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Use the Promotion object to retrieve information on discounts/promotions you set up for your account.


Parameters Type/Description



  Detailed below.


Array of strings


Array of coupon/voucher codes when Coupon / Voucher type is Multiple. Otherwise, empty array.




Possible values:

  • ALL




Possible values:





Possible values:









The value of the discount. Example, for a $30 USD discount Avangate returns the value 30 and for a 25% price cut, Avangate returns 25.




Array of product codes for the products impacted by the promotion.




Promotion name.




Promotion description.




Starting date. The date when you set the promotion to start. Is NULL for promotions that start immediately after they're created.




Ending date. The date when you set the promotion to end. Is NULL for promotions that you want active indefinitely.




When the maximum number of orders is reached the promotion stops. Can be NULL if you want the promotion to apply to an unlimited number of orders.




Discount only applies to a specific number of product, smaller than the maximum quantity you defined. Can be NULL if you want the promotion to apply to an unlimited number units. Any extra quantity added to the cart will be sold at full price.




Selecting the instant discount option will auto-apply the discount for ALL the selected products for all shoppers, without the need to enter the discount coupon.




The promotion/voucher for which you are extracting the information.




Discounts can be set as a percentage from the product price or as a fixed amount in the chosen currency.




Can be TRUE if promotion is enabled, or FALSE if otherwise.




Currency code available for the default currency of FIXED promotions. Missing for PERCENT promotions.




Unique, system-generated identifier Avangate associates with promotion campaigns.




Limits discount use only when total order value (taxes included) exceeds the threshold you configure.






The minimum threshold you defined for the default currency.






Currency code available for the default currency of custom threshold settings.




Use this object to retrieve information about the cross-sell campaigns you configured for your account. 


Parameter Type/Description




Array of product codes for the items you set to trigger the cross-sell campaign.




  • cart – Shopping cart
  • review – Review page
  • finish – Thank you page




True or false depending on whether you set the cross-sell campaign to display in payment receipt emails or not.


Array of objects


Details below






Product code for the item you set as recommended for the cross-sell campaign.






Value of the discount. This is a percentage.




    PERCENT – you can only set discounts as a percentage from the product price.
  Type String



Example: Own

  AutoAdded Boolean
  DiscountedPrice Array of objects
    Details below.
                            Currency String
                            Price Float
  BasePrice Array of objects
                            Currency String
                            Price Float




Unique, system-generated cross-sell campaign code.




Campaign name.




YYYY-MM-DD. The start date you set for the cross-sell campaign.




YYYY-MM-DD. The end date you set for the cross-sell campaign.

CampaignStatus String
  The status of the cross-sell campaign.
CampaignOwnerType String
  Campaign owner type: Can be either MERCH or AFF.


September 2019



Release description



September 5, 2019

Boleto Bancario payment method is now supported in ConvertPlus for shoppers in Brazil, thus helping merchants selling in this country to increase conversion rates.


Click me

September 11, 2019

Merchants with a large product catalog are now able to perform a multi-selection search when wishing to add multiple products in the generate links page instead of using individual searches.


Click me

September 11, 2019

Additional information sent via API will be stored and redirected by 2Checkout to the merchant's system through IPN & LCN every time a subscription is renewed so that the vendor can track better the subscriptions imported from other platforms.


Click me

September 23, 2019

Improved user experience for merchants that don't have their payout details activated by displaying the inactive payout options in the Merchants Control Panel with the appropriate status, so that merchants are able to view what they filled in during their application process and add/edit that payout option.


Click me

September 25, 2019

Updated the Inline checkout documentation to include new use cases for the newly added capabilities for custom additional fields. This will help merchants integrate the Inline cart in a clear manner using updated examples and live demo.


Click me

September 30, 2019

Improved the perceived loading time for the Inline checkout ordering engine. Faster loading time for the Inline cart offers customers enhanced shopping experience and helps vendors to increase their conversion rates with no other effort on their side.


Click me

Integrate third-party connectors


You can easily integrate with 2Checkout through different third-party store creators. You can find a list of all the major connectors in our Knowledge Center. However, if you are looking to integrate with 2Checkout through a particular connector that is not listed in our Knowledge Center, see the steps below:

2Checkout Settings:

After logging into your 2Checkout account, navigate to the Integrations → Webhooks & API section in the Control Panel, and you will find all the necessary tools to connect your third-party store creators to your 2checkout account. From this centralized integrations' section you will be able to:

  • Set up INS 
  • Have access to your Merchant code
  • Add Return URL with header redirect or link in Thank you page 
  • Generate an INS secret word 
  • Generate private API keys, or use any API information required for your authentication

Integration Tools

Merchant code

Throughout the 2Checkout connectors' documentation, you may find the Merchant code also referred to as Seller ID, Account ID, Merchant ID, 2checkout ID, 2checkout account code. You can find your Merchant code in your Control Panel dashboard, in the Integrations section, under Webhooks and APIs.

Return URL

Throughout the 2Checkout connectors' documentation, you may find the Return URL referred to as Return link, Approved URL, Thank you link, Given links back to my website. You can find the Return URL in your Control Panel dashboard, in the Integrations section, under Webhooks and APIs.

Secret Word/Secret Key

You can find the 2Checkout Secret Word functionality under the INS secret word tab in your Control Panel dashboard, in the Integrations section, under Webhooks and APIs. Your INS secret word should be the same as the buy-link secret word (can be found under Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API, scroll down to the Secret Word area, as shown in the image below). Edit your INS secret word and buy-link secret word to match each other, then copy and paste them into your third-party connector's admin.

INS secret word.png

2Checkout API Access

To connect to the 2Checkout API, use the API private keys located in your Control Panel dashboard, in the Integrations section, under Webhooks and APIs.

Set up your Instant Notification Service (INS)/Global URL

To set up your Global URL, follow the steps below:

  • Log into your 2Checkout account
  • Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API section
  • Check the Enable INS and the Enable global URL checkboxes
  • Paste the link from your third-party store creator in the field below the “Enable global URL”
  • Click Update to save your settings
If any changes are made to your domain (to a custom domain/other), e-mail us the new URL at in order to update your 2Checkout account, and thus avoid a communication mismatch. Currently, when you are using a third-party cart and want to have multiple URLs, you need to create new accounts for each new URL.


Digital Sales Tax


The Digital Sales Tax (DST) or Equalization Levy (EQL) was introduced in April 2020 for foreign eCommerce sellers of goods and services to level the playing field with local businesses that pay taxes in India.​ With the latest change to India’s tax law, foreign eCommerce companies will need to segregate the inventory of resident and non-resident sellers on their platforms to make it clear where the levy applies.​

DST Impact on 2Checkout Merchants

The introduction of the Digital Sales Tax (DST) means that all merchants on the Reseller model (outside and from India, Kenya, and Vietnam), selling to Indian/Kenyan/Vietnamese customers, must pay an extra 2% (India), 1,5% (Kenya) and 5% (Vietnam) per transaction when selling digital goods. Thus, 2Checkout adds an extra layer of compliance for the Indian, Kenyan, and Vietnamese eCommerce markets.

The addition of the new tax will ensure that the merchants on the Reseller model don’t have to worry about the DST that must be paid to the local fiscal entities by all eCommerce businesses. 

DST Geographical Coverage

Currently, DST is applied to the following countries:

Country DST Rate Starting from
India 2% April 2020
Kenya 1,5% February 9th, 2022
Vietnam 5% November 10th, 2022
Tanzania 2% September 6th, 2023

DST Applicability

The Digital Sales Tax in India applies to:

  • Companies with annual revenues in India of over 2M Rupee (USD $27,000)
  • Online sales of goods and services to Indians.​
  • All products that are sold on the Reseller model, as the legislation does not provide for specific product categories​
  • Partner orders, based on the delivery country of the partner (not the end-user)​
  • Tax will be retained from merchants​

​DST does ​not apply to affiliates, as the entire amount will be retained from the merchant.​

DST Reporting

​DST is included in all merchant reports, as displayed in the images below:

DST Displayed in the Account Balance on your Dashboard

DST on Dashboard.png

Reports center → Main Reports  → Financial reports  → Account Balance

main reports - DST.png

Monthly Revenue Split in the Merchant Control Panel

monthly revenue split_DST.png

Merchant Control Panel - Main Reports

merchant cpanel - main reports_DST.png

Merchant Sales Report – CSV/XLS Format

sales reports_DST.png

Merchant Invoice

merchant invoice_DST.png

DST Calculation

  • The tax is calculated as follows: GTV - VAT​
  • ​Rolling reserve computation will not be affected by this tax​
  • ​In case of refunds, the DST should be returned to the merchant for the amounts already retained​
  • ​The current tax rate is 2% (India) and 1,5% (Kenya) but may be changed in the future and might be different in other countries


1. What happens when the tax % is changing?

The new tax % will be applied with the next order placed. For refunds, the tax % will be the one from the order.​

2. Country availability?

For now, DST is applicable in India, Kenya, Vietnam and Tanzania only.

3. Are Indian merchants on the Reseller model charged?

Yes. The reason is that this tax applies to foreign eCommerce sellers of goods and services, in our case this is applicable to Avangate BV.​

4. If a partner with the delivery country in India is not selling to end-users from India, is the DST returned to the partner?

No. The partner is acting like the end-user, so 2Checkout takes into account only the partner delivery country.​

5. Is delivery country change possible for complete orders?

No. This is not possible to avoid issues with tax compliance.

Theme variables

Use the variables in the list below to customize shopper email themes according to your needs. Check the 'Mandatory' column to see the variables that are required in your customized version of the e-mail.

Variable name Description Test value Mandatory


Merchant homepage URL



Merchant logo



Avangate address

One Alliance Center, 3500 Lenox Road, NE, Suite 710



Avangate city




Avangate company name




Avangate country




Avangate logo URL



Avangate state




Avangate support email address



Avangate support phone

(650) 963 - 5701



Avangate website



Avangate ZIP code




Avangate US hotline number

(650) 963 - 5701



Text display direction (left to right / right to left)




Merchant's city




Merchant's commercial name

Merchant commercial name



Merchant's company name

Merchant company name



Merchant's country

Merchant country



Merchant's street name

Merchant address



Merchant support email address

Merchant support email



Merchant support phone number

Merchant support phone



Merchant's ZIP code

Merchant zip code



Text display direction (left to right / right to left)




Text display direction (left to right / right to left)




Text display direction (left to right / right to left)





The object below is returned directly or within a successful response from the following API requests:

Retrieve a customer

Customer object

Parameters Type/Description




System-generated 2Checkout customer reference.


null when you create a new customer. The 2Checkout system generates default customer numerical (integer) IDs (AV_CUSTOMERID) automatically for all orders containing products that feature subscriptions.



Aggregate subscriptions under the same Customer account by adding the AV_CUSTOMERID (case sensitive) parameter to Buy links.




Unique customer alphanumeric (string) identifiers you control. Aggregate subscriptions under the same Customer account by adding the CUSTOMERID (case sensitive) parameter to Buy links.




Customer's first name. 




Customer's last name.




Company name.




Can be null for end users. For companies, it needs to be the VAT ID, which 2Checkout validates.

2Checkout throws an error if the VAT ID is invalid/incorrect. When present, you also need to provide the company name.


Can be null for end users.




Customer's address.




Customer's address.




Customer's city.




Customer's state. For example, "Alabama","Alaska","Arizona".




Zip code.




Customer's country code (ISO 3166 two-letter code).




Customer's phone number.




Customer's fax number.




Customer's email.




true or false, depending on whether the customer account is active or inactive. An active customer account features at least one Active or Past due subscription. Possible customer statuses:


  • Active - Customer account status is Active even if Trial and Cancelled/Expired subscriptions exist for the customer, along as there's at least one Active subscription. Customers with a single subscription featuring the Past due status (expired but in the grace period) are considered Active.
  • Inactive - All subscriptions associated to this Customer account are cancelled, expired or both.
  • Trial - Customer account status is Trial if all Active subscriptions for this customer are trials, regardless of any Cancelled/Expired subscriptions.




true or false, depending on whether the customer account features only trials or also paid subscriptions.




ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Example: “en.”

September 2020


Release description



September 3, 2020 Merchants can now price subscriptions based on the consumption of more than one metered resource. This allows them to diversify their product monetization strategy by employing more usage-based pricing options for their subscription plan definition. For merchants already using more usage-based pricing options in their subscription plan definition, this feature allows them to hand over the complexities of the usage management to 2Checkout. Feature Click me
September 3, 2020 Updated the ConvertPlus cart layout to include the correct “Refund Policy" link displayed in the footer, in order to match the purchase flow and offer shoppers a consistent checkout experience. Patch -
September 9, 2020 Optimized the Merchant Control Panel search option to give merchants with multiple accounts the possibility to search through a whole list of accounts and easily switch between them when they log in. Feature Click me
September 9, 2020 We have re-branded the Revenue Recovery tools add-on and changed its name to 2Recover. This change is now reflected in the Merchant Control Panel. Patch Click me
September 16, 2020 Shoppers accessing the myAccount customer portal will have access to a cookie management tool, allowing them to be informed and provide consent for the cookies placed by our platform. Feature Click me
September 17, 2020 Merchants can now create&update global promotions via API so that they can make changes to a running campaign and eliminate errors in the original configuration of the promotion. Feature Click me
September 17, 2020 Improved IPN email notification process by including the chargeback status in the email subject so that merchants are easily informed when a chargeback is lost or won. Patch Click me
September 17, 2020 To facilitate management and communication with their resellers, merchants are now able to access information on all contact email addresses defined by their partners. Both merchants and partners can edit, with everything kept in sync between the two portals. Patch -
September 22, 2020 Optimized the Merchant Control Panel authentication flow by adding error messages at login and recover password attempts if the merchant inputs captcha incorrectly. Patch -
September 29, 2020 Implemented PayU payment and charge API to offer merchants in India the possibility to charge their customers using this payment method. Feature -
September 29, 2020 To improve the accuracy of tax determination and reporting, we’ve split the zipcode collected in the shopping cart into Postal Pode and Geocode. Patch -
September 29, 2020 Made “Pay per usage” pricing options easier to define by merchants by offering them the possibility to add a dedicated price option type for this pricing model. Patch Click me

Channel Manager email templates


The 2Checkout system sends both merchants and shoppers a variety of emails triggered by different actions they perform in the platform. Below is a list of currently available email templates sent via the Channel Manager.

Channel Manager Email Templates

Sent to Merchants

New partnership request

Informs the merchant that they have received a new partnership request that needs their review.

Email body:

Please be informed that you have received a new partnership request that needs your review.
Partner Company Name: 
Partner Country:
Contact Email: 
To see more information regarding the partnership request and accept the application, please log in to your 2Checkout Control Panel and visit Partnership Management  Partners section:

Order placed by partner

It notifies the merchant that an order has just been placed by a partner.

Email body:

Please be informed that a new order was placed by [PARTNER_COMMERCIAL_NAME].
Order Details
Partner Commercial Name: 
Order Reference: 
Order Total Amount:
Order Status: 
To approve this order please log in to your 2Checkout Control Panel:
To see more information regarding this order, please log in to your 2Checkout Control Panel:

Best regards,
The 2Checkout Partner Team

Vendor partner threshold notification

Email sent by the system to the merchant to inform them about the list of partners that can be switched to a new partnership program based on reaching a threshold.

Email body:


This is an automated notification sent out for [ACCOUNT_NAME].
Since our last notification, the following partners have reached the thresholds you set and now qualify for a new partnership program.
The following partners have reached the thresholds you set and now qualify for a new partnership program.
Please find below the corresponding information: 
Partner code: 
Partner company name: 
Partnership program the partner qualifies for: 
Total amount of complete orders: 
Total number of complete orders:

Thank you,
2Checkout Team

Cancel Invoice

Email notification informing partners about the cancelation of the proforma invoice.

Email content:

The partner invoice [ProformaNumber] / [DateFormated] was cancelled by [COMPANY_NAME].

The orders in a cancelled partner invoice need to be added into a new partner invoice before being paid.
For more information regarding the cancellation of this partner invoice, please contact [COMPANY_NAME] at ....

Cancelled Partner Invoice Information

Partner Invoice No.: 
Total Amount: 
Partner Commercial Name: 
Vendor Commercial Name: 
Due Date:
Order Reference No.: 


Sent to Partners

Confirm Address To Old Email

Email address change notification sent by the Partner Control Panel. 

Email body:

Dear ....,

You are receiving this message because we recently recorded a request to change the login email address for the [PAYMENT_PARTNER] Partner Control Panel you are using in relationship with [MerchantCommercialName].

Old email address: 
New email address: 

To continue with the new login address, just ignore this message.  

If you want to cancel this request and restore the login with the old email address, please follow the link below:


To avoid truncated link errors, paste the entire link above into your web browser.

The link will expire in 30 days.

Direct Renewal

An email informing partners that the Direct Renewal program was enabled for their account by the merchant.

Email body:


The [PAYMENT_PARTNER] Direct Renewal program has been enabled for your account by [VENDOR_NAME].

Log into the Partner Control Panel and activate Direct Renewal now to start benefiting from:
* Automated subscription renewals for your customers;
* Protected profit margins for renewals;
* Streamlined renewal management.

Take advantage of this program to receive margins for the subscriptions your customers renew directly through [PAYMENT_PARTNER] or [VENDOR_NAME] website. The margins youll receive are based on the Direct Renewal margins detailed below:

End-User Registration

Email sent to end-users, asking them to register their Avangate licenses.

Email body:

You have recently placed an order for the following product(s)/service(s):
To complete your order and gain access to the full product experience, please register by using the link below:
Product / Service registration is delivered to you by [PAYMENT_PARTNER], on behalf of [Merchant.CommercialName].


Keys to End-user

Email sent to end-users listing activation keys.

Email body:

Please find below the activation information for your product(s) /service(s).
Activation key: 
Attachment file: 
The customer reference corresponding to this transaction is: [product.CUSTOMER_REFERENCE]
Product/service keys are delivered to you by [PAYMENT_PARTNER], on behalf of [Merchant.CommercialName].
For any product / service installation, activation and other technical support issues, please contact:
Please keep this email for future reference.
Best regards,


Keys to Partner

Email notification sent by the platform providing partners with activation information for the purchases product/service. 

Email body:

Please find below the activation information for the product(s) /service(s) purchased through order #[REFNO]
Activation key: 
Attachment file: 
The customer reference corresponding to this transaction is: 
Product/service keys are delivered to you by [PAYMENT_PARTNER], on behalf of [Merchant.CommercialName].
For any product / service or commercial related questions, please contact:
Please keep this email for future reference.


New Invoice

Email sent by the 2Checkout Financial department to inform partners that a new invoice was issued for their account by the merchant.

Email body:

A new partner invoice was issued for your account by [CompanyName].
To view your partner invoice, please log in to your control panel:
Partner Invoice Information
Partner Invoice No.: 
Total Amount:
Due Date: 
Order Reference No.: 


New Partner Contact Notification

Email notification informing partners that a new Partner Control Panel account was created for them, upon request from the merchant.

Email body:

Dear Partner,

We are happy to inform you that a new Partner Control Panel account (powered by [PAYMENT_PARTNER]) has been created for you, upon request from [Merchant.CommercialName].
You can use your new account to place orders and manage the relationship with [Merchant.CommercialName].
To place orders and manage the relationship with [Merchant.CommercialName], you need to use the new Partner Control Panel account (powered by [PAYMENT_PARTNER]) that was created for you.
Please use the details below to log in to your new Partner Control Panel account:
Login email: [PartnerContact.Email]
Password: To setup your password, access the following link:
Login URL:

Order Cancel to Partner

Email notification informing the partner that their order was canceled by the merchant.

Email body:

Please note that your order [REFNO] was cancelled by [VENDOR_COMMERCIAL_NAME].
Order Details:
Order Date:
Order Total Amount: 
Product(s)/Service(s) in order:
To see more information regarding this order, please log in to your Partner Control Panel:

Order Edit to Partner

Email sent by the platform informing partners that their order was edited by the merchant.

Email body:

Please be informed that your order [REFNO] was edited by merchant.

Order Details:
New Order Total Amount: 
Order Date: 
Product(s)/Service(s) in order:
To see more information regarding this order, please log in to your Partner Control Panel:

Partners Order Placed by Merchant

Notification sent to partners about a new order that was added to their account by the merchant.

Email body:

Please be informed that a new order has been added for your account by [VENDOR_COMMERCIAL_NAME].
Order Details
Order Reference No.: 
Order Total Amount: 
Order Status:
To see more information regarding this order, please log in to your Partner Control Panel:

Partners Renewal License

This is a renewal notification for partners.

Email body:

Please find attached the report regarding the subscriptions that are about to expire or have already expired.
To add a renewal order, just log in to your Partner Control Panel and choose to renew the subscriptions.
For more information, please contact [VENDOR_NAME] at [VENDOR_EMAIL].

Partner Confirmation Notification to Partner

Email sent to partner after approval/decline of their partnership application from the Merchant Control Panel.

Email body:

Dear ...,
Your partnership application with [Merchant.CommercialName] has been approved.
Please use the details below to log in to your Control Panel.
To setup your password, access the following link:
Login URL:
Login email: [PartnerContact.Email]


We regret to inform you that [Merchant.CommercialName] has declined your partnership application. For more information on this topic, please contact [Merchant.PartnersAutomaticEmail].


Partner Signup Notification to Partner

Email sent to the partner after submitting their partner registration form.

Email body:

Dear ...,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a partner with [Merchant.CommercialName]!
Your application has been submitted for approval to [Merchant.CommercialName].
Once your request has been approved, you will receive an automated email with details about your account information.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact [Merchant.CommercialName] by email.

channel manager_email_template_partner_signup_notification_to_partner.JPG

Proforma Notification

Proforma Invoice status information sent by the 2Checkout Financial department when the Notify partner button is clicked.

Email body:

Please see below the latest information about the partner invoice: 
Partner Invoice Information
Current Status:
Total Amount: 
Partner Commercial Name: 
Vendor Commercial Name: 
Due Date: 
Order Reference No.: 
To view your partner invoice, please log in to your Control Panel:


Recover Pass

Notification sent by the platform upon password recovery request.

Email body:

Dear [PAYMENT_PARTNER] customer,

You are receiving this message because you have requested to recover the login password to the [PAYMENT_PARTNER] Control Panel.
In order to reset your password, please access the following link:
This link will expire in 24 hours.
If you have not requested the recovery of your password, please ignore this message.

Refund Process Status

Email sent to partner by 2Checkout Financial department with details about the refund process.

Email body:

A refund request has been sent by [REFUND_PARTNER_NAME] with the following details:
Partner invoice [REFUND_PROFORMA_NUMBER] was refunded by [REFUND_VENDOR_NAME].
For more information regarding the refund of this partner invoice, please login in to your Control Panel or contact [REFUND_VENDOR_NAME] at [REFUND_VENDOR_EMAIL].
Partner Invoice No.: 
Refund type: Total
Amount requested: 
Partner Commercial Name:
Refund request date: 
Amount refunded: 
Refund Date: 
Order reference number(s): 
In order to view full details of this refund request, please login to your Vendor control panel.
1. Go to [VENDOR_LOGIN] and log in using your email address and password.
2. From Orders & Customers - Refunds, you can manage, approve, and reject refund requests.
Additional comments from your partner:
Additional comments from [COMPANY_NAME]:


Refund Status

Email sent to the partner by the 2Checkout Financial department with the status of the requested refund.

Email body:

Please find below the information about your refund request for partner invoice [REFUND_PROFORMA_NUMBER] / [REFUND_PROFORMA_DATE]:
Refund request status: 
Amount requested:
Refund granted: 
Refund approval date
Refund denied on: 
Order reference number(s): 
Additional comments from [COMPANY_NAME]:


Reset Partner Contact Password

Notification sent to the partner by the platform upon password reset request.

Email body:

Dear partner,
Your Partner Control Panel password has been reset. Please use the link below to set up your new password:
This link will expire in 24 hours.
The new password must meet the following criteria:
- Must have at least 8 characters
- Must have at least 3 out of the following 4 character groups: lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, special characters (ex: !,@,#,$)
- Must be different from the last password

Users Renewal License

Renewal notification sent to end-users (when direct renewal is active).

Email body:

Dear ...,

Please note that your [PRODUCT_NAME] has expired or is about to expire on [LICENSE_EXPIRATION_DATE].
In order to continue using [PRODUCT_NAME] after this date you need to renew your subscription.
For more details, please contact:

Partners User-Activated Email

Email sent by the platform to let partners know that their user account is active and they need to set a password.

Email body:

Dear ...,

Your partner user account is now active. Click the following URL to set a secure password.
The link expires in ... hours.

Best regards,
Partner Team

Partner Grace Period Approach 

The email informs partners that payment is due in 3 days for the partner invoice. It's sent by 2Checkout's Financial department.

Email body:

According to your Partnership Details and to avoid incurring any late penalties, Partner Invoice [% $PROFORMA.Details.ProformaNumber%] is to be paid in [% $dueIn %] days.
To view this partner invoice, please log in to your Partner control panel:
Partner Invoice Information
Partner Invoice Reference: 
Total Amount: 
Vendor Commercial Name: 
Order Reference: 

Password About to Expire Partners 

It notifies partners that their password is about to expire.

Email body:

Dear ...,

Your partner user account password expires in ... day(s), on ....
Once it expires, you won’t be able to access your account.
To avoid access issues, please update your password before it expires by accessing the folowing URL:
Should you have any questions related to your account, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Send expiration notification for usage-based subscriptions

Sent by 2Checkout Support to notify partners that subscription usage data needs to be uploaded before expiration.

Email body:

Dear [%$REPORT.ContactPerson%],
Please upload usage data for the subscriptions listed below ahead of their respective expiration deadline. 2Checkout will renew usage-based subscriptions and charge your customers after you provide the data on the metered resources consumed. 
Usage can be uploaded via the Control Panel or transmitted through the 2Checkout API, ensuring that customers are charged and subscriptions renewed when due. 
Thank you for choosing 2Checkout solutions.
[%$REPORT.BusinessZip%], [%$REPORT.BusinessCity%], [%$REPORT.BusinessCountry%]
This message is confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system; you should not copy the message or disclose its contents to anyone.

Refund for Partner Invoice

It notifies the partner about their invoice refund.

Email body:

refund partner invoice.JPG 

Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

Not yet a Verifone customer?

We’ll help you choose the right payment solution for your business, wherever you want to sell, in-person or online. Our team of experts will happily discuss your needs.

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