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Refund approved

Use the variables in the list below to customize the Refund approved shopper email according to your needs. Check the 'Mandatory' column to see the variables that are required in your customized version of the e-mail.

Variable name Description Test value Mandatory
AVANGATE_LOGO Avangate logo URL Yes


Avangate company name




Order billing currency




Encrypted merchant code




Identification number for the payment method selected during ordering process


PRODUCTS[index1].CODE Product code. P_CODE No
PRODUCTS[index1].SKU Product SKU SKU1234 No


Order reference number




Merchant commercial name

Seller company



Order website



First name and last name of the shopper associated to the refund order

[John Doe]



Total refund amount



September 2018






September 6, 2018 You can now generate renewal links using the ConvertPlus ordering flow.  Additionally, you can use the system generated links from the subscription page or create custom links on your own.  Feature Click me
September 6, 2018 To make sure you can safely sell in Turkey, we now comply with the latest regulations in terms of the mandatory billing fields for B2C orders. Feature -
September 10, 2018 Your LCN notifications now include product code information (product ID), so you can successfully track products included in your subscription. Feature Click me
September 18, 2018 Your Inline and Convert Plus cart flows just got better, as they are now able to support an additional parameter for on the fly products so that you can pass through the product identifier. Feature Click me
September 18, 2018 Your customers can now benefit from a responsive Inline cart design, which renders well on a variety of devices and screen sizes so that you can meet your shoppers' increasing need of purchasing using mobile devices. Feature Click me
September 19, 2018 Your shopping cart details now benefit from extra-protection, and they are easier to validate by the 2CO platform, as ConvertPlus buy-links parameters (both incoming and outgoing) are signed using your secret word. Feature Click me
September 25, 2018 We included a payment Grace Period in the Channel Manager reporting. Now you can use Channel Manager to retrieve the period of time a partner has for paying an order. Feature -
September 28, 2018 We've improved the response time for test orders, which will help you to significantly reduce automation tests failures. Patch -

November 2019



Release description



November 4, 2019


Added a new parameter for the TwoCoInlineCart.setup.setIframeLoad method, so that the InLine cart can now be loaded immediately. Faster loading time for the Inline cart means and enhanced shopping experience for customers and a potential conversion rate increase for merchants.


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November 13, 2019

Added the cookie set date in the JavaScript Affiliate Checker so that merchants can correctly commission their affiliates, thus avoiding double-commissioning in APAC.



November 15, 2019

Added Konbini and UnionPay as new payment methods in APIv6 to give merchants the possibility to offer these payment options as well.


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November 15, 2019

Added the Indian rupee (INR) and the Emirati Dirham (AED) as new currencies for payouts and reporting for PSP accounts. PSP merchants in India and UAE can now be paid in their local currency.


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November 18, 2019

Added documentation for the Affiliate Network support in API 6.0 that will help merchants using the Avangate Affiliate Network to search and retrieve details of affiliates they are associated with, thus eliminating the need for manual work via the Merchant Control Panel.


Click me

API and webhooks log monitor


We have improved the way vendors use our APIs and webhooks and added an easy way to monitor historical records of events. By using the API & webhooks log monitor you can get detailed reports on API methods, webhook and SalesForce Connector events. The report logs both:

  • Successful events
  • Failures
These reports will prove to be very useful when you need to troubleshoot certain issues that you encounter while using our API, webhooks or SalesForce Connector. They can help you identify different problems so you can find a solution as soon as possible.

How do I enable the API & webhooks log monitor?

  1. Go to Account Settings
  2. Click Manage user access
  3. Select View roles and click the Edit button for the role that you want to enable the API & webhooks log monitor for.
  4. Under the Orders & Reports roles section, check the API Logs checkbox and click Save role at the bottom of the page.

You will now see the API & webhooks log monitor in the Reports menu.

API logs

Follow the steps below to see the reports on the API activity.

  1. Go to the Reports center menu and click API & Webhooks.
  2. Choose the type of report.
  3. Select API from the Event source section. Customize the report details according to your needs, including:
    1. The time interval for which you need to generate the report.
    2. A certain API method.
    3. Successful or failed events (or both).
    4. Choose the desired event status from the Status dropdown box and click Search once you're done configuring the report settings.
Select the Failed status to generate a report with the failed events if you need to troubleshoot specific situations or errors that have occurred while using the API.

The report shows you the date and time of the events, their duration, the IP address they were generated from, the request type and the API method that was called. You can export the report as a CSV file by clicking the Export as CSV button at the upper right side of the table. The report displays a maximum of 500 sessions starting with the most recent one detected in the selected time interval.

By clicking the called method name you can see the cronological order of the methods called during that session.

If you want specific information about each event, you can click the Info button at the right side of each row.

You can see an example of an Info box for an event below.

Webhooks logs

Follow the steps below to see the reports on the webhooks activity. The webhooks you can generate reports on are:

  • Instant Payment Notification (IPN)
  • License Change Notification (LCN)
  • Instant Refund Notification (IRN)
  • 2Checkout Delivery (EL_DEL)
  • Instant Delivery Notification (IDN)
  • Instant Notification Service (INS)
  1. In your cPanel Dashboard, navigate to Reports center → API & Webhooks.
  2. Select Webhooks from the Event source section, as shown in the image below. Customize the report details according to your needs. Select the time interval for which you need to generate the report, the web hook that you want to generate the report for and the status of the web hook. You can choose to display successful events, failed events or both.


Select the Failed status to generate a report with the failed events if you need to troubleshoot specific situations or errors that have occurred while using the webhooks.

After you click Search you can see the detailed report displayed in a table. The report shows you the date and time of the webhooks, their type, the message they have generated and their status.

You can also export the report in CSV format by clicking the Export as CSV button. The report displays a maximum of 500 sessions starting with the most recent one detected in the selected time interval.

  1. If you want to generate reports for a specific webhook, click the Add filter button and the additional information required.

For IPN/IRN/EL_DEL/IDN, you can add as filter the order reference number generated by 2Checkout. In the case of LCN, you can filter the results by using the license code or the dispatch reason (change in license that determined the LCN to be sent).

If you want specific information about a webhook event, you can click the Info button at the right side of each row.

SalesForce Connector logs

Follow the steps below to see the reports on the SalesForce Connector activity.

  1. Select SalesForce from the Event source section. Customize the report details according to your needs. Select the time interval for which you need to generate the report and the status of the Connector events. You can choose to display successful events, failed events or both.
  2. After you click Search you can see the detailed report displayed in a table. The report shows you the date and time of the connections, their type, the message they have generated and their status.

You can also export the report in CSV format by clicking the Export as CSV button. The report displays a maximum of 500 sessions starting with the most recent one detected in the selected time interval.

  1. If you want to generate reports for a specific subscription, click the Add filter button and enter the order or subscription reference that you are searching for.

Important: Select the Failed status to generate a report with the failed events if you need to troubleshoot specific situations or errors that have occurred while using the connector.

Select the report time zone

The data registered into 2Checkout's databases are registered with a timestamp that reflects the 2Checkout time zone (Romania's time zone). When you generate API and webhooks reports you have the option of generating them according to the time zone that your vendor account is configured on.

Select the desired time zone from the Report time zone drop-down menu.

Tax calculator for PSP


Merchants that use a PSP business model (2Sell, 2Subscribe packages) are required to handle their own taxes (both calculation and remittance to local authorities) according to the merchant's applicable fiscal laws. 2Checkout offers a tax calculator service for PSP merchants to help them collect taxes in order to be compliant at the transaction level with applicable fiscal laws. 


The tax calculator is available for merchants that use the PSP business model (2Sell, 2Subscribe packages). For eligibility and activation Contact 2Checkout.

Assumption and Disclaimer

2Checkout assumes that the merchant's data is accurate, complete, reliable, error-free, and up-to-date.

The calculator’s purpose is to apply, calculate, and collect taxes on order level based on merchant tax info. This calculator and service are not meant as professional financial advice and we encourage you to seek professional advice for setting your tax compliance scheme properly.

2Checkout, its agents, officers, and employees make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the tax applicable at the order level and its applicability and suitability to the merchant's circumstances.


  1. Merchants who want to activate this feature can send an email request to the 2Checkout Financial Operations department.
  2. Merchants need to submit a file with all applicable taxes they need to collect at the transaction level with the shopper.
  3. 2Checkout applies and calculates the taxes at the transaction level according to the information received from the merchant.
  4. The merchant is fully responsible for the tax info provided to 2Checkout. The tax information sent by the merchant needs to is accurate, complete, reliable, error-free, and up-to-date. Besides tax collection for the merchant's communicated tax data and payment of the collected taxes to the merchant, 2Checkout disclaims all warranties and responsibilities. 
  5. Merchants receive the collected taxes from 2Checkout as per the payment arrangements agreed in the agreement.
  6. Merchants need to further declare and pay the taxes to the appropriate tax authorities according to applicable fiscal laws.
  7. 2Checkout will apply and collect the taxes per order (e.g. sales taxes or VAT value) and further remit the collected taxes in the payout/settlement with the merchant.
  8. Merchants can see detailed reporting on tax calculation through the Order Export functionality (available in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel, as shown in the image below), Account Balance section in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel, through APIs per order, Payout Report, and Netsuite.


The attributes that can be configured for the PSP tax calculator are based on the country and/or Zip Code and include:

  • VAT instant validation (through VIES)
  • Product type and additional items added to the order - impacting the tax computation (e.g. IOT product together with a gift)
  • Mandatory information can be collected (e.g. CIF in Brazil, GST in India and Australia) 
  • GST, ABN, VAT (other than EU) are validated against our internal rules

Merchant flow

There are no special actions that merchants need to set on their side. The merchant navigates to the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel, adds a new product and generates a new buy-link for the product using the Generate link option. 

VAT/Sales tax display

The collected taxes are displayed in any Control Panel report once 2Checkout starts collecting them and merchants will be able to see what taxes were collected on any order.
The option to display VAT/ Sales tax is also available on each report template.




Shopper flow

Tax exemption will be applied only if tax cart validation rules are met. For example, if a German B2B shopper with a valid VAT ID places an order, in the checkout process the VAT will no longer be applied, as shown in the images below.





February 2018




Feature/Patch/Bug fix



February 2, 2018 You now have extended control over your ordering capabilities, with the possibility of restricting purchases coming from certain billing countries. Feature Click me
February 7, 2018 You can now customize the payment receipt email template using the additional field information set at product level. Check here the list of variables exposed in the Email Editor. Feature Click me
February 8, 2018 To comply with the latest financial regulations, B2B customers from Serbia are now required to add their Tax Identification Number during the purchase, while B2B customers from Turkey are required to fill in their Tax ID and Tax office. Feature -
Feature 9, 2018

You can now track unfinished renewal orders of your customers from the subscription and customer history areas. Your customers can also view the status of their unfinished renewals in their myAccount.

Feature Click me
February 14, 2018 You can now navigate to different reporting areas directly from your dashboard. We have further improved your experience by adding call to actions to each widget displayed in the Control Panel dashboard. Go ahead and try out the new Control Panel interface for an optimized experience! Feature Click me
February 26, 2018 You now have extended control over the communication with your shoppers, as you can decide to suppress notifications sent when cancelling subscriptions. Feature Click me
February 16, 2018 Your partner management area has been further enhanced, for allowing you to easily monitor and filter your partners list. Click here to learn more about partner management. Patch -
February 1, 2018 Fixed a bug blocking the update of VAT during a partner ordering process. Fix -
February 4, 2018 Fixed a bug causing an incorrect display of the Control Panel dashboard icon when accessing one of the menu section with the menu bar minimized. Fix -
February 6, 2018 Fixed an issue causing the retained dispute balance amounts to not get displayed into the sales report. Fix -
February 14, 2018 Fixed a bug causing the display of an inexplicit error message for customer's myAccount authentication issues. Fix -
February 14, 2018 Fixed a bug blocking affiliate orders from being included in the Instant Search Export results. Fix -
February 20, 2018 Fixed a bug that was allowing users without privileges to access the Lead management area. Fix -
February 20, 2018 Fixed a bug blocking the change of the display currency, when accessing the cart from a mobile device. Fix -
February 23, 2018 Fixed a bug affecting the use of HTML tags when setting additional fulfillment information at product level. Fix -
February 26, 2018 Fixed a bug allowing the validation of the credit card field with the value "0" in cart. Fix -

Product SKU


Stock keeping unit or SKU is a number assigned to a particular product by a digital or physical retail store for easy identification and inventory tracking purposes. The SKU number is a string of alphanumeric characters that uniquely identify details such as price, product options, and manufacturer of a particular product or service. SKUs are used in order notifications, electronic delivery, export files, etc.

SKU Management

For companies that manage large product catalogs with defined SKUs and that make regular changes to their prices and products (new versions, new options), the manual process performed in the Merchant Control Panel needs to be supported by an automatic solution as well. By using an automated flow, merchants decrease the time needed for this process, and also reduce the risk of human errors associated with the manual process.

In the 2Checkout platform, SKUs can be associated with a unique combination made up of:

  • Product identification element
  • Pricing configuration
  • Plus minimum one of the following:
    • Currency – defined as applicable to all currencies or only to specific ones
    • Volume Discounts – defined as specific quantity or intervals (applicable only according to the volume discounts that are defined at pricing configuration level)
    • Purchase Types – possible values: new purchase, renewal, upgrade, and trial
    • Pricing Options – will be available considering the pricing option groups assigned to the selected pricing configuration




December 2018






December 3, 2018 Merchants can now activate Instant Payment Notifications (IPN), License Change Notification (LCN) and Instant Notification Service (INS) at the same time from their cPanel dashboard. In this way, all vendors (MoR and PSP), including the ones that use connectors integration, can take advantage of our extensive real-time notifications engines. Feature Click me
December 4, 2018 Optimized the internal process of generating ConvertPlus manual renewal links included in e-mail reminders, from individual platform calls towards a bulk process so that the platform’s technical response is increased. Feature Click me
December 20, 2018 Merchants can now edit their existing payout details (payout methods and currencies) from their cPanel dashboard. This feature is available for both MoR and PSP. All requests for payout details change must be approved by 2Checkout’s Financial Operations team. Feature Click me
December 27, 2018 Merchants can now define the pricing options that will be displayed in the Inline Cart, different than the default product ones so that the shopper can have a personalized shopping experience. This functionality is supported for both catalog and dynamic products. Patch -

Accessing 2Checkout myAccount


Your shoppers have access to the 2Checkout myAccount customer portal where they can view information about the orders/transactions they performed using our platform, they can download keys/invoices if applicable, and even manage automatic renewal and payment-related information for their recurring subscriptions.


All shoppers have self-service and free access to the 2Checkout myAccount portal, regardless of the business model that merchants have chosen to use when partnering with us and regardless of the commercial terms applied.

The only requirement is to have at least one order placed using the myAccount platform or at least one subscription managed through the 2Checkout platform.

How to access 2Checkout myAccount

There are two ways to access the 2Checkout myAccount customer portal:

  1. Shoppers can use the link that takes them to the customer portal ( or a customized link if you use a custom domain)
  2. You can redirect and log in shoppers automatically from your system into their myAccount customer portal, based on the subscription/customer reference number via Single Sign-On, an API-based method.

Access the myAccount Customer Portal by using a link

The link ( shoppers need to use to access myAccount is included in the automatic emails that the 2Checkout system sends after several events/actions, such as order or payment confirmation/receipt, electronic delivery, renewal reminders, follow-ups for unfinished automatic charges, etc.

If you customize your shopping cart or your emails, you can also include this link wherever you feel it is relevant for your shoppers.

If you use a custom domain, part of this link will be replaced with your domain (e.g.

How can shoppers log in into the myAccount portal

Once clicked, the link takes shoppers to the myAccount portal access page, where they have two options:

1. Log in using either the email address associated with the order/subscription in our platform or the reference number for the order placed through our platform (without the need to set a password). To do so, shoppers need to:

  • Fill in either the email address or the order reference number.
  • Click on the Send access link action button (an email will automatically be sent to the email address if this is associated with an order/subscription in our platform).
  • The email includes an access link that logs the shopper straight into the 2Checkout myAccount (for security reasons, the link is valid for 1 hour and can be used one time only)
  • Once logged in, shoppers have the option to set a password (by accessing the Manage password tab on the menu).

Accessing 2Checkout myAccount - by link


Overview - personal information password management


2. Log in using the email address (associated with the order/subscription in our platform) and a password. To do this, shoppers need to:

  • Have previously set a password for the 2Checkout myAccount portal.
  • If they forget the password, shoppers can click on the Forgot your password link, which will redirect them to the flow described at #1 above (where an access link is sent to the email address).

Accessing 2Checkout myAccount - by email and password

Access the 2Checkout myAccount shopper portal via Single Sign-On

You can redirect and log in shoppers automatically from your website to their 2Checkout myAccount based on subscription information or customer reference number (either from the 2Checkout system or external customer reference number) by using the Single Sign-On API call.

This is useful if you already have a customer portal on your website and only need to direct shoppers to the 2Checkout myAccount shopper portal to specific pages (such as subscriptions or subscription listing, order look-up, payment methods, manage password, etc.).

For detailed information on how to do this, check the API Integration area.


Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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