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The Affiliates object helps you to search and extract information about your affiliates. 

The methods below will return the affiliate(s) details only if they (the affiliates) are associated with the merchant. Otherwise, they will return an error (invalid request). This will happen even if the affiliate code provided belongs to a valid affiliate from the Affiliate Network, but one that's not associated with the vendor making the calls.

January 2018




Feature/Patch/Bug fix



January 5, 2018 We've added the order renewal type in the subject of the order notification email, to allow you to classify your incoming notifications based on whether the renewal is automatic or manual. Feature -
January 18, 2018 Your order search capabilities have been optimized, as you are now able to search for orders based on phone number and customer state. Feature Click me
January 19, 2018 You are now informed via LCNs when customers update the payment information from their subscriptions. Click here to see the full list of parameters sent via LCN. Feature Click me
January 5, 2018 Fixed a bug impeding a customer from changing his credit card details from his 2Checkout myAccount. Fix -
January 8, 2018 Fixed a bug causing the incomplete display for the list of failed IPNs in Control Panel. Fix -
January 8, 2018 Fixed a bug causing the deactivation of recurring options when updating a subscription via API without sending the recurringEnabled parameter. Fix -
January 8, 2018 Fixed a bug affecting the submit button from the shopping cart due to a css class applied to the card logos. Fix -
January 8, 2018 Fixed a bug blocking a LCN from being sent with the correct information in the case of a subscription cancelation. Fix -
January 9, 2018 Fixed a bug causing an upselling discount price to be incorrectly applied in cart. Fix -
January 16, 2018 Fixed a bug preventing Chinese shoppers from seeing the icons of payment options in cart. Fix -
January 16, 2018 Fixed a bug blocking the import of pricing configurations on flat products. Fix -
January 18, 2018 Fixed a bug causing the cross-selling campaign to be improperly displayed in the payment receipt and electronic delivery emails sent to end-users. Fix -
January 19, 2018 Fixed a bug preventing a merchant from adding a doubleclick link as an image resource for affiliates. Fix -
January 19, 2018 Fixed a bug blocking users from searching subscriptions via API when using the delivered code as input. Fix -

January 2020



Release description



January 14, 2020

Implemented tokenization for the placeOrder method for the 2Pay.js client, so that merchants using APIv6 can generate a valid payment token for secure API sales.


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January 21, 2020

Merchants providing multiple buying options now have the possibility to erase all previous cart sessions from the shopper's browser when opening a new InLine cart. This way,  when a customer does not finish a purchase and opens another InLine cart, the buy-link parameters do not overlap. This functionality ensures tracking accuracy maintaining only the relevant metadata at order level.


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October 2020


Release description



October 2, 2020 Subscribers can manually renew subscriptions as soon as all usage was received, even within the usage upload interval. If the merchant triggers an immediate billing attempt via API for a usage-based subscription before the usage upload interval, but the attempt fails, the renewal link will be displayed in both the Merchant Control Panel and 2Checkout myAccount. Patch Click me
October 8, 2020 Added scale PayPerUsage type of scale product options in API methods so that ConvertPlus can distinguish them from the rest of the product options. Patch Click me
October 12, 2020 Updated the API documentation for placing orders with PayPal for both catalog and dynamic products to include the redirect URL. Patch

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October 13, 2020 Made it easier for merchants that do not store a Start date-time for usage to upload usage without needing to prepare data before uploading it into 2Checkout. Patch Click me
October 15, 2020 Implemented a control in the Merchant Control Panel to allow merchants the option to deduct taxes from a special price promotion when a valid VAT ID is entered. Feature -
October 20, 2020 Implemented recurring transactions for merchants selling to shoppers in India. Feature -
October 20, 2020 Introduced a new pay per usage price option group, which can be used to define a usage pricing model where usage is progressively spread in multiple tiers, and the usage in each tier is assigned the price in that tier. This new type of pay per usage price option group also allows merchants to define usage overages, where usage is billed only if exceeded the usage included in the base plan. Feature Click me
October 23, 2020 Merchants can now call the placeOrder/getContent methods with cross-sell campaigns so that the discounts are applied to the prices of the products. Feature

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October 23, 2020 Updated the searchPromotion/getPromotions API calls to return all relevant information for those types of promotions. Patch

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October 27, 2020 The 2Pay.js form now includes the Card number and CVV placeholders so that shoppers benefit from an improved checkout experience. Feature Click me
October 29, 2020 Merchants using internal analytics tools to track affiliate traffic at a more granular level can now define their own custom tracking parameters. Every time a shopper clicks on a link generated by an Avangate Network affiliate, these parameters will be automatically loaded. Feature Click me
October 29, 2020 Merchants can now see new parameters added in IPN so that they can gather information about cross-selling or up-selling campaigns. Feature Click me

December 2019



Release description



December 11, 2019

Paused subscriptions events information is now sent via the License Change Notification (LCN) system, keeping the merchants updated on the actions happening to licenses scheduled to pause. The pause subscriptions LCN parameters are found in the Merchant Control Panel.


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December 19, 2019

Affiliate orders are now supported in APIv6 via the placeOrder method, thus helping MoR merchants to automate workflow and time-consuming processes that otherwise would need to be performed manually.


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December 20, 2019

Merchants can now pause and resume subscriptions later as part of the advanced churn prevention mechanism. They will be able to suspend an active subscription temporarily and reactivate it later in order to reduce churn by preventing shoppers to cancel subscriptions.


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December 30, 2019

Implemented 2Pay.js in APIv6 so that shoppers’ payment sensitive data is collected directly by the 2Checkout platform, without them passing through the vendors’ systems. This is to ensure complete data protection for shoppers. (BETA)


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December 30, 2019

Documented APIv6 so that merchants using the 2Checkout API can build apps that integrate with 2Checkout in order to automate their backend operations.


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December 30, 2019 

Starting January 1st, shoppers in Taiwan will receive two invoices: one generated by the 2Checkout platform and one issued by another provider, as per Taiwan Tax Authority. Our platform will help merchants on the MoR business model selling in Taiwan to send the Cloud GUI invoices via API calls. 


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Upselling is the practice that allows you to invite your customers to purchase a higher-end product, an upgrade, or an additional item in order to make a more profitable sale. The 2Checkout Public API supports upsell campaigns through which you can recommend catalog products to your shoppers.

UpSell Object

Use the UpSell object in order to recommend products to customers via the JSON-RPC API 6.0.


Parameter name Type Description



Name of the upsell campaign.



The date when the up-sell campaign starts, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL (starts immediately after enabling).



The date when the up-sell campaign ends, in the YYYY-MM-DD format. Can be NULL (ends immediately after disabling).



Flag to control if the campaign will be displayed for manual subscription renewal orders. Can be set as true/false/0/1.



Discount definition object, details below:



Type of discount. Can be FIXED or PERCENT.



Percentage discount value (PERCENT discount only).


Array of objects

List of currency discounts (FIXED discount only), details below.



Code of the currency for the related amount.



Discount amount value for the related currency.



Code of default currency (FIXED discount only).



Main (primary) product object, details below:



The code of the product that the recommendation is made for



The quantity for the primary product. Can be 0 (standing for any quantity)


Array of objects

Price options list for the primary product, details below:



Price option group code.


Array of objects

Price options list, details below:



Price option code.



Price option value (for scale interval price option group only).



Recommended product object, details below:



The code of the recommended product.



The quantity for the recommended product. Can be 0 (standing for “match quantity” setting).


Array of objects

Price options list for the recommended product, details below:



Price option group code.


Array of objects

Price options list, details below:



Price option code.



Price option value (for scale interval price option group only).



Sets the campaign enabled or disabled. Can be set as true/false/0/1.


Array of objects

List of campaign language descriptions, details below:



The language code.



The text of the description in the associated language.

UpsellingDisplayType String Set upsell settings display type. Can be overlay, interstitial.



August 2019



Release description



August 2, 2019

Partners are now able to search renewal orders by external subscription reference in their Control Panel, so they will have a unique identifier that their shoppers use.


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August 23, 2019

Affiliates can now see their commissions in the payout currency so that it's easier for them to compare their sales with the actual payout.  


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August 28, 2019

Credit cards with installments are now available in ConvertPlus for Turkey and Brazil, so that merchants who want to offer shoppers in these countries the possibility to pay in installments with a credit/debit card issued locally, can increase their sales.


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August 28, 2019

Credit cards with installments and Boleto Bancario are now available for customers on the PSP business model (2Sell and 2Subscribe).


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August 30, 2019

Merchants selling in the Netherlands can now offer shoppers two more bank options when they choose to pay with iDeal - Moneyou and Handelsbanken, thus helping them increase conversion.


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August 30, 2019

The Authorization dashboard in the Merchant Control Panel has been optimized to exclude duplicated orders so that merchants have better reporting results of their new acquisitions and manual renewals. Patch Click me

August 30, 2019

The Merchant Control Panel has a new header redesign that will help merchants to easily access and use their merchant code, as well as other settings and system options.  Patch Click me

August 30, 2019

A new Account Settings page was added in the Merchant Control Panel. This allows merchants to easily use and discover options to customize their Control Panel experience. Patch Click me

August 2020


Release description



August 4, 2020 Merchants can now see a new product attribute in the Merchant Control Panel, the Product Tax Category, which will help them increase the accuracy of the tax determination and reporting process. Patch Click me
August 10, 2020 Added the copyPaymentInfo API method to the REST 6.0 documentation. Feature Click me
August 11, 2020 Merchants are now able to trigger billing immediately regardless of the usage uploaded so that they don’t have to wait the entire grace period for renewal. Feature Click me
August 12, 2020 Optimized ConvertPlus fonts usage in order to improve the cart’s initial and overall load time. Feature -
August 20, 2020 Updated the default template for all merchants using the Mobile cart so that their shoppers can benefit from a responsive and more secure checkout experience. Patch Click me
August 26, 2020 Shoppers can now log into the myAccount portal by using a secure URL provided to their email address upon request so that they can access their customer account without remembering the password or creating a new one. Feature

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August 27, 2020 Reshaped the validation messages displayed to merchants when logging in the Merchant Control Panel for improved navigation of the platform. Patch -
August 28, 2020 Updated the usage management API documentation to include the latest developments and error handling. Patch Click me

Integrate Drupal Commerce


Integrate Drupal Commerce to be able to process payments through the 2Checkout platform in over 200 countries and more than 100 currencies. 

Drupal Commerce is revolutionary software integrating commerce, content, and community to create engaging Web experiences that bring e-retailers more traffic to drive more results. With Drupal Commerce, online retailers have a simple yet powerful platform and the flexibility to integrate a rich commerce experience anywhere within their environment.


Before you are able to start accepting payments, you need to request and finalize the activation of your live account by completing a form, and provide information that will help us verify the business and identity of the individuals involved in your business. 

Drupal Commerce integration is available only for 2Checkout accounts that handle their own tax and invoice management (2Sell and 2Subscribe). 

Drupal Commerce Settings 

Perform the below set of instructions in your Drupal Commerce account to integrate it with 2Checkout.

  1. Download the new 2Checkout module from Github.
  2. Upload the files to your server under your store’s directory.
  3. Log in to your Drupal Commerce admin area.
  4. Navigate to Commerce → Configuration → Payment and click on Payment gateways.

drupal connector_1.png

5. On the Payment gateways page, click on Add payment gateway.

drupal connector_2.png

6. On the Add payment gateway page, select 2Checkout ConvertPlus by Verifone/2Checkout InLine by Verifone/2Checkout 2Pay.js.

drupal connector_3.png

7. Fill in the rest of the fields on the page:

  • Display name
  • Mode (select Test to be able to place test orders)
  • Merchant Code - This is the 2Checkout Merchant Code, and you can find it in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel, under Integration → Webhooks and API.
  • Secret Key - (you can find it in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel, under Integration → Webhooks and API)
  • Buy-Link secret Word (you can find it in the 2Checkout Merchant Control Panel, under Integration → Webhooks and API)
  • Conditions

8. Select Enabled to activate the plugin.

9. Click Save.

About Drupal Commerce

Drupal Commerce is revolutionary software integrating commerce, content, and community to create engaging Web experiences that bring e-retailers more traffic to drive more results. With Drupal Commerce, online retailers have a simple yet powerful platform and the flexibility to integrate a rich commerce experience anywhere within their environment.

Drupal Commerce provides the structure you need to do eCommerce without any assumptions about how your business is done.

Monthly recurring revenue

Comparative report showing the evolution of the total revenue and monthly recurring revenue over the past 12 months. Includes data for finished and refunded orders. The report also shows the percentage of renewal orders out of the total revenue. During currency conversion, the report uses the average exchange rate calculated for each month.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is an excellent tool to understand how much of the total revenue per month is made up from renewals (customers that extended their subscriptions).

  • Selecting a billing currency centralizes data for finished and refunded orders paid in the specified currency.
  • Selecting the default payout currency centralizes data for all finished and refunded orders settled in the default payout currency, excluding the ones settled in any of the other settlement currencies.
  • Selecting a non-default payout currency centralizes data for all finished and refunded orders settled in the selected currency.

Need help?

Do you have a question? If you didn’t find the answer you are looking for in our documentation, you can contact our Support teams for more information. If you have a technical issue or question, please contact us. We are happy to help.

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