either it is one, two or three e-mails sent based on the settings, every e-mail content has been updated with new information about the behavior of auto-renewal and the flexibility around easily turning off auto-renewal. 

The below text has been added to the Support information section from the footer area of the e-mails: 

"If applicable, the auto-renewal option for your subscription may be cancelled at any time. 

You can cancel it using myAccount as described above, by contacting 2Checkout at <2CO support e-mail address> or the applicable merchant support at <merchant_support_email> email address."

The above new text is applied only to shoppers from the USA, based on billing address country. 

The impacted e-mails are: Payment Confirmation, Payment Receipt and Delivery/Fulfillment. 

The text is visible for the e-mails sent after the initial acquisition and after each new renewal, regardless if it is a manual or an automatic one.

E-mails sent after an order is placed

E-mails sent after an order is placed

E-mails sent as renewal reminder before automatically renewing a subscription

For subscriptions with billing cycles higher than 6 months, which are on automatic renewal, the USA regulation is mandating that the shopper should receive a renewal reminder between 45 and 15 days before the renewal. Consequently, in the 2Checkout system, this e-mail reminder has been scheduled to be sent 30 days before the renewal.  

The content of the new renewal reminder is the same as per the existing renewal e-mail, which is mandatory sent 7 days before the renewal, applicable to all the subscriptions renewing automatically, regardless of the billing cycle length. 

For both e-mails' reminders, there has been applied an update on the Support information section, highlighting the behavior of the auto-renewal and the option available at any point to turn on/off the setting. 

"If applicable, the auto-renewal option for your subscription may be cancelled at any time. 

You can cancel it using myAccount as described above, by contacting 2Checkout at <2CO support e-mail address> or the applicable merchant support at <merchant_support_email> email address."

E-mail sent as renewal reminder before automatically renewing a subscription

E-mail sent once automatic renewal is enabled

The regulation highlights the importance of keeping the shopper informed about the changes applied to the auto-renewal setting on his/her subscription. 

Consequently, there has been introduced a new e-mail sent once the auto-renewal is enabled.  

This is a confirmation e-mail with a similar content as the existing one which is sent when the auto-renewal is disabled. 

Both confirmation e-mails, either for disabling or enabling the automatic renewal, have been implemented globally, for all the shoppers, regardless of their billing address. 

The reason behind is another regulation issued by Mastercard and applicable worldwide, starting from September 2022, which emphasizes the need to keep shoppers informed at any point in time about the renewing status of their subscriptions.

E-mail sent once automatic renewal is enabled

E-mail sent once automatic renewal is enabled

UK compliance regulations on subscriptions with auto-renewal


The Competition and Markets Authority from UK has issued multiple regulation principles applicable to businesses selling subscriptions. 

There is a special focus on the subscriptions renewing automatically, the communication and the transparency towards the shoppers starting from the initial acquisition of the subscription and continuing during the lifecycle with each new renewal. 

To be fully compliant with the UK regulations, 2Checkout has enabled a series of automatic e-mails for the merchants selling subscription plans in the UK to make sure that shoppers are able to make a fully informed choice about auto-renewal.


  • For shoppers: increased transparency, taking informed decisions, self-service their subscriptions 

  • For merchants: being compliant with the regulations, building a trust-based relationship with the shoppers 


The UK principles have been implemented based on the billing address country of the shoppers as located in the UK. 

The shopper's delivery address is not considered in the context of availability of the new implementations. Consequently, the new regulations are impacting businesses selling subscriptions in the UK. 

Impact on shopping carts

One of the UK principles is focusing on shopper awareness, for whom all the subscription details should be disclosed in a complete and clear manner when deciding to purchase a new subscription. 

The shopping carts were already following the guidance of the above principle.  

The only change coming with this regulation is to highlight through an additional text formulation the renewal setting of the subscription, applicable regardless if there is an automatic or a manual one.  

You can find the updated version of the text in the shopping carts, near the Place order button: "By placing the order with the auto-renewal option selected, you are confirming that you are over 16 years of age and you agree that your license will automatically renew in accordance with the terms above (as such terms may be amended by mutual agreement), as well as with 2Checkout’s terms and conditions."

Compliance regulations UK

Impact shopping carts

Compliance e-mails shopping cart

Impact on shopper emails  

E-mails sent after an order is placed 

Regardless the combination of e-mails sent after an order is placed, either if it’s one, two or three e-mails sent based on the settings, every e-mail content has been updated with new information about the behavior of auto-renewal and the flexibility around easily turning off auto-renewal. 

The below text has been added to the Support information section from the footer area of the e-mails: 

If applicable, the auto-renewal option for your subscription may be cancelled at any time. 

"You can cancel it using myAccount as described above, by contacting 2Checkout at <2CO support e-mail address> or the applicable merchant support at <merchant_support_email> email address. 

The above new text is applied only to shoppers from the UK, based on their billing address. 

The impacted e-mails are: Payment Confirmation, Payment Receipt and Delivery/Fulfillment. 

The text is visible for the e-mails sent after the initial acquisition and after each new renewal, regardless if it is a manual or an automatic one. 

E-mails sent after an order is placed

E-mails sent after an order is placed

 E-mails sent after a subscription is automatically renewed 

Starting with the first automatic renewal and continuing with all the automatic renewals throughout the lifetime of a subscription, the UK regulator is mandating that shoppers have the right to a cooling off period of 14 days during which they can give up the subscription without providing a specific reason.

More than that, the shopper is entitled to receive a full refund for the paid billing cycle for which the subscription automatically renewed. 

The e-mails sent after each automatic renewal have been updated with the below text: (placed on the Support information section from the footer area).

"You have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving reasons within 14 days from the receipt of this auto-renewal confirmation. In this case you will receive a full refund for the auto-renewed term. To exercise your right to withdraw from the auto-renewed contract, please inform us by means of a clear statement as described in our <terms and conditions> page."

Subscription automatically renewed


  1. What happens if the billing address country is changed during the subscription lifecycle? 

Whenever the billing address country is updated from UK to any other country or, the other way around, from any other country to UK, the latest updates are automatically enabled or disabled, without having to do any extra steps. 

  2.  Given the focus on the auto-renewal setting of subscription, are there any changes in the way subscriptions are automatically renewing from one billing cycle to the other? 

No, there is no change in the way the automatic renewal is processed on the subscriptions. The only changes concern the way the information is presented to the shopper.

Croatia’s Currency Transition to Euro


As of January 1st, 2023, Croatia will begin the process of switching from its present currency, the Kuna (HRK) to the Euro (EUR) as the national currency. Prices for products will be displayed in both Kuna and Euro until December 31st, 2023.

Both Euro and Kuna banknotes will be used for a period of two weeks after the Euro has been formally introduced as the national currency.  

To enable shoppers to transition to the Euro and to comply with Croatian regulations, the following will be implemented across various areas: 

  • Dual prices will be displayed in both Euro and Kuna (shopper invoices, shopping carts, etc.) 

  • The exchange rate at which the conversion is made will be displayed in various areas (invoices, transactions, carts, etc.)


  • Merchants stay compliant with Croatian regulations​ and suffer not penalty risks
  • Shoppers benefit from transparent transactions and an easy understandable Euro transition

Refund requests, chargebacks, and card schemes

Refund requests and chargebacks in HRK can be processed until December 31st, 2022. Any authorization submitted after that date in Kuna will be rejected.  

Subsequent transactions, including chargebacks and refunds, can be submitted up until the cut-off date for each card scheme:  

Visa Effective Date:

  •  Effective 23:00 GMT 31 December 2022 CPD 1 January 2023, acquirers with merchants in Croatia must modify their systems to process transactions using the ISO currency code for the euro (EUR/978).
  •  Effective 23:00 GMT 31 December 2022, authorization requests with the current alphanumeric currency code of the Croatian Kuna (HRK/191) will no longer be accepted for original transactions.

MasterCard Effective Date:

  • Beginning 1 January 2023, you must submit any authorization request in euro EUR/978 currency for any transactions completed in Croatia. Effective 15 January 2023, Mastercard will start declining all authorization requests that contain currency HRK/191.
  • Mastercard will accept First Presentment message transactions that are submitted in the Croatian Kuna before 00:00 local Croatian time on 1 January 2023 for a period of 120 days (1 May 2023). After 00:00 local Croatian time on 1 January 2023, merchants should not conduct any new transactions in the Croatian Kuna.

Other schemes: Check with your card provider on the planned cut-off dates.

   PSPs that process Croatia Kuna currency must change their Croatian Kuna currency to Croatia EURO in their 80byte/submission file.

Shopper invoices  

To comply with Croatian legislation, all shopper invoices will display dual prices (EUR/HRK). This will be applied to all prices displayed on the invoice, including the discount area.  

Dual Pricing HKR EUR

The exchange rate of 1 EUR = 7.5345 HRK will be displayed at the end of each shopper's invoice. 

The dual price display will be applied if: 

  • The billing country is Croatia

  • The billing currency is Euro

  • The order is from Croatia

The dual display feature will be active until December 31st, 2023. 

Ordering engines 

To enable the customer to transition to the Euro throughout 2023, the Convert Plus, Inline Checkout, and Legacy carts will display dual prices (EUR/HRK) whenever the shopper’s billing country is set to Croatia. Also, an informative text stating that “The fixed official exchange rate is set at 7.53450 HRK per 1 EUR" will appear across all shopping cart pages.

Convert Plus Cart

When landing on Convert Plus with Croatia as the billing country and EUR as the billing currency, a dual display of all prices into both EUR/HRK will be displayed to shoppers throughout the entire checkout flow, as well as the following text translated in all cart languages: "The fixed official exchange rate is set at 7.53450 HRK per 1 EUR." 

Convert Plus Euro Transition

One Step In-Line Cart

When landing on One-Step Inline with Croatia as the billing country and EUR as the billing currency, a dual display of all prices into both EUR/HRK will be displayed to shoppers, as well as the following text translated in all cart languages: "The fixed official exchange rate is set at 7.53450 HRK per 1 EUR." 

One Step In-Line Euro Transition

Legacy Cart

When landing on the Legacy cart, shoppers will no longer have the possibility to choose HRK from the Billing currency drop-down list. They will also be prompted with a dual display of all prices into both EUR/HRK.​

Legacy Cart


Auto-renewal subscriptions

Subscriptions pending for automatically renewal with HRK​ will automatically be renewed with EUR with no conversion rate applied. The renewal price used is the price in EUR set at product level​.

   There is an exception for custom prices, where the fixed exchange rate established by the authorities will be applied: 1EUR=7.53450 HRK​.

Manual renewal subscriptions

Shoppers accessing the manual renewal link will land on a checkout page with billing currency EUR and dual display currency EUR/HRK (if the billing country is Croatia). There will be no option to select HRK as the billing currency. The billing price will be the price in EUR, set at product level​. If there is no set price in EUR, the fixed conversation rate will be applied to the price in HRK to calculate the billing price in EUR.

Subscription cancellation via myAccount


German shoppers can now cancel their subscriptions by themselves from their 2Checkout MyAccount.

This functionality is mandatory for all subscription-based businesses which are selling in Germany, starting with 2022.


 By using subscription cancellation via myAccount, shoppers can:

  • cancel their subscription at any time
  • use cancellation option if they are purchasing multiple subscriptions with different billing addresses

 By using subscription cancellation via myAccount, merchants can:

  • be informed through webhooks about all the actions their customers are doing in MyAccount related to subscription cancellation
  • be warned through notifications that a churn will follow so they'll have the chance to fight it while there is still time for the subscription to be recovered from being disabled


The feature is applicable only to shoppers from Germany, who are identified via the billing address from MyAccount, which needs to be in Germany. 

All shoppers with a German IP can enter the 2Checkout Shopper Support Center website (, where there is a "Subscription cancellation" button that directs them to MyAccount. If shoppers purchased a subscription license created in the 2Checkout platform, they can enter MyAccount either with their email address or with their order number.

If your shoppers are purchasing multiple subscriptions using different billing addresses, this cancellation option is available exclusively to the ones in Germany. 

If your shoppers are updating the billing addresses during subscriptions’ lifecycle, the cancellation flow will be enabled/disabled based on the updated billing address from the last order associated with the subscription. This means that the cancellation flow could be available at the beginning of the subscription life and disabled later on, if the billing address is changed from a German one to a non-German one. This logic applies also the other way around, starting with not having it available and being activated later on. 


2Checkout has introduced several restrictions on the subscriptions which are scheduled for cancellation.  

These are applicable exclusively during the time interval between the shopper confirming the subscription cancellation and the actual date of cancellation, which is up to 28 calendars days. 

The reason behind having these in place is to make sure we are able to offer the option for the shoppers to cancel their subscriptions in the manner described by the regulator. 

Please see below the restricted actions: 

  • Renewal of the subscription (both manual and automatic renewal) 

  • Upgrade the subscription to any other version 

  • Extend the subscription 

  • Pause the subscription 

  • Update the subscription through import 

  • Align the subscription with any other one 

These restrictions are applicable also for API.

Subscription cancellation flow

  1. Customers log in to MyAccount

  2. Select the My Products tab 

  3. Click on the Cancel Subscription button visible for each subscription eligible to be cancelled as per the above applicability criteria.

Cancel subscription

  4.  A pop-up window will open informing the shopper about the action he/she is going to take and it will display the actual date of the cancellation. There is the option to continue with the cancellation by closing the pop-up in confirmation mode or abort the cancellation by closing the pop-up, keeping the subscription. The actual date of cancellation is calculated as follows: 

  • If the expiration date of the subscription is closer in time than 28 calendars days starting from the day of requesting the cancellation, then the subscription is going to be cancelled at the expiration date.

  • If the expiration date of the subscription is farther in time than 28 calendars days starting from the day of requesting the cancellation, then the subscription is going to be cancelled in 28 calendars day.

  • If at the day of requesting the cancellation, the subscription is expired or past due, it is going to be cancelled immediately and the shopper is informed about this effect happening as soon as the pop-up is closed in confirmation mode.

Cancel subscription

 5.  Once the pop-up is closed in confirmation mode, there is an additional line added in the subscription details from MyAccount called Scheduled for cancellation starting with <actual_date_of_cancellation>; the same information is visible in the Subscription details from Control Panel.

 6.  At this stage, there is another option made available for your customers, the one to revert the scheduled cancellation, so the customers still have time to change their mind; this option is available only until the subscription gets disabled as per the above calculated timeline.

 7.  A similar button is displayed and, once the revert action is confirmed, the subscription will be immediately reverted back to the setup existing before scheduling the cancellation; there is one exception when this flow is not available, for the scenario where the subscription is cancelled immediately, when no other actions are permitted on the subscription.

Subscription cancellation via webhooks

2Checkout wants to keep you informed about all the actions your customers are doing in MyAccount related to the subscription cancellation. 

In this regard, you will receive relevant License change notifications when: 

  1. Your customer is confirming that he/she wants to cancel the subscription and the subscription is scheduled for cancellation 

    • This notification is warning you that a churn will follow so you have the chance to fight it while there is still time for the subscription to be recovered from being disabled.
    • You will receive also the actual date of cancellation so you will know exactly when the churn will happen.

    • The churn reason will be displayed if your customer selected one during the cancellation confirmation.

  2. Your customer decided to change his/her mind so a revert of the cancellation has been done.

  3. The subscription has been disabled as a result of the above flow.


It is very important mention that the Consumer Protection Authority from Germany is mandating that your customer is entitled to receive the partial refund corresponding to the unused part of the subscription which has been cancelled. 

If your customer is asking for the refund, you will need to make sure the refund is granted without asking the customer additional questions or asking him/her to perform any other steps. 


  1. Why are subscriptions cancelled at maximum 28 days from the moment the customer is confirming the intention to cancel them?

The reason behind this is the German regulation which is stating that there is a notice-period of up to 1 month before the cancellation requested takes effect. 

  2.  Why are there scenarios when the subscription is cancelled at the expiration date? 

These scenarios are applicable only when the expiration date is placed between those 28 days and it doesn’t make sense to renew a subscription just for a few days/weeks knowing that the customer wants to cancel it.  

  3.  Can the subscription remain active and the customer use it if it has been scheduled for cancellation?

Yes, the subscription stays active throughout the entire period up to 28 days.

  4.  Given that it is mandatory to grant the refund to the customers, is there any particular way for requesting the refund? 

No, the refund should be requested by the shopper in the same manner as per the other refund request.



    KakaoPay is one of the most popular mobile payment and digital wallet service in Korea that allows users make mobile payments and online transactions. Users sign up for KakaoPay by registering with their national ID or bank account number. After they register, they can start funding their KakaoPay account by transferring funds from their bank account.​

    The service supports contactless payments using near-field communications and QR codes.


    • New payment logo​

    • Reach customers in Korea​

    • Increase Conversion Rate for our carts​


    Kakao Pay is available for MoR Merchants in Korea.

    Supported currencies

    Kakao Pay supports USD and KRW transactions.

    Activation steps

    Steps to activate KakaoPay in Control Panel:

    1. Navigate to Dashboard

    2. Go to Setup

    3. Click on Ordering options

    4. Click on Payment methods

    5. Enable KakaoPay from the list

    Purchase flow

    1. Shoppers select South Korea in the shopping cart.
    2. They place the order.
    3. 2Checkout redirects shoppers to KakaoPay.
    4. KakaoPay displays the QR code that shoppers need to scan.
    5. Shoppers use their KakaoPay application to scan the QR code.
    6. 2Checkout marks the order as Pending until shoppers place the order.
    7. Shoppers place the order and the KakaoPay application confirms the payment.
    8. 2Checkout marks the order as complete as soon as KakaoPay sends back an Instant Payment Notification.
    9. Shoppers receive the Payment receipt and Electronic delivery emails from 2Checkout.

    Note: You can configure unfinished payment follow-up emails from the Control Panel.



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    Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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