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IPN (Instant Payment Notification)

By default, the 2Checkout system includes all test order data in Instant Payment Notifications along with data on 'real' orders. To differentiate between test orders and 'real' orders, and to manage purchases efficiently, you can include a IPN parameter in the notification received from 2Checkout's servers.

  1. Navigate to the IPN settings page.
  2. Scroll down to the Notifications Details area and check the checkbox for the TEST_ORDER option. (this option is unchecked by default).

Important! The new testing system has modified the behavior of the ORDERSTATUS parameter. 2Checkout continues to send ORDERSTATUS for test orders, however, it will contain the actual status of the order, with the exception of PROCESSING and TEST, which have been removed. If you were using ORDERSTATUS values to filter test orders, 2Checkout recommends that you change your settings immediately and filter test orders according to TEST_ORDER and not ORDERSTATUS.

Before (discontinued)

After (new system)


New TEST_ORDER parameter

2 values were previously sent for test orders have been removed:

  • PROCESSING - Test order is waiting 2Checkout approval
  • TEST - Notification sent for Test orders

Possible values:

• 1 - for test orders

• 0 - for real orders

LCN (License Change Notification)

By default, the 2Checkout system includes all test subscription data in License Change Notifications along with data on 'real' subscriptions. To differentiate between test subscriptions and 'real' subscriptions, and to manage them efficiently, you can include a LCN parameter in the notification received from 2Checkout's servers.

  1. Navigate to the LCN settings page.
  2. Scroll down to the Notifications Details area and check the checkbox for the TEST option. (This option is unchecked by default)


Possible values:

  • 1 for test subscriptions
  • Missing for real orders.

2Checkout strongly recommends that you take the necessary measures to adapt your system to the way that the TEST parameter works in LCNs to filter test items from 'real' orders.

January 2019














January 3, 2019 Merchants can now allow their shoppers to edit their Inline shopping cart, so they can easily modify quantities and pricing options.  Patch  
January 16, 2019 ConvertPlus now supports new customer ID parameters in the ordering flow, so that merchants can better track their customers’ orders. Feature  
January 25, 2019 Improved Underwriting Application page. Ensures an optimized underwriting process for new-sign up merchants, with impact over the Control Panel. Feature -
January 25, 2019 Dynamic product descriptions are now included in order notification emails so that merchants can easily reconcile the orders in their platforms with those in the 2CO environment. Feature -

Integrate WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a plugin that integrates easily with any website built on WordPress. The plugin helps merchants turn their websites into fully functional WordPress eCommerce platforms with just a few clicks.​

WooCommerce offers online retailers a suite of services including payments, marketing, shipping, and customer engagement tools to simplify the process of running an eStore for small and enterprise merchants. ​


WooCommerce integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts).

WooCommerce Settings

Regardless if you are already using the WooCommerce connector or you want to start integrating with 2Checkout to receive payments, you need to follow the steps below:

Current module version is not compatible with WooCommerce 8.0 (High-Performance Order Storage). A new compatible version will soon be released.
  1. Download the 2Checkout payment module from GitHub by clicking on the Code button and then on Download ZIP.


  2. After downloading the .zip archive, open it and extract the folders twocheckout-convert-plus, twocheckout-inline, and twocheckout. Archive these folders separately as a .zip file.
  3. Log in to your WordPress admin, navigate to Plugins and click on Add new.


  4. On the Add plugins page, click on Upload plugin, then on Choose File and on Install Now.


  5. On the Plugins page, activate the modules for ConvertPlus, InLine cart, and 2Pay.js by checking the boxes and clicking on the Apply button.


  6. Go back to Dashboard, scroll down to WooCommerce, and click on Settings.


  7. Under WooCommerce - Settings, click on the Payments tab.


  8. Enable all three modules and then click on Set up to configure each module.


  9. Configure each module by filling in all the fields:

    • Input a Title and Description for the module. These fields control how your users will see the module during checkout.
    • Input the Seller ID. Your Seller ID is the Merchant Code from the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel. To copy this code from 2Checkout and paste it in the WooCommerce platform:
      • Log in to your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel and navigate to Integrations → Webhooks & APIs. Copy the Merchant Code from the API section and paste it into the Seller ID field in WooCommerce.
    • Input the Secret Key. To copy the Secret Key from 2Checkout and paste it in the WooCommerce platform:
      • Log in to your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel and navigate to Integrations → Webhooks & APIs. Copy the Secret Key from the API section and paste it into the Secret Key field in WooCommerce.
    • Input the Secret Word. Your Secret Word is the Buy-Link Secret Word from the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel. To copy this code from 2Checkout and paste it in the WooCommerce platform:
      • Log in to your 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel and navigate to Integrations → Webhooks & APIs. Go to the Secret Word section, edit the INS Secret Word to match the Buy-Link Secret Word, then copy the code and paste it into the Secret Word field in WooCommerce.
    • Fill in the IPN URL.
    • Check the Debug Log option if you want to log 2Checkout events.
    • Check the Demo order option if you want to be able to place test orders.


  10. Click on Save changes.


  11. Test your integration by placing an order. If your setup is correct,

    • the ConvertPlus flow will look as below


    • the InLine checkout flow will look like this


    • the 2Pay.js flow will be displayed as shown below. You can customize the form by using the Custom style option.



2Checkout Settings

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks & API section.
    Webhooks & API section
  3. Follow these steps to activate Redirect URL:
    • In the Redirect URL section, check Enable return after sale
    • For Redirect URL section, set the Approved URL to your WooCommerce URL
    • For Return method, select Header Redirect
  4. Click Update to save your settings.
  5. Make sure to enable the IPN webhook notification in your Merchant Control Panel.

    • Log in to the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel and navigate to Integrations → Webhooks & API
    • Scroll down to the Notifications section and enable the IPN webhook

    set up IPN in merchant control panel_1.png

    • For the Payment notification type field, select IPN or Email Text & IPN, and then click on the Configure IPN button.
    • On the IPN settings page, click on the Add IPN URL button, input the IPN URL available in the configuration page in WooCommerce and select the SHA 2 / SHA 3 hash.

    Add IPN URL

    • Enable all triggers and response tags

    set up IPN in merchant control panel_4.png

About WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular WordPress eCommerce plugin. And it’s available for free. Packed full of features, perfectly integrated into your self-hosted WordPress website. For more information, visit:


  • Does the new connector use webhooks?​​
    Yes, it uses IPN, so make sure you enable it from your Merchant Control Panel.
  • Do order statuses get updated on the WooCommerce side if any change occurs after place order?​​
    Yes, both order and fraud statuses are synchronized, as well as refunds.​
  • Can I place refunds?​
    Yes. You can place refunds from the WooCommerce portal.​
  • Can I use this connector with a 2Monetize account?​​
    No, the connector is built to cover only the 2Sell and 2Subscribe accounts.

Order tracking script


Add custom JavaScript code to the last stage of the ordering process (the Thank You page). This area can be used to add a monitoring script, such as Google Analytics, for advanced tracking of your sales, visitor, and customer conversion rates. Scripts supported are not limited to Google Analytics, and you can also include Google AdSense code.

Web Analytics platforms offer information on visitor traffic trends for your web properties. Using this tool, you can integrate your Google Analytics account with your shopping cart and extract relevant information such as behavior and transaction statistics.


Tracking scripts for the desktop version of the shopping cart are available to all 2Checkout accounts.

The tracking script is included in the Thank You page (finish.php) displayed to customers only after they successfully place an order:

  • Payment needs to be authorized successfully. This usually happens for online payment methods that are authorized instantaneously, such as credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Payment needs to go through without any problems or errors.

Set up tracking scripts

The tracking script is included in the Thank You page (finish.php) displayed to customers only after they successfully place an order:

  • Payment needs to be authorized successfully. This usually happens for online payment methods that are authorized instantaneously, such as credit/debit cards and PayPal.
  • Payment needs to go through without any problems or errors.

To set up tracking scripts, follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to your Merchant Control Panel.
  2. Go to Setup -> Ordering Options -> Analytics.
  3. Select the type of platform (cart) you want to include the tracking code on.
  4. You can use HTML formatting and tags and edit the code directly.
  5. Define tracking scripts for specific or for all languages available for your account. You will be able to track visitors and sales according to the cart language selected either automatically, by the 2Checkout system through its geo-location capabilities, or manually by the shoppers. If the tracking script isn't included for a certain language, you will not be able to track successful orders for customers using that language in the cart. Use the Apply for all languages option to set the same script for all languages available for your account.
  6. To change scripts, you need to edit each item in part. Selecting the Apply for all languages option will overwrite all existing scripts with the latest version you supply.
  7. Click Save tracking script to save a new script or any edits.

SSl Protocol

Use the SSL protocol when including external scripts (e.g. Google Analytics) or images:

A JS object called myOrder is available on the Thank You page providing information about the purchased products, including ID, quantity, name, price, etc.

Use the tracking script for all orders

By default, the after-sale message is displayed only for orders with payments authorized instantly (this includes usually credit cards and PayPal), after the payment is complete (transaction needs to be authorized successfully). To display the message for all placed orders regardless of the payment status:

  1. Go to Setup -> Ordering Options.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Order settings area and check the checkbox for the Show message for all placed orders option.
  3. Click Save Settings.

The message will be displayed even for orders where the payment is not yet received (like bank transfers or checks).

Tracking script example

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Ads: 123456789 -->
  <script async src=""></script>
      window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
      function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
      gtag('js', new Date());
      gtag('config', 'AW-123456789');

  <!-- Event snippet for Example conversion page -->
      gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-123456789/AbC-D_efG-h12_34-567',
        'value': 1.0,
        'currency': 'USD'

myOrder object

In addition to the custom JavaScript code that you can add to the last page of the purchase process (Thank You page - finish.php), 2Checkout also provides a JS object labeled myOrder.



An array containing all order products. Every array element is a JavaScript object with the following properties:



Unique system-generated product ID.



Product name.



The number of product units added to cart.



Editable product code that you control



Product price.



Product price in USD.



Product price in EUR.



Product category.



Promotion code used for the product.



Value of the customer discount for the product expressed in the currency used for the order.



Value of the customer discount for the product expressed in EUR.



Value of the customer discount for the product expressed in USD.



Selection of product pricing options added to cart.



Product purchase type:







Product version.



Marketing campaign/promotion name of the product.



Array with the IDs of the products in the cart.


Order promotions (non-coupon discounts) are similar to products in the 2Checkout system and feature standalone IDs.



Array with the number of units of products added to the cart.


Order promotions (non-coupon discounts) are similar to products in the 2Checkout system and feature quantity (1).



Array with the names of the products added to the cart.


Order promotions (non-coupon discounts) are similar to products in the 2Checkout system. productNames will feature the promotion title.



Array with the codes of the products added to the cart.


Order promotions (non-coupon discounts) are similar to products in the 2Checkout system and feature standalone codes.



Array with the prices (expressed in the currency selected for the order) of the products added to cart.


Order promotions (non-coupon discounts) are similar to products in the 2Checkout system and have negative values equal to the amount of the discount which gets deducted from the total order value.



Array with the prices (expressed in the USD) of the products added to the cart.



Array with the prices (expressed in the EUR) of the products added to the cart.



The number of distinct products added to the cart.



Array with promotion coupons impacting products added to cart.



Unique, system-generated order reference number.



The order external reference number.



The affiliate ID referring products in the order (0 if the order was not referred by an affiliate).



Affiliate source (SRC) parameter. NULL if no Affiliate SRC is used for an order.



Total order value (in the currency selected for the order).



Total order value (in USD).



Total order value (in EUR).



Value of coupon discount expressed in the currency selected for the order.


Order promotions (non-coupon discounts) are similar to products in the 2Checkout system and the discounted value is not included under discount.



Value of coupon discount expressed in USD.




Value of coupon discount expressed in EUR.




Value of the affiliate commission for the order (expressed in the currency selected for the order).



Value of the affiliate commission for the order (in USD).



Value of the affiliate commission for the order (in EUR).



Value of sales tax or VAT (for EU) expressed in the currency selected for the order.



Value of sales tax or VAT (for EU). (in USD)



Value of sales tax or VAT (for EU). (in EUR)



Shipping costs expressed in the currency selected for the order.



Shipping costs expressed in USD.



Shipping costs expressed in EUR.



The currency selected for the order (ISO 4217 code; e.g.: EUR, USD, AUD, CAD).



Shopper city from the billing details.



Shopper state from the billing details.



Shopper country code (ISO 3166; e.g.: US, CA, AU, FR, DE) from the billing details.



Shopper country zip code from the billing.



Unique customer ID generated by 2Checkout for subscriptions sold. 2Checkout populates the value of the customer identifier only if you use the CUSTOMERID query parameter in your Buy Links.



Customer ID you control for subscriptions sold. 2Checkout populates the value of the customer identifier only if you use the CUSTOMERID query parameter in your Buy Links.


  1. Is there a way to bypass the Thank You page?
    • Yes. If you use a Redirect URL when generating Buy Links, i.e. including the BACK_REF parameter in Buy Links together with a specific URL where shoppers are redirected after placing the order. Note: Shoppers will be redirected to this URL after the payment is confirmed. The redirect URL replaces the default "Thank you" page (except for offline payment methods such as Bank Transfer).

Start using the 2Checkout API


Use the 2Checkout API to:

  • Build apps that connect to the 2Checkout system
  • Place and manage orders
  • Manage subscriptions and customers
  • Create, update and extract product catalog and pricing information for your account
  • Manage partner accounts
  • Integrate with 2Checkout to automate your backend operations


   Before you start using the 2Checkout API, make sure you check whether your integration requires PCI compliance. Find out more details about what PCI compliance means and what you should do to be PCI compliant here.

Connecting to the 2Checkout API

To connect to the API, you need your merchant code, secret key, and secret word. These unique codes are automatically generated for your account, and you can retrieve them from your Control Panel Dashboard → Integrations → Webhooks and API. Copy the merchant code (found in the API section) and the Instant Notification Service (INS) secret word found in the Secret word area.

secret word.png

Architecture overview

For more details on how the 2Checkout API works, here is an overview based on the architecture used:

API Authentication

Use the merchant code and secret key to authenticate with the API. Click the links below to learn how to authenticate:

Read the API documentation

Once you've authenticated with the API, you can start configuring your environment for your specific usage scenario.

Our API documentation should help you get things done as fast as possible.

3rd party applications

You can build apps that connect to the 2Checkout system to expand existing functionalities and gain more insight into your activity while optimizing your sales. Read the documentation for detailed guidance on how to build your own apps:

2Checkout GitHub

Feel free to visit our GitHub repository to download and contribute to our code samples. We also encourage you to submit your own projects related to the 2Checkout API.


  • Instant Payment Notification (IPN) works as a message service generating automatic order/transaction notifications for your 2Checkout account. Use the notifications to process order data into your own management systems by synchronizing it with 2Checkout account events.
  • License Change Notification (LCN) works as a message service generating automatic subscription notifications for your 2Checkout account.



Reimburse customers by issuing Total or Partial refunds for Completed/Finished orders. Control the amount that gets returned to your shoppers, by opting to pay back the full costs associated with an order (including taxes), or just a part of the sum paid ( including taxes).


You can request total and partial refunds for a period of up to three months since the order was finished and the product delivered to the customer. The Request refund button for Finished/Complete orders is removed for orders older than three months. Refunding is still possible for up to one year after the order was finished and/or delivered. However, for orders between three and twelve months old, you need to contact 2Checkout to issue a refund.

Refund requests placed for orders that have an open chargeback are only processed after the chargeback is closed.

Total refunds

Refund the full transaction amount of an order, including but not limited to the product price and taxes (calculated automatically by 2Checkout), as well as DIS (Download Insurance Service) costs.

Follow the steps below to initiate a total refund:

  1. Go to Orders & customers -> Order search.
  2. Select the eStore orders tab.
  3. Use the filters to search for the order that you want to reimburse.
  4. Click the order reference number.
  5. Click Request refund.
  6. Choose the Total refund type.
  7. Fill in the details of the reimbursement, including whether or not to re-use keys or disable subscriptions.
  8. Fill in the cancelation reason box.
  9. Click Request refund.

Partial refunds

Reimburse only part of the transaction amount paid for Completed/Finished orders, with the system automatically calculating the repayment taxes.

Follow the steps below to initiate a partial refund:

  1. Go to Orders & customers -> Order search.
  2. Select the eStore orders tab.
  3. Use the filters to search for the order that you want to reimburse.
  4. Click the order reference number.
  5. Click Request refund.
  6. Choose the Partial refund type.
  7. Fill in the details of the reimbursement, including whether or not to re-use keys or disable subscriptions.
  8. Fill in the cancellation reason box.
  9. Click Request refund.

The sum you set to be refunded is the final sum the customer will receive, including taxes.

Product file availability

Product files assigned to active subscriptions are still available for shoppers to download even after placing a partial refund. To cut shopper access to product files, disable the assigned subscription.

If the total amount of the partial refunds is equal to the total order value, shoppers do not have access to the product file anymore.

  Subscription active Subscription disabled
Partial refund Product file available Product file not available
Total refund Product file not available Product file not available

Adding custom refund reasons

You can define your own refund reasons, to tailor the refund process to your own business needs, and gain more control over what you offer to your shoppers. The reason codes created will be included in the refunds reports, increasing their accuracy, and helping you take better business decisions.

Important: adding new refund reasons completely replaces the existing default refund reasons in the 2Checkout platform.

New reasons are displayed as follows:

  • For shoppers: upon requesting a refund from 2Checkout myAccount
  • For merchants: upon refunding a transaction and inside the Refunds report export.

Follow the steps below to add new refund reasons.

  1. Go to Orders & customers -> Refunds.
  2. Go to the Refund settings tab.
  3. Click New reason.
  4. Enter the reason name.
  5. Click Save

You have to repeat the process for adding a new reason. After you save a refund reason, you can add localized versions. Click Edit, select the language that you want to edit, and enter the localized version. Then, click Save.

To delete a refund reason, click Delete on the reason list.

To reorganize the reason list, drag, and drop the reasons inside the list.


Your control over the refund process if further enhanced by the fact that the display order that you set in Control Panel will be reflected when customers are requesting refunds from their 2Checkout account, as displayed in the screenshot below.


Take advantage of the new process by better engaging your customers and gathering their feedback.

Canceling refund requests

You can cancel a refund request as long as the reimbursement process hasn’t started.

Follow the steps below to cancel an unprocessed refund.

  1. Go to Orders & customers -> Order search.
  2. Select the eStore orders tab.
  3. Use the filters to search for the order that you initiated the refund for.
  4. Click the order reference number.
  5. Click You can view the refund details or cancel the request.
  6. Click Cancel this refund request.

Bundle refunds

You can request and issue refunds for orders containing product bundles. To request a bundle refund, follow the same steps described above for either a total or a partial refund while paying attention to the following two scenarios.

Parent-level subscription bundles

When issuing refunds for parent-level subscription bundles, you have the following options:

  • Cancel the subscription generated for the bundle. Customers can no longer use, renew or upgrade the products in the bundle.
  • Stop automatic billing. Customers can manually renew and upgrade the products included in the bundle.

Child-level subscription bundles

When issuing refunds for child-level subscription bundles, you have the following options:

  • Cancel all or some of the included subscriptions. Customers can no longer use, renew or upgrade the selected subscriptions.
  • Stop automatic billing. Customers can manually renew and upgrade the selected subscriptions.


  1. Does 2Checkout send refund notifications?
    • Yes. Customers receive an email with information on the evolution of the refund, regardless of whether it was approved or rejected. You also get a notification message and have the option of viewing the details of an order for which a refund was issued.
  2. How is the refund reflected in the order status?
    • Once a total or partial refund was approved and the customer reimbursed, the status of the order changes to Refunded. The Request refund button changes to View original order for Refunded orders, with all the payment details illustrating the reimbursement. A refund request can still be placed after a partial refund, and the original order will display “Request refund”.
  3. How long does it take for a transaction to be refunded?
    • Once a refund was approved, reimbursement occurs. The refund amount will be available in the customer's bank account after the refund is processed, depending on the issuing bank.
  4. Can I issue more than one refund to a customer for the same order?
    • Yes. You can issue either a single total refund or several partial refunds for each order. 
  5. Can shoppers request refunds directly from 2Checkout?
    • Yes. 2Checkout evaluates refund requests from both you and your customers. In case your shoppers contact 2Checkout directly, 2Checkout notifies you via email. Failing to reply to the refund request that was referred to you, causes 2Checkout to issue the reimbursement automatically if it’s found to have merit. Please see the refunds section of your 2Checkout e-Commerce Agreement for additional details.
  6. Are there any costs associated with a refund?
    • No. Neither you nor the shopper gets charged when refunding an order, but the order processing commissions already received by 2Checkout will not be returned.
  7. Can keycodes for a refunded product be reused?
    • Keycodes for electronic delivery can be re-used only if they are part of static lists or if the lists allow the use of duplicates. Keycodes from static lists can be assigned to multiple instances of a product or to multiple products. To be able to reuse keycodes, select the Re-use keycodes checkbox when requesting a refund from the order via the Merchant Control Panel.
  8. What happens to refunded subscriptions?
    • The Disable license functionality impacts only renewal licenses managed through the 2Checkout platform, but not the licenses of the products acquired by your customers. For subscriptions, you control the transaction amount considered for a reimbursement, which can be the last payment or all payments a customer made, with forthcoming renewal licenses being canceled automatically.
  9. What types of orders can be refunded?
    • Total and partial refunds may be performed only against settled transactions, so the options are not available for Unfinished, Canceled or Processing (In Progress and Pending Approval) orders. In Progress and Pending Approval orders can only be reversed, not refunded. However, the reverse of a refund can only be performed by 2Checkout, so for this purpose contact our Refunds Department. 
  10. What happens to licenses when refunds are issued?
    • When a partial refund or total refund is issued, you have the option to disable the subscription by selecting the Cancel subscription checkbox when requesting a refund from the order via the Merchant Control Panel. Otherwise, subscriptions will remain active. 

myAccount custom domain


You have the option of hosting 2Checkout myAccount on a custom domain to offer a personalized experience to your shoppers complemented by branding and a design aligned with the look and feel of your website. Control the 2Checkout customer service platform for your shoppers, focusing it only on interactions they have with your company. Offer mature shopper portal management capabilities, enabling subscribers to manage subscriptions, upgrade and even update their information, including payment details, via a single account.


Contact 2Checkout for availability.  


Custom domain. Contact 2Checkout to set up a custom domain. 

Custom 2Checkout myAccount domains

If you are already using custom domains for the shopping cart, we recommend enhancing the shopping experience even further via personalized myAccount domains. Custom 2Checkout myAccount domains are available in tandem with personalized Ordering Hosts, providing your customers with accounts that share the same domain as the shopping cart used to buy your products.

Take advantage of custom myAccount domains to centralize and offer access only to information for the products that shoppers purchase from you, filtering out their actions in the 2Checkout network that are not related to your subscriptions.

Monthly order report

The report centralizes data for finished and refunded orders within a specific time interval, paid in a specified currency. Data included in the report originates from the following sales channels: eStore, Affiliate Network, Network Cross-Sales, and Distribution Partners (a filter allowing the selection of specific partners is available). The Monthly Orders Report uses the 2Checkout currency exchange rates from the day when customers paid the orders, and as such, all aggregated amounts are estimated.

You can use this report to see the value of finished and refunded orders placed in a specific currency or the value of all the orders converted to the default payout currency.

The Compare with previous period option enables a year over year comparison of order data, including statistics from the year preceding the last 12 months.

Report data may differ from the 2Checkout Sales Report for accounts with EUR and USD settlement currencies, due to the exchange rate used during currency conversion.

Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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We’ll help you choose the right payment solution for your business, wherever you want to sell, in-person or online. Our team of experts will happily discuss your needs.

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